Will Microsoft abandon office add-ins? [closed] - reactjs

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am already trying to develop Office-Addins for more than a year time (side projects needed for work but not a core business). Sadly, I am still feeling like an absolute noob. I tried to research all courses, documentations and SO questions about the matter but it looks like I just cannot advance. I am thinking that Microsoft will abandon Microsoft Add-ins. I tried to contact Microsoft and the developer program always points me to stack overflow So I did not know how to reach out. But I got the impression that the support for Add-ins is really weak and well because of the following reasons:
The Yeoman scaffolding for TypeScript React is really outdated and does not support Functional components but is required if you want to use Fluent UI React framework.
In my version of Windows 10, 2004, it is still not possible to see the developer tools but you stil need the beta Dev Edge DevTools, which remain in beta.
Decent debugging of Excel Add-ins with TypeScript React in VS code with breakpoints is impossible to get working (also when using office debugger because it crashes excel so dramatically that a forced shutdown of excel is needed.
every time something goes wrong with your TypeScript code, the Edge Dev tools tell you that the office.initialize is not properly loaded. So the user is completely on his own.
SPFx is promoted everywhere and on Pluralsight they say that an Add-in runs in an iFrame and that is limited.
I have multiple questions:
How to transform the Class component from the Yeoman generator to a fully functional component?
if you go to the App.tsx file you will see this code:
export default class App extends React.Component<AppProps,
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
But when I remove context, it does not work anymore. What is this context? Is this the Excel API?
How to get EdgeWebview2 to work? I have seen demo's but I cannot find the settings to change it?
Is it possible to have breakpoints with EdgeWebview2?
Does EdgeWebview2 give better feedback about what is wrong with your code?
Does a Excel Addin work together with SPFx?
many thanks for your explanation.

Thanks for the question and feedback. There's a few parts to your questions so I'm hoping I can help, as I work on the Excel extensibility platform.
a) If you're looking to build an add-in for Excel and work on cross platform, we would recommend you start with building web add-ins and use the resources here: https://aka.ms/office-add-ins.
b) In terms of "will we abandon office add-ins"? No, we are continuing to invest in our Javascript add-ins. To learn about the latest on the Excel side, you can see our Ignite video here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IZjQQ9Kr2o), or attend our community calls: https://aka.ms/officeaddinscommunitycall (which happen second wednesday of every month at 08:00 PST).
b) In terms of getting started,
If you were getting started, checkout the quick start here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/quickstarts/excel-quickstart-react
it sounds like you have tried some of our tools (Yeoman) but are hitting issues. For these, we have an active github channel. I'd suggest logging an issue there: https://github.com/officedev/office-js/issues. Can you log an issue on some of the challenges you are hitting and we can investigate (may be likely after the holidays)?
c) For your questions on Edge, the EdgeWebview2 runtime is currently rolling out to the monthly channel builds. You can find more information here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/office/blogs/office-add-ins-community-call-november-11-2020/, and we'll definitely post news about it once it does become available. Until then, you do have to use the beta channel for Windows.


WPF deployed to Store missing some functionalities [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've published a WPF app to the Microsoft Store. While it generally runs find I do find that some functionalities are missing. For example - I'm using TaskbarItemInfo to indicate stats on the Taskbar icon but it doesn't seem to make any effect.
Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = value;
TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = pstate;
I did find out that when I go to the path installed by the store (C:\Program Files\WindowsApps...) and copy the content to another folder on my hard drive, everything works fine.
This leads me to believe the problem is around a more restricted permissions for the store folder, but it's only an assumption at this point.
My questions are:
Is there any knowledge or docs around restrictions for store apps?
Is there a way to simulate the store environment without publishing? Feels like trial & error is not very effective
Link to the app (just for reference): link
Is there any knowledge or docs around restrictions for store apps?
Yes, there is a document that lists the things you need to know before you package your desktop application. Here is it: Prepare to package a desktop application.
Is there a way to simulate the store environment without publishing? Feels like trial & error is not very effective
Generally, I'd suggest you create a sideload desktop-bridge package, then deploy and test it in your device first. This should be easier to find out issues than directly upload it to the store.

