How to add additional keys to the itemselector keymap EXTjs? - extjs

Is there a solution to extend the KeyMap of the ItemSelector?
I would like to add a keymap(like pageUp and pageDown keyEvent in itemselector) that when I press the letter 'A-Z' will take me to the item that starts with the letter pressed and select it.

You can use the following override (fiddle sample) to achieve it. It will not work correctly on view sore reload. And you will have to define the record search record field. In case of complicated view templates you can remove hardcoded search function and use it as a setting.
Ext.define('overrides.view.NavigationModel', {
override: 'Ext.view.NavigationModel',
searchRecordField: false,
initKeyNav: function (view) {
var me = this;
// Drive the KeyNav off the View's itemkeydown event so that beforeitemkeydown listeners may veto.
// By default KeyNav uses defaultEventAction: 'stopEvent', and this is required for movement keys
// which by default affect scrolling.
var keyNavConfig = {
target: view,
ignoreInputFields: true,
eventName: 'itemkeydown',
defaultEventAction: 'stopEvent',
processEvent: me.processViewEvent,
up: me.onKeyUp,
down: me.onKeyDown,
right: me.onKeyRight,
left: me.onKeyLeft,
pageDown: me.onKeyPageDown,
pageUp: me.onKeyPageUp,
home: me.onKeyHome,
end: me.onKeyEnd,
space: me.onKeySpace,
enter: me.onKeyEnter,
A: {
ctrl: true,
// Need a separate function because we don't want the key
// events passed on to selectAll (causes event suppression).
handler: me.onSelectAllKeyPress
F: me.onAlphabetKeyPress,
scope: me
if(this.view.searchRecordField) {
keyNavConfig = Ext.Object.merge(keyNavConfig, this.getAdditionalKeyNav());
me.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(keyNavConfig);
getAdditionalKeyNav: function() {
var keyNav = {};
this.view.getStore().each(function(record) {
var firstLetter = record.get(this.view.searchRecordField)[0].toUpperCase();
if(!keyNav[firstLetter]) {
keyNav[firstLetter] = this.onAlphabetKeyPress
}, this);
return keyNav;
onAlphabetKeyPress: function(keyEvent) {
const key = keyEvent.event.key;
var foundRecordIndex = this.view.getStore().findBy(function(record) {
return record.get('title').toLowerCase().indexOf(key) === 0;
}, this);
if(foundRecordIndex > -1) {
this.setPosition(foundRecordIndex, keyEvent);
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
Ext.define('ListItem', {
extend: '',
fields: [{
name: 'src',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'caption',
type: 'string'
Ext.create('', {
id: 'ListItemsStore',
model: 'ListItem',
data: [{
title: "One"
}, {
title: "Two"
}, {
title: "Three"
}, {
title: "Four"
}, {
title: "Three"
}, ]
var imageTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;" class="thumb-wrap">',
Ext.create('Ext.view.View', {
tpl: imageTpl,
itemSelector: 'div.thumb-wrap',
emptyText: 'No images available',
// Search Record Field
searchRecordField: 'title',
renderTo: Ext.getBody()


