Azure AD show group name in id token instead of group id - azure-active-directory

My id token has group (as role) ids only
"roles": [
Even set to sAMAccountName
Any idea to return the group names instead?

If you are expecting group names in the claims of ID/Access/SAML token, unfortunately currently that is not supported due to some limitations. You would only have the object ids (guid) of the groups in the claim for AAD managed groups.
If you absolutely need group names for your purpose, consider a separate Graph API call to list group memberships of a user.
Also feel free to upvote on the feature request of group names in claims here.
Please refer to this similar question

I know this question is rather old already, but I experienced the same issue in summer 2021 still when trying to create a new .NET API project. Probably people stumbling across it in 2021 could make use of my solution:
I decided to create a NuGet package that resolves the group names using Microsoft Graph for applications using .NETs Microsoft.Identity.Web package (mostly ASP.NET Core applications).
Feel free to take a look into if that's applicable to your use case.

This is relatively old, but there's answer to that.
You can translate your groups to names by adjusting your application manifest.
Go to your application manifest via Applications and SSO options, you should see there "Manifest option" it should return a JSON which you can modify.
The important bit is in the optionalClaims, you need to add to your groups.additionalProperties section cloud_displayname option like this:
"optionalClaims": {
"idToken": [
"name": "preferred_username",
"source": null,
"essential": false,
"additionalProperties": []
"name": "groups",
"source": null,
"essential": false,
"additionalProperties": [


Owners not receiving email when added to a group in Graph

I create a group in graph with the following body:
"description": "<GroupDescription>",
"displayName": "<GroupTitle>",
"groupTypes": [
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "<SiteName>",
"owners#odata.bind": [
"securityEnabled": false,
"visibility": "private"
None of the owners added with the code:
"owners#odata.bind": [
receive an email. Users added to the group later will receive one. Is there a way to make the owners receive a welcome-email when added during the group creation?
The Unified Group Welcome Message is only sent to new members. If you would like to notify them that they've been added to a Group, you can add them to both owners and members.
This is also the guidance for Teams:
We recommend that when you add an owner, you also add that user as a member. If a team has an owner who is not also a member, ownership and membership changes might not show up immediately in Microsoft Teams. In addition, different apps and APIs will handle that differently. For example, Microsoft Teams will show teams that the user is either a member or an owner of, while the Microsoft Teams PowerShell cmdlets and the /me/joinedTeams API will only show teams the user is a member of. To avoid confusion, add all owners to the members list as well.

How to get Resource Group name from within Logic App

In an Azure Logic App, how can I get the name of the Resource Group containing the current logic app?
I want to include some tracking details in the JSON output that I am sending to another system.
I can get the run Identifier ( using #{workflow()['run']['name']} ),
and the current logic app name ( using #{workflow()['name']} )
However, I cant work out how to get the name of the resource group to which the logic app is deployed.
As a last resort, I will use the resource group name used by the deployment template, but that will be wrong if the logic app is moved later.
I could also use tags, but again that could get out of step if the logic app is moved.
A simple formula may be:
split(workflow().id, "/")[4]
If you're deploying the Logic Apps using ARM templates (e.g. edit in Visual Studio, check into Azure DevOps git repo and deploy using release pipeline), you can create an ARM parameter:
"resGroup_ARM": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().name]",
"metadata": {
"description": "Resouce group name"
Then, you can create a workflow parameter:
"resGroup_LA": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "ResGroup LA default"
... and give it a value in the parameters initialisation section:
"resGroup_LA": {
"value": "[parameters('resGroup_ARM')]"
You can get all the other properties of resourceGroup() in a similar manner, see:
First we can create a "Initialize variable" action to get all of the data in workflow, shown as below screenshot:
Then we can find the data in workflow is:
"id": "/subscriptions/*****/resourceGroups/huryTest/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/hurylogicblob",
"name": "hurylogicblob",
"type": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows",
"location": "eastus",
"tags": {},
"run": {
"id": "/subscriptions/*****/resourceGroups/huryTest/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/hurylogicblob/runs/*****",
"name": "*****",
"type": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs"
It contains the resource group name, so we just need to get the property "id" and substring it to get resource group name. The length of "resourceGroups/" is 15, so in the expression below I use add(,15) and sub(,15).
You can use the expression as below:
At last, I got the resource group name of the logic app:

