How is buffer processing causing different behaviors? - c

The context
I have written a program which takes two coordinates as input and modifies an ASCII world map based on where those coordinates land (land or water):
#include <stdio.h>
#define ROW 22
#define COL 73
#define EMPTY ' '
#define FILLED '.'
#define LAND '#'
#define WATER '~'
void initialize(char map[][COL]);
void show(char map[][COL]);
void colorArea(char map[][COL], int, int, char, char);
int main(void) {
char map[ROW][COL];
char type;
int r, c;
while(1) {
do {
printf("\nMax = (%d, %d). Per uscire inserire (0, 0).\n"
"Inserire le coordinate e premere invio: ", COL, ROW);
scanf("%d%d", &c, &r);
} while (r > ROW || c > COL);
if (r < 1 || c < 1) {
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
putchar('\n'); // Clear the screen.
type = map[--r][--c]; // Could be WATER, LAND, FILLED or EMPTY.
if (type == EMPTY)
colorArea(map, r, c, type, WATER);
else if (type == FILLED)
colorArea(map, r, c, type, LAND);
else if (type == LAND)
colorArea(map, r, c, type, FILLED);
else if (type == WATER)
colorArea(map, r, c, type, EMPTY);
map[r][c] = 'X'; // Mark the point on the map.
return 0;
void initialize(char map[][COL]) {
char *s[ROW];
int r, c;
s[0] = " .. ";
s[1] = " ... .. ........ .. ";
s[2] = " ............... .. ....... ............... ";
s[3] = " ................. ... .... .. ...................... ";
s[4] = " .. ................... . .. ........................... ";
s[5] = " ................ .. ............................ ";
s[6] = " ............. ........ ........................... ";
s[7] = " ...... . .................................... . ";
s[8] = " ... ... . .......................... .. ";
s[9] = " ... . ..... ...................... . ";
s[10] = " .. .................. ............ ";
s[11] = " ..... ........... . .... ... ";
s[12] = " ......... ........ .. ... ";
s[13] = " ........... ...... . ";
s[14] = " . ......... ..... . .. ";
s[15] = " ....... .... . ........ ";
s[16] = " ...... .. ............ ";
s[17] = " .... .... ..... . ";
s[18] = " .. .. .. ";
s[19] = " . . ";
s[20] = " ";
s[21] = " ";
for (r = 0; r < ROW; r++)
for (c = 0; c < COL; c++)
map[r][c] = s[r][c];
// Print the map.
void show(char map[][COL]) {
int r, c;
printf("\n /");
for (c = 0; c < COL; c++)
for (r = 0; r < ROW; r++) {
printf(" |");
for (c = 0; c < COL; c++)
printf("%c", map[r][c]);
printf(" \\");
for (c = 0; c < COL; c++)
void colorArea(char map[][COL], int r, int c, char type, char color) {
if (c > COL || r > ROW)
if (map[r][c] == type) {
map[r][c] = color;
colorArea(map, r+1, c, type, color); // Down.
colorArea(map, r-1, c, type, color); // Up.
colorArea(map, r, c+1, type, color); // Right.
colorArea(map, r, c-1, type, color); // Left.
The problem(s)
Changing the content of printf alters the behavior of the program. If I remove the spacing characters from the show function (which prints the map one character away from the left margin) it works unexpectedly:
void show(char map[][COL]) {
int r, c;
for (c = 0; c < COL; c++)
for (r = 0; r < ROW; r++) {
for (c = 0; c < COL; c++)
printf("%c", map[r][c]);
for (c = 0; c < COL; c++)
but if doing so I also translate the first printf in English
printf("\nMax = (%d, %d). Enter (0, 0) to exit.\n"
"Enter the coordinates: ", COL, ROW);
it behaves again as it should. Of course the problem is the language, it's probably due to shortness of the English version, but I can't figure out why. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here it is (the second one is the one with the strange behavior):
Note that this only happens when the coordinates land on water (for example (1, 1)) and the content of printf is displayed again if I hit the water again, which make it even more confusing to me. Furthermore, if I enter (0, 0) to exit the program after the problem occurs, the program does exit but returns 139 (segmentation fault), but I don't get how it's possible since there is a check with a return 0; before calling any function.
