React Native button with no style - reactjs

I have a horizontal view:
<View style={{flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row'}}>
<Text style={styles.bottomTextSignIn}>I'm already a member, </Text>
title="Sign In"
onPress={() => navigation.navigate("Login")}
Im trying to make the the button look like the text, no styling, so it looks like its part of the sentence "I'm already a member, Sign In"
At the moment its a blue button next to the text. I tried changing the button colour to white which leaves a shadow around it. Is there a way to remove the styling for the button? or another way?

The button component is a "touchable/pressable" component with style. link
I think you are looking for pressable component.
<Pressable onPress={() => alert('hey')}>
<Text>I'm pressable!</Text>

You can simply replace the button tag with and handle on onPress event on the text and different style to the text from the first one


How to change button styles on press?

In react-native project I have next button:
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
onPress={() => setIsCollapsed(false)}
Everything is fine except one thing - on button press for a fraction of a second, appears black square round the button element. How can I remove this styling element?
Wrap it inside TouchableOpacity and pass onPress method on touchable opacity's onPress props
Example :
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => setIsCollapsed(false)} >

How i make a button text to lower case in react native

Anyone tell me how I make my button to lowercase in react native because I already get the answer in stack overflow but there is using touch opacity and that is the different component of button so I want the answer for button component
When I will type anything in under title props example
you can use TouchableOpacity for your button
like this:
onPress={() => onClick}
fontSize: 20,
alignSelf: 'center',
Install react-native-paper and import Button from react-native-paper and make uppercase prop to false.
import { Button } from 'react-native-paper';
onPress={() => console.log('Hello')}>
From your question I just understood that you only need to convert the button text to lower case. For that just replace {title} with {title.toLowerCase()} and it will convert the titles text to lower case.

How to make Chakra's <Text> component inline?

I can't figure our how to make the Chakra component inline. Read the documentation but couldn't figure out the right property or if this is a css class thing.
<Text> Hello World, </Text>
<Text> place me next to the Text above! </Text>
ChakraUI documentation on <Text> component explains that it renders a <p> tag by default.
But, you can swap it to work as a <span> tag, by giving <Text> the as prop. Like this:
<Text as="span"> Hello World, </Text>
<Text as="span"> place me next to the Text above! </Text>
You can use Flex for this
<Text> Hello World, </Text>
<Text> place me next to the Text above! </Text>
I found the <Stack> tag useful. You can stack items horizontally as well as vertically:
<Stack direction='row'>
<Text>Hello World, </Text>
<Text>place me next to the Text above!</Text>
Alternatively there is a tag called <HStack> that does the same thing:
<Text>Hello World, </Text>
<Text>place me next to the Text above!</Text>
This results in:
"Hello World, place me next to the Text above!"

KeyboardAvoidingView doesn't work inside tab navigation

I'm using the built-in KeyboardAvoidingView in react native and when I use the code below in a screen where you can't see the tabs (like in a modal) it works perfectly fine and the keyboard doesn't cover any content whatsoever, but when I use the exact same code but in a screen that is used in tab navigation the keyboard covers some content, it's like the KeyboardAvoidingView doesn't take into consideration the height of the bottom tabs
Here's my code:
<KeyboardAvoidingView style={{flex: 1}} behavior="padding">
<ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps="handled">
style={{height: 50, width: "100%", backgroundColor: "red"}}
placeholder="Test input"

react-native: multi color text view

I want to render a single line of text with some words highlighted in a different color.
I would ideally do it with a span tag with react.
Wondering how would i do the same with react-native?
You can achieve this by using nested Text components
<Text style={{color: 'blue'}}>
I am blue
<Text style={{color: 'red'}}>
i am red
and i am blue again
Here's a link to the documentation explaining it better
Simply nest <Text> elements
I am some text with
<Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>bold</Text>
You can do it better, my way:
CText = (props) => <Text style={{color: props.color}}>{props.children}</Text>
inside render add:
const CText = this.CText
and return
<Text>I am <CText color={'red'}>Blue color</CText> and <CText color={'blue'}>Blue color</CText></Text>
