How to deploy this mongodb cluster? - database

So I have been trying to deploy a mongodb replica sets. My goal is to have one vps running all mongodb instances required on docker. I have been following this GitHub and It has been smooth so far. Now my question is how do I setup authentication for this so my servers and Robo 3t client can connect to it a url something like this
Do I need to expose only the router instance or do I need to expose everything? and How? Thank you.

You need to enable authentication/authorization at mongodb cluster level :
( you may need to enable transport encryption )
2.You need to expose only the routing service (mongos) ...
how to publish / expose :


Connect to multiple microservices using the same subdomain from React

I am having trouble understanding how to use a microservices model. The idea of a microservice is that I have multiple local servers, each serving a different port. Connecting to these local servers can be easily done locally (e.g., using an Express hosted website). But if I am using a frontend application, such as React, how am I supposed to call the different APIs.
The only solution I can seem to think is to create a subdomain per API, but this seems far-fetched and impractical since I would need to create a lot of entries inside the Names Server (e.g., Cloudflare).
If I am using an application like Apache or Nginx, is there a way to publicly access the APIs using a single domain? Or using subsubdomains such as, ... but without adding each of these subdomains to the name server?
An alternative I can think of is creating a public API whose job is to connect to local services, but this seems to defeat the purpose of microservices.
I can't find anything online and all tutorials always use localhost which does not work in production code.
Thanks in advance!
You should research API Gateways / Edge-Services.
Personally, I like hosting the containers for microservices in Kubernetes and forwarding all traffic to *.mydomain.tld to the kubernetes cluster and configuring the load balancing (in this case: which subdomain should be routed to which service) there.

Service Fabric (On-premise) Routing to Multi-tenancy Containerized Application

I'm trying to get a proof of concept going for a multi-tenancy containerized ASP.NET MVC application in Service Fabric. The idea is that each customer would get 1+ instances of the application spread across the cluster. One thing I'm having trouble getting mapped out is routing.
Each app would be partitioned similar to this SO answer. The plan so far is to have an external load balancer route each request to the SF Reverse Proxy service.
So for instance: would get routed to the reverse proxy at <SF cluster node>:19081/myapp/tenant1 (19081 is the default port for SF Reverse Proxy), -> <SF Cluster Node>:19081/myapp/tenant2, etc and then the proxy would route it to the correct node:port where an instance of the application is listening.
Since each application has to be mapped to a different port, the plan is for SF to dynamically assign a port on creation of each app. This doesn't seem entirely scaleable since we could theoretically hit a port limit (~65k).
My questions then are, is this a valid/suggested approach? Are there better approaches? Are there things I'm missing/overlooking? I'm new to SF so any help/insight would be appreciated!
I don't think the Ephemeral Port Limit will be an issue for you, is likely that you will consume all server resources (CPU + Memory) even before you consume half of these ports.
To do what you need is possible, but it will require you to create a script or an application that will be responsible to create and manage configuration for the service instances deployed.
I would not use the built-in reverse proxy, it is very limited and for what you want will just add extra configuration with no benefit.
At moment I see traefik as the most suitable solution. Traefik enables you to route specific domains to specific services, and it is exactly what you want.
Because you will use multiple domains, it will require a dynamic configuration that is not provided out of the box, this is why I suggested you to create a separate application to deploy these instances. A very high level steps would be:
You define your service with the traefik default rules as shown here
From your application manager, you deploy a new named service of this service for the new tenant
After the instance is deployed you configure it to listen in a specific domain, setting the rule to the correct tenant name
You might have to add some extra configurations, but this will lead you to the right path.
Regarding the cluster architecture, you could do it in many ways, for starting, I would recommend you keep it simple, one FrontEnd node type containing the traefik services and another BackEnd node type for your services, from there you can decide how to plan the cluster properly, there is already many SO answers on how to define the cluster.
Please see more info on the following links:
Assuming you don't need an instance on every node, you can have up to (nodecount * 65K) services, which would make it scalable again.
Have a look at Azure API management and Traefik, which have some SF integration options. This works a lot nicer than the limited built-in reverse proxy. For example, they offer routing rules.

Steps to connect Angular4 to a Database (Oracle)

Actually I've to connect my Angular project to a database to access some data. But I don't know how.
Should I write a REST API to do it? If yes, how can I connect my REST API to my project?
Which steps should I follow?
The angular application will be your "front" application. To store and fetch data
from a database you'll need a "back" application that will provide URLS for your angular App to call.
A simple back can be done using Laravel and OCI 8 connector in order to query ORACLE database. The backend would be in PHP which is a common solution but might not fit your needs.
Set up your laravel project :
Install OCI8 module to connect to your oracle database :
Then follow laravel's guidelines to set up URLs that will be callable by your front application in Angular4.

How to deploy angular app that completely relies on external API to retrieve and store data?

For an angular app that completely relies on external API to retrieve and store data, is NodeJS necessary for deployment? What are the other possible methods of deployment? Currently, I use it for local development and plan on using it in combination with Nginx for production. However, NodeJS is not doing anything except launching index.html. So should I remove NodeJS altogether and simply use Nginx alone?
One solution is to host it using any web host, they all equally host HTML only sites, and this solution is pretty inexpensive. Hosts like Hostgator, etc., will allow you to upload the site via FTP.
A second choice is to host it using a web server (Nginx), but this is probably the most costly. You can host your own server in any cloud service (Amazon would be EC2 for instance) and then host your files there. This is probably not a good option for you. The only reason to use this type of solution is if you need the server to host code, so if you were using node to talk to a database for instance.
A 'pro' option may be to put them in S3 on AWS, and host it that way, it is pretty inexpensive.
Here is a link explaining how to host on Amazon -

How to export a project from IBM Bluemix PaaS to anywhere else as a Docker?

I lead a web/mobile project and I still need to know the tools we will be using for development.
We have a 6 months access to IBM Bluemix, and its security check tools, CloudFoundry, and others may appear really useful.
However, we don't want to rely on a solution that would trap our project without any possibility of migration if needed.
I looked up on the internet how to export a project from Bluemix as a docker, with elements created from IBM. I didn't find anything relevant (I might be bad at googling, but all I can find is "how to export to Bluemix/how to work locally").
Does Bluemix allow to export the entire project onto another hoster, does it depend on the services we used in the project ?
Thank you in advance.
If you package your application in a container you can run it on any provider that supports Docker. That could be another cloud, in a local datacenter or on your own laptop.
If you are planning to use Bluemix services as part of that application then you will have two options if moving your application off Bluemix.
Keep using the services in Bluemix but connect to them remotely from wherever you're now hosting your appliaction. This will require internet connectivity and you'll have to hard code the service credentials in to your application (not good practice).
Migrate the services as well as the application. This will only be possible for the non-unique services IBM offer e.g. Redis, Mongo, Elasticsearch etc.. You'll need to refactor your application to accept the new provider of these services.
If your service/app is dockerized, and is being hosted as a container on Bluemix.
You can pull the container image of your service/app in your own docker enabled cloud or local environment. Following steps can be followed for the same:
install bluemix-container cli package
do cf ic login using your bluemix credentials
check for your images using cf ic images command
pull the image in your environment using docker pull <image-registry-url>
run the container with required parameters using docker run
Hope it helps. Thanks.