PullRefresh plugin of a List doesn't handle ChainedStore possibility

Using Ext JS 7.1 Modern, I have prepared an example to show the problem.
When I have remote filters on my main store, binding the dataview.List to a ChainedStore correctly handles my local filtering. However, when I also add a PullRefresh plugin to the list, I get an error during pull refresh. I see from the source code that the plugin doesn't consider the possibility that a list's store can be a ChainedStore.
I have tried to explain the problem with a Sencha Fiddle and also attached the code below.
I have temporarily solved the problem by overriding the fetchLatest and onLatestFetched methods of Ext.dataview.pullrefresh.PullRefresh plugin, to use the source store if the list's store is a ChainedStore. But I believe the source code must be updated to handle this case.
Ext.define('App.model.Test', {
extend: '',
fields: ['id', 'firstName', 'lastName']
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
alias: 'store.teststore',
model: 'App.model.Test'
Ext.define('App.viewmodel.Test', {
extend: '',
alias: 'viewmodel.test',
data: {
query: ''
stores: {
test: {
type: 'teststore',
autoLoad: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'names.json',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data'
remoteFilter: true,
filters: {
property: 'id',
value: 1
chained: {
type: 'chained',
autoLoad: true,
source: '{test}'
Ext.define('App.controller.TestController', {
extend: '',
alias: 'controller.testcontroller',
doSearch: function (field) {
var list = this.lookup('list'),
store = list.getStore(),
value = field.getValue();
if (Ext.isEmpty(value)) {
} else {
property: 'firstName',
value: value,
operator: 'like'
Ext.define('App.dataview.TestList', {
extend: 'Ext.dataview.List',
xtype: 'testlist',
viewModel: {
type: 'test'
plugins: [{
type: 'pullrefresh',
mergeData: false
emptyText: 'Name not found',
bind: {
store: '{chained}'
itemTpl: '<div class="contact">{id} <b>{firstName} {lastName}</b></div>'
Ext.define('App.MainView', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
controller: 'testcontroller',
fullscreen: true,
viewModel: {
type: 'test'
items: [{
xtype: 'searchfield',
ui: 'solo',
placeholder: 'Search names',
listeners: {
buffer: 500,
change: 'doSearch'
bind: {
value: '{query}'
}, {
reference: 'list',
xtype: 'testlist'
name: 'App',
mainView: 'App.MainView'
var data = [{
id: 1,
firstName: 'Peter',
lastName: 'Venkman'
}, {
id: 2,
firstName: 'Raymond',
lastName: 'Stantz'
}, {
id: 3,
firstName: 'Egon',
lastName: 'Spengler'
}, {
id: 4,
firstName: 'Winston',
lastName: 'Zeddemore'
var results = data.filter(function(record) {
if (params.filter) {
return > params.filter[0].value
return {
"success": true,
"data": results
Ext.define('App.override.dataview.pullrefresh.PullRefresh', {
override: 'Ext.dataview.pullrefresh.PullRefresh',
privates: {
fetchLatest: function() {
const store = this.getStore().isChainedStore ? this.getStore().getSource() : this.getStore()
page: 1,
start: 0,
callback: this.onLatestFetched,
scope: this
onLatestFetched: function(newRecords, operation, success) {
var me = this,
list = me.getList(),
store = list.getStore().isChainedStore ? list.getStore().getSource() : list.getStore(),
length, toInsert,
oldRecords, newRecord, oldRecord, i;
if (success) {
if (me.getMergeData()) {
oldRecords = store.getData();
toInsert = [];
length = newRecords.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
newRecord = newRecords[i];
oldRecord = oldRecords.getByKey(newRecord.getId());
if (oldRecord) {
else {
store.insert(0, toInsert);
else {
me.setLastUpdated(new Date());
list.fireEvent('latestfetched', me, toInsert || newRecords);
if (me.getAutoSnapBack()) {
Thanks in advance
Since this post, instead of being a question, was a bug report with a possible solution, it has been posted to Ext JS 7.x Community Forums\Ext JS 7.x Bugs.
The above solution, that overwrites the plugin where source store is needed, works if anyone comes across the same issue.

Using Custom editors in grid column with Angular Kendo UI

I am trying to use custom editors for an editable kendo ui grid in my angular app.
For some reason( which I am not able to trace) the custom editor is not triggered.
I am expecting the following to be triggered but it does not work.
console.log("Editor Launched", options);
Here is the plunker for the same:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.model = {};
$scope.model.dataSource = new{
data: createRandomData(10),
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
City: { type: "string" },
Title: { type: "string" },
BirthDate: { type: "date" },
Age: { type: "number" }
pageSize: 16,
$scope.addWWNumEditor= function (container, options) {
console.log("Editor Launched", options);
$('<input kendo-numeric-text-box k-min="10" k-max="20" style="width: 100%;" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')
var toReturn = (model.Age>50)?"columnDisabled" : "columnActive";
//console.log('to Return',toReturn);
return toReturn;
$scope.model.columns = [
{ field: 'City', title: 'City' },
field: 'Title',
title: 'Title',
template:'<span style="color:red;">EDITABLE</span><span ng-
field: 'Age',
title: 'Age',
template:'<span ng-class="controlIsDisabled(dataItem)">#=Age#</span>'
Assuming your Plunkr mirrors your actual code, the primary problem I'm seeing is in your binding of k-columns on the grid element.
You currently have k-columns="{{model.columns}}", but the {{}} are unnecessary here. Changing to k-columns="model.columns" causes your editor function to execute as expected.

