How can I test a click event which changes a useState state with enzyme? - reactjs

I have the following component:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Button, ThirteenBold } from "#selfdecode/sd-component-library";
import { PlayIcon } from "assets/icons";
import { TourButtonProps } from "./interfaces";
import { WelcomeVideoModal } from "../../modals/welcome-video-modal";
* The tour button.
export const TourButton: React.FC<TourButtonProps> = (props) => {
const [isIntroVideoShowing, setIsIntroVideoShowing] = useState(false);
return (
onClickX={() => setIsIntroVideoShowing(false)}
onClick={() => setIsIntroVideoShowing(true)}
display={["none", "block"]}
welcome tour
<PlayIcon style={{ height: "30px", fill: "#4568F9" }} />
And the test coverage report is complaining that I am not testing both of the onClick events, which change the state.
I've tried two approaches, and both fail.
Approach one was to mock the useState and see if it gets called as I'd have expected it.
This was the test I tried:
const setState = jest.fn();
const useStateMock: any = (initState: any) => [initState, setState];
jest.spyOn(React, "useState").mockImplementation(useStateMock);
const button = wrapper.find(`[data-test="tour-button"]`);
This shouldn't even be the final test, as it doesn't check what was the valuee it was called with, but still, it failed because useState wasn't even called.
The second approach I've tried was to check the prop value on this component:
onClickX={() => setIsIntroVideoShowing(false)}
And this is the test I've tried
test("Check the isIntroVideoShowing changes to true on buton click", () => {
jest.spyOn(React, "useState").mockImplementation(useStateMock);
const button = wrapper.find(`[data-test="tour-button"]`);
const welcomeVideo = wrapper.find(
This one failed claiming it was called with false even after the click.
Is there a way to make these work? Or a different approach to cover these?

You need to give wrapper.update for updating the template with state changes after simulating the click event.
test("Check the isIntroVideoShowing changes to true on buton click", () => {
jest.spyOn(React, "useState").mockImplementation(useStateMock);
const button = wrapper.find(`[data-test="tour-button"]`);
const welcomeVideo = wrapper.find(
Reference -


REACT: How to set the state in the child and access it in the parent, receiving undefined

I am building this project to try and improve my understanding of react :), so I am a n00b and therefore still learning the ropes of extracting components, states, props etc =)
I have a child Component DescriptionDiv, its parent component is PlusContent and finally the parent component is PlusContentHolder. The user types some input into the DescriptionDiv which then, using a props/callback passes the user input to the PlusContent.
My question/problem is: after setting useState() in the PlusContent component, I am after a button click in the PlusContentHolder component, returned with an undefined in the console.log.
How come I cannot read the useState() in the next parent component, the PlusContentHolder?
I know that useState() is async so you cannot straight up call the value of the state in the PlusContent component, but shouldn't the state value be available in the PlusContentHolder component?
below is my code for the DescriptionDiv
import './DescriptionDiv.css';
const DescriptionDiv = props => {
const onDescriptionChangeHandler = (event) => {
return (
<div className='description'>
<input onChange={onDescriptionChangeHandler} type='text'></input>
export default DescriptionDiv;
Next the code for the PlusContent comp
import React, { useState } from "react";
import DescriptionDiv from "./div/DescriptionDiv";
import ImgDiv from "./div/ImgDiv";
import "./PlusContent.css";
import OrientationDiv from "./div/OrientationDiv";
const PlusContent = (props) => {
const [classes, setClasses] = useState("half");
const [content, setContent] = useState();
const [plusContent, setPlusContent] = useState({
orientation: "left",
img: "",
description: "",
const onOrientationChangeHandler = (orientationContent) => {
if (orientationContent == "left") {
setClasses("half left");
if (orientationContent == "right") {
setClasses("half right");
if (orientationContent == "center") {
setClasses("half center");
const onDescriptionContentHandler = (descriptionContent) => {
const onImageChangeHandler = (imageContent) => {
/> {/*
<AltDiv altPointer={onAltDivContentHandler} />
<TitleDiv titlePointer={onTitleDivContentHandler} /> */}
<DescriptionDiv descriptionPointer={onDescriptionContentHandler} />
return (
<div className={classes}>
<ImgDiv imageChangeExecutor={onImageChangeHandler} />
export default PlusContent;
and lastly the PlusContentHolder
import PlusContent from "../PlusContent";
import React, { useState } from "react";
const PlusContentHolder = (props) => {
const onClickHandler = (t) => {
const descriptionInfoHandler = (x) => {
console.log(x) // this console.log(x) returns and undefined
return (
{ => (
<button onClick={onClickHandler}>Generate Plus Content</button>
export default PlusContentHolder;
The reason why the descriptionInfoHandler() function call prints undefined in its console.log() statement when you click the button, is because you never provide an argument to it when you call it from the onClickHandler function.
I think that it will print the description when you type it, however. And I believe the problem is that you need to save the state in the PlusContentHolder module as well.
I would probably add a const [content, setContent] = useState() in the PlusContentHolder component, and make sure to call setContent(x) in the descriptionInfoHandler function in PlusContentHolder.
Otherwise, the state will not be present in the PlusContentHolder component when you click the button.
You need to only maintain a single state in the PlusContentHolder for orientation.
Here's a sample implementation of your use case
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const PlusContentHolder = () => {
const [orientatation, setOrientation] = useState('');
const orientationInfoHandler = (x) => {
const generateOrientation = () => {
console.log('orientatation', orientatation);
return (
<PlusContent orientationInfo={orientationInfoHandler} />
<button onClick={generateOrientation}>generate</button>
const PlusContent = ({ orientationInfo }) => {
const onDescriptionContentHandler = (value) => {
// your custom implementation here,
return <DescriptionDiv descriptionPointer={onDescriptionContentHandler} />;
const DescriptionDiv = ({ descriptionPointer }) => {
const handleChange = (e) => {
return <input type="text" onChange={handleChange} />;
I would suggest to maintain the orientation in redux so that its easier to update from the application.
SetState functions do not return anything. In the code below, you're passing undefined to props.descriptionInfo
const onDescriptionContentHandler = (descriptionContent) => {
This shows a misunderstanding of the use of state. Make sure you're reading about "lifting state" in the docs.
You're also declaring needless functions, e.g. onDescriptionContentHandler in your PlusContent. The PlusContent component could just pass the descriptionInfoHandler from PlusContentHolder prop directly down to DescriptionDiv, since onDescriptionContentHandler doesn't do anything except invoke descriptionInfoHandler.
You may want to consider restructuring your app so plusContent state is maintained in PlusContentHolder, and pass that state down as props. That state would get updated when DescriptionDiv invokes descriptionInfoHandler. It'd subsequently pass the updated state down as props to PlusContent.
See my suggested flowchart.