What I figured
Buffer behavior is not standardized. Often buffers process one line at a time, and mine works this way (I tested it with another program). Sometimes characters like \n are left in the buffer and cause unwanted behaviors, but it shouldn't be the case here: scanf scans for integers, so it should ignore space characters (unlike when it scans for char).
The question(s)
What's causing the problem? What are the two dots that appear? What is happening to the buffer in each step?

you access out of your array including doing assignment producing undefined behavior, do :
void colorArea(char map[][COL], int r, int c, char type, char color) {
if (c >= COL || r >= ROW || c < 0 || r < 0)
void colorEverything(char map[][COL], int r, int c) {
if (c >= COL || r >= ROW || c < 0 || r < 0)
Also in show in printf("-"); the minus is not the simple ASCII character minus but a complex sequence of character probably produced by your editor (under Windows ?)


c program prints question mark in a box as an output

There is a char pointer variable, and its value coming from a function.
char* apple = ....(function call)
I wanted to print this as follows:
int len = strlen(apple);
printf("%c ", apple[i]);
But in the console, it gives a question mark in a box as an output. What should I do, how should I print it? Thanks.
I dont see issue in the printing part, through the fucntion that retuns pointer to char array needs to be investigatd.
// In this example, getString function returns string literal
// That is being iterated in the next for loop over its length and prints its characters
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char *getString(void); // declare
int main() {
char *apple = getString();
int len = strlen(apple);
for(int i = 0; i < len ; i++) {
printf("%c ", apple[i]);
return 0;
char *getString() {
return "somesthing";
Below example will print only printable ascii chars. From 0 to 31 , 0 is for null, 1 is for SOH and so on. Simply you cannot print control codes (ASCII codes < 32) if you print strange output is expected.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
Printable chars list
"! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~"
char *getASCIIs(void);
int main() {
char *apple = getASCIIs();
int len = strlen(apple);
for(int i = 0; i < len ; i++) {
// p << i << ((i % 16 == 15) ? '\n' : ' ');
printf("%c ", apple[i]);
return 0;
char *getASCIIs() {
static char buffer[PRINTABLE_ASCII_CHAR_COUNT];
for (int i = 32, j=0 ; i <= PRINTABLE_ASCII_CHAR_COUNT; i++, j++) {
buffer[j] = i;
return buffer;
enter code here
Your syntax seems legit. I highly suspect that cigar[i] donates the proper character that you are looking for. Trying affirming that by casting cigar[i] into a character using (char) cigar[i]. You might output cigar[i] as a string %s as a part of debugging where does it really point at.

converting binary to corresponding ASCII character

So I'm trying to create a program where the user enters a 12-bit binary hamming code sequence like "100010010001" and it should print out its corresponding ASCII character, which in this case is 'A'.
I'm trying to get my program to ignore the 4 parity bits which are positioned in _ _ 0 _ 1 0 0 _ 0 0 0 1 and shift the other 8 bits over so they're together. In the else statement, I tried to convert the remaining 8 bits to a character. When I attempt to run the program however, the program crashes after I type my binary sequence and press enter. This is the part of the program that I'm struggling with and I was wondering if someone could help me or give me hints as to what I'm doing wrong?
char charToBin(char usersInput[]) {
char c = " ";
for (int i = 12; i >= 0; i--) {
if((i == 0) || (i == 1) || (i == 3) || (i == 7)){
usersInput[i] = usersInput[i + 1];
c = strtol(usersInput[i], (char **)NULL, 2);
return c;
For your code, you can't use "strtol" without a twist. The char array that you give to "strtol" may not end with "\0". Also, does not matter what you do your array will always have 12 indexes unless you copy a "\0" to index 9 so that "strtol" know that it is the end of the input.
Also, sometimes loops are not the best. For your case, you already know how many indexes you are working with. There is no point in using a loop. Nonetheless, I wrote two methods and included the test code as an example below.
