Right Rotation of Bits in C - c

I'm working on exercise 2-8 in K&R which asks us to write function rightrot(int x, int n) such that all bits of x are shifted n times to the right with the bits that fall off the right-end reappearing on the left-end.
Here is my attempted solution in which I shift each bit one-by-one:
int rightrot(int x, int n)
int i, rmb;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// get right-most bit
rmb = x & 1;
// shift 1 to right
x = x >> 1;
// if right-most bit is set, set left-most bit
if (rmb == 1)
x = x | (~0 ^ (~0 >> 1) );
return x;
When I execute rightrot(122, 2), I expect to get 94 since 122 is 1111010 and 94 is 1011110. Instead, I get 30 which happens to be 0011110. Clearly, my method for setting the left-most bit is not working as I expect it to. Does anyone spot an obvious error? I'm just learning about capturing bits and the like.
NOTE: I got the technique for setting the left-most bit from this post.

Let's analyse (~0 ^ (~0 >> 1) ):
~0 is -1
~0 >> 1 is again -1, if the sign bit is 1 rightshift will fill the new bits with 1s.
-1 ^ -1 is 0.
x = x | 0 is x.
The solution is that you should use unsigned datatypes if you want to do bitoperations.
So you should use the line x = x | (~0u ^ (~0u >> 1) );
To avoid other problems the parameter x should also be unsigned int.


Make a function that returns 1 if x < y , otherwise return 0

Editor's note: This is one quiz from CS:APP Data Lab, where the intention is to teach 2's complement integer representation (so please don't comment about poor C practices). There are extra assumptions and restrictions over ISO C:
int is 32 bits, using 2's complement representation
Signed integer overflow wraps around (-fwrapv)
Right-shifting is arithmetic on signed types, i.e., the MSB is duplicated to fill in the shifted bits
As part of a coding project in my coding class, one that teaches C, we were given a number of bit manipulation questions with restrictions. Seen here:
CheckIfLess - if x < y then return 1, else return 0
* Example: CheckIfLess(4,5) = 1.
* Legal operations: ! ~ & ^ | + >>
* Max ops: 13
Besides the legal operations listed, I can't use any statements such as do, if, while, or else. I can't cast to other data types either. Also I can't use any constant bigger than 0xFF, not that I think it'll come up for this problem. Also, assume we are using a 32 bit machine.
Here is my code so far:
int CheckIfLess(int x, int y) {
int xSign, ySign, same, diffSign, ovfTrue, ovfFalse;
same = !(x ^ y); //1 if same, else 0
xSign = x >> 31; //get sign of x
ySign = y >> 31; //get sign of y
diffSign = (x + ~y + 1) >> 31; //(x - y) then checking if they have a diff sign
// These are for overflow cases
ovfTrue = xSign & ~ySign;
ovfFalse = xSign | ~ySign;
return !!((ovfTrue | ~diffSign) & ovfFalse);
One thing that I know everyone will point out is that the 'same' variable isn't implemented in the answer. This is because I'm not sure were to put it to be honest. Also, I'm already 3 operations over the limit, so I need to cut out some stuff.
Could you explain your answers to me really well, I've only been learning C for just shy of a month. Also, can you explain how I'd go about reversing the function so that it would return 1 if x > y instead of x < y, else return 0?
Edit: I can't use -. I'm just supposed to use the legal operations listed in the first code chuck
Edit2: Updated my notes on the code based on what I think each statement does. Changed the x - y statement to actually be x - y instead of y - x.
Edit3: added bolded question at bottom
If x and y have different sign bits, then we only have to check if x is negative.
Else, we can check if x-y is negative
That would be:
return (x<0 != y<0) ? (x<0) : (x-y)<0;
Let's now rewrite those operations with the ones we have:
t < 0 ==> t >> 31
x-y ==> x + ~y + 1
c ? t : f ==> c & t | ~c & f // (c&(t^f))^f (-1 ops)
a != b ==> a^b
That gives us (13 ops):
sign_x = x >> 31;
sign_y = y >> 31;
sign_xy = sign_x ^ sign_y;
x_minus_y = x + ~y + 1;
sign_x_minus_y = x_minus_y >> 31;
x_lt_y = sign_xy & sign_x | ~sign_xy & sign_x_minus_y;
return !!x_lt_y; // x_lt_y & 1 (-1 ops)
We can further simplify (9 ops) by extracting the ">>31" operation, that is a>>31 # b>>31 == (a # b)>>31 where # is one of &, |, ^:
xy = x ^ y;
x_y = x + ~y + 1;
x_lt_y = (xy & (x ^ x_y)) ^ x_y;
return (x_lt_y>>31) & 1;
All the other comparisons can be obtained as such:
x > y is (y < x)
x <= y is !(y < x)
x >= y is !(x < y)
x == y is !(y<x | x<y)
x != y is !!(y<x | x<y)

