Page not found after redirect from other site with parameters - http-status-code-404

I am trying to get a redirect working from site a to site b with a parameter in the url. For example, I want to go from to
When doing so, I get a 404 error. The page could not be found. When I manually browse to , it does get found. Does anyone know what causes this issue? All help is greatly appreciated.

Seems like it's just Intellij which doesn't support this. I tried with another site and it turned out fine.


React website and When I refresh a page on azure it show 404 not found

my website is on React and when I refresh a page it shows 404 found find. I tried many times but have not got a solution yet.
you might want to check all services , sometimes due to this just might be the issue

Getting a redux-oidc JavaScript error when I try to navigate to sign in, where would I fix it?

I tried implementing redux-oidc by following the guide on the GitHub page. I am connecting to a IDP server built by me using identity server. I thought everything was set up properly but got the error below. How can I fix this or find the source of the issue?
Fixed it, the issue was happening because I needed to add Prevent Default to the button click.

Netlify Page Not Found/White Page

I have been trying to figure out Netlify redirects. My Netlify app is at this link (however this is a blockchain application and requires that you have metamask, so I will try to explain my problem so that you don't have to install it to actually answer my question):
I have two main problems:
I have already tried the whole _redirects file with /* /index.html 200 in it. This works when I go to and refresh, it will actually come back to that page. That's good. The issue is when I then go to for example, it will be a white page on refresh, and I cannot figure out why. In my react application, I have react router set up so the path is path="/games/:game"
I went to the Networks tab in the google inspect and I found that this was the request URL when I refresh the page on /games/Valorant:
As you can see, the issue is probably something to do with that /games/ comes before /static/ in the URL. I'm a beginner so I don't know what that actually means.
The second issue I am having is that, the img tags of the games load on the /games page, however, when you click on a specific game and attempt to go to a /games/Valorant for example the image will not load. I believe this is due to a similar problem. I have gone into Network tab of google inspect and when I look at the image being loaded in the /games page, it attempts to GET which works. However, when being loaded in the /games/Valorant page, it attempts to GET and this does not work, it's a blank page.
You can notice that the second link there has /games/ in it which I believe is preventing it from getting the image. Potentially the problem here is that anything more than one / in the URL is messing things up? I'm not sure. This is the link to my github project:
Edit: Here are some screenshots that will hopefully help. This first one shows that the request URL is trying to get the image from /games/static (which I don't think makes sense). This is happening on the /games/Valorant page.
And then here is a screenshot of /games/Valorant trying to load as well after I refresh the page and get a blank white screen (it returns a status code of 200 because I have /* /index.html 200 in my _redirects file.
I had a the same issue a while ago, I've just added
"homepage": "",
in package.json and it worked perfectly.

Good reCAPTCHA downloading the audio gives a 404

While testing we discovered that the download audio is going to a Google URL but giving a 404.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did you fix it?
Here is a video of what I am referring to.
Thank you for the help as I am stumped.
There's a typo in their url. You need to remove /audio.mp3.
For the demo recaptcha:
the provided url is
the right one is

Creating PDF files with Html2ps/Html2pdf in CakePHP - Blank pdf being output

I've been following and I am using CakePHP 1.3.
My "download" function outputs a blank .pdf. Some others in the above thread have experienced the same problem, however their solutions do not seem to help me.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you
I was getting the same kind of issue. After checking the log, I found that the process function of this class renders a url and generate a PDF from that. If you supply it with a correct url then PDF can be generated. This url must be a valid url or it should not be under any browser authentication.