#include <stdio.h>
* This function generate a hammer binary digit string for testing.
* It does not care about the validity of the hammer bit.
* The array that is passed to this function should be the length of 12.
void generateChar(int value, char * output){
output[0] = '0';
output[1] = '0';
output[3] = '0';
output[7] = '0';
output[2] = (value & 0b10000000) > 0? '1' : '0';
output[4] = (value & 0b01000000) > 0? '1' : '0';
output[5] = (value & 0b00100000) > 0? '1' : '0';
output[6] = (value & 0b00010000) > 0? '1' : '0';
output[8] = (value & 0b00001000) > 0? '1' : '0';
output[9] = (value & 0b00000100) > 0? '1' : '0';
output[10] = (value & 0b00000010) > 0? '1' : '0';
output[11] = (value & 0b00000001) > 0? '1' : '0';
* First method.
char charToBin(char usersInput[]) {
char c = 0;
c = usersInput[2] == '1'? c | 0b10000000 : c;
c = usersInput[4] == '1'? c | 0b01000000 : c;
c = usersInput[5] == '1'? c | 0b00100000 : c;
c = usersInput[6] == '1'? c | 0b00010000 : c;
c = usersInput[8] == '1'? c | 0b00001000 : c;
c = usersInput[9] == '1'? c | 0b00000100 : c;
c = usersInput[10] == '1'? c | 0b00000010 : c;
c = usersInput[11] == '1'? c | 0b00000001 : c;
return c;
* Second method.
char charToBin2(char usersInput[]) {
char temp[9];
int pos = 0;
temp[8] = '\0'; // Protect from overflow.
for ( int i = 2; i < 12; i++ ){
if ( i == 3 || i == 7 ) continue;
temp[pos] = usersInput[i];
return (char) strtol(temp, (char **)NULL, 2);
int main(){
char a[] = "100010010001";
char t[12];
int b;
// Test for method 1
for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ){
generateChar(i, t);
b = charToBin(t);
printf("%d ", (unsigned char) b );
// Test for method 2
for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ){
generateChar(i, t);
b = charToBin2(t);
printf("%d ", (unsigned char) b );
return 0;
if((i == 0) || (i == 1) || (i == 3) || (i == 7)){
usersInput[i] = usersInput[i + 1];
In here your if (condition), the curly bracket after that is not necessary.
if((i == 0) || (i == 1) || (i == 3) || (i == 7))
usersInput[i] = usersInput[i + 1];
that would fix a bit maybe
You program has two compile error:
You can not assign string to character ( c= " ") ;
The strtol call takes a string, not a character
After fixing the compile error, two fixes are needed to logic:
1. Perform the filtering of the input string from left to right, to avoid copying position 12 to 11, 11 to 10, which will result in duplicating the last positions. An extra counter is needed to help with the compaction.
2. Perform the strtol once, after the input is fully compacted.
char charToBin(char usersInput[]) {
char j = 0 ;
// Copy relevant input positions, INCLUDING terminating NUL byte at position 12.
for (int i = 0; i <= 12 ; i++) {
if((i == 0) || (i == 1) || (i == 3) || (i == 7)){
continue ;
} ;
usersInput[j] = usersInput[i] ;
j++ ;
} ;
char c = strtol(usersInput, (char **)NULL, 2);
return c;
Alternatively you could use bit operations. Something like:
char charToBin(char usersInput[]) {
unsigned c = strtol(usersInput, NULL, 2);
unsigned part1 = c & 0xFu;
unsigned part2 = c >> 1u & 0x70u;
unsigned part3 = c >> 2u & 0x80u;
return (char) (part1 | part2 | part3);
Which would give with your input of
char userInput[] = "100010010001";
char ch = charToBin(userInput);
printf("result: %c(%d)\n", ch, ch);
the following output on the console:
result: A(65)

How to find all possible 5 dots alignments in Join Five game

I'm trying to implement the Join Five game. It is a game where, given a grid and a starting configuration of dots, you have to add dots in free crossings, so that each dot that you add forms a 5-dot line with those already in the grid. Two lines may only have 1 dot in common (they may cross or touch end to end)
My game grid is an int array that contains 0 or 1. 1 if there is a dot, 0 if there isn't.