Whats config like renderer in extjs picker?

I'm developing a web application using Extjs-6. I want to extend a class from Ext.form.field.Picker. I do it as follow:
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Picker',
createPicker: function(){
return new Ext.panel.Panel({
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'text',
fielLabel: 'text label'
}, {
xtype: 'colorfield',
name: 'color',
fielLabel: 'color field'
my value in this class is an object as follow:
text: 'value of textfield',
color: 'value of colorfield'
but when I set this object to value of class it shown in picker as [object object].
How Can I d?
Have the picker a confis like renderer to get the value of picker and then return correct string?
There is more to it than just template.
Below is example picker implementation for textfield + datefield, just adjust it to have colorfield instead.
// component has picker with both textfield and datefield;
// when picker is collapsed, data is displayed as "{text}, {date}"
Ext.define('ColorPicker', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Picker',
// picker template
config: {
popup: {
lazy: true,
$value: {
xtype: 'window',
closeAction: 'hide',
referenceHolder: true,
minWidth: 540,
minHeight: 60,
layout: 'form',
header: false,
resizable: true,
items: [
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'text',
fielLabel: 'text label',
anchor: '100%',
reference: 'text'
xtype: 'datefield',
name: 'color',
fielLabel: 'color field',
anchor: '100%',
format: 'd.m.Y',
reference: 'date'
fbar: [
{ text: 'OK', reference: 'okBtn' },
{ text: 'Cancel', reference: 'cancelBtn' }
dateFormat: 'd.m.Y',
createPicker: function(){
var me = this,
popup = me.getPopup();
// the window will actually be shown and will house the picker
me.pickerWindow = popup = Ext.create(popup);
popup.lookupReference('okBtn').on('click', 'onPickerOk', me);
popup.lookupReference('cancelBtn').on('click', 'onPickerCancel', me);
close: 'onPickerCancel',
scope: me
return popup;
// ok picker button handler
onPickerOk: function () {
var me = this,
popup = me.pickerWindow,
textField = popup.lookupReference('text'),
dateField = popup.lookupReference('date'),
value = {
text: textField.getValue(),
date: dateField.getValue()
// cancel picker button handler
onPickerCancel: function () {
var me = this,
popup = me.pickerWindow;
// override set value to support both string ("{text}, {date}")
// and object ({ text: "{text}", date: "{date}" })
setValue: function(value) {
var me = this,
if (Ext.isObject(value)) {
value = value.text + ", " + Ext.Date.format(, me.dateFormat);
me.callParent([ value ]);
// always update in case opacity changes, even if value doesn't have it
// to handle "hex6" non-opacity type of format
// update values in picker fields
updateValue: function (value) {
var me = this,
popup = me.pickerWindow,
text = value.text,
date =;
if (!popup || !popup.isComponent) {
if (Ext.isString(value)) {
value = value.split(',');
text = (value[0] || '').trim();
date = Ext.Date.parse((value[1] || '').trim(), me.dateFormat);
} else if (Ext.isObject(value)) {
text = value.text || '';
date = || '';
textField = popup.lookupReference('text');
dateField = popup.lookupReference('date');
if (!me.syncing) {
me.syncing = true;
me.syncing = false;

