Data get updated twice on button onClick event - reactjs

I've a very simple React Web App where I want to add new object of review to an array of an object:-
I'm using useReducer to handle default state of my data as show below:-
reducer function:-
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
(data) => === action.payload.selectedDataId &&
return [...state];
return state;
default data for my reducer:-
const data = [
id: 1607089645363,
name: "john",
noOfReview: 1,
listOfReview: [
reviewId: 1607089645361,
name: "john doe",
occupation: "hero",
rating: 5,
review: "lorem ipsum"
id: 1507089645363,
name: "smith",
noOfReview: 1,
listOfReview: [
reviewId: 1507089645361,
name: "smith doe",
occupation: "villain",
rating: 5,
review: "lorem ipsum"
App.js, demo of what's happening:-
import React, { useState, useEffect, useReducer } from "react";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, data);
// hnadle adding of new review
const handleAddNewReview = (id) => {
payload: {
selectedDataId: id,
newReview: {
reviewId: new Date().getTime().toString(),
name: "doe doe",
occupation: "doctor",
rating: 5,
review: "lorem ipsum"
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
{state?.length > 0 && => (
<div key={}>
{data.listOfReview?.length > 0 && => (
<div key={review.reviewId}>
<button onClick={() => handleAddNewReview(}>
Add new review
The problem is, once I clicked the button for the first time, the state gets updated right. But if I click it for the second time, it somehow added TWO more of the same review. How should I change my code in reducer to fixed this issue?
This is a working sandbox of said case.

Try changing your reducer to be:
return => {
if ( === action.payload.selectedDataId) {
return {,
listOfReview: [, action.payload.newReview]
return data;
Currently, you are mutating the state variable and pushing in an array which can lead to side-effect.


React - Encountered two children with the same key

I'm fairly new to React. I am working on a note app and when I add 2 notes, they have the same key and the next 2 notes also share their own key and so on. I started off with prop drilling from the App to the AddNote file via NotesList.js and it was working fine and the problem has only occurred since I used useContext API so maybe I am not coding the useContext in the correct way. The useContext component looks like this:
import { createContext } from "react";
const HandleAddContext = createContext();
export default HandleAddContext;
This is my App.js
import { useState } from "react";
import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid";
import NotesList from "./components/NotesList";
import HandleAddContext from "./components/UseContext/HandleAddContext";
const unique_id = uuid();
const small_id = unique_id.slice(0, 8);
const initialState = [
id: small_id,
text: "1st note",
date: "12/10/22022",
id: small_id,
text: "2nd note",
date: "15/10/22022",
id: small_id,
text: "3rd note",
date: "16/10/22022",
id: small_id,
text: "4th note",
date: "30/10/22022",
export const App = () => {
const [notes, setNote] = useState(initialState);
const addHandleNote = (text) => {
const date = new Date();
const newNote = {
id: small_id,
text: text,
date: date.toLocaleDateString(),
const newNotes = [...notes, newNote];
return (
<HandleAddContext.Provider value={addHandleNote}>
<div className="container">
<NotesList notes={notes} />
export default App;
This is the component with map notes
import Note from "./Note";
import AddNote from "./AddNote";
const NotesList = ({ notes }) => {
return (
<div className="notes-list">
{ => (
<Note key={} id={} text={note.text} date={} />
<AddNote />
export default NotesList;
This is the Note:
import { RiDeleteBin6Line } from "react-icons/ri";
const Note = ({ text, date }) => {
return (
<div className="note">
{/* <div> */}
{/* </div> */}
<div className="note-footer">
<p className="note-footer-text">{date}</p>
<RiDeleteBin6Line />
export default Note;
This is the AddNote.js component
import { useState } from "react";
import { RiSave2Line } from "react-icons/ri";
const AddNote = ({ handleAddNote }) => {
const [addText, setAddText] = useState("");
const [errorMsg, setErrorMsg] = useState("");
//handle text input
const handleChange = (e) => {
//handle save
const handleSaveClick = () => {
if (addText.trim().length > 0) {
return (
placeholder="Type here to add a note..."
<p>200 characters remaining</p>
<RiSave2Line onClick={handleSaveClick} />
export default AddNote;
The issue is your unique_id and small_id are only being generated once due to your function call syntax.
const unique_id = uuid();
Assigns unique_id the result of uuid(), rather than referencing the function. And therefore small_id is simply slicing the already generated uuid. To fix this your must generate a new uuid every time you create a note. Your can create a function that return a new 'small ID' everytime.
function genSmallID() {
return uuid().slice(0, 8);
And now when you create your initial notes use the function:
const initialState = [{
id: genSmallID(),
text: "1st note",
date: "12/10/22022",
}, {
id: genSmallID(),
text: "2nd note",
date: "15/10/22022",
}, {
id: genSmallID(),
text: "3rd note",
date: "16/10/22022",
}, {
id: genSmallID(),
text: "4th note",
date: "30/10/22022",
by setting a variable
const small_id = unique_id.slice(0, 8);
you create a variable and assign it to each element of your initialState array's id.
you should delete small_id and unique_id and do this:
const initialState = [{
id: uuid().slice(0, 8),
text: "1st note",
date: "12/10/22022",
}, {
id: uuid().slice(0, 8),
text: "2nd note",
date: "15/10/22022",
}, {
id: uuid().slice(0, 8),
text: "3rd note",
date: "16/10/22022",
}, {
id: uuid().slice(0, 8),
text: "4th note",
date: "30/10/22022",
In order to have different id (here you have always the same), or if the id isn't relevant for you you can always use the element's position in the array as key with the 2nd parameter of the map function like this:
<div className="notes-list">
{, key) => (
<Note key={key} id={} text={note.text} date={} />
<AddNote />