I'm doing kinda well in the implementation, but I'd like to display all the possibles moves.
I made a very long and ugly function that is available here : (it was way too long for my post i'm sorry)
here is a code snippet :
if(jeu->plat[i][j] == 0) // if we're on a empty spot
for(k = 0; k < lineSize; k++) // for each direction
if(jeu->plat[i-1-k][j] == 1) // if there is a dot north
n++; // we count it
break; //we change direction
} //
This code repeats itself 7 other times changing directions and if n or any other variable reaches 4 we count the x and y as a possible move.
And it's not even treating all the cases, if the available spot is between 2 and 2 dots it will not count it. same for 3 and 1 and 1 and 3.
But I don't think the way I started doing it is the best one. I'm pretty sure there is an easier and more optimized way but i can't figure it out.
So my question is: could somebody help me figure out how to find all the possible 5-dot alignments, or tell me if there is a better way of doing it?
Ok, the problem is more difficult than it appears, and a lot of code is required. Everything would have been simpler if you posted all of the necessary code to run it, that is a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example. Anyway, I resorted to putting together a structure for the problem which allows to test it.
The piece which answers your question is the following one:
typedef struct board {
int side_;
char **dots_;
} board;
void board_set_possible_moves(board *b)
/* Directions
7 3
654 */
static int dr[8] = { -1,-1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
static int dc[8] = { -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1 };
int side_ = b->side_;
char **dots_ = b->dots_;
for (int r = 0; r < side_; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < side_; ++c) {
// The place already has a dot
if (dots_[r][c] == 1)
// Count up to 4 dots in the 8 directions from current position
int ndots[8] = { 0 };
for (int d = 0; d < 8; ++d) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
int nr = r + dr[d] * i;
int nc = c + dc[d] * i;
if (nr < 0 || nc < 0 || nr >= side_ || nc >= side_ || dots_[nr][nc] != 1)
// Decide if the position is a valid one
for (int d = 0; d < 4; ++d) {
if (ndots[d] + ndots[d + 4] >= 4)
dots_[r][c] = 2;
Note that I defined a square board with a pointer to pointers to chars, one per place. If there is a 0 in one of the places, then there is no dot and the place is not a valid move; if there is a 1, then there is a dot; if there is a 2, then the place has no dot, but it is a valid move. Valid here means that there are at least 4 dots aligned with the current one.
You can model the directions with a number from 0 to 7 (start from NW, move clockwise). Each direction has an associated movement expressed as dr and dc. Moving in every direction I count how many dots are there (up to 4, and stopping as soon as I find a non dot), and later I can sum opposite directions to obtain the total number of aligned points.
Of course these move are not necessarily valid, because we are missing the definition of lines already drawn and so we cannot check for them.
Here you can find a test for the function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
board *board_init(board *b, int side) {
b->side_ = side;
b->dots_ = malloc(side * sizeof(char*));
b->dots_[0] = calloc(side*side, 1);
for (int r = 1; r < side; ++r) {
b->dots_[r] = b->dots_[r - 1] + side;
return b;
board *board_free(board *b) {
return b;
void board_cross(board *b) {
board_init(b, 18);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
b->dots_[4][7 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[7][4 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[7][10 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[10][4 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[10][10 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[13][7 + i] = 1;
b->dots_[4 + i][7] = 1;
b->dots_[4 + i][10] = 1;
b->dots_[7 + i][4] = 1;
b->dots_[7 + i][13] = 1;
b->dots_[10 + i][7] = 1;
b->dots_[10 + i][10] = 1;
void board_print(const board *b, FILE *f)
int side_ = b->side_;
char **dots_ = b->dots_;
for (int r = 0; r < side_; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < side_; ++c) {
static char map[] = " oX";
fprintf(f, "%c%s", map[dots_[r][c]], c == side_ - 1 ? "" : " - ");
fprintf(f, "\n");
if (r < side_ - 1) {
for (int c = 0; c < side_; ++c) {
fprintf(f, "|%s", c == side_ - 1 ? "" : " ");
fprintf(f, "\n");
int main(void)
board b;
board_print(&b, stdout);
return 0;

A possible algorithm for determining whether two strings are anagrams of one another? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow.
