I don't understand how inih works - c

I've been trying to read an ini file with inih lib since a few hours, and I still don't totally understand this code, especially configuration* pconfig = (configuration*)user;, and what are the handler function parameters for ?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../ini.h"
typedef struct
int version;
const char* name;
const char* email;
} configuration;
static int handler(void* user, const char* section, const char* name,
const char* value)
configuration* pconfig = (configuration*)user;
#define MATCH(s, n) strcmp(section, s) == 0 && strcmp(name, n) == 0
if (MATCH("protocol", "version")) {
pconfig->version = atoi(value);
} else if (MATCH("user", "name")) {
pconfig->name = strdup(value);
} else if (MATCH("user", "email")) {
pconfig->email = strdup(value);
} else {
return 0; /* unknown section/name, error */
return 1;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
configuration config;
if (ini_parse("test.ini", handler, &config) < 0) {
printf("Can't load 'test.ini'\n");
return 1;
printf("Config loaded from 'test.ini': version=%d, name=%s, email=%s\n",
config.version, config.name, config.email);
return 0;

user is a "generic pointer", or "untyped pointer".
Dereferencing that pointer would give you a value of type void which isn't possible.
Therefore you must cast the pointer to the correct type to be able to use it.
As for the arguments and what they're used for you could read the source.
But with a little knowledge of INI files it should be easy to deduce that the section argument is the name of a section in the file, while name is the current value name, and value is the value itself.
So assuming a section and value like
bar = something
Then section would be "foo", name would be "bar" and value would be "something".
And the user argument is very likely the third argument passed to ini_parse.

user is obviously a pointer to configuration instance you gave to ini_parse.
void* is only kind of type erasure for pointers available in C.
section is name of section of .ini file,
name is key name, value is key's value.
ini_parse calls handler for every key, passing it configuration and result of parsing iteration. What handler does with that information, is to be defined by user of library.


Using a switch to map function pointers to strings

I'm working on a network service that based on commands it receives over the network, it has workers perform different jobs. I want to have a log entry for every time a certain worker is tasked with doing some job.
I have a function (say function_caller) which, among other things, calls another function which it receives its pointer as an argument. I'd like to have my logger notify what kind of function function_caller calls.
Originally I wanted the function_caller to receive some enum instead of a function pointer, provide the enum to the logger, and then use a helper function which returns a suitable pointer based on the enum. However, function_caller is already deeply tangled in the codebase I'm working on, and it looks like it would be a lot of work to refactor all the functions that call function_caller to choose the right enum and use a new argument.
So my next idea was having a switch that for every function pointer will have some string representation of, but I've never stumbled upon something like that (and struggled to find anyone even mentioning such an idea on Google), so I have a feeling I might be missing some serious downsides to this option.
The only significant problem I see is that every developer that decides to pass a new kind of function pointer to function_caller will have to somehow know to update the switch, otherwise it will fail.
Am I missing anything else? Or maybe there's some other approach I should consider?
How about something like this? Instead of a switch, store a table of functions and their name strings. The table can even be kept dynamically updated, unlike a switch case. You will not need to walk along the edge of the standard as well!
#include <stdio.h>
typedef void (*callback_t) (void);
void first (void) { printf("%d", 1); };
void second (void) { printf("%d", 2); };
void third (void) { printf("%d", 3); };
typedef struct fntable_t
callback_t fn;
char *name;
} fntable_t;
fntable_t fntable[] =
{ first, "first" },
{ second, "second" },
{ third, "third" }
char* log_str(callback_t c)
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(fntable) / sizeof(fntable_t); i++)
if(fntable[i].fn == c)
return fntable[i].name;
return "unknown";
void function_caller(callback_t c)
int main(void)
return 0;
You could replace function_caller with a wrapper macro of the same name that calls the renamed function function_caller_internal which gets an additional string argument. The wrapper macro can then pass an additional stringified function name.
This works only if function_caller is always called with a function name, not a function pointer variable.
#include <stdio.h>
static void funcA(void)
printf("This is funcA\n");
static void funcB(void)
printf("This is funcB\n");
/* renamed function gets an additional string argument */
static void function_caller_internal(void (*func)(void), const char *name)
printf("calling %s\n", name);
/* wrapper macro stringifies the function name to pass it the additional argument */
#define function_caller(func) function_caller_internal(func, #func)
int main(void)
/* unchanged calls */
return 0;
This prints
calling funcA
This is funcA
calling funcB
This is funcB
If you can change the API of the functions, then consider using __func__ to get the textual name of each function. If you can have a function pointer type along the lines of this:
typedef void func_t (const char** name);
Then you can have each function return its name to the caller.
void foo (const char** name)
/* do foo stuff here */
*name = __func__;
void bar (const char** name)
/* do bar stuff here */
*name = __func__;
#include <stdio.h>
typedef void func_t (const char** name);
void foo (const char** name)
/* do foo stuff here */
*name = __func__;
void bar (const char** name)
/* do bar stuff here */
*name = __func__;
const char* function_caller (func_t* func, const char** name)
return *name;
int main(void)
static func_t*const func [] =
const char* name;
for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof func/sizeof *func; i++)
puts( function_caller(func[i], &name) );
Assuming your codebase has sane variable names and function names, you can add a char * argument to your function caller:
void function_caller(char *name, int fpnt());
and then provide a macro:
#define function_caller_autoname(fpnt) function_caller(#fpnt, fpnt)
(Or, for spaghetti code, you can provide a macro with the same name as the function).
The #fpnt will be expanded by the proceprocessor to a string literal with the function name.
Then when your codebase called:
refactor it to:
# will be expanded to by the processor:
# function_caller("some_function", some_function)
or refactor it manually to provide the name/identificator/description of the function:
function_caller("Some function: ", some_function)
That way you can pass a custom string that describes the function along with the pointer. Also, each developer can pass a custom description string.

