I have an issue I want to debug. On Superuser the question has more details about my issue:
Killing explorer.exe works but after 30 minutes later or so it comes back. I have killed off all of my notification icons but so far I had no luck to find the bad guy who wants to send me a notification.
The answer tells me that an application has set in explorer the MustBeSeen flag which added to Windows 10 some time ago.
My question is which C/COM API is used to set this flag?
I want to intercept that call in a debugger and find the bad guy which is forcing the taskbar of my local machine to overlay the remote one.
I'm using a thrid-party screen capturing application (Screenpresso). It's configured to start screen-capturing when I press PrtSc. And indeed it works except when Intellij has Windows focus. In fact, to screen capture code I have to focus on any other window press PrtSc and then select the area within Intellij.
I've looked through all the settings, and especially the Keymap settings, and I can't see anything else that has been assigned to PrtSc. Of course, I'm not really sure; when I try to find a setting via nothing happens, as pressing PrtSc has no effect.
I know this used to work for me in previous versions of Intellij (though I can't remember what versions). But PrtSc used to work in Intellij just like every other application.
So I guess the question is, why is Intellij eating the PrtSc keypress event? And can I turn it off so that the event gets correctly passed to my dedicated screen capturing application.
Intellij 2019.2.4
Windows 10, 64b
This turned out to be an issue with Screenpresso:
Why shortcut [print screen] key does not always work?
This must be because you run your application with elevated
privileges (with admin rights) (the UAC must have displayed a popup
at startup).
For security reasons, Screenpresso can handle shortcuts
from Windows running with elevated privileges only when it is
installed in Program Files folder.
To fix this, you should install
Screenpresso in Program Files folder which is not the default
Uninstall Screenpresso
Run again Screenpresso: Right click Screenpresso.exe and select Run as administrator
Click on the INSTALL on this computer button while holding the Control key or click on the sub-menu Install for all users:
Some users have this problem, first reported 5 years ago: Find here
Crash dumps (java_error_in_*.log in the user's home directory) can help to understand it better.
I have developed a wpf app and want it to run whenever the computer starts up.However I have been unable to do so......I have tried editing registry like this answer...
Launch Window on Windows startup
Interesting thing is the app does autostart when there is internet connection.It doesn't when there is no internet. I do need internet connection at some point of time to sync the data to internet application. However this should not have affected the startup of the application.
Any ideas???
I guess you can set up a timer, and after several minutes, check out your internet, if the internet is ok, then run your application continuely. If not, reset the timer, and check again.
Go to the run line (Windows + R). Type "shell:common startup" press "enter". Place a shortcut in that folder and restart your machine (depending on what the *.exe is doing you may need to set its properties to run as administrator).
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When I try to connect to Windows 2012 Server using Remote Desktop Connection, I'm connected for about 1 sec. and then disconnected with following error:
Because of a protocol error (code: 0x112f), the remote session will be disconnected.
Until yesterday, connection was working fine with no error, no server changes. I never saw this error before. I tried to lower visual appearance settings in Experience panel (found as possible solution to similar error), but with no result.
This error may be triggered by insufficient memory on RDP server.
After few tries with this error, RDP managed to get a connection to the server and I was able to stop a bogus service consuming too much memory. This can be done also with sysinternals or sc.
Might not be a solution for all but I found that if I reduced the screen resolution of the RDP session, I was able to get in. The server was at 95% capacity I went from 3 high res monitors to 1 800x600 window.
Server restart helped, I'm able to connect to server again.
If the server accessible with RPC (basically, if you can access a shared folder on it), you could free some memory and thus let the RDP service work properly.
The following windows native commands can be used:
To get the list of memory consuming tasks:
tasklist /S <remote_server> /V /FI "MEMUSAGE gt 10000"
To kill a task by its name:
taskkill /S <remote_server> /IM <process_image_name> /F
To show the list of desktop sessions:
qwinsta.exe /SERVER:<remote_server>
To close an old abandoned desktop session:
logoff <session_id> /SERVER:<remote_server>
After some memory is freed, the RDP should start working.
A simple thing. Disable the vsphere options 3D for the virtual maschine . It works perfect. When you want, reinstall the vm-tools for the virtual maschine.
Resized VM with more memory fixed this issue.
I got the same error recently. I think McX is right it was caused by insufficient memory on RDP server. Here is the solution that works for us.
use sc cmd to get running services on the remote server. Make sure you can use windows explorer to access the remote server \\remote_server.
sc \\<remote_server> query
find out the service you can stop.
sc \\<remote_server> stop <service_name>
After stopping one service, the remote desktop works again.