How to mock userReducer with jest?

I have the below code:
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
const initialTodos = [
id: 1,
title: "Todo 1",
complete: false,
id: 2,
title: "Todo 2",
complete: false,
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "COMPLETE":
return => {
if ( === {
return { ...todo, complete: !todo.complete };
} else {
return todo;
return state;
function Todos() {
const [todos, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialTodos);
const handleComplete = (todo) => {
dispatch({ type: "COMPLETE", id: });
return (
{ => (
<div key={}>
onChange={() => handleComplete(todo)}
ReactDOM.render(<Todos />, document.getElementById("root"));
I am trying to test this component with jest. How to mock the useReducer hook here so that I can change the state of the component manually rather than changing it by clicking the checkbox.
I have tried some examples but unfortunately it did not work. Please suggest.

Migration to Mobx 6: functional components aren't working with decorated observables

I faced with problem while migrating from Mobx 4 to Mobx 6.
I have a functional component but after updating Mobx it stopped working. Looks like store doesn't works. Component react on changes inside observable variable by reaction feature but changes aren't re-rendering. I made everything that was provided in migration guide but component's store doesn't working.
At some reason if I change functional component to class component everything starts working. But I really can't understand the reason why such happens and can't find any explanation of such behaviour.
Case looks like example bellow. Experimental decorators are enabled and any other stuff that was provided in Migration guide as well. So what is the reason of such behaviour and how can I implement correct logic in functional component?
interface User {
name: string;
age: number;
info: {
phone: string;
email: string;
const usersData: User[] = [
name: "Steve",
age: 29,
info: {
phone: "+79011054333",
email: "",
name: "George",
age: 34,
info: {
phone: "+79283030322",
email: "",
name: "Roger",
age: 17,
info: {
phone: "+79034451202",
email: "",
name: "Maria",
age: 22,
info: {
phone: "+79020114849",
email: "",
const getUsers = () => {
return new Promise<User[]>((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
class Store {
#observable users: User[] = [];
constructor() {
async init() {
const users = await getUsers();
#action setUsers(users: User[]) {
this.users = users;
#action increaseUserAge(userIndex: number) {
const users =, k) => {
if (k === userIndex) {
u.age += 1;
return u;
#computed get usersCount(): number {
return this.users.length;
const store = new Store();
const UserList = observer(() => {
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const addOneUser = () => {
const user = {
name: "Jesica",
age: 18,
info: {
phone: "+79886492224",
email: "",
store.setUsers([, user]);
return (
<div className="App">
<h4>Users: {store.usersCount}</h4>
{store.users.length ? (
{, key) => (
<li key={key}>
Name: {}, Age: {user.age}, Info:
Phone: {}, Email: {}
<button onClick={() => store.increaseUserAge(key)}>
Increase Age
<button onClick={addOneUser} disabled={store.usersCount >= 5}>
Add one user
) : (
<p>Fetching users...</p>
function App() {
return <UserList />;
export default App;
I've made Codesandbox example with your code (although removed types), it works fine.
Check tsconfig.json there, maybe you forgot to enable some of the options?
Or check what versions of mobx and mobx-react are you using?
And just a small nitpick on how you use your increaseUserAge action, it can be as simple as that:
#action increaseUserAge(user) {
user.age += 1;
And in the jsx you just pass the whole user there:
<button onClick={() => store.increaseUserAge(user)}>
Increase Age