Is it possible to call functions from arrays in C? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I use an array of function pointers?
(12 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
When I was making my terminal i was wondering if I can call a function by array.
(This code is not done yet so please code is a bit messy.)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define true 1
#define false 0
typedef int bool;
/* Static */
static char Input[CHAR_MAX];
static char CurrentDirectory[CHAR_MAX];
static char *Command;
static char *Argument;
static char *Commands[]={"test","test2"};
/* Functions */
int Check_Command();
int test();
int test2();
/* --------- */
int main(){
printf("#######################\n\tterminal\n\tType \"help\" for the list of commands\n#######################\n");
int res=Check_Command();
if(res==0){printf("Unknown Command!\n");}
goto prompt;
/* Check_Command() function returns 0 if doesn't suceed and returns 1 of it suceeds */
int Check_Command(){
//Since input variable is static, no need to send in arguments
Command=strtok(Input," ");
Argument=strtok(NULL," ");
int x=0;
Commands[x](); <----- Can I call a function like this?
return 1;
return 0;
/* Commands */
int test(){
int test2(){
print("Success [2] \n");
If this possible then this would be lit, Im too lazy to make commands into a executable and using if statements for all commands.
if you are too lazy to read the whole code here is a basic concept (UNTESTED):
static *Commands[]={"test","test2"};
int main(){
char *Command="test";
int x=0;
int test(){
int test2(){
static char Commands[]={test,test2}; DOES NOT WORK
This also includes the "possible duplicate" answer. (Im using Mingw, Windows 10)
It appears that you want to be able to take in a string such as test2 from the user, and then invoke the function test2(). There are two main ways you can approach this:
Homebrew structure mapping names to function pointers.
Using 'dynamic library loading' and function name resolution.
Array of structures
For the first, you define a structure such as:
struct FuncName
const char *name;
int (*function)(void);
And you can then define an array of these:
struct FuncName functions[] =
{ "test", test },
{ "test2", test2 },
enum { NUM_FUNCTIONS = sizeof(functions) / sizeof(functions[0]) };
When you get a name from the user, you can search through the array of names and find the matching function pointer to call.
int invoke_function(const char *name)
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FUNCTIONS; i++)
if (strcmp(name, functions[i].name) == 0)
return (*functions[i].function)();
// Or just: return functions[i].function();
return -1; // No match found
This works reliably on all systems, but the demerit is that you must create the table of function pointers when you compile the program.
Dynamic library
The alternative is to use functions dlopen() and dlsym() from the <dlsym.h> header on Unix (POSIX) systems, or the equivalent on Windows.
Normally, you expect to find the functions in dynamically loaded libraries loaded with dlopen(), but there's usually a way to search the main executable for the names instead (pass a null pointer as the file name to dlopen() on POSIX systems). You can then call dlsym() to get the function pointer corresponding to the name you specify, which you can call.
void *dlh = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW);
int (*funcptr)(void) = (int (*)(void))dlsym("test", dlh);
return (*funcptr)();
This omits error checking and you need the cast to convert from an object pointer (void *) to a function pointer because the C standard does not require that to be doable, but POSIX does (see the specification of
dlsym() already linked to).
Non-uniform function signatures
With both solutions, life is easy if all the callable functions have the same interface. Life is much messier if the different functions have different interfaces (so some expect no arguments, some expect one, some expect two, and the types of the arguments vary between functions, as do the return types). Expect to use lots of casts and be prepared to bludgeon the compiler into submission — isolate the code from everything else so as to leave the non-portable part well separated from the main code.
Beware: no compiler was consulted about the validity of any of this code!

