(React Developer Tools) No results in the search bar - reactjs

I'm trying to find out the number of messages in a chat, and every guide I've looked up says I need to type MessengerDetailView into the search bar, but I don't get any results. Is it because I'm on Mac?

The searchbar you are using, looks for MessengerDetailView. If your component has a different name, you won't be able to find it under that name.


Is there a way to make a search bar on discord.py?

I recently made a discord bot that webscrapes through a specific website and searches for what the user specifies but the problem is that people spell things wrong and it the bot can't find what they're looking for. One way I thought to fix this is to make a sort of search bar, for example it shows results as they type in like any search engine search bar. Is there anyway to do this or are there any other solutions?
You can do this using an autocomplete in a slash command.

Create an ASync Searchable input with templating

I'm trying to create an async search box with templating possibilities in order to create something similar as the search box on Microsoft's website, i.e. with a picture, title and subtitle for each item.
I'm using PrimeReact library with an component, but it seems too limited. So I checked other components (https://react-select.com/home, https://www.algolia.com/), but was not able to find something similar.
Does someone have a suggestion to create such a search box?
Thank you!

Unsplash API - How to obtain search / suggestion words?

I have a task of making a search bar in React. When you type at least 3 characters in, the suggestions start popping up. Then, after selecting one, the related photos from Unsplash show up on the page.
I've already got two separate components - a search bar that will give suggestions from a hard coded / provided array and a search bar that will show Unsplash photos after typing a word.
But I don't know how to connect them - Do I need an array with Unsplash keywords? But how do I obtain it? I don't think I should be preloading all millions of photos first, do I?
Thank you for the answers.
In documentation of the project theres no word about returning suggestions, so I think they don't support this.
If you ask how is it working on production - api is returning an object with 5 suggestions related to sent query. You can check this in "Network" tab when you type something into the searchbar on their website, just paste the link they fetch into your browser.
Does it answer your question?

How can I search for a component with specific key in React Developer Tools?

I'm currently using the React Developer Tools chrome extension to debug a component based on React Virtualized.
As you can see in the screenshot, I was able to highlight all the cells, but I can't figure out how can I find only a Cell that has a specific key value. It seems that the search input supports Regex.
According to docs, right now react-dev-tools only allow searching by component names. Check here.

Mapping natively not working

i have 2 days trying to make native google maps to work. I followed all the instructions i found, nothing. I searched for 2 days if others had any problems, i followed their solution but still nothing.
Maps appear on the simulator but not at the telephone. I tried with a dialog nothing. I tried to a container to the main form nothing.
I also tried final MapContainer cnt=new MapContainer(new GoogleMapsProvider("my_api_key")); but still nothing. With this i couldn't see the maps neither to the simulator.
I have downloaded from git first and then from the extensions but still the same. Nothing shows up.
Google api console shows the requests every time i try to see the map, but no map on mobile. I also used with SHA1 and without. The same results.
I noticed that in BuildHints it automatically adds android.playService.maps=true, and when i tried to add the android.includeGPlayServices=true there is a build error, cannot be used together the error log says.
My codanameone plugin version is 3.5.8
Thanks in advance.
You need to have a google API key using this build hint:
android.xapplication=<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.maps.v2.API_KEY" android:value="YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY"/>
ios.afterFinishLaunching=[GMSServices provideAPIKey:#"YOUR_IOS_API_KEY"];
You need to login to the google cloud API console and turn on map support for your application picking "native Android" and then "native iOS" then copy the key for each and replacing the strings YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY and YOUR_IOS_API_KEY respectively.
Go to the Google developers console to check your credentials.
Be aware that you need to remove the key restriction to make the API key work with Codename One.
