Rest Client - Can i set connectionPoolSize? - resteasy

Microprofile allows to define connectionPoolSize from RestClient like this:
io.smallrye.restclient.tests.proxy.HelloClient/property/resteasy.connectionPoolSize = 4
When I set this property in my project, quarkus ignores it. How can i define it?

Create class MyRestClientBuilderListener implements RestClientBuilderListener:
package org.myproject.config
public class MyRestClientBuilderListener implements RestClientBuilderListener {
static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MgiRestClientBuilderListener.class);
static final String CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE_PROP = "config.restclient.connectionPoolSize";
public void onNewBuilder(RestClientBuilder builder) {
Config cfg = ConfigProvider.getConfig();
Integer poolSizeConnection = cfg.getValue(CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE_PROP, Integer.class);
if(poolSizeConnection == null) {
poolSizeConnection = 50;//default
}"resteasy.connectionPoolSize", poolSizeConnection);
Create file with name in META-INF\services with content:

If your configured client is #RegisterRestClient(configKey="myClient"), to set the pool size use: 5
(...and not myClient/mp-rest/connectionPoolSize)


Call another method in Spring Aspect

I would like to convert a parameter and then call second method with this parameter.
The convention would be that there is always the same method overloaded with the specific type. The idea is to solve it with Spring AOP.
public class ExampleAspect {
#Around( "#annotation(Example)" )
public Object test( final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint ) throws Throwable {
final MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
final Method method = signature.getMethod();
final Example example = method.getAnnotation( Example.class );
final Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
final String test = args[example.value()].toString();
final Bar bar = convertToBar(test)
args[example.value()] = bar;
// call getBar(Bar bar)
//return joinPoint.proceed( args );
Here is the service
public Object getBar(String test) {}
public Object getBar(Bar test) {}
Are there any better options or ideas?
Cannot inject the target bean, because this AOP should be used by more than specific target bean.
1 possible solution not sure if there is a smarter solution
public Object test(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
final MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
final Method method = signature.getMethod();
final Example example = method.getAnnotation(Example.class);
final Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
final String bar = args[example.value()].toString();
final Bar aspectModelUrn = convertFromStringToBar(bar);
args[example.value()] = bar;
final Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
parameterTypes[example.value()] = Bar.class;
final Method newMethod = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(joinPoint.getTarget().getClass(), method.getName(), parameterTypes);
if (newMethod == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no method blubb. Have you forget to create the delegate method");
return newMethod.invoke(joinPoint.getTarget(), args);
Following code would provide a handle to the annotation and the target bean (for example , here TestComponent)
A call to the TestComponent.getBar() annotated with #Example would be intercepted and advised.
public class ExampleAspect {
#Around("#annotation(example) && target(bean)")
public Object test(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint,Example example,TestComponent bean) throws Throwable {
String value = String.valueOf(example.value());
Bar bar = convertToBar(value);
return joinPoint.proceed();
Do go through Spring AOP documentation : Passing Parameters to Advice for more details.
Note : For better performance it is a good idea to limit the scope of the expression as follows.
#Around("#annotation(example) && within(*) && target(bean)")
where* will limit the expression scope only to the beans with in the package* and its sub-packages.

Have a problem when run jbmp sample in eclipse

Coud anybody help me fix my problem? When I tried to run jbpm sample in eclipse. This is code:
public class ProcessMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieContainer kContainer = ks.getKieClasspathContainer();
KieBase kbase = kContainer.getKieBase("kbase");
RuntimeManager manager = createRuntimeManager(kbase);
RuntimeEngine engine = manager.getRuntimeEngine(null);
KieSession ksession = engine.getKieSession();
private static RuntimeManager createRuntimeManager(KieBase kbase) {
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("org.jbpm.persistence.jpa");
RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder builder = RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder.Factory.get()
return RuntimeManagerFactory.Factory.get()
.newSingletonRuntimeManager(builder.get(), "com.sample:example:1.0");
Then, this is error in console window:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Driver class name cannot be empty.
at org.kie.test.util.db.internal.DatabaseProvider.fromDriverClassName(
at org.kie.test.util.db.DataSourceFactory.setupPoolingDataSource(
at org.kie.test.util.db.DataSourceFactory.setupPoolingDataSource(
at org.jbpm.test.JBPMHelper.setupDataSource(
at com.sample.ProcessMain.createRuntimeManager(
at com.sample.ProcessMain.main(
jBPMHelper no longer sets default values for H2,-
We need to use - PersistenceUtil.setupPoolingDataSource(); instead JBPMHelper.setupDataSource();
Also include file at resources folder. - >

