How can I see the filename for the Default Page is being loaded by the browser? - default

if I browse to
The default page it loads depends on the Default page order.
So Assume the root has:
Without knowing the above order, and what pages are in the root, how can I view the filename for the default page loaded into the browser?

Depending on how the server is setup you could just try (and the other various default options). But it won't tell you the filename anywhere if the URL doesn't specify it.
Additionally, just because a web server has "index.html" as the page, doesn't mean there is a file physically on the server called index.html


Cant navigate to individual router pages of react application

I have a react app that is held on gh-pages. This page has a '/Main' as its home route and a '/le' route which has been linked in the Main. This link, which is styled in the form of a button, works perfectly.
The problem arises when I try to go to the gh-page URL is the url where the router link takes me to when I click the button) , it takes me to a dead GitHub page. Why am i able to navigate there using router link but not access it directly by the URL.
Navigating within a single page application uses a trick: it replaces the content and modifies the URL (there is an API for that) without causing a full page reload, the server doesn't even notice those kind of navigation. That modified URL's path could be anything, it does not have to correspond to real files.
When trying to directly open such a routed URL though, you are asking the github server to deliver content for that location and it tries to find a file at the given path. When there is no such file, a 404 page is shown instead. The server does not know you actually want to open the entry file and let its internal (react) routing do the actual navigation work.
There is a helper which replaces the 404 page and augments the entry page to get the desired behavior:

How do I fix a 1/2 broken DNN path?

Somehow my DNN has a broken path a particular url serves pages, but doesn't work for delete or advanced options (delivers a 404 error)
The taburls table has no entries for this tab.
If I change the url through the tabs table then I'm able to delete the page without issue.
I tried accessing the page options via tabid, but the tabid gets converted to the friendly name and then 404s.
I tried turning off friendly urls in my web.config but I may have done it wrong since the entire site would not load (yellowscreen of death)
I'm wondering where DNN is storing this path that is breaking the advanced options of whatever page is at the path.
How do I fix this url so it displays page options and lets me delete pages?
First thing I would try is going to the Admin/Page Management screen, can you make the changes you need to via that interface? If so, after making the changes, are you able to access the page and all the features/options correctly?
If that doesn't work, check the TabPath column in the TABS table to see if there are any bad paths in there for specific pages that you are having problems with.

How to set URl in ADF application....?

I have only one page in adf application, the page is called result.jspx. My requirement is - the url needs to be invoked like but when I create ear and deploy it in the weblogic server it is displaying like in the url. I am unable to get faces and jspx page. please let me know how to add in the url.
Check the contents of your EAR archive, see if result.jspx is part of it.
If is not, try to recreate deployment profile.
You can always stick an index.html file at the root that does a redirect to where you need it to go.
For example -

SocialEngine staticBaseUrl is not working in production mode

I am using socialengine as content management system, when i change the socialengine site to production mode it did not load the css file, I figured out that my $staticBaseUrl function is not returning the website name.
I manually added the path in default layout to load the css file, it works but a font family (centurygothic) is not loads. I am using SocialEngine's 4.2.4 version, please help.
I am using plesk panel for as hosting server.
If you use paths in your css file (theme_name/main.css or Modulename/externals/styles/main.css), you can use following way of indicating path:
~/application/..., where ~ will be automatically parsed and replaced by staticbaseurl.
Firstly no need to manually adjust the $staticBaseUrl in the layout. There is a setting in the admin panel (general settings) where you just specify what the URL is. This is commonly used to set the CDN URL.
Secondly, most of the CSS files in production get minimized and appended to each other, so you will only see one query similar to this: /application/css.php?request=application/themes/default/theme.css
Thirdly, if there is still an issue there may be a number of reasons. For example, are you using the or URL format?

alias/ short form of address of silverlight app on hosting

I host my Silverlight app in commercial hosting, but to get it I must put in address field in browser all physical path to aspx file ;/
It is some way to configure application that I can write short address of my page ?
If is under your control, you could simply move a copy of the SecretaryAppNavTestPage.aspx page to the root of your website and rename it to something simpler.
Then you could access it via or whatever you want to call it.
There is no code behind for that page (or you could use the matching .html test page that you will also find in your project).
If you were to make it your default page (index.aspx or default.aspx) you could just use
Hope this helps.
