Next.js: How can we have dynamic routing redirect to static pages? - static

Using Next.js , I currently have an app with a single entry point in the form of /pages/[...slug]/index.ts
It contains a getServerSideProps function which analyses the slug and decide upon a redirection
In some cases a redirection is needed, but it will always be towards a page that can be statically rendered. Example: redirect /fr/uid towards /fr/blog/uid which can be static.
In other cases the slug already is the url of a page that can be static.
How can I mix this dynamic element with a static generation of all pages?
Thanks a lot for your help!

If I understood you problem correctly, you cannot use getServerSideProps if you are going to export a static site.
You have two solutions:
Configure your redirection rules in your web hosting solution (i.e. Amazon S3/CloudFront).
Create client-side redirects (when _app.tsx mounts you can check if router.asPath matches any of the redirection you would like to have configured.
Please remember that the first solution is more correct (as 301 redirects from the browser) for SEO purposes.
EDIT: #juliomalves rightly pointed out OP is looking at two different things: redirection, and hybrid builds.
However, question should be clarified a bit more to really be able to solve his problem.
Because you will need to host a web-server for SSR, you can leverage Next.js 9.5 built-in redirection system to have permanent server-side redirects.
When it comes to SSR vs SSG, Next.js allows you to adopt a hybrid approach, by giving you the possibility of choosing with Data Fetching strategy to adopt.

In case you are using AWS CloudFront, then you can redirect with CloudFront Functions.
CloudFront Functions is ideal for lightweight, short-running functions for use cases like the following:
URL redirects or rewrites – You can redirect viewers to other pages based on information in the request, or rewrite all requests from one path to another.
Here is what we are using to redirect clients (e.g. Native App, Google search index, etc.) to new location when NextJS page was moved or removed.
// NOTE: Choose "viewer request" for event trigger when you associate this function with CloudFront distribution.
function makeRedirectResponse(location) {
var response = {
statusCode: 301,
statusDescription: 'Moved Permanently',
headers: {
'location': { value: location }
return response;
function handler(event) {
var mappings = [
{ from: "/products/decode/app.html", to: '/products/decode.html' },
{ from: "/products/decode/privacy/2021_01_25.html", to: '/products/decode/privacy.html' }
var request = event.request;
var uri = request.uri;
for (var i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
var mapping = mappings[i]
if (mapping.from === uri) {
return makeRedirectResponse(
return request;


Is there a way to rename automatically generated routes JSON file in Next.js?

I have a problem, when I click to go to the /analytics page on my site, adblockers block the analytics.json file that's being requested by Next.js as they think it's an analytics tracker (it's not, it's a page listing analytics products).
Is there a way to rename the route files Next.js uses when navigating to server-side rendered pages on the client-side?
I want to either obfuscate the names so they're not machine readable, or have a way to rename them all.
Any help appreciated.
With thanks to #gaston-flores I've managed to get something working.
In my instance /analytics is a dynamic page for a category, so I moved my pages/[category]/index.tsx file to pages/[category]/category.tsx and added the following rewrite:
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
async rewrites() {
return [
source: "/:category",
destination: "/:category/category",
This now gets the category.json file rather than analytics.json, which passes the adblockers checks and renders as expected.
Note that due to having a dynamic file name in the pages/[category] directory (pages/[category]/[product].tsx), I had to move that to pages/[category]/product/[product].tsx as I was seeing the /analytics page redirected to /analytics/category for some reason without this tweak.

Netlify Redirect or Rewrite for Gatsby Wildcard Path

So I've already implemented a wildcard path on my gatsby-node.js file:
exports.onCreatePage = async ({ page, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
if (page.path.match(/^\/my-path/)) {
page.matchPath = "/my-path/*"
and this works fine when I am running the site locally (in development). i.e., if i provide /my-path/anything123 or /my-path/asdfasdfasdf, both will lead to a rendering of the component I've created in my Gatsby project under pages/my-path.tsx.
Now we come to my problem. When I deploy my site to Netlify, I don't get the same behavior as in development. Can behavior like this be handled with a redirect or rewrite in Netlify? I don't want to lose the content in what comes after /my-path/, as in reality I'm using it to parse an id, i.e. if the URL in the browser is /my-path/123, I want to be able to see that 123 in window.location.href, and parse it with some logic in my-path.tsx.
I hope this is clear. Appreciate anyone who can help or guide me in the right direction!
Of course after writing this all up the answer becomes clear... I tried it, and it works! for the example I was providing, the following redirect would work in your netlify.toml file:
from = "/my-path/*"
to = "/my-path"
status = 200
force = true
So it essentially has to match 1:1 with the rules you define in gatsby-node.js.

Authentication to serve static files on Next.js?

