Creating an account fails with "Failed to get account from validator, error: Waypoint value mismatch" - cryptocurrency

the use case
I am following the tutorial to create my first transaction:
I run Ubuntu 20.04
I executed those commands successfully:
git clone && cd diem
git checkout testnet
The error:
I created a first account with this command
libra% account create
The creation of the command triggered this error:
>> Creating/retrieving next local account from wallet
2020-12-18T21:02:29.644049Z [main] ERROR testsuite/cli/src/
Failed to get account from validator, error: Waypoint value mismatch:
waypoint value = 3139c30efe6dbde4228efb9df32c137dc3a2490b97ab6a086897be1d0cb336f0
, given value = 8ce65af8ca7ad5c9da796fbfccdc1bd53f5cdf58616322d5d574c7ca93ddd583
Created/retrieved local account #0 address bda28b9df5b779a854f6f0a035d10484
How can I know where does the waypoint 8ce65a comes from? I have found where the 3139c3 waypoint came from:
I see the final message stating that the account was created though. Is it a safe assumption?

The waypoints are generated on Diem at regular intervals, say epoch boundaries.
Initially the account might not appear on the ledger as it is not synced. The account would appear after the sync has happened, it is safe


Access package assignment approval update via MSGraph API returns HTTP 403: Only user tokens are supported

I'm trying to call Access package assignment approval update via MSGraph Beta API (Java 0.51.0-SNAPSHOT). The call fails with following error:
2022-08-26 22:32:44.239 ERROR 10208 --- [nio-9999-exec-4] global : CoreHttpProvider[sendRequestInternal] - 408Graph service exception
2022-08-26 22:32:44.239 ERROR 10208 --- [nio-9999-exec-4] global : Throwable detail: Error code:
Error message: Only user tokens are supported
SdkVersion : graph-java/v0.51.0
403 : Forbidden
[Some information was truncated for brevity, enable debug logging for more details]
Based on the error message can I think, that Application tokens are not really supported, but the strange thing is, that I can call Access package assignment approval get without any issue. I have of course delegated the permission EntitlementManagement.ReadWrite.All to the Application user.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment using Graph Explorer and got the below results:
I am able to retrieve the properties of an approval object successfully like this:
To update those properties, I ran the same query as you like below, and it got updated successfully:
"reviewResult": "Approve",
"justification": "Please approve"
Make sure to pass 'Request body' with the PATCH query. Please check whether you are giving correct id's or not in the query.
The <id> before /steps/ in the query is the id of accessPackageAssignmentRequest that is in PendingApproval State.
To get that id, you can run the below query:
GET$expand=requestor($expand=connectedOrganization)&$filter=(requestState eq 'PendingApproval')
The <id> after /steps/ in the query is the step id that I got by running below query:
GET<id_that_you _got_in_above_query>
Please note that, you cannot update Access package assignment approval using Application permissions. Application permissions are not supported for PATCH query.
You can refer this MsDoc to confirm that like below:
So, it will only work if you login with work or school account(personal-login)

Getting error asInvalidSession id while invoking upsert bulk operation in mule salesforce connector

Polling app daily once. We are loading data using upsert bulk operation in salesforce. First day it is working fine . Second day on wards we are getting the below error(InvalidSession id ). I found workaround as reconnection strategy and configured even after it is not working.
[2017-06-07 10:02:24.519] ERROR org.mule.retry.notifiers.ConnectNotifier [[test-salesforce-bulk].checkbulkupsert.stage1.05]: Failed to connect/reconnect: Work Descriptor. Root Exception was: InvalidSessionId : Invalid session id. Type: class com.sforce.async.AsyncApiException
[2017-06-07 10:02:24.547] ERROR org.mule.exception.CatchMessagingExceptionStrategy [[test-salesforce-bulk].checkbulkupsert.stage1.05]:
Message : Failed to invoke upsertBulk.
Element : /test-salesforce-bulk/processors/4/prepareAccountRequestSubFlow/subprocessors/1 # test-salesforce-bulk
Exception stack is:
Failed to invoke upsertBulk. (org.mule.api.MessagingException)
(50 more...)
(set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)
Can you please help on this.
There error says Invalid Session Id.
This means that the initial session has expired. Check your login history and see if there's even an attempt to login. If there's not, you need to update your username in Mulesoft. If there is and it was unsuccessful, you need to update your password/security token. If there is and it was successful, then it could be that your Session Settings are set to limit calls to the initial IP address or something like that.

