Does linker add the library function into the source code? - c

Linker basic function is to link the object code with other object code(it can be standard library code).
int main()
I want to know will linker replace the printf() function with its definition (like an inline function in c++). Or it will paste the printf()
function outside the main() function and pass "hello" as argument to that function.

For printf("hello");, the compiler generates an instruction to call a subroutine. It leaves the address of the subroutine not completely filled in. The object module the compiler generates has some notes about what routine’s address should be filled in there.
The linker may work in different ways. For static linking, the linker will find the implementation of printf in a library and copy the object module for it from the library into the executable file it is building. Depending on certain characteristics of the link, the linker might then complete the call instruction with the final address of the printf routine or it might leave notes in the executable file about the relationship between the call instruction and the printf routine. Later, when the program is being loaded into memory, the program loader will complete the address in the instruction.
For dynamic linking, the linker will find the implementation of printf in a library (or in a file with sufficient information about the library). It will not copy the printf function’s object module into the executable file, but it will include notes about the relationship between the call instruction and the printf routine and its library in the executable file. Later, the program loader will copy the printf function’s object module into the memory of the process. (This might be done by mapping part of the process’ virtual address space to physical memory that already contains the object module from the library and that is shared by other processes on the system. This sharing reduces the load on the system and makes dynamic loading more favorable in this regard.) And the loader will complete the address in the call instruction.
Some dynamic loading is not done as soon as the program is loaded. When a process is started, the loader might load just the program entry point and some essential parts. Some call instructions might be left incomplete. They will have been filled in with the addresses of special subroutines of the program loader (or dynamic library loader). When one of these subroutines is called, it will then load the desired routine, change the address in the call instruction (or otherwise arrange for future calls to call the desired routine), and then jump to the desired routine. This is beneficial because routines that are not used by your program in a particular run do not have to be loaded into memory at all. For example, if your program has a lot of code and data to log errors and inform the user when certain errors occur, that code and data does not have to be loaded into memory of those errors do not occur in a particular session.


How are shared libraries referenced by various programs?

I understand that shared libraries are loaded into memory and used by various programs.
How can a program know where in memory the library is?
When a shared library is used, there are two parts to the linkage process. At compile time, the linker program, ld in Linux, links against the shared library in order to learn which symbols are defined by it. However, none of the code or data initializers from the shared library are actually included in the ultimate a.out file. Instead, ld just records which dynamic libraries were linked against and the information is placed into an auxiliary section of the a.out file.
The second phase takes placed at execution time, before main gets invoked. The kernel loads a small helper program,, into the address space and this gets executed. Therefore, the start address of the program is not main or even _start (if you have heard of it). Rather, it is actually the start address of the dynamic library loader.
In Linux, the kernel maps the loader code into a convenient place in the precess address space and sets up the stack so that the list of required shared libraries (and other necessary info) is present. The dynamic loader finds each of the required libraries by looking at a sequence of directories which are often point in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. There is also a pre-defined list which is hard-coded into (and additional search places can be hard-coded into the a.out during link time). For each of the libraries, the dynamic loader reads its header and then uses mmap to create memory regions for the library.
Now for the fun part.
Since the actual libraries used at run-time to satisfy the requirements are not known at link-time, we need to figure out a way to access functions defined in the shared library and global variables that are exported by the shared library (this practice is deprecated since exporting global variables is not thread-safe, but it is still something we try to handle).
Global variables are assigned a statics address at link time and are then accessed by absolute memory address.
For functions exported by the library, the user of the library is going to emit a series of call assembly instructions, which reference an absolute memory address. But, the exact absolute memory address of the referenced function is not known at link time. How do we deal with this?
Well, the linker creates what is known as a Procedure Linkage Table, which is a series of jmp (assembly jump) instructions. The target of the jump is filled in at run time.
Now, when dealing with the dynamic portions of the code (i.e. the .o files that have been compiled with -fpic), there are no absolute memory references whatsoever. In order to access global variables which are also visible to the static portion of the code, another table called the Global Offset Table is used. This table is an array of pointers. At link time, since the absolute memory addresses of the global variables are known, the linker populates this table. Then, at run time, dynamic code is able to access the global variables by first finding the Global Offset Table, then loading the address of the correct variable from the appropriate slot in the table, and finally dereferencing the pointer.