Test document listener with React Testing Library

I'm attempting to test a React component similar to the following:
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
export default function Tooltip({ children }) {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const wrapperRef = useRef(null);
const handleClickOutside = (event) => {
if (
open &&
wrapperRef.current &&
) {
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener("click", handleClickOutside);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("click", handleClickOutside);
const className = `tooltip-wrapper${(open && " open") || ""}`;
return (
<span ref={wrapperRef} className={className}>
<button type="button" onClick={() => setOpen(!open)} />
<br />
<span>DEBUG: className is {className}</span>
Clicking on the tooltip button changes the state to open (changing the className), and clicking again outside of the component changes it to closed.
The component works (with appropriate styling), and all of the React Testing Library (with user-event) tests work except for clicking outside.
it("should close the tooltip on click outside", () => {
// Arrange
const button = screen.getByRole("button");;
// Temporary assertion - passes
// Act
const outside = screen.getByText("outside");
// Gives should be wrapped into act(...) warning otherwise
act(() => {;
// Assert
expect(button.parentElement).not.toHaveClass("open"); // FAILS
I don't understand why I had to wrap the click event in act - that's generally not necessary with React Testing Library.
I also don't understand why the final assertion fails. The click handler is called twice, but open is true both times.
There are a bunch of articles about limitations of React synthetic events, but it's not clear to me how to put all of this together.
I finally got it working.
it("should close the tooltip on click outside", async () => {
// Arrange
<p data-testid="outside">outside</p>
const button = screen.getByRole("button");;
// Verify initial state
const outside = screen.getByTestId("outside");
// Act;
// Assert
await waitFor(() => expect(button.parentElement).not.toHaveClass("open"));
The key seems to be to be sure that all activity completes before the test ends.
Say a test triggers a click event that in turn sets state. Setting state typically causes a rerender, and your test will need to wait for that to occur. Normally you do that by waiting for the new state to be displayed.
In this particular case waitFor was appropriate.

