Opening File with emacsclient from windows - batch-file

I try to open a File from within Windows10 in an emacsclient running on wsl2/Debian.
Upon startup I launch wsl/debian, X410 as X-server and the emacs daemon.
I can start a new emacs frame with emacsclient with the following startclient.bat:
#echo off
debian.exe run "if [ -z \"$(pidof emacsclient)\" ]; then export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0; emacsclient -c; pkill '(gpg|ssh)-agent'; fi;"
Then I created a shortcut so I can open a new emacs frame from the taskbar. To my surprise it works quite smoothly... so far. However, I can not figure out how to open a file with the emacsclient from within windows explorer.
I guess I would need to pass an argument to the emacsclient -c in the bat file, but how do I do this?
by doing the following:
debian.exe run "if [ -z \"$(pidof emacsclient)\" ]; then export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0; emacsclient -c "%1"; pkill '(gpg|ssh)-agent'; fi;"
I can open a file with emacsclient with:
startclient.bat file.txt
However when using open with the path to the file is messed up
instead of
I get
How would I go about passing the correct path as variable?

Not quite sure where the /mnt/c/Windows/system32/ is coming from, but you can convert the C:\Users\path\to\file into /mnt/c/Users/path/to/file by surrounding the %1 argument with wslpath, as in something like:
emacsclient -c "$(wslpath '%1')"


In Bash script trying to pass local variable to SSH and then execute the other commands

declare -a input
input=( "$#" )
echo " "
echo " Hostname passed by user is " ${input[0]}
sshpass -p '<pass>' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#$HOST /bin/bash << ENDSSH
echo " Connected "
echo $count2
echo $input
echo $count2: ${input[$count2]}
echo $nic
echo $(ethtool "${nic}" |& grep 'Link' | awk '{print $3}')
So Actually want to pass variable 'count2' and 'input' to remote SSH and execute.
But unfortunately it is not getting passed. It is not echoing anything after SSH.
Need help in this.!!
I have sshpass installed in sever.
code output:
[user#l07 ~]$ ./ <hostname> eno6
Hostname passed by user is <hostname>
After SSH it only echos "Connected". I'm not sure why $count2 and $input is not echoing.
I tired with backlash '\$count2' but that is also not working. All possible combination tried even with quote and unquote of ENDSSH. Pls help
Any help will be really appreciated!!
You basically want to supply to your remote bash a HERE-document to be executed. This is tricky, since you need to "compose" the full text of this document before you can supply it to ssh. I would therefore separate the task into two parts:
Creating the HERE-document
Running it on ssh
This makes it easy for debugging to output the document between steps 1 and 2 and to visually inspect its contents for correctness. Don't forget that once this code runs on the remote host, it can't access any of your variables anymore, unless you have "promoted" them to the remote side using the means provided by ssh.
Hence you could start like this:
# Create the parameters you want to use
# Create a variable holding the content of the remote script,
# which interpolates your parameters
read -r -d '' remote_script << ENDSSH
echo "Connected to host \$(hostname)"
echo "Running bash version: \$BASH_VERSION"
ethtool "$nic" |& grep Link | awk '{ print $3 }'
# Print your script for verification
echo "$remote_script"
# Submit it to the host
sshpass -p '<pass>' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "user#$HOST" /bin/bash <<<"$remote_script"
You have to add escapes(\) here:
echo \$nic
echo \$(ethtool "\${nic}" |& grep 'Link' | awk '{print \$3}')
But why echoing this? Try it without echo
ethtool "\${nic}" |& grep -i 'Link' | awk '{print \$3}'
declare -a input
input=( "$#" )
echo " Hostname passed by user is " "${input[0]}"
while [ $# -gt $count2 ]
sed -i 's/VALUE/'"${input[$count2]}"'/g' ./
sshpass -p '<pass>' scp ./ user#"$HOST":/home/user/
sshpass -p '<pass>' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#"$HOST" "sh /home/user/ && rm -rf /home/user/"
sed -i 's/'"${input[$count2]}"'/VALUE/g' ./
Found the another solution of this issue: It is working for me now !!!!
I wrote my entire logic which needs to be executed remotely in file and now replacing or storing the user input into this file and copying this file into remote server via scp and executing it over remotely and after successful execution removing this file from remote server and after ssh , again changing the user input to it's original value in local server using sed command.
Made this as dynamic script to work for multiple servers.