How to define an array in hadoop partitioner

I am new in hadoop and mapreduce programming and don't know what should i do. I want to define an array of int in hadoop partitioner. i want to feel in this array in main function and use its content in partitioner. I have tried to use IntWritable and array of it but none of them didn't work . I tried to use IntArrayWritable but again it didn't work. I will be pleased if some one help me. Thank you so much
public static IntWritable h = new IntWritable[1];
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
h[0] = new IntWritable(1);
public static class CaderPartitioner extends Partitioner <Text,IntWritable> {
public int getPartition(Text key, IntWritable value, int numReduceTasks) {
return h[0].get();
if you have limited number of values, you can do in the below way.
set the values on the configuration object like below in main method.
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setInt("key1", value1);
conf.setInt("key2", value2);
Then implement the Configurable interface for your Partitioner class and get the configuration object, then key/values from it inside your Partitioner
public class testPartitioner extends Partitioner<Text, IntWritable> implements Configurable{
Configuration config = null;
public int getPartition(Text arg0, IntWritable arg1, int arg2) {
//get your values based on the keys in the partitioner
int value = getConf().getInt("key");
//do stuff on value
return 0;
public Configuration getConf() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return this.config;
public void setConf(Configuration configuration) {
this.config = configuration;
supporting link
note if you have huge number of values in a file then better to find a way to get cache files from job object in Partitioner
Here's a refactored version of the partitioner. The main changes are:
Removed the main() which isnt needed, initialization should be done in the constructor
Removed static from the class and member variables
public class CaderPartitioner extends Partitioner<Text,IntWritable> {
private IntWritable[] h;
public CaderPartitioner() {
h = new IntWritable[1];
h[0] = new IntWritable(1);
public int getPartition(Text key, IntWritable value, int numReduceTasks) {
return h[0].get();
h doesn't need to be a Writable, unless you have additional logic not included in the question.
It isn't clear what the h[] is for, are you going to configure it? In which case the partitioner will probably need to implement Configurable so you can use a Configurable object to set the array up in some way.

Error in Native Interface in codenameone

I have added paypal android SDK under native/android package.Created native interface in main project structure(com.mycompany.myapp).Under native/android the implemented class is using the paypal sdk classes.
My implemented class:
package com.mycompany.myapp;
import android.content.Intent;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class MyNativeImpl {
// private static final String TAG = "paymentdemoblog";
* - Set to PaymentActivity.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION to move real money.
* - Set to PaymentActivity.ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX to use your test credentials
* from
* - Set to PayPalConfiguration.ENVIRONMENT_NO_NETWORK to kick the tires
* without communicating to PayPal's servers.
// private static final String CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT =
// PayPalConfiguration.ENVIRONMENT_NO_NETWORK;
private static final String CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT = PayPalConfiguration.ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX;
// note that these credentials will differ between live & sandbox
// environments.
private static final String CONFIG_CLIENT_ID = "Aeqc2X1rBIEUtDNqsaRNr0h1neFo9QnNmfgmpA3D32uSLaHpGJu9NV1KfMnFmy7O-_hV47I7ST0SXDW2";
private static final int REQUEST_CODE_PAYMENT = 1;
private static final int REQUEST_CODE_FUTURE_PAYMENT = 2;
private static PayPalConfiguration config = new PayPalConfiguration()
// The following are only used in PayPalFuturePaymentActivity.
.merchantName("Hipster Store")
PayPalPayment thingToBuy;
private static Activity activity() {
public String payPalTest() {
//Activity activity = AndroidNativeUtil.getActivity();
thingToBuy = new PayPalPayment(new BigDecimal("10"), "USD",
"HeadSet", PayPalPayment.PAYMENT_INTENT_SALE);
Intent intent = new Intent(activity(),PaymentActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(PaymentActivity.EXTRA_PAYMENT, thingToBuy);
activity().startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_PAYMENT);
return "test";
public boolean isSupported() {
return false;
I called the method from main class:
MyNative my = (MyNative)NativeLookup.create(MyNative.class);
if(my!= null){
String aa =my.payPalTest();
System.out.println("result::" + aa);
System.out.println("paypalInt" + my.toString());
the apk build successfully but getting below error while trigger the code:
Exception:Unable to find explicit activity class{com.mycompany.myapp/
It is searching the paypal sdk classes under main project folder structure.Do I need to add the SDK jar under the said structure?
What I need to do to fix the issue.
The code looks fine, I am guessing this is something in the configuration.
Unable to find explicit activity class Payment activity with PayPal SDK in Xamarin on Android

C#/WinForms: Sets and Gets Value of Static Variable

I have the following Global class file:
public static class Global
private static string _globalVar = "";
public static string GlobalVar
get { return _globalVar; }
set { _globalVar = value; }
I set the new value of string GlobarVar in Form1.cs as '1234'.
public Form1()
Global.GlobalVar = "1234";
I tried to display the value to Form2.cs using the message box
public Form2()
MessageBox.Show(Global.GlobalVar); // displays blank values
Am I missing something?
Four options:
You're not constructing Form1 before you construct Form2
Something else is setting Global.GlobalVar back to null or an empty string
Your forms are in different app domains, so they'll have entirely separate Global types
You're running the application twice; static variables don't live on across different processes
It's hard to tell which of these is the case, but personally I'd try to avoid using global state to start with. It's a pain for testability and reasoning about how your program works.
Try your property page (file Global.cs) like these:
public class Global
private static string _globalVar;
public string GlobalVar
get { return _globalVar; }
set { _globalVar = value; }