simulate jg instruction(datalab's isGreater)

I am doing CSAPP's datalab, the isGreater function.
Here's the description
isGreater - if x > y then return 1, else return 0
Example: isGreater(4,5) = 0, isGreater(5,4) = 1
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
Max ops: 24
Rating: 3
x and y are both int type.
So i consider to simulate the jg instruction to implement it.Here's my code
int isGreater(int x, int y)
int yComplement = ~y + 1;
int minusResult = x + yComplement; // 0xffffffff
int SF = (minusResult >> 31) & 0x1; // 1
int ZF = !minusResult; // 0
int xSign = (x >> 31) & 0x1; // 0
int ySign = (yComplement >> 31) & 0x1; // 1
int OF = !(xSign ^ ySign) & (xSign ^ SF); // 0
return !(OF ^ SF) & !ZF;
The jg instruction need SF == OF and ZF == 0.
But it can't pass a special case, that is, x = 0x7fffffff(INT_MAX), y = 0x80000000(INT_MIN).
I deduce it like this:
x + yComplement = 0xffffffff, so SF = 1, ZF = 0, since xSign != ySign, the OF is set to 0.
So, what's wrong with my code, is my OF setting operation wrong?
You're detecting overflow in the addition x + yComplement, rather than in the overall subtraction
-INT_MIN itself overflows in 2's complement; INT_MIN == -INT_MIN. This is the 2's complement anomaly1.
You should be getting fast-positive overflow detection for any negative number (other than INT_MIN) minus INT_MIN. The resulting addition will have signed overflow. e.g. -10 + INT_MIN overflows.
http://teaching.idallen.com/dat2343/10f/notes/040_overflow.txt has a table of input/output signs for add and subtraction. The cases that overflow are where the inputs signs are opposite but the result sign matches y.
SUBTRACTION SIGN BITS (for num1 - num2 = sum)
num1sign num2sign sumsign
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
*OVER* 0 1 1 (subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive)
*OVER* 1 0 0 (subtracting a positive is the same as adding a negative)
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
You could use this directly with the original x and y, and only use yComplement as part of getting the minusResult. Adjust your logic to match this truth table.
Or you could use int ySign = (~y) >> 31; and leave the rest of your code unmodified. (Use a tmp to hold ~y so you only do the operation once, for this and yComplement). The one's complement inverse (~) does not suffer from the 2's complement anomaly.
Footnote 1: sign/magnitude and one's complement have two redundant ways to represent 0, instead of an value with no inverse.
Fun fact: if you make an integer absolute-value function, you should consider the result unsigned to avoid this problem. int can't represent the absolute value of INT_MIN.
Efficiency improvements:
If you use unsigned int, you don't need & 1 after a shift because logical shifts don't sign-extend. (And as a bonus, it would avoid C signed-overflow undefined behaviour in +: http://blog.llvm.org/2011/05/what-every-c-programmer-should-know.html).
