How do I pull the live weather radar from the new (2020) NWS Weather Radar API? - dataset

NWS has depricated their old (pre 2020) weather radar site here.
I am trying to find their new API endpoint for pulling the live weather radar image for a lat/long point. All I've been able to find about it is just JSON feeds for forecast.

There is no way (that I know of) to do this anymore. If there is, it is well hidden. The best I can do is use their endpoint with lat/lon and it will show the closest weather forecast office - which will get you close... but not the actual radar needed.
For my answer I would suggest using MRMS or a national level-2 mosaic. I am not sure how your maps are setup so this may not be ideal. However, you can find them here :
Level-2 Mosaic Files :
MRMS (Multi-Radar-Multi-Sensor) :


How to get MORPH-II dataset

Recently I needed facial images and corresponding height and weight information as supporting data for a study, and I found that MORPH-II dataset had the data I needed.
Does anyone know where to apply for this dataset, and is my application channel wrong?
I have not received any response to the application form I submitted to the official website ( for academic use and have tried to contact the author and the official contact email address.
It doesn't look like I can get the data this way, and I tried the links mentioned in the other questions and they don't seem to work anymore.

Weather app API with animated radar image

Is there any free API's with a weather radar animation based on longitude and latitude.
I have been looking at as an alternative to absolute free but would like to get som advise and understand which API is the best from a price/performance point of view to create this.
If you can are willing to google translate a Dutch page and wants to create something for the Benelux region you might be interested in buienradar

Google Maps Free API for NGO project

I'm building a React app and I would like to use Maps. Google Maps and other Maps APIs have a charge and this project will be free for the community (just like an NGO) so no budget at all.
In this app there is a page to create an Event, so you can type many things and where the Event will happen, and that is where I would like to use Maps, to search and show the location.
I thought that if is there any possibility to use a search box connected to an API just to get the Longitude and Latitude based on the search would be great, but I have no idea how to make it and I was expecting that you could help me find a way. (the thing is: get the information for free)
Just as I create this event, I would like to show this information on the Event page, so where the event will happen. And that would be the second part that I would like to use Maps. Do you know if I just show the location in Maps if I would be charged? If so, then I can use redirection to Google Maps using the Latitude and Longitude that I got from the event creation.
Thanks in advance!
See for non-profit organizations.

Does the Google Street View API support retrieving a full 360 equi-rectangualr image?

The docs are not clear on this as they mention fov and viewport suggesting a portion of the entire spherical image.
Does the Google Street View API support retrieving the entire 360 degree equi-rectangular (lat/lon) image?
No, but you could download separate panorama tiles and pack them together of use a third party tool (ex: and get the entire 360 degree image.
Another option would be to code the above functionality by yourself by using Google StreetView Image API ( To be honest, I did not try this myself, but through the API you should be able to retrieve all parts of the image and then stitch it back into equirectangular panorama.
This might give you more info:
How to get the original panorama image by panoid in google street view?
EDIT: While searching a way to overcome the fact that Google StreetView app doesn;t work as marketed, I found another third party service able to retrieve photos
It is possible by making use of the FOV and heading options within the API.
Take particular note of the heading param.,-0.08853&fov=120&heading=0&key=YOUR_KEY,-0.08853&fov=120&heading=120&source=outdoor&key=YOUR_KEY,-0.08853&fov=120&heading=240&key=YOUR_KEY
By making these three separate API calls you will receive the 360 image sliced into three parts.
You can then use something like node blend to combine them and voila you have a 360 panoramic image!

Possible to SQL Server database drive a Google Map by UK postcode?

We have a property/accommodation profile page that lists a property address including postcode. This information is stored in a SQL Server database table and the page has a recordset that allows us to feed profile information onto a page depending on the propertyID that is selected (either via link or using a form) by the user.
We created a field in the database table that would allow us to insert the Google Map embed code for a property and, subsequently, we'd then call that on the property profile page but this requires us to create the embed code in Google Maps first, have to paste that into our database field etc, before it would display a map on our page.
So...we would like to database drive the map based on the postcode. Is that possible?
We really don't want to have to get into longitude/latitude coordinates, we just want the map to identify the postcode and put a place marker on a map where that postcode appears.
How do we acheive this? We've tried looking through the documentation and help files, but we really don't know what we're asking for so finding answers is proving incredibly difficult or the answers that we've found seem extremely technical (Google API, Geocoding, etc) for what we're trying to acheive.
Could someone point us in the right direction?
We hoped that there would be some way of inserting the postcode, dynamically, into generic embed code from Google Maps and that Google Maps would do the rest.
Anyway, we would appreciate any help and advice that could be offered. Thank you.
Traditionally Postcode data in the UK costs lots of money.
You can now download the Ordnance Survey data and convert their data into Latitude and longitude which would let you plot coordinates on google maps. (