Closed 10 years ago.
Improve this question
I have this idea (using C language) for checking whether two strings formed from ASCII letters are anagrams of one another:
Check if the strings are the same length.
Check if the sum of the ASCII values of all chars is the same for both strings.
Check if the product of the ASCII values of all chars is the same for both strings.
I believe that if all three are correct, then the strings must be anagrams of one another. However, I can't prove it. Can someone help me prove or disprove that this would work?
I wrote a quick program to brute-force search for conflicts and found that this approach does not always work. The strings ABFN and AAHM have the same ASCII sum and product, but are not anagrams of one another. Their ASCII sum is 279 and ASCII product is 23,423,400.
There are a lot more conflicts than this. My program, searching over all length-four strings, found 11,737 conflicts.
For reference, here's the C++ source code:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
/* Sparse 2D table where used[sum][prod] is either nothing or is a string
* whose characters sum to "sum" and whose product is "prod".
map<int, map<int, string> > used;
/* List of all usable characters in the string. */
vector<char> usable;
for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) {
for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {
/* Brute-force search over all possible length-four strings. To avoid
* iterating over anagrams, the search only explores strings whose letters
* are in increasing ASCII order.
for (int a = 0; a < usable.size(); a++) {
for (int b = a; b < usable.size(); b++) {
for (int c = b; c < usable.size(); c++) {
for (int d = c; d < usable.size(); d++) {
/* Compute the sum and product. */
int sum = usable[a] + usable[b] + usable[c] + usable[d];
int prod = usable[a] * usable[b] * usable[c] * usable[d];
/* See if we have already seen this. */
if (used.count(sum) &&
used[sum].count(prod)) {
cout << "Conflict found: " << usable[a] << usable[b] << usable[c] << usable[d] << " conflicts with " << used[sum][prod] << endl;
/* Update the table. */
used[sum][prod] = string() + usable[a] + usable[b] + usable[c] + usable[d];
Hope this helps!
Your approach is false; I can't explain why because I don't understand it, but there are different sets at least for cardinality 3 that have the same sum and product:
The letters a-z and A-Z are used to index an array of 26 primes, and the product of these primes is used as a hash value for the word. Equal product <--> same letters.
(the order of the hashvalues in the primes26[] array in the below fragment is based on the letter frequencies in the Dutch language, as an attempt mimimise the expected product)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define COUNTOF(a) (sizeof (a)/ sizeof (a)[0])
typedef unsigned long long HashVal;
HashVal hashmem (char *str, size_t len);
unsigned char primes26[] =
struct anahash {
struct anahash *next;
unsigned freq;
HashVal hash;
char word[1];
struct anahash *hashtab[1024*1024] = {NULL,};
struct anahash *new_word(char *str, size_t len);
struct anahash **hash_find(struct anahash *wp);
HashVal hashmem (char *str, size_t len)
size_t idx;
HashVal val=1;
if (!len) return 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
char ch = str[idx];
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' ) val *= primes26[ ch - 'A'];
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ) val *= primes26[ ch - 'a'];
else continue;
return val;
struct anahash *new_word(char *str, size_t len)
