Is there a way to create a local debug build of TensorFlow.js? Or publicly available non-minified version of it? - tensorflow.js

I specifically would like a version of tfjs-backend-wasm that has the function names intact if I attach a debugger / profiler. If it matters, hosting it with node locally.

When you include a Javascript library using a script tag, you can follow the link to download the javascript file directly, creating a local copy. For instance, from
<script src=""></script>
Just go to here and hit Ctrl+S to save a local copy.


Visual Studio Code (VSC) local workspace with cloud based locations/drive (folders\files). Possible?

Is is possible to have a workspace (in VSC or any IDE) whereby said local project/folder contains 1 more or more sub folders that are cloud based (such as iCloud)?
I have a standard create react app "project" stored locally on my iMac (home) and when I need to use the same files on my work computer (macbook) I have either committed said changes (SourceTree -> remote) or taken copy via USB). Is there a way to sync just "some" folders to iCloud so that they are available from any location? (and also not break git/sourcetree)
Probable easiest to do the whole folder? and ignore \node_modules (like gitignore, nosync) perhaps?
my-app\node_modules <- not this folder
The more I investigate this issue, the more it appears not to be possible in the context above, even using symbolic links and the .nosync file extn. :-(

In NetBeans, where is the file?

I am trying to delete build hints using the CodenameOne Settings tool, but the hints keep returning. I would like to try deleting the hints directly from the properties file.
It is directly accessible in the project directory.

How to use ipdb with Google App Engine?

GAE blocks using local libraries that it doesn't support on the server. Generally this is a good thing. Unfortunately this means that ipdb is blocked also. Adding the necessary directory for ipdb to sys.path doesn't work. It continues to give import error.
I've tried copying the ipdb+IPython folders into my gae folder, but this errors on import resource (/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
Another option might be to try editing GAE so it allows temporary access to local libraries?
The reason I desire ipdb is mainly for it's history and tab completion functionality.
There appears to be a way to get some readline support with pdb on Linux systems, found here!topic/django-non-relational/C0g3ZYuhoMw
Basically install the package rlwrap, then run the local server similar to this:
rlwrap python runserver

where/ how can I get the selenium server source code used to build 2.0b3

I am trying to apply this bug fix to the selenium-server-standalone-2.0b3.jar.
Does anyone know where I can get the source code? The jar only contains class files.
Or if there are alternate ways of getting what I need, please do tell.
You should be able to check it out from SVN:
Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:
Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout selenium-read-only
I am not entirely sure how this project branches their code, but I assume it would be a branch in the project for a release.

Is it possible to use relative paths for SSIS packages dtsConfig files?

I am trying to make our SQL Server Integration Services packages as portable as possible and the one thing that is preventing that is that the path to the config is always an absolute path, which makes testing and deployment a headache. Are there any suggestions for making this more manageble?
Another issue is when another developer gets the package out of source control the path is specific to the developers machine.
If you are trying to execute your packages using Visual Studio then the configuration file path will be hardcoded in there. So if you move your project around you'll need to change the path in the package settings. To avoid this you could use the Environment variable option to store the configuration file path. Then you'll only need to change that.
For testing and deployment however you should probably use the dtexec utility to execute your packages. Make some batch files for that. Preferably one for each different environment. Here the configuration file path can be relative.
dtexec /File Package.dtsx /Conf configuration.dtsConfig
This is if you're packages are on file system. You can also store them in SQL Server. You can also store your configuration in SQL Server which may provide flexibility.
After several hours trying to make this work I found a solution here (not the best one, but it works)
Locate your configuration files (dtsconfig files) in the same directory as your solution file (.sln file)
ALWAYS open your solution by double-clicking the solution file (.sln file). This will set the ‘working folder’ to be where the solution lives, your configuration file will be read correctly
Otherwise the relative paths did not work for me.
Check out the free utility that can edit SSIS configuration file paths without BIDS:
My stock standard trick for these sorts of problems are mapping drives.
Either by using a mapped network drive or by using Subst (both methods are interchangable).
e.g. Map the location of your package to N:\ then inside your package use paths using N:\MyParentPackage.dtsx, N:\MyChildPackage.dtsx. The packages can be on totally different drives in different folders on different machines, it'll work once you map the package location to the N:\
I usually put a script along side the project files to map the drive, which maps the drive so it can be easily run before. One gotcha, if you're using subst on VISTA - Win8, map it for elevated and non-elevated.
I use the same approach for file references in Visual Studio projects. Only issue with this approach, you use to solve too many issues in your dev environment and you'll run out of drives letters.