is there any boilerplates for a reactjs and react-native [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we are starting a new webapp using reactjs, the main reason why we chose react is because of react-native !, the app will be password protected, so we are not going to utilize and seo or server rendering features.
i find most boilerplates for react focus on universal setup yet in my case i want to structure app to sharing most amount of code possible between web and mobile apps
we started our webapp using https://github.com/mxstbr/react-boilerplate
is there a production ready boilerplate/starter that can be used in such use case ?
I think you're still a bit premature to try to share a lot of code between React and React Native. Ben Alpert, one of the React core team members at Facebook, said this in a recent AMA:
Over time, maybe we can share view code between native and web too. There are some cool projects in the community like react-native-web (https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web) which try to make this possible. We don't have anything to show at Facebook yet down this road but maybe in a year or two we could officially support using View, Image, and Text on the web for people who want to.
(emphasis mine)
For React Native, I would recommend taking a look at Ignite by Infinite Red (disclaimer: I'm one of the owners of Infinite Red). It gives you a great starting point and provides a lot of tools (including the fantastic Reactotron) to get you on your way.
Create React App is the best way to start building a new React single page application. It sets up your development environment so that you can use the latest JavaScript features, provides a nice developer experience, and optimizes your app for production.
Create React Native App is the easiest way to start building a new React Native application. It allows you to start a project without installing or configuring any tools to build native code - no Xcode or Android Studio installation required.

What should I choose: Meteor or MeanJS? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wanted to get into full-stack JS development. I was about to start with the usual MEAN stack (MeanJS). I stumbled upon these articles:
http://wiki.dandascalescu.com/essays/why_meteor http://wiki.dandascalescu.com/essays/meteor_js_vs_the_mean_stack/
That are convincing. I am really confused how to get started. What are the pros and cons of using a frontend-backend-database framework like meteor over the conventional MEAN?
Due to the nature of the question, I'll try to answer it broadly. After using the MEAN stack for over 2 years and Meteor for a few months, I much prefer Meteor.
If you're just starting, Meteor has amazingly simple conventions. Try the angular-meteor tutorial to get started. Meteor offers one line installs, perhaps most notably including user authentication. You get the power of observables & latency compensation as a default.
The MEAN stack requires much more configuration and setup, as well as a strong developer foundation in Node.js. You have to do the work, but it may be worth it to understand the full stack. Much of what Express handles in dozens of lines of code can be handled in one line of code in Meteor.
Having said that, it is sometimes difficult to hack together Angular with Meteor. For example, I'm currently having difficulty using the new-angular-router with overlapping Meteor conventions. Consider MEAN has a much longer trusted history and wider support.
I think you are going to get a lot of opinionated answers, but to be honest every user is different and you won't really know until you try each out. I took a look at all the tutorials that were available for the ones that interested me.
I was never a fan of reactjs, until the 3rd time I went through the tutorial, and thought this is kind of easy to get the hang of :
ReactJs is a framework by facebook and is doing pretty well. It works by updating the DOM and the syntax reminds me of that of programming a game. It uses states and props.
I didn't prefer angular js as much because I didn't really give it much of a try (atleast more than twice). I was hypocritical about it. I thought of it as too much to remember and the tutorial I tried with it was this one :
I think it is a great tutorial to get you into the stack. I can't say much about it but Angular 2.0 is coming out soon.
I never gave it a full go, but it looked interesting and from what I read, it was mobile friendly and great for single page app. Recently I've been following this tutorial:
This is the next project I'm going to try to do in Reactjs(in meteor first).
I think its all really preference and you should just give all of it whirl. Some might be better at some functionality then others, some may be more syntax friendly, some may just be easier to use. All depends on the type of person you are.
Since Meteor is built upon NodeJS, it may be obvious that it was created to enhance development over the MEAN stack.
Meteor relieves the pain of writing hundreds of lines of code to accomplish a simple real time app, for example.
So if your question begins with "I wanted to get into full-stack JS development...", I strongly recommend you Meteor over MEAN.
At the end of the day:
"Meteor will be the JavaScript framework that will rule them all"