Explanation of missing prototype error message for custom getln function in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <reg51.h>
void main (void) {
SCON = 0x52; // serial port configuration
TMOD = 0x20;
TCON = 0x40;
TH1 = 0xf3; // 2403 baudrate #12mhz
printf("Hello World");
printf("Please enter some text: ");
const char *getLine()
char *line = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
size_t size = 0, index = 0;
int ch = EOF;
while (ch) {
ch = getc(stdin);
if (ch == EOF || ch == '\n')
ch = 0;
if (size <= index) {
size += CHUNK;
tmp = realloc(line, size);
if (!tmp) {
line = NULL;
line = tmp;
line[index++] = ch;
return line;
That's my code. I think I'm calling getln incorrectly. Is there a way to have the function accept input I can pass in from the user?
This compiler is an evaluation version but I believe it contains the libraries I need.
My goal is to accept a "string", or rather an array of chars and then manipulate its order as a skill test. I only have 2000 KB of memory available to write this.
I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to pointers and not being able to reference. Help or even just explanations are much appreciated.
I'm using a KEIL compiler.
When I select Program>Rebuilt All Target Files to check my errors I receive the following:
assembling STARTUP.A51... assembling XBANKING.A51... compiling
Main.c... MAIN.C(14): warning C206: 'getln': missing
function-prototype MAIN.C(14): error C214: illegal pointer conversion
Target not created
Thank you,
You need to add:
const char *getLine(void);
at the top, below the includes.
This is called a function prototype, and it needs to appear in your source file before the function is used.
You're basically telling the compiler in advance that getLine is a function that takes no arguments and returns const char *. So even though the compiler hasn't seen the definition of the function yet, it can still verify that it's being used correctly when it appears in your main function.
Otherwise the compiler has no idea what getLine is when it hits line 14, and gives an error.
You have correctly defined the function at the bottom, but the C compiler needs a list of functions, called prototypes, at the top. The prototype must include the function type, function name, and any arguments the function takes. For example:
#include <stdio.h>
void hello_world(); //This is the function prototype
int main()
void hello_world() //You did this part correctly, but C needs the
{ //prototype at the top in order to see this as a
printf("Hello, world!\n"); //defined function
In your case, the prototype would simply be:
const char *getLine(void);
and then your program would run without any prototype errors.
Alternatively, if you want to avoid defining the function prototype, define the getLine before main, like
#include ...
const char * getLine() {
int main() {