Non-interactive auto-refresh stale OAuth Token with Googlesheets package

I'm trying to automatically run an r script to download a private Google Sheet every hour. It always works fine when I'm interactively using R. It also works fine during the first hour after I automate the script with launchd.
It stops working an hour after I start automating it with launchd. I think the problem is that after one hour the access token changes, and the non-interactive version isn’t waiting for the auto refreshing of the OAuth token. Here is the error that I get from the error report:
Auto-refreshing stale OAuth token.
Error in gzfile(file, mode) : cannot open the connection
Calls: gs_auth ... -> -> cache_token -> saveRDS -> gzfile
In addition: Warning message:
In gzfile(file, mode) :
cannot open compressed file '.httr-oauth', probable reason 'Permission denied'
Execution halted
I'm using Jenny Bryan's googlesheets package. Here is the code that I initially use to register the sheet, and then save the oAuth token:
gToken <- gs_auth() # Run this the first time to get the oAuth information
saveRDS(gToken, "/Users/…/gToken.rds") # Save the oAuth information for non-interactive use
I then use the following script in the file that I automate with launchd:
gs_auth(token = "/Users/…/gToken.rds")
How can I avoid this error when running the script automatically with launchd?
I don't know about launchd but I had the same problem when I wanted to run a R script automatically from the Windows task planer. Changing the 'cache' attribute value to FALSE did the trick for me [1]:
You can find the solution here:
To authenticate once in the browser in order to get a token file, I did this:
token_file <- gs_auth(new_user = TRUE, cache = FALSE)
saveRDS(token_file, "googlesheets_token.rds")
Automatic login afterwards via:
gs_auth(token = paste0(path_scripts, "googlesheets_token.rds"),
verbose = TRUE, cache = FALSE)

Unable to create instance from the Google Cloud SDK in a project or browse instances

I am unable to connect to a project on Google Cloud using the cloud SDK. I want to upload file on my instance using SDK. The error I am getting is:
You are now logged in as [].
Your current project is [Trial-2015-1]. You can change this setting by running:
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT
C:\Program Files\Google\Cloud SDK>gcloud compute instances list
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.list) Some requests did not succeed:
- Invalid value 'Trial-2015-1'. Values must match the following regular expression: '(?:(?:[-a-z0-9]{1,63}\.)*(?:[a-z](
C:\Program Files\Google\Cloud SDK>gcloud compute instances create instance-2 --image centos-6 --zone uscentral1-a
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.create) Failed to find image for alias [centos-6] in public image project [centos-cloud
]. Try specifying a different image using [--image].
- Invalid value 'Trial-2015-1'. Values must match the following regular expression: '(?:(?:[-a-z0-9]{1,63}\.)*(?:[a-z](
C:\Program Files\Google\Cloud SDK>gcloud compute instances create instance-2 --image opensuse-13 --zone uscentral1-a
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.create) Failed to find image for alias [opensuse-13] in public image project [opensuse-
cloud]. Try specifying a different image using [--image].
- Invalid value 'Trial-2015-1'. Values must match the following regular expression: '(?:(?:[-a-z0-9]{1,63}\.)*(?:[a-z](
If you look carefully at the complex RE the error message displays:
you'll spot that all the letters there are lowercase -- always carefully expressed as a-z.
Trial-2015-1 starts with an uppercase letter, thus it's not deemed a valid project name.
Are you sure that your project isn't actually named trial-2015-1, with a leading lowercase initial...?
i am getting the below error while creating Bastion sever using terraform script
Error creating instance: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid value for field '': 'Bastion-server'. Must be a match of regex '(?:a-z?)', invalid

ATG catalog export error in startSQLRepository

I want to export the catalog data from atg production. I followed the steps as below.
create file in C:\ATG\ATG10.1.1\home\localconfig\atg\dynamo\service\jdbc. (There is mysql user named atguser with password atg123$)
change as below.
then run the "
startSQLRepository.bat -m Store.Storefront -export all
catalogExport.xml -repository /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog"
but while it processing it gives below error. Anyone know the reason or how to do a complete catalog export? (I have remove the last part of the error log because it exceeds the maximum length of 30000 characters. )
./startSQLRepository -m Store.Storefront -export all catalogExport.xml -repository /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog
Error /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/JTDataSource an exception was
encountered while trying to populate the pool with the starting number
of resources: atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException:
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost'
(using password: NO)
Error /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/JTDataSource The connection pool failed to initialize propertly, i.e. the starting number of
connections could not be created; check your database accessibility
and JDBC driver configuration
Error /atg/dynamo/service/IdGenerator CONTAINER:atg.service.idgen.IdGeneratorException;
atg.service.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException: java.sql.SQLException:
Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: NO)
Error /atg/dynamo/service/IdGenerator at atg.service.idgen.PersistentIdGenerator.initialize(
Error /atg/dynamo/service/IdGenerator at atg.service.idgen.AbstractSequentialIdGenerator.doStartService(
try setting max and min poolsizes to 1 and 5
Also make sure your DB is up and running and can be connected to
the configuration you are given the startSQLRepository is not taking is at runtime because it is still saying using password no and second error is with you connection pool. my suggestion is for you that try to change only to file with username and password. I tried with the same configuration and able to export.
