Export multiple stored procedures to text files - sql-server

In SQL Server Management Studio, I have a database with 200 stored procedures. I'm exporting each stored procedure as a script, by right clicking -> script stored procedure -> CREATE To -> File.
Is it possible to export all procedures at once, using a powershell script or anything else?

Use the Generate Scripts tool in SSMS:
Right Click Database in Object Explorer.
Tasks -> Generate Scripts.
If given the "tutorial" click Next.
Select "Select specific database objects" and tick "Stored Procedures". Click Next.
Choose export method. Likely here you want "Save as script file" with "one script file per object" selected. Ensure you choose the export location.
Click Next and Finish buttons as required.

If you are using MGT for MSSQL, then you follow these steps.
open MGT MSSQL and connect and open the list of databases
right button the the database where the stored procs are, this will open the con menu
go to "Tasks"
select "Generate Scripts"
select specific object, in your case, select "Stored Procedures" (you can select all or as you need)
then press "Next"
at the "Set Scripting Options" form, select the option; if you want all selected procs in one file or not, choose the directory where you want your files to be generated.
press "Next"
at the "Summary" form press "Next"
at the "Save or Publish Scripts" Press finish..
There are advance options at step 7. to create each procs with drop and create option or just create options. go through those if you need.

I have developed a C# application that can accomplish this, scripting out all tables, views, stored procedures, functions, etc. to text files (one per object). This is very useful for scripting out the objects on a regular basis then keeping track of them in a Git repository. Download the DB Schema Export Tool from https://github.com/PNNL-Comp-Mass-Spec/DB-Schema-Export-Tool/releases
Example command line for automation:
/Git /Commit
/L /LogDir:Logs
On Linux, use mono DB_Schema_Export_Tool.exe
Information on Mono
There are other command line switches available; see the Readme.
In addition to SQL Server, the software supports Postgres. Example output files can be found at https://github.com/PNNL-Comp-Mass-Spec/DBSchema_DMS/tree/master/DMS_Pipeline


How can i get script for existing database?

My problem is that i need to provide script for creating my database to my teacher. I have created it but i didnt save anything. May i somehoves get a script for creating database and all tables which are in it, if i have this base on my sql server?
It depends on your IDE and DB, but it's about the similar actions for all cases. For example:
SSMS - Object Explorer -> Databases -> Tasks -> Generate Scripts -> Script all objects in the selected database -> Next
DataGrip - right click on DB -> SQL scripts -> Generate DDL...
In any case, this can be done using any IDE, and you can select parameters in the settings (create only a structure or additionally add data from tables to the script, etc.)
a1. Right-click on the Database you want to export
a2. Select "Tasks / Generate Scripts..."
This will open the "Generate and Publish Scripts" wizard.
On the "Choose Objects" tab:
b1. Pick all your database tables
b2. Select "Single File"
b3. Click Advanced Options and select "Table/View Options" / "Script Indexes"

How do I export my views from a database?

I have a number of views in my SQL Server database.
How do I export these as CREATE VIEW scripts?
I tried to right click the database - script database as - create to - new query editor window, but it doesn't show my my views (or tables even for that matter).
Any ideas?
In SSMS, if you right click the DB -> Tasks -> Generate Scripts... - that will take you through a wizard.
You can run through the wizard and select your DB, then the views as AdaTheDev mentioned or you can right click on each query and generate a script directly.
I prefer another way, because always I edit the views to remove "not necessary script generated SQL syntax" (depends on the point of view :)).
Right click the view, Generate script, CREATE in, new window.
See screenshot below (sorry for german version, but should work anyway).
I tried to right click the db - script database as - create to - new query editor window, but it doesn't show my my views (or tables even for that matter).
The purpose of the menu you mentioned is only to create the empty database, without any tables, views or anything else.
If you want to script anything beyond the empty database, you have to use the wizard already mentioned in AdaTheDev's answer.
Maybe you receive empty page because source of VIEW was encrypted or removed.
In older SQL editions there was a trick - after creating VIEW (SQL Server compiled it) developer could remove source of VIEW statement to protect it from "deassemblation". In current editions there is possibility to encrypt source of VIEW statement.

Is there a way to open a sql file in SQL Server Management Studio?