So, I looked for a few authentication options for Next.js that wouldn't require any work on the server side of things. My goal was to block users from entering the website without a password.
I've set up a few tests with NextAuth (after a few other tries) and apparently I can block pages with sessions and cookies, but after a few hours of research I still can't find how I would go about blocking assets (e.g. /image.png from the /public folder) from non-authenticated requests.
Is that even possible without a custom server? Am I missing some core understanding here?
Thanks in advance.
I did stumble upon this problem too. It took my dumbass a while but i figured it out in the end.
As you said - for auth you can just use whatever. Such as NextAuth.
And for file serving: I setup new api endpoint and used NodeJS magic of getting the file and serving it in pipe. It's pretty similar to what you would do in Express. Don't forget to setup proper head info in your response.
Here is little snippet to demonstrate (typescript version):
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
import {stat} from "fs/promises"
import {createReadStream, existsSync} from "fs"
import path from "path"
import mime from "mime"
//basic nextjs api
export default async function getFile (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
// Dont forget to auth first!1!!!
// for this i created folder in root folder (at same level as normal nextjs "public" folder) and the "somefile.png" is in it
const someFilePath = path.resolve('./private/somefile.png');
// if file is not located in specified folder then stop and end with 404
if (! existsSync(someFilePath)) return res.status(404);
// Create read stream from path and now its ready to serve to client
const file = createReadStream(path.resolve('./private/somefile.png'))
// set cache so its proper cached. not necessary
// 'private' part means that it should be cached by an invidual(= is intended for single user) and not by single cache. More about in
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', `private, max-age=5000`);
// set size header so browser knows how large the file really is
// im using native fs/promise#stat here since theres nothing special about it. no need to be using external pckages
const stats = await stat(someFilePath);
res.setHeader('Content-Length', stats.size);
// set mime type. in case a browser cant really determine what file its gettin
// you can get mime type by lot if varieties of methods but this working so yay
const mimetype = mime.getType(someFilePath);
res.setHeader('Content-type', mimetype);
// Pipe it to the client - with "res" that has been given

Dynamic content Single Page Application SEO

I am new to SEO and just want to get the idea about how it works for Single Page Application with dynamic content.
In my case, I have a single page application (powered by AngularJS, using router to show different state) that provides some location-based search functionalities, similar to Zillow, Redfin, or Yelp. On mt site, user can type in a location name, and the site will return some results based on the location.
I am trying to figure out a way to make it work well with Google. For example, if I type in "Apartment San Francisco" in Google, the results will be:
And when user click on these links, the sites will display the correct result. I am thinking about having similar SEO like these for my site.
The question is, the page content is purely depending on user's query. User can search by city name, state name, zip code, etc, to show different results, and it's not possible to put them all into sitemap. How google can crawl the content for these kind of dynamic page results?
I don't have experience with SEO and not sure how to do it for my site. Please share some experience or pointers to help me get started. Thanks a lot!
Follow up question:
I saw Googlebot can now run Javascript. I want to understand a bit more of this. When a specific url of my SPA app is opened, it will do some network query (XHR request) for a few seconds and then the page content will be displayed. In this case, will GoogleBot wait for the http response?
I saw some tutorial says we need to prepare static html specifically for Search Engines. If I only want to deal with Google, does it mean I don't have to serve static html anymore because Google can run Javascript?
Thanks again.
If a search engine should come across your JavaScript application then we have the permission to redirect the search engine to another URL that serves the fully rendered version of the page.
For this job
You can either use this tool by Thomas Davis available on github
you can use the code below which does the same job as above this code is also available here
Implementation using Phantom.js
We can setup a node.js server that given a URL, it will fully render the page content. Then we will redirect bots to this server to retrieve the correct content.
We will need to install node.js and phantom.js onto a box. Then start up this server below. There are two files, one which is the web server and the other is a phantomjs script that renders the page.
// web.js
// Express is our web server that can handle request
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var getContent = function(url, callback) {
var content = '';
// Here we spawn a phantom.js process, the first element of the
// array is our phantomjs script and the second element is our url
var phantom = require('child_process').spawn('phantomjs',['phantom-server.js', url]);
// Our phantom.js script is simply logging the output and
// we access it here through stdout
phantom.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
content += data.toString();
phantom.on('exit', function(code) {
if (code !== 0) {
console.log('We have an error');
} else {
// once our phantom.js script exits, let's call out call back
// which outputs the contents to the page
var respond = function (req, res) {
// Because we use [P] in htaccess we have access to this header
url = 'http://' + req.headers['x-forwarded-host'] + req.params[0];
getContent(url, function (content) {
app.get(/(.*)/, respond);
The script below is phantom-server.js and will be in charge of fully rendering the content. We don't return the content until the page is fully rendered. We hook into the resources listener to do this.
var page = require('webpage').create();
var system = require('system');
var lastReceived = new Date().getTime();
var requestCount = 0;
var responseCount = 0;
var requestIds = [];
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
page.onResourceReceived = function (response) {
if(requestIds.indexOf( !== -1) {
lastReceived = new Date().getTime();
requestIds[requestIds.indexOf(] = null;
page.onResourceRequested = function (request) {
if(requestIds.indexOf( === -1) {
// Open the page[1], function () {});
var checkComplete = function () {
// We don't allow it to take longer than 5 seconds but
// don't return until all requests are finished
if((new Date().getTime() - lastReceived > 300 && requestCount === responseCount) || new Date().getTime() - startTime > 5000) {
// Let us check to see if the page is finished rendering
var checkCompleteInterval = setInterval(checkComplete, 1);
Once we have this server up and running we just redirect bots to the server in our client's web server configuration.
Redirecting bots
If you are using apache we can edit out .htaccess such that Google requests are proxied to our middle man phantom.js server.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^_escaped_fragment_=(.*)$
RewriteRule (.*) http://webserver:3000/%1? [P]
We could also include other RewriteCond, such as user agent to redirect other search engines we wish to be indexed on.
Though Google won't use _escaped_fragment_ unless we tell it to by either including a meta tag; <meta name="fragment" content="!">or using #! URLs in our links.
You will most likely have to use both.
This has been tested with Google Webmasters fetch tool. Make sure you include #! on your URLs when using the fetch tool.