struct anahash *wp;
if (!len) len = strlen(str);
wp = malloc(len + sizeof *wp );
wp->hash = hashmem(str, len);
wp->next = NULL;
wp->freq = 0;
memcpy (wp->word, str, len);
wp->word[len] = 0;
return wp;
struct anahash **hash_find(struct anahash *wp)
unsigned slot;
struct anahash **pp;
slot = wp->hash % COUNTOF(hashtab);
for (pp = &hashtab[slot]; *pp; pp= &(*pp)->next) {
if ((*pp)->hash < wp->hash) continue;
if (strcmp( wp->word, (*pp)->word ) > 0) continue;
return pp;
char buff [16*4096];
int main (void)
size_t pos,end;
struct anahash *wp, **pp;
HashVal val;
memset(hashtab, 0, sizeof hashtab);
while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, stdin)) {
for (pos=0; pos < sizeof buff && buff[pos]; ) {
for(end = pos; end < sizeof buff && buff[end]; end++ ) {
if (buff[end] < 'A' || buff[end] > 'z') break;
if (buff[end] > 'Z' && buff[end] < 'a') break;
if (end > pos) {
wp = new_word(buff+pos, end-pos);
if (!wp) {pos=end; continue; }
pp = hash_find(wp);
if (!*pp) *pp = wp;
else if ((*pp)->hash == wp->hash
&& !strcmp((*pp)->word , wp->word)) free(wp);
else { wp->next = *pp; *pp = wp; }
(*pp)->freq +=1;
pos = end;
for(end = pos; end < sizeof buff && buff[end]; end++ ) {
if (buff[end] >= 'A' && buff[end] <= 'Z') break;
if (buff[end] >= 'z' && buff[end] <= 'a') break;
pos = end;
for (pos = 0; pos < COUNTOF(hashtab); pos++) {
if (! &hashtab[pos] ) continue;
for (pp = &hashtab[pos]; wp = *pp; pp = &wp->next) {
if (val != wp->hash) {
fprintf (stdout, "\nSlot:%u:\n", pos );
val = wp->hash;
fprintf (stdout, "\t%llx:%u:%s\n", wp->hash, wp->freq, wp->word);
return 0;
Thanks for such a great question! Instead of trying to disprove your proposition altogether, I spent sometime trying to find ways to augment it so it becomes true. I have the sense that if the standard deviations are equal then the two are equal. But instead of testing that far, I do a simpler test and have not found a counter example as yet. Here is what I have tested:
In addition to the conditions you mentioned before,
ASCII square-root of the sum of the squares must be equal:
I use the following python program. I have no complete proof, but maybe my response will help. Anyway, take a look.
from math import sqrt
class Nothing:
def equalString( self, strA, strB ):
prodA, prodB = 1, 1
sumA, sumB = 0, 0
geoA, geoB = 0, 0
for a in strA:
i = ord( a )
prodA *= i
sumA += i
geoA += ( i ** 2 )
geoA = sqrt( geoA )
for b in strB:
i = ord( b )
prodB *= i
sumB += i
geoB += ( i ** 2 )
geoB = sqrt( geoB )
if prodA == prodB and sumA == sumB and geoA == geoB:
return True
return False
def compareStrings( self ):
first, last = ord( 'A' ), ord( 'z' )
for a in range( first, last + 1 ):
for b in range( a, last + 1 ):
for c in range( b, last + 1 ):
for d in range( c, last + 1 ):
strA = chr( a ) + chr( b ) + chr( c ) + chr( d )
strB = chr( d ) + chr( c ) + chr( b ) + chr( a )
if not self.equalString( strA, strB ):
print "%s and %s should be equal.\n" % ( strA, strB )
print "Done"
If you don't mind modifying the strings, sort each of them and compare the two signatures.

Reading an integer and / or character without an array

I need to read an integer one by one until i read a '$', and then to determine the largest, smallest and so on. I could use a character variable and do it, but it works for numbers from 0 to 9. But how do I read integers of two or more digits and at the same time, detect a '$' - I used a char *, but I guess it is equivalent to an array, which I should not use here. Also, char holds a single number / char, hence not suitable for larger numbers. What should I do?