HATEOAS and forms driven by the API

I'm trying to apply HATEOAS to the existing application and I'm having trouble with modeling a form inputs that would be driven by the API response.
The app is allowing to search & book connections between two places. First endpoint allows for searching the connections GET /connections?from={lat,lon}&to={lat,lon}&departure={dateTime} and returns following payload (response body).
"id": "aaa",
"carrier": "Fast Bus",
"price": 3.20,
"departure": "2019-04-05T12:30"
"id": "bbb",
"carrier": "Airport Bus",
"price": 4.60,
"departure": "2019-04-05T13:30"
"id": "ccc",
"carrier": "Slow bus",
"price": 1.60,
"departure": "2019-04-05T11:30"
In order to make an order for one of connections, the client needs to make a POST /orders request with one of following payloads (request body):
email required
"connectionId": "aaa",
"email": ""
email & flight number required (carrier handles only aiprort connections)
"connectionId": "bbb",
"email": "",
"flightNumber": "EA1234"
phone number required
"connectionId": "ccc",
"phoneNumber": "+44 111 222 333"
The payload is different, because different connections may be handled by different carriers and each of them may require some different set of information to provide. I would like to inform the API client, what fields are required when creating an order. The question I have is how do I do this with HATEOAS?
I checked different specs and this is what I could tell from reading the specs:
HAL & HAL-FORMS There are "_templates" but, there is no URI in the template itself. It’s presumed to operate on the self link, which in my case would be /connections... not /orders.
JSON-LD I couldn't find anything about forms or templates support.
JSON-API I couldn't find anything about forms or templates support.
Collection+JSON There is at most one "template" per document, therefore it's presumed that all elements of the collection have the same fields which is not the case in my app.
Siren Looks like the "actions" would fit my use case, but the project seems dead and there are no supporting libraries for many major languages.
CPHL The project seems dead, very little documentation and no libraries.
Ion There is nice support for forms, but I couldn't find any supporting libraries. Looks like it's just a spec for now.
Is such a common problem as having forms driven by the API still unsolved with spec and tooling?
In your example, it appears that Connections are resources. It's not completely clear if Orders are truly resources. I'm guessing probably yes, but to have an Order you need a Client and Connection. So, to create an Order you will need to expose a collection, likely from the Client or Connection, possibly both.
I think the disconnect is from thinking along the lines of "now that we've got a list of available connections, the client can select one and create an Order." That's perfectly valid, but it's remote procedure call (RPC) thinking, not REST. Neither is objectively better than the other, except in the context of a particular set of project requirements, and generally they shouldn't be mixed together.
With an RPC mindset, a create order method is defined (e.g. using OpenAPI) and any clients are expected to use some out-of-band information to determine the correct form required (i.e. by reading the OpenAPI spec).
With a REST/HATEOAS mindset, the correct approach would be to expose a Orders collection from Connection. Each Connection in the collection has a self link and a Orders collection (link or object, as defined by app requirements). Each item of Order has a self link, and that is where the affordances are specified. An Order is a known type (even with REST/HATEOAS the client and service have to at least agree on a shared vocabulary) that the client presumably knows how to define. That vocabulary can be defined using any mechanism that works -- json-ld, XSD, etc.
HATEOAS requires that the result contains everything the client needs to update the state. There can be no out-of-band information (other than the shared vocabulary). So, to solve your issue, you either need to expose a collection of Orders from Connection or you need to allow an Order to be created by posting to Connection. If the latter seems like a bit of a hack, it probably is.
For example, in HAL-Forms, I would do something like:
"connections": [{
"id": "aaa",
"carrier": "Fast Bus",
"price": 3.20,
"departure": "2019-04-05T12:30"
"_links": {
"self": { ... }, // link to this connection
"orders": {} // link to collection of orders for this connection
, ...],
"_links": {
"self": { ... } // link to the collection
"_templates": { ... } // post/put/patch/delete connection
Clients would follow the links to orders and from there would get the _templates collection that contains the instructions for managing the Order resources. The Order POST would likely require a connection identifier and client information. The HAL-Forms Spec defines a regex property that can be used to specify the type of data to supply for any particular form element. Since you have reached the order by navigating through a specific connection, you would be able to specify in your _templates for that order exactly which fields are required. e.g. /orders?connectionType=aaa would return a different set of required properties than /orders?connectionType=bbb but both use the same self link of /orders?connectionType={type} and you'd validate it on POST/PUT/PATCH.
I should note that the Spring-HATEOAS goes beyond the HAL-Forms spec and allows for multiple _links and _templates. See this GitHub issue.
It may look like HATEOAS/REST requires quite a bit more work than a simple OpenAPI/RPC API and it does. But what you are giving up in simplicity, you are gaining in flexibility and resilience, assuming well-designed clients. Which approach is correct depends on a lot of factors, most of them not technical (team skills, expected consumers, how much control you have over clients, maintenance, etc.).