NuGet feed hosting options including MyGet [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been investigating options for NuGet feed hosts.
Currently, we use TeamCity to build/publish packages to TC's built-in server. For a Visual Studio package-source pointed to TC, we've found that the subscription/update process to be painfully slow -- even though our developer workstations are within the same local subnet and we have only a few dozen packages.
Other package-feed options I know about :
nw share
internal web-server(s) based on NuGet.Server
Does anyone have enterprise-level experience with any of these solutions ?
MyGet looks very promising, but one cause for concern is that ( at least according to their website ) only around 1500 feeds are active. If MyGet had truly caught on, it would seem that this should be 150,000 or so.
Also: is there anything in the NuGet world similar to Maven's concept of a local-only "snapshot" package engine and feed server ?
As one of the founders of MyGet let me take this question :-) We indeed have around 1.500 feeds hosted on our public website, we also have some enterprise users who have their own domains and are not listed here. Feel free to contact us if you require more info or want to be in touch with one of them. We're also open for just a chat so feel free.
In the Gallery (http://www.myget.org/gallery) we have famous projects like SignalR, RavenDB, Glimpse and the ASP.NET team is pushing their nightlies as well.
In the field, we see a lot of "self hosted" solutions based on NuGet.Server but these are typically smaller installations. Just as with network shares, it lacks a bit in performance when too many packages are in that feed.
Speaking to performance, our newest 2.0 release of ProGet underwent some performance enhancements, mainly caching of LDAP credentials and the fact that package data is now cached in the database, so adding packages doesn't have to rebuild the full index of packages (where previously if combined with something like 1000s of packages stored by RedGate's Deployment Manager, it would have slowed things a bit).
I'd like to add two products to the list.
Sonatype's Nexus pro - If you are running a mixed Java/.NET shop it might be a good
alternative. http://www.sonatype.com/nexus/features. I'm not sure here but since Nexus is a maven tool from beginning it would be plausible that it has some kind of snapshot support for nuget feeds as well, however not local.
Teamcity - it has built in support for nuget that integrates and works well with teamcity but it (version 7.1.4) does not support all native nuget operations like managing packages from outside teamcity and there is no easy way to proxy other feeds nor support for multiple feeds. http://jetbrains.com/teamcity

Web-app deployment and multiple versions [closed]

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Closed last month.
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I'm curious to know how other developers deal with versioning of web-apps and deploying different versions. The fundamental problem is that someone might be using your web-app when you deploy a new version, at which point the Javascript etc they have not he client-side is out of date.
Versioning the media on the client-side is easy enough, but if you version that you also need to version your business logic and the database, which is where things could get messy...
So I see a couple of ways of dealing with this:
Display a "Upgrading" notice on the site when deploying a new version.
Version tag client-side and reject any submissions to the new version from old client-side sources. Fair enough, but it doesn't really go hand in hand with continuous deployment.
Continuous DB migration - running multiple version of the app at the same time (migrating users to the new version when possible). This would need any updates on the old DB schema to be "forward ported" to the new schema. Seems the most attractive for deployment, but also could be horribly complex.
Somewhere in the middle of all three.
I should note that I know worrying about this kind of thing is beyond the needs of most apps, but I was thinking about it and I'm curious to know how others deal with it.
This is really an amazing question.
Most important and effective tool is Git that is currently used for versioning tool though there are many tools but I found git the most efficient as it tracks the working of every employee.We can also took suggestions from public contributors for testing purpose. We can make different branches from main that help us to keep our code present in all versions with or without new features. And auto deployment is not a positive step you should test that several times and use different test cases for that.
There are plenty of tools available for your exact requirements. Like Phing, and Phingistrano. Git also makes it simple but that wont display offline notice and DB deployment . I recommend dont go for auto deployment on live server, use auto deployment on staging and manual deployment on live. Also look for continuous integration on google and try teamcity