Then (if you used uint32_t, or sizeof(unsigned) * CHAR_BIT instead of 31) you'd have a safe and portable implementation of 2's complement comparison. (signed shift semantics for negative numbers are implementation-defined in C.) I think you're using C as a sort of pseudo-code for bit operations, and aren't interested in actually writing a portable implementation, and that's fine. The way you're doing things will work on normal compilers on normal CPUs.
Or you can use & 0x80000000 to leave the high bits in place (but then you'd have to left shift your ! result).
It's just the lab's restriction, you can't use unsigned or any constant larger than 0xff(255)
Ok, so you don't have access to logical right shift. Still, you need at most one &1. It's ok to work with numbers where all you care about is the low bit, but where the rest hold garbage.
You eventually do & !ZF, which is either &0 or &1. Thus, any high garbage in OF` is wiped away.
You can also delay the >> 31 until after XORing together two numbers.
This is a fun problem that I want to optimize myself:
// untested, 13 operations
int isGreater_optimized(int x, int y)
int not_y = ~y;
int minus_y = not_y + 1;
int sum = x + minus_y;
int x_vs_y = x ^ y; // high bit = 1 if they were opposite signs: OF is possible
int x_vs_sum = x ^ sum; // high bit = 1 if they were opposite signs: OF is possible
int OF = (x_vs_y & x_vs_sum) >> 31; // high bits hold garbage
int SF = sum >> 31;
int non_zero = !!sum; // 0 or 1
return (~(OF ^ SF)) & non_zero; // high garbage is nuked by `& 1`
Note the use of ~ instead of ! to invert a value that has high garbage.
It looks like there's still some redundancy in calculating OF separately from SF, but actually the XORing of sum twice doesn't cancel out. x ^ sum is an input for &, and we XOR with sum after that.
We can delay the shifts even later, though, and I found some more optimizations by avoiding an extra inversion. This is 11 operations
// replace 31 with sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT if you want. #include <limit.h>
// or use int32_t
int isGreater_optimized2(int x, int y)
int not_y = ~y;
int minus_y = not_y + 1;
int sum = x + minus_y;
int SF = sum; // value in the high bit, rest are garbage
int x_vs_y = x ^ y; // high bit = 1 if they were opposite signs: OF is possible
int x_vs_sum = x ^ sum; // high bit = 1 if they were opposite signs: OF is possible
int OF = x_vs_y & x_vs_sum; // low bits hold garbage
int less = (OF ^ SF);
int ZF = !sum; // 0 or 1
int le = (less >> 31) & ZF; // clears high garbage
return !le; // jg == jnle
I wondered if any compilers might see through this manual compare and optimize it into cmp edi, esi/ setg al, but no such luck :/ I guess that's not a pattern that they look for, because code that could have been written as x > y tends to be written that way :P
But anyway, here's the x86 asm output from gcc and clang on the Godbolt compiler explorer.
Assuming two's complement, INT_MIN's absolute value isn't representable as an int. So, yComplement == y (ie. still negative), and ySign is 1 instead of the desired 0.
You could instead calculate the sign of y like this (changing as little as possible in your code) :
int ySign = !((y >> 31) & 0x1);
For a more detailed analysis, and a more optimal alternative, check Peter Cordes' answer.