When is dynamic linking between a program and a shared library performed?

In C, when is dynamic linking between a program and a shared library performed:
Once loading of the program into the memory, but before executing the main() of the program, or
After executing the main() of the program, when the first call to a routine from the library is executed? Will dynamic linking happen again when a second or third or... call to a routine from the library is executed?
I was thinking the first, until I read the following quote, and now I am not sure.
Not sure if OS matters, I am using Linux.
From Operating System Concepts:
With dynamic linking, a stub is included in the image for each
library- routine reference. The stub is a small piece of code that
indicates how to locate the appropriate memory-resident library
routine or how to load the library if the routine is not already
When the stub is executed, it checks to see whether the needed routine is already in memory. If it is not, the program loads the
routine into memory. Either way, the stub replaces itself with the
address of the routine and executes the routine. Thus, the next time
that particular code segment is reached, the library routine is
executed directly, incurring no cost for dynamic linking. Under this
scheme, all processes that use a language library execute only one
copy of the library code.
I was thinking the first, until I read the following quote, and now I am not sure.
It's complicated (and depends on exactly what you call "dynamic linking").
The Linux kernel loads a.out into memory. It then examines PT_INTERP segment (if any).
If that segment is not present, the binary is statically linked and the kernel transfers control to the Elf{32,64}Ehdr.e_entry (usually the _start routine).
If the PT_INTERP segment is present, the kernel loads it into memory, and transfers control to it's .e_entry. It is here that the dynamic linking begins.
The dynamic loader relocates itself, then looks in a.outs PT_DYNAMIC segment for instructions on what else is necessary.
For example, it will usually find one or more DT_NEEDED entries -- shared libraries that a.out was directly linked against. The loader loads any such libraries, initializes them, and resolves any data references between them.
IF a.outs PT_DYNAMIC has a DT_FLAGS entry, and IF that entry contains DF_BIND_NOW flag, then function references from a.out will also be resolved. Otherwise (and assuming that LD_BIND_NOW is not set in the environment), lazy PLT resolution will be performed (resolving functions as part of first call to any given function). Details here.
When the stub is executed, it checks to see whether the needed routine is already in memory. If it is not, the program loads the routine into memory.
I don't know which book you are quoting from, but no current UNIX OS works that way.
The OS (and compiler, etc.) certainly matters: the language itself has nothing to say about dynamic libraries (and very little about linking in general). Even if we know that dynamic linking is occurring, a strictly-conforming program cannot observe any effect from timing among its translation units (since non-local initialization cannot have side effects).
That said, the common toolchains on Linux do support automatic initialization upon loading a dynamic library (for implementing C++, among other things). Executables and the dynamic libraries on which they depend (usually specified with -l) are loaded and initialized recursively to allow initialization in each module to (successfully) use functions from its dependencies. (There is an unfortunate choice of order in some cases.) Of course, dlopen(3) can be used to load and initialize more libraries later.

