Connect to postgis database in a local PC through an external Geoserver - postgis

I have my geoserver installed in my machine (localhost). I create a database in PostGIS inside my geoserver and I create a web gis in leaflet that connects to that database. Everything works fine.
Now, I am using an external geoserver (in an external server). And I am trying to replicate the data in that external geoserver.
When I try to create a new source data as POSTGIS, it gives an error in the end. What can I do?
I change the host to my IP configuration and live the port as 5432.


How can I remotely connect to my MS SQL Server DB which is being hosted on a Windows Host?

I just created my Microsoft SQL Server Database on my own laptop and then made a backup file of it.
Then inside my Windows Host (Which I've bought from 1and1) I uploaded the .back file and then imported it to the newly made database.
Up to here everything was good. But when I try to connect to my database from my Visual Studio's ADO.NET Entity Data Model Wizard's Connection Settings window I get the following error:
I searched a lot online but unfortunately all solutions were for Windows Server or Local Computers While my Database is stored on a Windows host.
My connection settings can be seen in the image below:
I also called 1and1 support to ask whether my database's remote port is open or not, but the client couldn't get what I mean.

how to connect the local host to the internet server on netbeans(java)?

I have developed a netbeans project with a database connected using derby local server. when i distribute this project to other computer systems , how do i make the updates done on the table through other systems reflect on all other systems? DOes this involve connecting the host to the internet server?

Visual Studio web and SQL publish

Here's the scenario:
MVC web project
Three MS SQL Server database projects
One of the databases must be populated with lookup tables
Other tables are user data and don't need data uploading
GoDaddy hosting
Visual Studio 2013
I'd like to deploy everything (web project, sql schemas, reference data) to GoDaddy in one fell swoop, but they appear to only offer FTP uploading. When using FTP in the Web Publishing Wizard, it says "Database preview not supported for this method" which I'm taking "method" to mean FTP. I can publish the web project fine in FTP, but of course without the databases the web application generates errors.
So here are my questions
There is a "Web Deploy" publish method listed in the wizard, but GoDaddy has no information on how to set this up. Can this be used with GoDaddy and will it publish DBs also?
How does one configure the project to use the local SQL Server when running on localhost, but when deployed it uses the GoDaddy SQL Servers?
Can the data in the local DB be uploaded as part of the publishing wizard process, or is SQL Server Management Studio the tool of choice?
I don't believe GoDaddy supports WebDeploy. They didn't when I left their service a few years ago. You can talk to them to confirm whether this has changed.
This is the role of Web.Config Transforms. For an intro to the topic, see here; the article is a little out of date and doesn't mention one of the most useful points - you can add transforms for each publish profile, so they're applied according to your publish settings.
You probably can't upload the local DB file. In almost every hosting situation, the SQL server and the web server are two separate machines, and don't share any files (corollary: the web server doesn't have the SQL service installed). One workaround you can try is to publish the DB directly from your own machine. That is, if you can connect to the DB from your machine, you can do a Web Deploy publish to your own machine but it will send the SQL changes to your GoDaddy DB server.
A more advanced workaround for #3:
Set up your FTP publishing settings for your files
Figure out how to publish your DB through WebDeploy only/from the command line (you can refer to here for a sample using WebDeploy from the command line; note this is going from GoDaddy -> Local, but it's trivial to turn it around)
Customize the web publish pipeline to insert an MSBuild target to execute your WebDeploy command line (see here for an example of modifying the pipeline; you can add the target directly in your .pubxml file if you're not intending to use it for multiple projects).
This will give you a single publish profile which will separately publish your files (via FTP) and your DB (via WebDeploy).

Connect PhpMyAdmin to database in server

I have PhpMyAdmin and MySQL running in Windows 8.
I have installed them using Apache friends XAMPP v 3.1, so I didn’t do any configuration myself.
Currently if I go to localhost/phpmyadmin">http://localhost/phpmyadmin, then it automatically shows my local MySQL db and tables.
That I need is connect to remote server(it has MySQL) and runnig locally in my machine , for teh user of one app.
How can I connect to that server from phpmyadmin.
I’ve been trying to find if there any kind of connect panel in phpmyadmin, but no fruit yet.
For rather severe security reasons applicable servers to connect to are not configured at runtime but in the core configuration file Otherwise a single hacked database account on an edge server could easily expose the entire network for brute force hacking, or tunneling into LAN-only unsecured databases.

Connect to an external (Oracle) database using JDBC

I want to use CF as an app container but as CF doesn't provide an Oracle DB service I have to use an external Oracle DB. Can my Java app that runs on CF infrastructure connect to an external Oracle DB that is located on another server using JDBC?
In Google App Engine you can't use JDBC at all.
you should be able to. The only outbound port that is block from I believe, is port 25 (for obvious reasons).