Problem with re-renders in React with useCallback and useMemo

I've got a fairly simple example of a component (Hello.js) that renders three components, each with a different id (Speaker.js). I have a clickFunction that I pass back from the Speaker.js. I would think that using React.memo and React.useCallback would stop all three from re-rendering when only one changes, but sadly, you can see from the console.log in Speaker.js, clicking any of the three buttons causes all three to render.
Here is the problem example on stackblitz:
import React, { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import Speaker from "./Speaker";
export default () => {
const speakersArray = [
{ name: "Crockford", id: 101, favorite: true },
{ name: "Gupta", id: 102, favorite: false },
{ name: "Ailes", id: 103, favorite: true },
const [speakers, setSpeakers] = useState(speakersArray);
const clickFunction = useCallback((speakerIdClicked) => {
var speakersArrayUpdated = => {
if ( === speakerIdClicked) {
rec.favorite = !rec.favorite;
return rec;
return (
{ => {
return (
import React from "react";
export default React.memo(({ speaker, clickFunction }) => {
console.log(`speaker ${} ${} ${speaker.favorite}`);
return (
onClick={() => {
{} {} {speaker.favorite === true ? "true" : "false"}
because when you fire clickFunction it update speakers wich cause the recreating of this functions, to solve this you need to remove speakers from clickFunction dependencies and accessing it from setState callback.
here the solution :
import React, { useCallback, useState,useEffect } from "react";
import Speaker from "./Speaker";
export default () => {
const [speakers, setSpeakers] = useState([
{ name: "Crockford", id: 101, favorite: true },
{ name: "Gupta", id: 102, favorite: false },
{ name: "Ailes", id: 103, favorite: true },
const clickFunction = useCallback((speakerIdClicked) => {
setSpeakers(currentState=> => {
if ( === speakerIdClicked) {
rec.favorite = !rec.favorite;
return {...rec};
return rec
return (
{ => {
return (
and for speaker component:
import React from "react";
export default React.memo(({ speaker, clickFunction }) => {
return (
onClick={() => {
{} {} {speaker.favorite === true ? "true" : "false"}
Upon further reflection, I think my answer may not be entirely correct: without the [speakers] dependency this won't work as intended.
Two things:
The [speakers] dependency passed to useCallback causes the function to get recreated every time speakers changes, and because the callback itself calls setSpeakers, it will get recreated on every render.
If you fix #1, the Speaker components won't re-render at all, because they're receiving the same speaker prop. The fact that speaker.favorite has changed doesn't trigger a re-render because speaker is still the same object. To fix this, have your click function return a copy of rec with favorite flipped instead of just toggling it in the existing object:
import React, { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import Speaker from "./Speaker";
export default () => {
const speakersArray = [
{ name: "Crockford", id: 101, favorite: true },
{ name: "Gupta", id: 102, favorite: false },
{ name: "Ailes", id: 103, favorite: true },
const [speakers, setSpeakers] = useState(speakersArray);
const clickFunction = useCallback((speakerIdClicked) => {
var speakersArrayUpdated = => {
if ( === speakerIdClicked) {
return { ...rec, favorite: !rec.favorite }; // <= return a copy of rec
return rec;
}, []); // <= remove speakers dependency
return (
{ => {
return (

Why component is not re-rendering after deletion in react

Trying to delete element from list but its not re-rendering even I am using useEffect. my code is
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
const initialList = [
id: 'a',
firstname: 'Robin',
lastname: 'Wieruch',
year: 1988,
id: 'b',
firstname: 'Dave',
lastname: 'Davidds',
year: 1990,
id: 'c',
firstname: 'ssh',
lastname: 'asssss',
year: 1990,
id: 'd',
firstname: 'Asdf',
lastname: 'we32e',
year: 1990,
export default function App() {
const [list, setList] = useState(initialList);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('useEffect has been called!');
}, [list]);
const handleRemove = (id,i) => {
return (
<div className="App">
{,i) => (
<li key={}>
<button type="button" onClick={() => handleRemove(,i)}>
It's always a problem in react modifying the state directly and is generally considered an anti-pattern.
You could just do something like:
const handleRemove = (id) => {
const newArr = list.filter((el) => !== id);
And you don't need any useEffect either, the function should handle the state change.