How to run a command on all .cs files in directory and store file path as a variable to be used as command on windows

I'm trying to run the following command on each file of a directory.
svn blame FILEPATH | gawk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c
It works well however it only works on individual files. For whatever reason, it won't run on the directory as a whole. I was hoping to create some form of batch script that would iterate through the directory and would grab the file path and store it as a variable to be used in the command. However, I've never written a batch script nor do I know the first thing about them. I tried this loop but couldn't get it to work
set codedirectory=%C:\Repo\Pineapple% for %codedirectory% %%i in (*.cs) do
but I'm not necessarily sure what to do next. Unfortunately, this all has to be run on windows. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
use for and find, similar to example on
for i in $(find . -name "*.cs"); do
svn blame $i | gawk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c

Create a bat file for git-bash script

Hi all. I gave a git-bash installed and want some automatisation. I've got a .bat file, which I want to run as
some.bat param | iconv -cp1251 > l.log | tail -f l.log
And I want to run it not in WinCMD but in git-bash shell - tell me plz how to do it?
Git bash on windows uses BASH. You can use bash to create a quick script that can take in parameters and echo them so that you can pipe them to your next utility.
It could look something like this
#Lots of fun bash scripting here...
echo $1
# $1 here is the first parameter sent to this script.
# $2 is the second... etc. $0 is the script name
then by setting as executable
$ chmod +x
You'll then be able to execute it in the git-bash shell
./ param | cat ... etc | etc...
You can read about bash programming
I'd reccomend looking at some bash scripting tutorials such as this one

reading latest from sftp server

I have a requirement to download the latest file from sftp server.I have written the below code in shell script but am not able to download the file.
After retrieving the file am getting the below Error
Invalid command
Please help me how to download the file.
sftp $USER#$HOST <<EOF
cd /inbound
file=$(ls -ltr *.xml | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}')
get $file
You are trying to run shell commands in sftp, but sftp is not a shell. The command ls happens to exist in sftp, but not $(), tail, or awk. To see this, just type sftp $USER#$HOST to open a sftp session and type help to get all of the available commands.
So what you need to do is to execute the shell commands using ssh to get the filename. So something like this:
file=$(ssh $USER#$HOST "ls -ltr /inbound/*.xml" | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}')
This execute the command ls -ltr /inbound/*.xml remotely on the server. The output of that is then processed by your shell script locally. Or maybe more efficiently by doing the processing on the server:
file=$(ssh $USER#$HOST "ls -ltr /inbound/*.xml | tail -1 | awk '{print \$NF}'")
Now the shell variable file contains the name of the newest file. Then you can download that file with sftp as
sftp $USER#$HOST:$file .

Substitute user mid-Bash-script & continue running commands (Mac OSX)