AngularJS HTML5 mode degrade to full page reloads in lieu of hashbang

By enabling HTML5 mode in AngularJS, the $location service will rewrite URLs to remove the hashbang from them. This is a great feature that will help me with my application, but there is a problem with its fallback to hashbang mode. My service requires authentication, and I am forced to use an external authentication mechanism from my application. If a user attempts to go to a URL for my app with a hashbang in it, it will first redirect them to the authentication page (won't ever touch my service unless successfully authenticated), and then redirect them back to my application. Being that the hash tag is only seen from the client side, it will drop off whatever parts of the routes come after by the time they hit my server. Once they are authenticated, they may re-enter the URL and it will work, but its that one initial time that will cause a disruption to the user experience.
My question is then, is there any way to go from $location.html5Mode(true) to the fallback of full page reloads for un-supportive browsers, skipping the hashbang method of routing entirely in AngularJS?
The best comparison of available implementations of what I'm aiming for would be something such as browsing around folders on If the browser supports rewriting the URL without initiating a page refresh, the page will asynchronously load the necessary parts. If the browser does not support it, when a user clicks on a folder, a full-page refresh occurs. Can this be achieved with AngularJS in lieu of using the hashbang mode?
DON'T overwrite the core functionality.
Use Modernizr, do feature detection, and then proceed accordingly.
check for history API support
if (Modernizr.history) {
// history management works!
} else {
// no history support :(
// fall back to a scripted solution like History.js
Try to wrap $location and $routeProvider configuration in browser's HTML5 History API checking, like this:
if (isBrowserSupportsHistoryAPI()) {
Also may be you need to create a wrapper to $location if you use it to change path.
(Sorry for terrible english)
Why not handle the un-authenticated redirect on the client side for this situation? I'd need to know a bit more about exactly how your app works to give you a more specific solution but essentially something like:
User goes to a route handled by AngularJS, server serves up the AngularJS main template and javascript
User is not authenticated, AngularJS detects this and redirects to the authentication page
You could have something in the module's run block for when the AngularJS application starts:
.run(['$location', 'authenticationService', function($location, auth) {
if (!auth.isAuthenticated()) {
I've subbed in a service which would find out if you were authenticated somehow, up to you how, could be checking a session cookie, could be hitting your API to ask. Really depends on how you want to continue to check authentication as the client application runs.
You can try and override the functionality of the $location service. The general idea would be to rewrite the URL according to whether someone is already authenticated or not, or just use a single approach (without hashbangs) for all URLs, regardless to whether html5mode is on or not.
I'm not sure that I fully understand the use-case so I can't write the exact code that you need. Here is a sample implementation of how to overrides/implements and registers the $location service, just making sure that hashbang is always eliminated:
app.service('$location', [function() {
ftp: 21,
http: 80,
https: 443
angular.extend(this, {
absUrl: function() {
return location.href;
hash: function(hash) {
return location.hash.substr(1);
host: function() {
path: function(path) {
if (!path) {
return location.pathname;
location.pathname = path;
return this;
port: function() {
return location.port ? Number(location.port) : DEFAULT_PORTS[this.protocol()] || null;
protocol: function() {
return location.protocol.substr(0, location.protocol.length - 1);
replace: function() {
return this;
search: function(search, paramValue) {
if (search || paramValue) {
return this;
var query = {};"&").forEach(function(pair) {
pair = pair.split("="); query[pair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
return query;
url: function(url, replace) {
return this.path();