AngularJS Kendo UI grid with row filters behaviour

I am using Kendo UI Grid with row filters. i am facing filters options issue. I am using Filterbale.cell.template for filters to display kendo autoComplete.
Issue is as displayed in image autocomplete options are not updating on selecting of one of the filters.
Below is my html
<div ng-controller="VehiclesController" class="my-grid" >
<kendo-grid options="vehiclesGridOption">
Below is my Controller
$scope.vehiclesGridOption = {
dataSource: {
schema: {
id: "_id",
model: {
fields: {
make: {type: "string"},
model: {type: "string"},
year: {type: "number"}
transport: {
read: function (e) {
vehicleService.vehicles().then(function (response) {
}).then(function () {
console.log("error happened");
pageSize: 12,
pageSizes: false,
sortable: {
mode: "multiple",
allowUnsort: true
filterable: {
mode: "row"
pageable: {
buttonCount: 5
columns: [
title: "",
template: '',
width: "3%" // ACTS AS SPACER
field: "make",
title: "Make",
filterable: {
cell: {
operator: "contains",
template: function (args) {
dataSource: args.dataSource,
dataTextField: "make",
dataValueField: "make",
valuePrimitive: true,
placeholder: "Make",
width: "29%",
}, {
field: "model",
filterable: {
cell: {
operator: "contains",
template: function (args) {
dataSource: args.dataSource,
dataTextField: "model",
dataValueField: "model",
valuePrimitive: true,
placeholder: "Model",
title: "Model",
width: "29%",
}, {
field: "year",
title: "Year",
filterable: {
cell: {
template: function (args) {
dataSource: args.dataSource,
dataTextField: "year",
dataValueField: "year",
placeholder: "Year",
suggest: true,
ignoreCase: true,
filter: "gte"
width: "29%",
field: "",
title: "Edit",
template: '<a class=\"k-link text-center grid-edit-btn vehicle-grid-edit-btn\" ui-sref="vehicleDetails({\'id\': \'#=_id #\' })"><span class=\"icon-editpencil icon-grid\"></span></a>',
width: "10%",
Below is the Issue if user selects the Make in the first column filter then Model filter should display only selected make models like Honda (make)-> Accord , Civic ..etc but its displaying all unique values irrespective of model filter..
Kendo filter row uses the same dataSource from the grid component, just providing unique values. Since the autocomplete components are initialized when the grid dataSource is empty, they always show all the values.
You can manually filter based on current filter row values.
Firstly, add ids for your coresponding autocomplete components i.e. inside template functions:
args.element.attr('id', 'make');
args.element.attr('id', 'model');
args.element.attr('id', 'year');
Then add a data bound event to the grid (since autocomplete components do not fire change events when filters are cleared).
$scope.vehiclesGridOption = {
dataBound : function(e) {
setTimeout(function() { //timeout is to make sure value() is already updated
var make = $('#make').data('kendoAutoComplete').value();
if (make) {
$('#model').data('kendoAutoComplete').dataSource.filter({field: 'make', operator: 'eq', value: make });
} else {
Or if you also want to filter by "Year" column, it could go like this:
$scope.vehiclesGridOption = {
dataBound: function(e) {
setTimeout(function() { //timeout is to make sure value() is already updated
var make = $('#make').data('kendoAutoComplete').value();
var model = $('#model').data('kendoAutoComplete').value();
if (make) {
$('#model').data('kendoAutoComplete').dataSource.filter({field: 'make', operator: 'eq', value: make });
} else {
var yearFilter = {filters: [], logic: 'and'};
if (make) {
yearFilter.filters.push({field: 'make', operator: 'eq', value: make });
if (model) {
yearFilter.filters.push({field: 'model', operator: 'eq', value: model });
$('#year').data('kendoAutoComplete').dataSource.filter(yearFilter.filters.length ? yearFilter : null);

Querying on DirectChildrenCount Rally JS SDK

I checked out some other questions posted previously but couldn't find a relevant answer. So here I am posting again: Here's my code:
autoLoad: true,
model: 'HierarchicalRequirement',
limit: '500',
fetch: ['ObjectID','DirectChildrenCount','FormattedID'],
filters:[{property: 'DirectChildrenCount', operator: '=', value: 0}], //tried both "0",'0'
listeners: {
load: function(store,data,success){
var data_length = data.length;
console.log("Number = ", data);
Result is an empty array. Furthermore, the result did not contain the field "DirectChildrenCount" at all, even though I am fetching it.
I tried your code without any changes, and it returned 300+ items. DirectChildrenCount was included in the result. It was tested against "2.0rc2" and "2.0rc1" with the same result. Here is screenshot from Chrome's DevTools:
Here is another short app where a grid of stories updated since yesterday is built, filtered by the same condition.
{property: 'DirectChildrenCount', operator: '=', value: 0}
js file is below:
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '',
componentCls: 'app',
launch: function() {
var millisecondsInDay = 86400000;
var currentDate = new Date();
var startDate = new Date(currentDate - millisecondsInDay);
var startDateUTC = startDate.toISOString();{
type: 'UserStory',
success: function(model) {
this.grid = this.add({
xtype: 'rallygrid',
itemId: 'grid',
model: model,
columnCfgs: [
storeConfig: {
filters: [
property: 'LastUpdateDate',
operator: '>',
value: startDateUTC
property: 'DirectChildrenCount',
operator: '=',
value: 0
scope: this
console.log('items updated since', startDateUTC);