Testing mouse event listener added using ref in React functional component

Hi I have a functional component as shown below:
import React, { useRef, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const SomeComponent = ({ prop1, ...otherProps}) => {
const divRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
divRef.current.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDownFunc);
}, []);
const mouseDownFunc = () => {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', (el) => {
// call some parent function
return (
ref={ divRef }>
How do I test a react functional component wherein addEventListener is added using ref inside useEffect which when triggered calls mouseDownFunc.
I'm new to react jest testing, little confused on how to do it.
Testing this sort of component can be tricky, but using #testing-library/react I think I was able to come up with something useful.
I did have to make some changes to your component to expose the API a bit, and I also made some changes so that it stops listening to the events on mouseup which may not be the specific event you want.
Here's the modified component:
// MouseDownExample.js
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
export default ({ onMouseMoveWhileDown }) => {
const [x, setX] = useState(null);
const [listening, setListening] = useState();
// Replaced with mouse move function, should make sure we're unlistening as well
useEffect(() => {
if (listening) {
const onMouseMove = (event) => {
// call some parent function
// purely for testing purposes
const onMouseUp = (event) => {
// stop listening on mouse up
// - you should pick whatever event you want to stop listening
// - this is global so it also stops when the mouse is outside the box
document.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp);
}, [listening, onMouseMoveWhileDown]);
return (
backgroundColor: "red",
width: 200,
height: 200
onMouseDown={() => {
// moved this inline, so no ref
X Position: {x}
I called out in comments the main differences.
And here's an example test:
// MouseDownExample.test.js
import React from "react";
import { fireEvent, render } from "#testing-library/react";
import MouseDownExample from "./MouseDownExample";
it("shouldn't trigger onMouseMoveWhileDown when mouse isn't down", () => {
const onMouseMoveWhileDown = jest.fn();
const { container } = render(
<MouseDownExample onMouseMoveWhileDown={onMouseMoveWhileDown} />
// Note: normally I would use `screen.getByRole` but divs don't have a useful role
const subject = container.firstChild;
clientX: 200
// hasn't gone down yet
// went down then up before moving
fireEvent.mouseMove(document, {
clientX: 200
it("should trigger onMouseMoveWhileDown when mouse is down", () => {
const onMouseMoveWhileDown = jest.fn();
const { container } = render(
<MouseDownExample onMouseMoveWhileDown={onMouseMoveWhileDown} />
// Note: normally I would use `screen.getByRole` but divs don't have a useful role
const subject = container.firstChild;
fireEvent.mouseMove(document, {
clientX: 200
expect.objectContaining({ clientX: 200 })
What's happening here, is we're rendering the component, then firing events to ensure the onMouseMoveWhileDown function prop is called when we expect.
We have to do expect.objectContaining rather than just the object because it's called with a MouseEvent which contains other properties.
Another test we might want to add is an unmount test to ensure the listeners are no longer triggering events.
You can look at/experiment with this Code Sandbox with this component and the tests. Hope this helps 👍

Testing if button changes state, or if component appears (React)

I have a component with a button and a form. When button is visible, the form is hidden and the opposite - when we click button it dissapears and form is shown. I would like to test it either with enzyme or testing-library, but all my tests fail.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Form from './Form';
const FormComponent = () => {
const [isFormVisible, setFormVisibility] = useState(false);
function toggleFormVisibility() {
return (
{!isFormVisible && (
Show form
{isFormVisible && <Form onCancel={toggleFormVisibility} />}
export default FormComponent;
My test:
describe('Form component', () => {
it('should fire toggle form action on button click', () => {
const setState = jest.fn();
const useStateSpy = jest.spyOn(React, 'useState');
useStateSpy.mockImplementation(() => [undefined, setState]);
const component = render(
<Form />
const showFormButton = component.getByTestId('toggle-form-button');;
and another one:
it('should fire toggle form action on button click', () => {
const toggleFormVisibility = jest.fn();
const component = render(
<Form />
const showFormButton = component.getByTestId('toggle-form-button');;
It looks like in your tests, you are trying to render the <Form> instead of the <FormComponent>, that might be causing the problem in your test.
Also in your 2nd test, you are not setting up the toggleFormVisibility mocked function with your component, so that wouldn't be invoked at all, the answer above is pretty reasonable, you might want to consider giving that a shot, not sure why it gets downvoted.
testing-library may make this test easier:
import { render, fireEvent } from '#testing-library/react'
render(<Form />);'Show form'));

Test input element click invocation when label is clicked

I want to test a scenario where an input component (radio/ checkbox) click event is invoked when the label is clicked. Following is my code,
import * as React from 'react'; // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import styled from 'styled-components'; // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import Label from '../Label/Label';
const ToggleButtonController = styled.button`
background-color: red;
const ToggleInputController = styled.input`
background-color: red;
const Toggle = (props) => {
const { label } = props;
let toggleControllerRef = null;
const renderLabel = () => {
return (
onClick={() => {; }} // <--- untested line where I invoke the input element click event on label click
{ label }
const renderController = () => {
const { labelPosition, disabled, type, onClick, onChange } = props;
let controller = (
innerRef={(toggleController) => { toggleControllerRef = toggleController; }}
type={type === 'switch' ? 'checkbox' : type}
if (type === 'button') {
controller = (
{...commonUtils.filterProps(Toggle.propTypes, props)}
{ label }
</ToggleButtonController>{ renderRequired() }
return controller;
return (
export default Toggle;
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { Toggle } from '../src/index';
describe('Test Toggle component', () => {
it('Test checkbox element label click event', () => {
const mockCallBack = jest.fn();
const toggle = shallow(<Toggle type="checkbox" onClick={mockCallBack} label="test" />);
toggle.find('Label').last().get(0).click; // i want to trigger onClick in the above Toggle when the label is clicked
With this code snippet, the test fails stating the mockCallBack was not called.
This is the first time im testing UI elements and would appreciate a point in the right direction to achieve this requirement.
There are a couple of details you should consider to write this test.
Simulating events
In order to simulate events, Enzyme wrappers provide the .simulate method:
Simulating events with shallow rendering
Simulated events with shallow rendering, don't propagate as expected. Therefore there are at least 2 options:
Keep using shallow render and call .simulate directly on the element bound to the event callback
Switch to Enzyme's full rendering to take advantage on proper events propagation
