webpack-web-server not starting while building custom data viz (getBuildableComponents issue) - webpack-dev-server

I'm trying to build a custom dataviz for data studio, but it starts at npm run start because of TypeError: getBuildableComponents is not a function
❯ node -v
Anyone having this?
Thanks a lot.

Bug opened on ds-components here : https://github.com/googledatastudio/tooling/issues/190


TypeError: fetch failed when running npx gltfjsx command React Three Fiber

I'm a newbie trying to explore Three JS on react.
When I try to run gltfjsx to generate the jsx component that I will be using on my experiment game. I encountered this error, anyone has an idea ? maybe I'm doing something wrong.
I'm using node version 18.19.0
Type Error: fetch failed
As suggested on https://github.com/pmndrs/gltfjsx/issues/153#issuecomment-1216063589
Downgrading to node version 16.16.0 solved my issue.

ReactJs Compiling Issue: immer.esm.js is not found

I am creating an reactJS application where I am using react-redux for state management. Few days back it was working fine but now I am getting below error at the time of compilation process:
Failed to compile.
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'root_directory\node_modules\#reduxjs\toolkit\node_modules\immer\dist\immer.esm.js'
I had setup react project using "create-react-app" command. After setting up, I have got few commands that I can use to run application. So, I am getting above issue while running below command:
npm run start
I have also tried to fix this issue after deleting package-lock.json file and then run npm install but still getting same error.
Can someone please guide me what has done wrongly and why this error arrived suddendly.
Thanks in advance

npm start command is not working when I will run react-js project

I am installing react for the first time. I don't know what can I do.
Reference image of error.
Thanks in advance.
I think Your Console address should look like this when you're running the npm start command:

Newly created React app crashes on live server

Whenever i create a react app using create-react-app and run npm run start it crashes.
This is the error i am getting in terminal.
Failed to compile ../node_modules/react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js
Error: [BABEL]/Users/toures/Desktop/REACT/SecondSummit/try1/node_modules/react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js:
Cannot find module './src/data'
(While processing: "/Users/toures/Desktop/REACT/SecondSummit/try1/node_modules/babel-preset-react-app/dependencies.js$0$9")
Can anyone guide me? Thanks.
In the past I've fixed it by deleting the node_modules folder, then running npm install.

CamanJS with React

I'm trying to use CamanJS with React, I'm installing as a node module with npm install caman per the documentation but I am getting an error. I've tried using require to bring it in, I've also tried import. The package is in my node_modules folder.
Heres the error:
Console Warning:
Any help is very much appreciated!
Yeah, the issue is that fibers is looking for environment variables, but because you're running it in the browser, it can't find them. npm i -s caman is meant to be used with node. Kinda a bummer.