If anyone comes to this thread and has this issue when you remote to a VMware VM with windows 10 1903, disabling 3d in the graphics card worked for me.
There may be a problem with the video adapter. At least that's what I had. I picked up problems immediately after updating Windows 10 to the 2004 version. Disabling hardware graphics — solved the problem.
I am testing my application (Windows 7, WinForms, Infragistics controls, C#, .Net 3.5).
I have two monitors and my application saves and restores forms' position on the first or second monitors. So I physically switched off second monitor and disabled it at Screen Resolution on the windows display settings form. I need to know it is possible for my application to restore windows positions (for those windows that were saved on the second monitor) to the first one.
I switched off second monitor and press Detect to apply hardware changes.
Then Windows switched OFF the first monitor for a few seconds to apply new settings. When the first monitor screen came back, my application became unresponsive. My application was launched in debug mode, so I tried to navigate via stack and threads (Visual Studio 2008), paused application, started and did not find any thing that help me to understand why my application is not responsive. Could somebody help my how to detect the source of issue.
Download the Debugging Tools For Windows then run adplus in hang mode. The with the resulting .dmp file open in windbg and invoke:
!analyze -v -hang
You should provide more information about what you saw in the call stack and threads windows. Which threads were running? Did you see anything that was waiting in a sleep or join? Have you tried naming your threads so that it's clearer as to what's going on when you pause (though not necessary since you can get this info from the call stack anyway... it's a convenience thing).
I have registered my Phone 7 app as a Share Picker Extension. It works—my app is in the list of Share options and it gets launched and I can load the chosen image. Okay, great.
But then things go wrong in my code. I would like to be able to debug the issues, but I can't seem to keep the debugger attached.
I cannot debug this in the simulator, since the Pictures app (and thus the Share Picker functionality) is not present in the simulator.
I cannot debug this on the phone because as soon as I pick my app from the Share list, the debugger detaches... right as my app is "launching" again.
Is it possible to attach the debugger to a running WP7 app? Is it possible to keep the debugger attached? Am I doing it wrong? Any suggestions, advice or guesses are welcome because I'm tearing my hair out.
When doing M+V hub integration (sorry, haven't done any pictures hub integration yet) I initially used a crude debug technique (Messagebox.Show, etc. - like Justin mentioned) to verify what was being passed to the NavigationEventArgs of OnNavigatedTo and wrapped the whole method in a try..catch block to learn what was going on. I then refactored the code when I knew what could be expected. (Remember OnNavigatedTo will be called when your app is launched normally too and so e won't be populated in the same way.)
When the app is launched from a/the hub it creates a new instance of the app and there is currently no way to connect to this for debugging while the main page is being navigated to.
Great question. I'm unsure if that's possible. As far as I know, there's no way to attach the debugger to when the WP7 O/S starts an app (which wasn't triggered by the debugger).
Photo Share picker extensibility, music+Video hub extensibility and other O/S extensibility points seem to not play nicely with the VS debugger. Normally I resort to MessageBox.Show to debug any problems with WP7 O/S integration.
1) Connect the Device
2) Turn off Zune
3) Start C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Tools\WPConnect\x86\WPConnect.exe
To properly debug your application that uses the Media Library, you'll need to use the Windows Phone Connect Tool (WPConnect.exe) as described on MSDN. Jaime has some additional tips on his blog.
Once you are connected, you should be able to debug your application. Fingers crossed anyway. If that doesn't help, I'll dig a bit further.
It's not so much about the WPConnect tool. The nature of your application means that you have to have it closed and the user should pick a photo. Only after that the data is returned to the application.
You should read about the application execution model on Windows Phone 7. Also a good explanation is available here.
Initially, I would say that you should look at tombstoning (a good explanation here) but then again, the image returned will re-start the app and won't allow you to directly attach the debugger.
Yeah, looks like this is impossible...
All the answers above seem to be missing the point: I presume you're able to debug your app in the "standalone" mode (when it's launched normally), but not when it's launched via the Share Picker Extension. Am I write? This is the wall I'm hitting... :-(
I thought the proper way would be to attach to the process once it's launched.
I tried to use Debug > Attach to Process, then select Smart Device as the Transport and Windows Phone Device as the Qualifier... But in return I get the ugly "Unable to connect to 'Windows Phone Device'. Not implemented" message.
Bummer :-(