Moving a "nibble" to the left using C

I've been working on this puzzle for awhile. I'm trying to figure out how to rotate 4 bits in a number (x) around to the left (with wrapping) by n where 0 <= n <= 31.. The code will look like:
moveNib(int x, int n){
//... some code here
The trick is that I can only use these operators:
~ & ^ | + << >>
and of them only a combination of 25. I also can not use If statements, loops, function calls. And I may only use type int.
An example would be moveNib(0x87654321,1) = 0x76543218.
My attempt: I have figured out how to use a mask to store the the bits and all but I can't figure out how to move by an arbitrary number. Any help would be appreciated thank you!
How about:
uint32_t moveNib(uint32_t x, int n) { return x<<(n<<2) | x>>((8-n)<<2); }
It uses <<2 to convert from nibbles to bits, and then shifts the bits by that much. To handle wraparound, we OR by a copy of the number which has been shifted by the opposite amount in the opposite direciton. For example, with x=0x87654321 and n=1, the left part is shifted 4 bits to the left and becomes 0x76543210, and the right part is shifted 28 bits to the right and becomes 0x00000008, and when ORed together, the result is 0x76543218, as requested.
Edit: If - really isn't allowed, then this will get the same result (assuming an architecture with two's complement integers) without using it:
uint32_t moveNib(uint32_t x, int n) { return x<<(n<<2) | x>>((9+~n)<<2); }
Edit2: OK. Since you aren't allowed to use anything but int, how about this, then?
int moveNib(int x, int n) { return (x&0xffffffff)<<(n<<2) | (x&0xffffffff)>>((9+~n)<<2); }
The logic is the same as before, but we force the calculation to use unsigned integers by ANDing with 0xffffffff. All this assumes 32 bit integers, though. Is there anything else I have missed now?
Edit3: Here's one more version, which should be a bit more portable:
int moveNib(int x, int n) { return ((x|0u)<<((n&7)<<2) | (x|0u)>>((9+~(n&7))<<2))&0xffffffff; }
It caps n as suggested by chux, and uses |0u to convert to unsigned in order to avoid the sign bit duplication you get with signed integers. This works because (from the standard):
Otherwise, if the operand that has unsigned integer type has rank greater or equal to the rank of the type of the other operand, then the operand with signed integer type is converted to the type of the operand with unsigned integer type.
Since int and 0u have the same rank, but 0u is unsigned, then the result is unsigned, even though ORing with 0 otherwise would be a null operation.
It then truncates the result to the range of a 32-bit int so that the function will still work if ints have more bits than this (though the rotation will still be performed on the lowest 32 bits in that case. A 64-bit version would replace 7 by 15, 9 by 17 and truncate using 0xffffffffffffffff).
This solution uses 12 operators (11 if you skip the truncation, 10 if you store n&7 in a variable).
To see what happens in detail here, let's go through it for the example you gave: x=0x87654321, n=1. x|0u results in a the unsigned number 0x87654321u. (n&7)<<2=4, so we will shift 4 bits to the left, while ((9+~(n&7))<<2=28, so we will shift 28 bits to the right. So putting this together, we will compute 0x87654321u<<4 | 0x87654321u >> 28. For 32-bit integers, this is 0x76543210|0x8=0x76543218. But for 64-bit integers it is 0x876543210|0x8=0x876543218, so in that case we need to truncate to 32 bits, which is what the final &0xffffffff does. If the integers are shorter than 32 bits, then this won't work, but your example in the question had 32 bits, so I assume the integer types are at least that long.
As a small side-note: If you allow one operator which is not on the list, the sizeof operator, then we can make a version that works with all the bits of a longer int automatically. Inspired by Aki, we get (using 16 operators (remember, sizeof is an operator in C)):
int moveNib(int x, int n) {
int nbit = (n&((sizeof(int)<<1)+~0u))<<2;
return (x|0u)<<nbit | (x|0u)>>((sizeof(int)<<3)+1u+~nbit);
Without the additional restrictions, the typical rotate_left operation (by 0 < n < 32) is trivial.
uint32_t X = (x << 4*n) | (x >> 4*(8-n));
Since we are talking about rotations, n < 0 is not a problem. Rotation right by 1 is the same as rotation left by 7 units. Ie. nn=n & 7; and we are through.
int nn = (n & 7) << 2; // Remove the multiplication
uint32_t X = (x << nn) | (x >> (32-nn));
When nn == 0, x would be shifted by 32, which is undefined. This can be replaced simply with x >> 0, i.e. no rotation at all. (x << 0) | (x >> 0) == x.
Replacing the subtraction with addition: a - b = a + (~b+1) and simplifying:
int nn = (n & 7) << 2;
int mm = (33 + ~nn) & 31;
uint32_t X = (x << nn) | (x >> mm); // when nn=0, also mm=0
Now the only problem is in shifting a signed int x right, which would duplicate the sign bit. That should be cured by a mask: (x << nn) - 1
int nn = (n & 7) << 2;
int mm = (33 + ~nn) & 31;
int result = (x << nn) | ((x >> mm) & ((1 << nn) + ~0));
At this point we have used just 12 of the allowed operations -- next we can start to dig into the problem of sizeof(int)...
int nn = (n & (sizeof(int)-1)) << 2; // etc.

