Test users to test a Facebook messenger chatbot - facebook-messenger

How can I have say 10-20 test users to test a messenger chatbot? Test users (the facebook supplied "fake" users) cannot be used at least so it seems.
I can add existing facebook accounts as testers, but they all have to become Facebook developers.
Something is seriously missing here.
Thank you for your help!


What is a good way to deploy/reference Alexa Skills on my website

I have built a Alexa Skill, but for now it only works for Alexa Device.
I wonder if that is possible I can deploy/reference the Alexa Skill in my website (only text or voice part)?
One use case:
User can say "i am born in xx/xx/xxxx", and Alexa can capture the intent "CaptureBirthdayIntent", so that my website code (Python) can address the intent.
I found many CMS (e.g. Wordpress, Drupal) can do this: https://medium.com/#OPTASY.com/how-to-integrate-alexa-with-your-drupal-8-website-a-step-by-step-guide-5a76c1d74a88. But I am not using those CMS.
It also seems like Alexa Voice Service can do this.
Can anyone give me some reference?
In most cases, you'll need to use Account Linking, which is an API where the customer links their account at your website and their account with Alexa, and then you'll have a unique ID for the customer that is the same in both your skill and your external app (and is unique to that link between them), so you can sync data between them using a database.
You can create your own unique OAuth 2 provider at your web app or use Login with Amazon, Login with Google, Facebook, AWS Cognito... Having your own OAuth provider can make it way easier to get a customer linked and not have them give up, because adding in third parties (LwA, Google, FB, AWS) adds extra logins/authorizations to complete the process.
You can use Dialogflow to do this. Make a chatbot with similar intents and map the endpoint to Alexa endpoints and should work. I am sure you can easily work it out if you have made an Alexa skill.

How to add a Client App to another GSuite Company?

I've developed an application that works through Google's GSuite using OAuth2. The app is working fine and is part of the GSuite account that was set up to allow testing while developing it (which is the owning account of the app in the Developer Console). However, I now want to give the app to another GSuite company but can't see how to get them to add it?
The application has been submitted for review with Google to get it added via the Marketplace but we're keen to get the second company using it ASAP. I've had a look through the Google docs but couldn't find anything that appeared relevant and even tried to see if I could find an existing question on here. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated!
You won't be able to give it to another company until it's published, so if the review is taking linger than expected, your best is to contact Google GSuite support

bot framework facebook multiple pages

I have configured Facebook connection thru Bot Framework, which has requested to configure one single Facebook page, app, and then token. Is it possible to indicate how to manage several Facebook pages thru the same Microsoft Bot Framework? If not possible, what are the available options?
Thx for your feedback,
If I understand your question correctly, you would like a bot that works across several Facebook pages? Do to this you'll need to create multiple registrations in the BotFramework for your bot (one for each Facebook page). Each registration can call back to the same bot (just use the same webhook).
A bot can configure on multiple fanpages. I tested it, just enter new pageId and PageToken then resubmit. It still work well.
The problem is the UI configure BotFramework not display all fanpages that authorized. When click deauthorized, it delete all pages. We can wait dev team upgrade it or create multiple registrations like Lars said . I think it will work better soon.

How to properly embed schemas into email?

I am trying to create a sample application that will use schemas embedded into email (particulary, ReviewAction described in the end-to-end example by Google).
I have created an google-app-engine application, deployed it as described. It works as expected, excluding gmail doesn't add any buttons to the email.
An email is being send to the same Google account that has created the application (From and To headers of the email are the same).
What I am doing wrong in embedding schemas into email?
ReviewAction hasn't rolled out to all users yet and it is probably going to take the whole next week before it is available to test. Sorry for the delay, I'm sure you understand it takes time to roll out features to all Gmail users and to all Gmail servers.

GAE: New Google Account interface

I'm using Google's user api on Google App Engine for authentification. As nearly everyone have a Google Account and api is easy to implement, that solution is convenient.
The problem is, though, with user who do not have a Google Account (or have no idea what a Google Account is). Where the api provides a nice interface to log in/log out and redirect immediately and easily to the app, nothing is said to developers about potential new users.
So here are a couple of things worth noticing:
Google' new Google Account page (https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount) is pretty straightforward, but not convenient at all for new users of a GAE app: no mention of anything not Google (users who don't really know what authentification is won't have any clue of why they need to open an account with Google), dead end (won't lead anywhere in the end), ugly.
GAE Log In screen includes a link to the New Google Account page. This link is of the form:
(Where example.com is the return url provided to the API). Great! But the situation is in no way different than it was: still a dead end, still no mention of any non-Google app, still ugly).
So, I'm asking, is there any imaginative way to provide a nicer interface for new users? Have anyone have ideas of how to present the process to the new users (a video for how to create a new account? some kind of tutorial page? etc.)? Just trying to think outside of the technical box here...
Regarding the various authentication options you can check out the Java or Python docs on OpenID (http://openid.net/)
Basically this allows supporting authentication by different agents, which includes Google accounts or even your own GAE application's custom implementation.
Furthermore you can check out User Experience summary for Federated Login for more information regarding UX considerations and best practices - with user authentication.