I'm building two scripts which combined will fully uninstall a program (Microsoft Lync) on Mac OS X. I need to be able to swap from an account with root access (this account initially executes the first script) to the user whom is currently logged in.
This is necessary because the second script needs to be executed not only by the logged-in user, but from said user's shell. The two scripts are name and in this example. (executed by root user):
#commands ran by root user
function rootCMDs () {
pkill Lync
rm -rf /Applications/Microsoft\
killall cfprefsd
function swapUser () {
currentUser=$(who | grep console | grep -v _mbsetupuser | grep -v root | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1)
cp /<directory>/${currentUser}
su -l ${currentUser} -c "<directory>/{currentUser}/";
<directory> actually declared in the scripts, but for the sake of privacy I've excluded it.
In the above script, I run some basic commands as the root user to remove the app to the trash, and kill cfprefsd to prevent having to reboot the machine. I then call the swapUser function, which dynamically identifies the current user account signed into and assigns this to the variable currentUser (in this case within our environment, it's safe to assume only one user is logged into the computer at a time). I'm not sure whether or not I'll need the cp directory/ portion yet, but this is intended to solve a different problem.
The main problem is getting the script to properly handle the su command. I use the -l flag to simulate a user login, which is necessary because this not only substitutes to the user account which is logged into, but it launches a new shell as said user. I need to use -l because OS X doesn't allow modifying another user's keychain from an admin account (the admin account in question has root access, but isn't nor does it switch to root). -c is intended to execute the copied script, which is as follows: (needs to be executed by the locally logged-in user):
function rmFiles () {
# rm -rf commands
# rm -rf commands
function certHandler1 () {
myCert=($(security dump-keychain | grep <string> | grep alis | sed -e 's/"alis"<blob>="//' | sed -e 's/"//'))
cLen=${#myCert[#]} # Count the amount of items in the array; there are usually duplicates
for ((i = 0;
i < ${cLen};
do security delete-certificate -c ${myCert[$i]};
function certHandler2 () {
# Derive the name of, and delete Keychain items related to Microsoft Lync.
myAccount=$(security dump-keychain | grep KeyContainer | grep acct | sed -e 's/"acct"<blob>="//' | sed -e 's/"//')
security delete-generic-password -a ${myAccount}
lyncPW=$(security dump-keychain | grep Microsoft\ Lync | sed -e 's/<blob>="//' | awk '{print $2, $3}' | sed -e 's/"//')
security delete-generic-password -l "${lyncPW}"
In the above script, rmFiles kicks the script off by removing some files and directories from the user's ~/Library directory. This works without a problem, assuming the su from properly executes this second script using the local user's shell.
I then use security dump-keychain to dump the local user's shell, find a specific certificate, then assign all results to the cLen array (because there may be duplicates of this item in a user's keychain). Each item in the array is then deleted, after which a few more keychain items are dynamically found and deleted.
What I've been finding is that the first script will either properly su to the logged-in user which it finds, at which point the second script doesn't run at all. Or, the second script is ran as the root user and thus doesn't properly delete the keychain items from the logged-in user it's supposed to su to.
Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading, and I look forward to some light shed on this situation!
I managed to find a way to achieve all that I am trying to do in a single bash script, rather than two. I did this by having the main script create another bash script in /tmp, then executing that as the local user. I'll provide it below to help anybody else whom may need this functionality:
Credit to the following source for the code on how to create another bash script within a bash script: - Example 19.8
# Declare the desired directory and file name of the script to be created. I chose /tmp because I want this file to be removed upon next start-up.
cat <<'EOF'
# Remove user-local Microsoft Lync files and/or directories
function rmFiles () {
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/
rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/
rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/MicrosoftLync*
rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Microsoft-Lync*
rm -rf ~/Documents/Microsoft\ User\ Data/Microsoft\ Lync\ Data
rm -rf ~/Documents/Microsoft\ User\ Data/Microsoft\ Lync\ History
rm -f ~/Library/Keychains/OC_KeyContainer*
# Need to build in a loop that determines the count of the output to determine whether or not we need to build an array or use a simple variable.
# Some people have more than one 'PRIVATE_STRING' certificate items in their keychain - this will loop through and delete each one. This may or may not be necessary for other applications of this script.
function certHandler1 () {
# Replace 'PRIVATE_STRING' with whatever you're searching for in Keychain
myCert=($(security dump-keychain | grep PRIVATE_STRING | grep alis | sed -e 's/"alis"<blob>="//' | sed -e 's/"//'))
cLen=${#myCert[#]} # Count the amount of items in the array
for ((i = 0;
i < ${cLen};
do security delete-certificate -c ${myCert[$i]};
function certHandler2 () {
# Derive the name of, then delete Keychain items related to Microsoft Lync.
myAccount=$(security dump-keychain | grep KeyContainer | grep acct | sed -e 's/"acct"<blob>="//' | sed -e 's/"//')
security delete-generic-password -a ${myAccount}
lyncPW=$(security dump-keychain | grep Microsoft\ Lync | sed -e 's/<blob>="//' | awk '{print $2, $3}' | sed -e 's/"//')
security delete-generic-password -l "${lyncPW}"
exit 0
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Commands to be ran as root
function rootCMDs () {
pkill Lync
rm -rf /Applications/Microsoft\
killall cfprefsd # killing cfprefsd mitigates the necessity to reboot the machine to clear cache.
function chainScript () {
if [ -f "$OUTFILE" ]
# Make the file in /tmp executable. This is necessary for /tmp as a non-root user cannot access files in this directory.
chmod 755 $OUTFILE
# Dynamically identify the user currently logged in. This may need some tweaking if multiple User Accounts are logged into the same computer at once.
currentUser=$(who | grep console | grep -v _mbsetupuser | grep -v root | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1);
su -l ${currentUser} -c "bash /tmp/"
echo "Problem in creating file: \"$OUTFILE\""
# This method also works for generating
#+ C programs, Perl programs, Python programs, Makefiles,
#+ and the like.
# Commence the domino effect.
exit 0
# -----------------------------------------------------------