returns x with the n bits that begin at position p set to the rightmost n bits of y, leaving other bits unchanged

my solution
get the rightmost n bits of y
a = ~(~0 << n) & y
clean the n bits of x beginning from p
c = ( ~0 << p | ~(~0 << (p-n+1))) & x
set the cleaned n bits to the n rightmost bits of y
c | (a << (p-n+1))
it is rather long statements. do we have a better one?
x = 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
p = 4
y = 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
n = 3
the 3 rightmost bits of y is 0 1 0
it will replace x from bits 4 to bits 2 which is 1 1 1
I wrote similar one:
unsigned setbits (unsigned x, int p, int n, unsigned y)
return (x & ~(~(~0<<n)<<(p+1-n)))|((y & ~(~0<<n))<<(p+1-n));
There are two reasonable approaches.
One is yours: Grab the low n bits of y, nuke the middle n bits of x, and "or" them into place.
The other is to build the answer from three parts: Low bits "or" middle bits "or" high bits.
I think I actually like your version better, because I bet n and p are more likely to be compile-time constants than x and y. So your answer becomes two masking operations with constants and one "or"; I doubt you will do better.
I might modify it slightly to make it easier to read:
mask = (~0 << p | ~(~0 << (p-n+1)))
result = (mask & a) | (~mask & (y << (p-n+1)))
...but this is the same speed (indeed, code) as yours when mask is a constant, and quite possibly slower when mask is a variable.
Finally, make sure you have a good reason to worry about this in the first place. Clean code is good, but for something this short, put it in a well-documented function and it does not matter that much. Fast code is good, but do not attempt to micro-optimize something like this until your profiler tells you do. (Modern CPUs do this stuff very fast; it is unlikely your application's performance is bounded by this sort of function. At the very least it is "innocent until proven guilty".)
Have a look at the following descriptive code:
int setbitsKR(int x, int p, int n, int y){
int shiftingDistance = p - n + 1,
bitmask = (1 << n) - 1, // example, 11
digitsOfY = (y & bitmask) << shiftingDistance, // whatever
bitmaskShiftedToLeft = bitmask << shiftingDistance, // 001100
invertedBitmaskShiftedToLeft = ~bitmaskShiftedToLeft; // 110011
// erase those middle bits of x
x &= invertedBitmaskShiftedToLeft;
// add those bits from y into x
x |= digitsOfY;
return x;
In short, it creates a bitmask (string of 1s), shifts them to get to that middle position of x, nukes those bits of x by &ing with a string of 0s (inverted bitmask), and finally |s that position with the right digits of y.

Swap two bits with a single operation in C?