I have thousands of stored procedures in my data base. And I can't stand scrolling through the entire list to find the SPROC I'm looking for. Is there a command in sql server mgmt studio to open the file in the editor like 'OPEN dbo.SomeStoredProcedureName'
There is no T-SQL command to do this, as SSMS is just a client management tool. Your best bet is to use the Filter tool built in to SSMS:
I don't believe there is such command but if you just want to see and not update you could use
sp_helptext 'dbo.SomeStoredProcedureName'
This messes up the formatting so you shouldn't use it to update (while you can). I also map a key to it Ctrl-F1 that can be used to just write the name and select an d press Ctrl-F1.
You've got lots of options, depending on exactly what you're trying to do:
You can "open file" and graphically browse to the directory you want, then graphically scroll down to and open the file you want.
You can "use" the database you want, and "exec" the stored procedure you want from a command-line query window.
You can "exec sp_helptext XXX" the stored procedure to see the text in a command-line query window.
You can use "filter" in the GUI to eliminate stuff you don't want to see
You can write a VBScript or Powershell script to do the same stuff the SSMS GUI lets you do.
Etc etc
You could export the whole database to a creation script. Then it would be easy to search in your favorite file viewer.
From Management Studio you can right-click on the database, choose Tasks->Generate Scripts, and then select "Stored procedures". If you're just browsing, this is very handy. Also good to store such scripts in your code repository.
SqlSmash lets you navigate easily to any object (including stored procedures) in SSMS.
Disclaimer: I am the developer for the addin.

Is there some way for me to generate SQL Scripts from an already existing database?

Say I already created my database but forgot to save the sql commands do create it.
How could I reverse engineer the code from an already existing database?
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008.
You can do this pretty easily by using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) - it's available for free if you don't already have it installed.
Connect to the database
Expand out Databases > YourDataBaseName.
Right-click on the database and select the option "Script database as" then "Create To" then finally "File".
That will create the necessary scripts to recreate your database.
To script out all the tables in your database:
Right-click on the database node
Select "Tasks" then "Generate Scripts".
When the wizard appears, click Next.
Select the database. At this point you can check the "Script all objects in the selected database" which does exactly what it says, or if you leave it unchecked you will get the option later in the process to pick which items are scripted.
Click next. Now you're given some scripting options.
I'd suggest scrolling down the list and checking the option to Script Indexes/Script Triggers. You can also script the data if necessary (though I wouldn't do this if you've got a lot of data in your database).
Modify any options you'd like and click Next.
Select the database types you'd like to script (Users/Tables/Views). Click Next.
Now you've got the opportunity to select more specific items. Hit Next and repeat the process of any of your other database types.
Hit next one more time, then select where you'd like the script written to. You get the chance to review your selections.
Click Finish.
Here's a link for the 2008 version SSMS Express 2008
Your RDBMS comes with some sort of "dump" tool that will give you the structure and content of your database, in the form of SQL statements.
As others have mentioned, if you have SQL Management Studio (you should, it's free as part of SQL Server Express). Fire it up, connect to your instance then expand the Database tree.
Right click on your database and select Tasks->Generate Scripts..
Click next, then Next again (which selects all objects in the database by default), pick an output option (defaults as "Save to File"), click next and voila!
If you also want to script the data as well as the schema, in the "Set Scripting Options" window, click on the Advanced button, scroll down to "Types of data to script" (just above the Table/View Options header) and select "schema and data".
[Edit] Tested - The Generate Scripts option exists and works in the (free) 2008 R2 edition of SSMS. See the link in my comment below for the URI for the R2 version.

Script all stored procedures in Management Studio 2005

In Enterprise Manager you could script all SPs in a database through the right click menu, is there a way to do it in Management Studio?
You can right click on the database and to go Tasks -> Generate Scripts...
This will allow you to script all or selected objects (schema, stored procedures, tables, users and views) with specific options.
Go to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Select the database
Right click on selected database
Select 'Tasks'
Select 'Generate Scripts'
Select 'Next'
Select / tick 'Select specific database objects'
Tick 'Stored Procedures'
Select 'Next'
Select the option where do you want to save the file
Sure. All you need to do is to is click on the Stored Procedure in the Object Explorer and then highlight all the stored procedures in the Summary pane. Then simply right click and choose the scripting option that you prefer.
Good luck
Right click the database, choose Tasks, choose Generate Scripts.., click Next, Next again, choose Stored procedures, Next, Select All, Finish.
If you right click on the database name, the bottom option is "Generate Scripts" which will then launch a wizard to generate scripts for the whole DB or specific objects inside.