Hook and Replace Export Function in the Loaded ELF ( .so shared library )

I'm writing some C code to hook some function of .so ELF (shared-library) loaded into memory.
My C code should be able to re-direct an export function of another .so library that was loaded into the app/program's memory.
Here's a bit of elaboration:
Android app will have multiple .so files loaded. My C code has to look through export function that belongs to another shared .so library (called in this case)
This is not a regular dlsym approach because I don't just want address of a function but I want to replace it with my own fuction; in that: when another library makes the call to its own function then instead my hook_func gets called, and then from my hook_func I should call the original_func.
For import functions this can work. But for export functions I'm not sure how to do it.
Import functions have the entries in the symbol table that have corresponding entry in relocation table that eventually gives the address of entry in global offset table (GOT).
But for the export functions, the symbol's st_value element itself has address of the procedure and not GOT address (correct me if I'm wrong).
How do I perform the hooking for the export function?
Theoretically speaking, I should get the memory location of the st_value element of dynamic symbol table entry ( Elf32_Sym ) of export function. If I get that location then I should be able to replace the value in that location with my hook_func's address. However, I'm not able to write into this location so far. I have to assume the dynamic symbol table's memory is read-only. If that is true then what is the workaround in that case?
Thanks a lot for reading and helping me out.
Update: LD_PRELOAD can only replace the original functions with my own, but then I'm not sure if there any way to call the originals.
In my case for example:
App initializes the audio engine by calling Audio_System_Create and passes a reference of AUDIO_SYSTEM object to Audio_System_Create(AUDIO_SYSTEM **);
AUDIO API allocates this struct/object and function returns.
Now if only I could access that AUDIO_SYSTEM object, I would easily attach a callback to this object and start receiving audio data.
Hence, my ultimate goal is to get the reference to AUIOD_SYSTEM object; and in my understanding, I can only get that if I intercept the call where that object is first getting allocated through Audio_System_Create(AUIOD_SYSTEM **).
Currently there is no straight way to grab the output audio at android. (all examples talk about recording audio that comes from microphone only)
As advised by Basile in his answer, I made use of dladdr() but strangely enough it gives me the same address as I pass to it.
void *pFunc=procedure_addr; //procedure address calculated from the st_value of symbol from symbol table in ELF file (not from loaded file)
int nRet;
// Lookup the name of the function given the function pointer
if ((nRet = dladdr(pFunc, &DlInfo)) != 0)
LOGE("Symbol Name is: %s", DlInfo.dli_sname);
LOGE("Symbol Address is: NULL");
LOGE("Symbol Address is: 0x%x", DlInfo.dli_saddr);
LOGE("dladdr failed");
Here's the result I get:
entry_addr =0x75a28cfc
entry_addr_through_dlysm =0x75a28cfc
Symbol Name is: AUDIO_System_Create
Symbol Address is: 0x75a28cfc
Here address obtained through dlysm or calculated through ELF file is the address of procedure; while I need the location where this address itself is; so that I can replace this address with my hook_func address. dladdr() didn't do what I thought it will do.
You should read in details Drepper's paper: how to write shared libraries - notably to understand why using LD_PRELOADis not enough. You may want to study the source code of the dynamic linker ( inside your libc. You might try to change with mprotect(2) and/or mmap(2) and/or mremap(2) the relevant pages. You can query the memory mapping thru proc(5) using /proc/self/maps & /proc/self/smaps. Then you could, in an architecture-specific way, replace the starting bytes (perhaps using asmjit or GNU lightning) of the code of original_func by a jump to your hook_func function (which you might need to change its epilogue, to put the overwritten instructions -originally at original_func- there...)
Things might be slightly easier if original_func is well known and always the same. You could then study its source and assembler code, and write the patching function and your hook_func only for it.
Perhaps using dladdr(3) might be helpful too (but probably not).
Alternatively, hack your dynamic linker to change it for your needs. You might study the source code of musl-libc
Notice that you probably need to overwrite the machine code at the address of original_func (as given by dlsym on "original_func"). Alternatively, you'll need to relocate every occurrence of calls to that function in all the already loaded shared objects (I believe it is harder; if you insist see dl_iterate_phdr(3)).
If you want a generic solution (for an arbitrary original_func) you'll need to implement some binary code analyzer (or disassembler) to patch that function. If you just want to hack a particular original_func you should disassemble it, and patch its machine code, and have your hook_func do the part of original_func that you have overwritten.
Such horrible and time consuming hacks (you'll need weeks to make it work) make me prefer using free software (since then, it is much simpler to patch the source of the shared library and recompile it).
Of course, all this isn't easy. You need to understand in details what ELF shared objects are, see also elf(5) and read Levine's book: Linkers and Loaders
NB: Beware, if you are hacking against a proprietary library (e.g. unity3d), what you are trying to achieve might be illegal. Ask a lawyer. Technically, you are violating most abstractions provided by shared libraries. If possible, ask the author of the shared library to give help and perhaps implement some plugin machinery in it.