Let's say I have a byte with six unknown values:
and I want to swap bits 2 and 4 (without changing any of the ? values):
But how would I do this in one operation in C?
I'm performing this operation thousands of times per second on a microcontroller so performance is the top priority.
It would be fine to "toggle" these bits. Even though this is not the same as swapping the bits, toggling would work fine for my purposes.
x ^= 0x14;
That toggles both bits. It's a little bit unclear in question as you first mention swap and then give a toggle example. Anyway, to swap the bits:
x = precomputed_lookup [x];
where precomputed_lookup is a 256 byte array, could be the fastest way, it depends on the memory speed relative to the processor speed. Otherwise, it's:
x = (x & ~0x14) | ((x & 0x10) >> 2) | ((x & 0x04) << 2);
EDIT: Some more information about toggling bits.
When you xor (^) two integer values together, the xor is performed at the bit level, like this:
for each (bit in value 1 and value 2)
result bit = value 1 bit xor value 2 bit
so that bit 0 of the first value is xor'ed with bit 0 of the second value, bit 1 with bit 1 and so on. The xor operation doesn't affect the other bits in the value. In effect, it's a parallel bit xor on many bits.
Looking at the truth table for xor, you will see that xor'ing a bit with the value '1' effectively toggles the bit.
a b a^b
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
So, to toggle bits 1 and 3, write a binary number with a one where you want the bit to toggle and a zero where you want to leave the value unchanged:
convert to hex: 0x0a. You can toggle as many bits as you want:
0x39 = 00111001
will toggle bits 0, 3, 4 and 5
You cannot "swap" two bits (i.e. the bits change places, not value) in a single instruction using bit-fiddling.
The optimum approach if you want to really swap them is probably a lookup table. This holds true for many 'awkward' transformations.
BYTE lookup[256] = {/* left this to your imagination */};
for (/*all my data values */)
newValue = lookup[oldValue];
The following method is NOT a single C instruction, it's just another bit fiddling method. The method was simplified from Swapping individual bits with XOR.
As stated in Roddy's answer, a lookup table would be best. I only suggest this in case you didn't want to use one. This will indeed swap bits also, not just toggle (that is, whatever is in bit 2 will be in 4 and vice versa).
b: your original value - ???1?0?? for instance
x: just a temp
r: the result
x = ((b >> 2) ^ (b >> 4)) & 0x01
r = b ^ ((x << 2) | (x << 4))
Quick explanation: get the two bits you want to look at and XOR them, store the value to x. By shifting this value back to bits 2 and 4 (and OR'ing together) you get a mask that when XORed back with b will swap your two original bits. The table below shows all possible cases.
bit2: 0 1 0 1
bit4: 0 0 1 1
x : 0 1 1 0 <-- Low bit of x only in this case
r2 : 0 0 1 1
r4 : 0 1 0 1
I did not fully test this, but for the few cases I tried quickly it seemed to work.
This might not be optimized, but it should work:
unsigned char bit_swap(unsigned char n, unsigned char pos1, unsigned char pos2)
unsigned char mask1 = 0x01 << pos1;
unsigned char mask2 = 0x01 << pos2;
if ( !((n & mask1) != (n & mask2)) )
n ^= (mask1 | mask2);
return n;
The function below will swap bits 2 and 4. You can use this to precompute a lookup table, if necessary (so that swapping becomes a single operation):
unsigned char swap24(unsigned char bytein) {
unsigned char mask2 = ( bytein & 0x04 ) << 2;
unsigned char mask4 = ( bytein & 0x10 ) >> 2;
unsigned char mask = mask2 | mask4 ;
return ( bytein & 0xeb ) | mask;
I wrote each operation on a separate line to make it clearer.
void swap_bits(uint32_t& n, int a, int b) {
bool r = (n & (1 << a)) != 0;
bool s = (n & (1 << b)) != 0;
if(r != s) {
if(r) {
n |= (1 << b);
n &= ~(1 << a);
else {
n &= ~(1 << b);
n |= (1 << a);
n is the integer you want to be swapped in, a and b are the positions (indexes) of the bits you want to be swapped, counting from the less significant bit and starting from zero.
Using your example (n = ???1?0??), you'd call the function as follows:
swap_bits(n, 2, 4);
Rationale: you only need to swap the bits if they are different (that's why r != s). In this case, one of them is 1 and the other is 0. After that, just notice you want to do exactly one bit set operation and one bit clear operation.
Say your value is x i.e, x=???1?0??
The two bits can be toggled by this operation:
x = x ^ ((1<<2) | (1<<4));
void printb(char x) {
int i;
for(i =7;i>=0;i--)
printf("%d",(1 & (x >> i)));
int swapb(char c, int p, int q) {
if( !((c & (1 << p)) >> p) ^ ((c & (1 << q)) >> q) )
printf("bits are not same will not be swaped\n");
else {
c = c ^ (1 << p);
c = c ^ (1 << q);
return c;
int main()
char c = 10;
c = swapb(c, 3, 1);
return 0;
