How do i style the form inside grapesjs? - grapesjs

There is already a form component in grapesjs which comes from grapesjs-plugin-forms. But I don't see any way to style the form. I want to style the form with predefined CSS. It will be of great help if you can provide any tips. Thanks in advance

You've to load external style-sheet to modify the form.
like this in the plugin setting
canavs: {
styles: [...cdnlink],


How to add a custom UI/intellisense inside Monaco editor?

I want to add a custom pill element next to the import definitions in my Monaco Editor just like in the image below. So is there a way to extend Monaco editor's UI or is there any API that'll let me do so? I couldn't find any information on how to do it. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you!
Check Monaco.IStandaloneCodeEditor.deltaDecorations which allows to add any type of HTML in the editor. Text content will be moved to avoid overlapping of decorations and text.

Day view, how to make custom event card / event content?

In a day view, how to change style of the event content.
I am able to make custom toolbar and change some styling for timeSlotWrapper but not able to take control of event content.
I have tried below code and achieved some customization using below code.
I have created a sandbox with all the code I have so far.
Currently I have this:
Expected -
I want to be able to show those colored bars with event content.
I tried searching in issues but could not find any code that can help me so far.
Could someone pls help point me to right direction?
Thank you.
You can provide a custom event layout and pass it into your components prop
event: CustomEvent
...other props
you can also use the eventPropGetter prop for adding in additional classnames or styles.

Bootstrap DropdownButton Styling

I have the following code:
header_contents.push(<DropdownButton bsSize='xsmall' bsStyle='link' pullRight={true} id={1} title='Menu'>
I want to have the styling in Bootstrap to be white lettering (currently blue) as I think the link option is defaulted to that. How can you change the styling for Bootstrap to pass link color, and other properties like if you want to move the link down a little on the page?
I should mention we do very little CSS styling as most of that is done within the ReactJS components.
Either override bootstrap CSS in a css file (that is what your seem to avoid I understand): it is the better way to ensure a global effect over every link in your application.
Or do no sent bsStyle='link' as DropdownButton property but instead, insert a style property with custom CSS. Yet you can insert style even if you don't remove bsStyle. You could then create your own component wrapping DropdownButton to ensure the same graphic chart in your application.
I figured it out with the help of an online chat room. Here's what I did.
I first made a style (dropDownLinkStyle) in the react component like this.
let dropDownLinkStyle = {
color: 'white'
Then I used it (dropDownLinkStyle) in the dropdownButton like this.
header_contents.push(<DropdownButton bsSize='large' style={dropDownLinkStyle} bsStyle='link' pullRight={true} id={1 /* avoids react warning */} title='Menu'>
I hope this helps. This allowed me to keep my bsStyle which is link (tells Bootstrap I want a link type on my screen instead of a button) and allows me to change that link to white lettering. I could also pass more styling by just adding it to the object -- dropDownLinkStyle

ExtJS Change Button UI

Using ExtJS5 I want my toolbar buttons to look like the normal ExtJS buttons. In the documentation I see the CSS Mixins but I am not putting things together. Can someone give me a kick in the right direction? Thanks.
Use defaultButtonUI in your toolbar:
defaultButtonUI : 'default'
See documentation of defaultButtonUI:
A default ui to use for Button items. This is a quick and simple way
to change the look of all child Buttons.
If there is no value for defaultButtonUI, the button's ui value will
get -toolbar appended so the Button has a different look when it's a
child of a Toolbar.

In CQ5, how do I configure an extJS component?

This question is specific to Adobe CQ5, so ExtJS answers by themselves won't be that helpful.
I have a custom text component with a menu option to change the background color. We're referencing a colorfield component in our dialog.xml, and so far everything works. The color menu appears with the default set of colors in the palette and can be clicked. So far so good.
I would now like to customize the palette and only show a select set of colors specific to our client. How do I achieve this?
Here's the relevant dialog.xml snippet so far:
fieldLabel="Background color"
For future reference, you could probably get by creating a custom ColorField to call a custom ColorMenu which sets a custom ColorPalette. If ColorField had configurable options, these would probably be mentioned in the Ext docs or found in the JS file itself in /libs/cq/ui/widgets/..
Found it on -
Simply put, override the ExtJS widget with your own. Not ideal but it'll do.