Using with all

Follwing statement find all profiles that has Facebook or twitter and this works:
$filter=SocialAccounts/any(x:, 'Facebook,Twitter'))
But I cant find any samples for finding all that has both Facebook and twitter. I tried:
$filter=SocialAccounts/all(x:, 'Facebook,Twitter'))
But this is not valid query.
Azure Search does not support the type of ‘all’ filter that you’re looking for. Using with ‘all’ would be equivalent to using OR, but Azure Search can only handle AND in the body of an ‘all’ lambda (which is equivalent to OR in the body of an ‘any’ lambda).
You might try a workaround like this:
$filter=tags/any(t: t eq 'Facebook') and tags/any(t: t eq 'Twitter')
However, this isn't actually equivalent to using all with The query as expressed using all is matching documents where every social account is strictly either Facebook or Twitter. If any other social account is present, the document won’t match. The workaround doesn’t have this property. A document must have at least Facebook and Twitter in order to match, but not exclusively those. This is certainly a valid scenario; it just isn't the same as using all with, which was the original question.
No matter how you try to rewrite the query, you won’t be able to express an equivalent to the all query. This is a limitation due to the way Azure Search stores collections of strings and other primitive types in the inverted index.
Please vote on user voice to help prioritize:
A possible workaround is to use the new Complex Types feature, which does allow more expressive filters inside lambda expressions. For example, if you model tags as objects with a single value property instead of as a collection of strings, you should be able to execute a filter like this:
$filter=tags/all(t:, 'Facebook,Twitter'))
In the REST API, you'd define tags like this:
"name": "myindex",
"fields": [
"name": "tags",
"type": "Collection(Edm.ComplexType)",
"fields": [
{ "name": "value", "type": "Edm.String", "filterable": true }
Note that this feature is in preview at the time of this writing, but will be generally available (and publicly documented) soon.

Structuring user data by email address or by user ID

I want to have the users in the database structured in a way that makes it easier for a human to read and manage. Using the users email address as the property name instead of the User ID:
"Users" : {
"id": "DK66qu2dfUHt4ASfy36sdfYHS9fh",
"name": "A Display Name",
"groups": {
"moderators": true,
"users": true
So that if I have a list of users in a group, they can be read as a list of emails and not a list of user IDs.
Groups Such as:
"Groups": {
"name": "moderator",
"members": {
"": true,
"": true
Groups Instead of:
"Groups": {
"name": "moderator",
"members": {
"DK66qu2dfUHt4ASfy36sdfYHS9fh": true,
"K2fkHYQDFOge3Hw7SjRaGP3N2sdo": true
However, using rules to verify a property of the user (such as their group), would require me to maintain two list of users, one like the list above, and another essentially a table of key-value pairs of ID's and email addresses so I can get the users email address from their uid.
Pseudo-code rule: Users[UsersKeyVal[auth.uid]].groups.moderator == true
With firebase, what would be considered the most acceptable practice? What are the pros and cons of both?
Please do not store user data under their email address! This will be BIG TROUBLE later.
Your users node should follow the 'standard' Firebase design pattern
The bottom line is that in general, it's best to disassociate the dynamic data stored in the node from the key of the node.
Suppose you build a complex structure with all kinds of links and references to and then gets acquired by Well, you will then have to go in and rebuild every reference to franks's email in the entire database. ugh.
Then what if there are 100 or 1000 users! Ouch.
If you disassociate the data, like my per above suggested structure, you just change the email address within the node and everything else... just works!
PLEASE, read this answer on stack overflow - written by a Firebaser and addresses your question
Firebase data structure and url
In my opinion there is no problem with your data structure.
According to the Doc
This is a necessary redundancy for two-way relationships. It allows you to quickly and efficiently fetch your members memberships
Also using the generated UId from firebase or your custom Id (here your e-mail) doesn't change the way firebase works. You just have to make sure your e-mail are unique.