passing argument from incompatible pointer type

static struct dll_wifi_state **dll_states;
enum dll_type {
struct dll_state {
enum dll_type type;
union {
struct dll_eth_state *ethernet;
struct dll_wifi_state *wifi;
} data;
static struct dll_state *dll_states = NULL;
struct dll_wifi_state {
int link;
// A pointer to the function that is called to pass data up to the next layer.
up_from_dll_fn_ty nl_callback;
bool is_ds;
This is the method whose pointer is being passed in the dll_wifi_state struct.
static void up_from_dll(int link, const char *data, size_t length)
//some code here
In other file, I am calling this method
void reboot_accesspoint()
// We require each node to have a different stream of random numbers.
CNET_srand(nodeinfo.time_of_day.sec + nodeinfo.nodenumber);
// Provide the required event handlers.
CHECK(CNET_set_handler(EV_PHYSICALREADY, physical_ready, 0));
// Prepare to talk via our wireless connection.
// Setup our data link layer instances.
dll_states = calloc(nodeinfo.nlinks + 1, sizeof(struct dll_state));
for (int link = 0; link <= nodeinfo.nlinks; ++link) {
switch (linkinfo[link].linktype) {
dll_states[link].type = DLL_UNSUPPORTED;
case LT_WAN:
dll_states[link].type = DLL_UNSUPPORTED;
case LT_LAN:
dll_states[link].type = DLL_ETHERNET;
dll_states[link].data.ethernet = dll_eth_new_state(link, up_from_dll);
case LT_WLAN:
dll_states[link].type = DLL_WIFI;
dll_states[link].data.wifi = dll_wifi_new_state(link,
true /* is_ds */);
// printf("reboot_accesspoint() complete.\n");
It works fine like this, but I want to add another argument i.e. up_from_dll((int link, const char *data, size_t length, int seq). And as soon as I add this argument, following error starts coming up
ap.c:153: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘dll_wifi_new_state’ from incompatible pointer type
Is there a way of adding another argument to that method without getting error ??? I am really bad with pointers :(
Any help would be much appreciated.
Line 153 :
dll_states[link].data.wifi = dll_wifi_new_state(link,
true /* is_ds */);
And method
struct dll_wifi_state *dll_wifi_new_state(int link,
up_from_dll_fn_ty callback,
bool is_ds)
// Ensure that the given link exists and is a WLAN link.
if (link > nodeinfo.nlinks || linkinfo[link].linktype != LT_WLAN)
return NULL;
// Allocate memory for the state.
struct dll_wifi_state *state = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dll_wifi_state));
// Check whether or not the allocation was successful.
if (state == NULL)
return NULL;
// Initialize the members of the structure.
state->link = link;
state->nl_callback = callback;
state->is_ds = is_ds;
return state;
I haven't changed anything else apart from adding the new parameter to up_from_dll.
The second parameter to dll_wifi_new_state is up_from_dll_fn_ty callback.
It's not in your code listing right now, but up_from_dll_fn_ty is a typedef saying that the up_from_dll_fn_ty is a function pointer with specific parameters (which don't include int seq)
When you updated up_from_dll with different parameters, it no longer matches the type specified by up_from_dll_fn_ty and expected as the second parameter for dll_wifi_new_state. You'll need to add the parameter to up_from_dll_fn_ty and you should be good.
If you post the definition of up_from_dll_fn_ty, it would make the question have all the information and allow me to help you more if you still need it.
You're looking for something like:
typedef void (*up_from_dll_fn_ty)(int link, const char *data, size_t length);
and change it to
typedef void (*up_from_dll_fn_ty)(int link, const char *data, size_t length, int seq);
Here's a link to a question that has good information about creating typedefs for function pointers:
Understanding typedefs for function pointers in C

C definition of: static void (*var_name)();

I download a code example written in C, but don't understand one instruction. And besides, w
hen i try to compile the code the compiler throws me an error just in the line that i don't understand.
// Global vars
static int getting_text = 0;
static char *the_text; // Definition Part
static void (*text_entered)(); // Definition Part 2
// method
int add_text(unsigned char key)
char msg[] = "x";
int len;
if(!getting_text) return 0;
if(key==8) /* backspace */
len = strlen(the_text);
the_text[len-1] = '\0';
else if(key==13 || key==9) // cr or tab ends
getting_text = 0;
text_entered(the_text); // Execution Part
msg[0] = key;
strcat(the_text, msg);
return 1;
The compiler throws me an error about there are too many arguments in the method's calling. But i don't if it's a method the static void (*xxx)() or if other thing.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: The following only applies to C++. Did you use g++ or some other C++ compiler instead of a C compiler?
text_entered is a function pointer to a function that doesn't take any arguments, hence the error, because you're passing it a character pointer. I assume it should change to,
static void (*text_entered)(char*);
This is of course assuming text_enterered actually gets set to a function that takes a char* argument and it isn't just being called wrong.
