h5dump fails with "libhdf5_serial.so.100: cannot open shared object file" - ubuntu-18.04

I am on Ubunto 18.04. I installed libhdf5-serial-dev:
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev
This installed ok - no errors. I can compile, link, and run a C++ file ok that creates and populates an HDF5 file. The resultant file looks good - I can read it ok with h5py and Python.
I installed hdf5-tools:
sudo apt-get install hdf5-tools
That also installed ok - no errors. But when I run h5dump I get:
h5dump: error while loading shared libraries: libhdf5_serial.so.100: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
That file does not exist in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial (or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu). No files with ".100" exist in either of those directories.
Any suggestions on what I've done wrong, and/or how to fix this?

None of the answers I found on the web helped me solve this problem - I tried every suggestion I found.
In the end, updating to Ubuntu 20.04 fixed the problem. Maybe reinstalling Ubuntu 18.04 would also have fixed the problem.


Installing glibtop on ubuntu

I'm new to ubuntu and i'm currently using it on windows 7 with vmware workstation.
I need to access the CPU usage with a C program on terminal, so i thought of using glibtop_get_cpu() function on glibtop library. I just wrote #include <glibtop.h> in my code and compiled it with "gcc" on terminal, and it said
fatal error: glibtop.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I tried to install the library using this:
sudo apt-get install liblib2.0-dev
but the terminal said:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package libglib2.0-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-bin
E: Package 'libglib2.0-dev' has no installation candidate
any ideas about this?
You should install libgtop2-dev (sudo apt-get install libgtop2-dev).

Sleuthkit -- Error while loading shared libraries

After successfully building and compiling sleuthkit library [4.2 version], I tried to write an introspection tool using the library.. Thing is whenever i am trying to compile the program in order to test it and I am using a function from the library API I'm get the following error :
error while loading shared libraries: libtsk.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I found thought that this file exists in /usr/local/lib folder . Am i missing something ? ./configure && make didn't give me any errors.. and I am including -ltsk on the makefile!
My pc information : XEN hypervisor [Ubuntu 12.04 x64bit] and i am trying to investigate a guest vm running ubuntu 12.04 x32bit
Thanks in advance
I found a solution to the problem , if I install -dev package...
sudo apt-get install libtsk-dev
Also read this useful article... Understood why exactly that happened .

OpenMPI can't be compiled - possible collision?

I have installed openmpi by using this link http://lsi.ugr.es/~jmantas/pdp/ayuda/datos/instalaciones/Install_OpenMPI_en.pdf
Howeere, I was getting error in compilation stage:
/bin/sh: /usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpicc: No such file or directory
Then I was suggested to install openmpi-devel, but then after installing , I get error which is described here
The problem is that I don't know how to resolve this problem. I see that openmpi is installed with dnf search openmpi, but the command which mpicc is not working. When I installed manually from the first link it seems that I have some collision with commands in /home/$USER/.openmpi folder. Should I remove this folder and try something else?

How to install cjson properly in Ubuntu 14.0LTS?

I am new in json and I don't know how to use but I found compare to XML json is better so, I am learning json in C programming in Ubuntu 14.0LTS.
I followed https://linuxprograms.wordpress.com/2010/05/20/install-json-c-in-linux/.
In this link, I installed libjson0 with the help of first command but when I installed libjson – debug symbols package with the help of second command which is mentioned in link then showing "E: Unable to locate package libjson0-dbg".
Also I gone through https://github.com/json-c/json-c. After cloning moved to json-c directory, in json-c directory I did sh autogen.sh then showing "autogen.sh: 2: autogen.sh: autoreconf: not found".
Why autoreconf is not works ? When I installed CppUTest and other stuffs then it works.
I also install build-essential which found in google for above problems but it can't works for me.
How can I installed cjson in a proper manner and how to use with the C-programms.
Try below commands:
$ sudo apt-get install libjson-glib-1.0-0 libjson-glib-1.0-0-dev
If you want to debug your programs and see the various steps of serializing/deserializing you can also install the libjson-glib – debug symbols package
$ sudo apt-get install libjson-glib-1.0-0-dbg
For documentation related to json-glib, you must install the following package
$ sudo apt-get install libjson-glib-1.0-0-doc
This documentation will then be available in file:///usr/share/gtk-doc/html/json-glib/index.html
Maybe your problem is related with the path.
The library is installed correctlly but you have tot tell the system where. Here a post on how to do it in Ubuntu How to set the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in linux

error while loading shared libraries libpng16

I am trying to compile and run this code under ubuntu 14.04. I downloaded and installed libpng version 1.6.12. I am able to compile the code using gcc test.c -lpng but when I try to run it, I get this error:
./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: libpng16.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So I found libpng16.so.16, it was in /usr/local/lib and I copied it to /usr/local/include/libpng16/ and as well to /usr/local/include/ and recompiled the code, anyway the problem still persists.
Any suggestions ?
Ok so I found the solution here. The trick is to run sudo ldconfig after you install some shared library.
You can download the library from the link
It will download a file something like "libpng-1.6.32.tar.xz"
Simply extract the file go inside folder and run these commands to install
make check
make install
Then you need to run after installing any library
I had same problem before I had installed it form below link and problem fixed.
I hope yours would be fixed as well
PNG reference library: libpng