No arrays, no pointers, no tricky char-by-char read & convert. Just plain scanf and getchar.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int newValue=0; /* value being acquired */
int max; /* current maximum value */
int min; /* current minimum value */
int firstAcquired=0; /* boolean flag set to 1 after first acquisition */
int ch; /* used as temporary storage for the getchar() */
/* scanf returns the number of successfully acquired fields; here if it
returns 0 means that the value couldn't be acquired */
/* scanf failed, but it's guaranteed it put the offending character
back into the stream, from where we can get it */
if(ch=='$' || ch==EOF)
/* from here to the break it's just to handle invalid input and EOF
gracefully; if you are not interested you can replace this stuff
with a random curse to the user */
puts("Invalid input, retry.");
/* Empty the buffer */
while((ch=getchar())!='\n' && ch!=EOF)
/* if it's EOF we exit */
/* Everything went better than expected */
if(!firstAcquired || newValue>max)
if(!firstAcquired || newValue<min)
printf("The maximum value was %d\n", max);
printf("The minimum value was %d\n", min);
return 0;
In the interest of spoiling all the fun, showing off, outright overkill and darn tooting fun:
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/support_istream_iterator.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
template <typename V>
void show_statistics(const V& data)
using namespace boost::spirit::karma;
std::cout << "data:\t"<< format('{' << auto_ % ", " << '}', data) << std::endl;
std::cout << "min:\t" << *std::min_element(data.begin(), data.end()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "max:\t" << *std::max_element(data.begin(), data.end()) << std::endl;
auto sum = std::accumulate(data.begin(), data.end(), 0);
std::cout << "sum:\t" << sum << std::endl;
std::cout << "avg:\t" << (1.0*sum) / data.size() << std::endl;
void dostats(const std::vector<int>& data) { show_statistics(data); }
int main()
auto f = boost::spirit::istream_iterator(std::cin);
decltype(f) l;
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f, l, +(+qi::int_ > "$") [ dostats ], qi::space);
if (f!=l)
std::cout << "Remaining input unparsed: " << std::string(f,l) << std::endl;
return ok? 0:255;
Sample run:
sehe#natty:/tmp$ ./test2 <<< "1 2 3 4 5 $ 3 -9 0 0 0 $ 900 9000 $ unparsed trailing text"
data: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
min: 1
max: 5
sum: 15
avg: 3
data: {3, -9, 0, 0, 0}
min: -9
max: 3
sum: -6
avg: -1.2
data: {900, 9000}
min: 900
max: 9000
sum: 9900
avg: 4950
Remaining input unparsed: unparsed trailing text
You can use 'scanf("%s")' to read a group of characters. You can then check if the first character is a '%' and terminate if so. Otherwise, call atoi to convert to an integer. Store the largest and smallest in integer types, not character types.
Basically, the only time you have to deal with characters is when you read them in and check if it's a '$'. Otherwise, use integers all the way through.
If I'm getting what you want correctly it should be something like this:
int i = 0;
char c = getchar();
while (c != '$')
i = i * 10 + (c - '0');
c = getchar();
Hope it helped.
You can read char by char in a loop, check values and so on...
int i = 0;
char c = 0;
int size = 10;
int currentIndex = 0;
int* integers = malloc(sizeof(int) * size);
int counter = 0;
scanf("%c", &c);
if (c == ' ') // Match space, used a number separator
if (counter != 0 && i != 0)
if (currentIndex >= size)
size += 5;
integers = realloc(integers, size);
integers[currentIndex] = i;
counter = 0;
i = 0;
else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
i = (i * counter * 10) + (c - '0');
while(c != '$');
Don't forget to free integers in the end!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define BUFF_SIZE 16
#define DATA_MAX_SIZE 64
int main(){
char buff[BUFF_SIZE];
int data[DATA_MAX_SIZE];
int i,value,counter = 0;
char *buffp,*p;
buff[BUFF_SIZE - 1]='\0';
buffp = buff;
next: while(isspace(*buffp))
if(*buffp == '\0')
value = strtol(buffp, &p, 0);
if(counter == DATA_MAX_SIZE){
printf("over data max size!\n");
} else if(p != buffp){
if(*p == '\0' || *p == '\r'|| *p == '\n')
buffp = p;
goto next;
} else {
if(*p == '$')
printf("format error\n");
//check code
printf("data[%d]=%d\n",i, data[i]);
return 0;
1 2 3
99 $