process of running linux executable

Is there good documentation of what happen when I run some executable in Linux. For example: I start ./a.out, so probably some bootloader assembly is run (come with c runtime?), and it finds start symbol in program, doing dynamic relocation, finally call main.
I know the above is not correct, but looking for detailed documentation of how this process happen. Can you please explain, or point to links or books that do?
For dynamic linked programs, the kernel detects the PT_INTERP header in the ELF file and first mmaps the dynamic linker (/lib/ or similar), and starts execution at the e_entry address from the main ELF header of the dynamic linker. The initial state of the stack contains the information the dynamic linker needs to find the main program binary (already in memory). It's responsible for reading this and finding all the additional libraries that must be loaded, loading them, performing relocations, and jumping to the e_entry address of the main program.
For static linked programs, the kernel uses the e_entry address from the main program's ELF header directly.
In either case, the main program begins with a routine written in assembly traditionally called _start (but the name is not important as long as its address is in the e_entry field of the ELF header). It uses the initial stack contents to determine argc, argv, environ, etc. and calls the right implementation-internal functions (usually written in C) to run global constructors (if any) and perform any libc initialization needed prior to the entry to main. This usually ends with a call to exit(main(argc, argv)); or equivalent.
A book "Linker and Loader" gives a detail description about the loading process. Maybe it can give you some help on the problem.

Two different programs in Flash

Is it possible to RUN 2 different C programs(ie 2 main()), stored in Flash(micro controller), one at a time?
I have a bootloader code which is a separate program and resides in separate protected section of ROM. Then I have my application program which resides in separate ROM section. Although, residing in memory is not an issue, but how will linker interpret this? How can I switch between 2 programs. Is this possible?
For example:
Once I am done with bootloader, I can make it jump to Application function, but how will linker know this function?
Just to add, I am using Freescale HCS08 series and IDE is Codewarrior.
Further, here are the sequence of steps:
I load a Bootloader code in ROM. Then this bootloader code is required to load my application code. And then my application code should take over.
Bootloader Code:
Program Application Area ROM
Start Application Program
Application Code:
Check if to run Bootloader code or application itself.
Main is just a function. You may rename it and write another main which call either of them.
If you do not want rename main in the source you may mangle its name by define or compiler key:
cc -Dmain=main1 ...
(for first program), and
cc -Dmain=main2 ...
(for the second). Selector main:
int main(void) {
if(x) return main1();
else return main2();
Then link all together and download to your controller.
But there's problem with ISR's: you cannot assign two routines to single irq vector. If vectors are hardcoded to some flash location (like in most 8-bit controllers) you cannot switch ISR's. You will have to write ISR wrapper, recognizing which program is run and calling appropriate ISR.
Second issue is that statically linked variables from first and second program will be in RAM simultaneously while only one set of them is used. This may exhaust RAM (small amount of which often exists in microcontroller) too early.
Oh, now I really understand. If you want to link and download them separately, you should deal with linker maps. In this case same symbol names (such as many main's) s not an issue. In linker map you should define known entry point [set it to absolute address], from which either application code starts. Startup code (commonly it is assemble code) should be linked from this address. From selector you should decide and jump to defined location directly. (Do this only for bootloader if your app is also a selector).
Entry point provided by linker may be accessible by program as extern function:
int app2_start(void);
.... /* condition check */
app2_start(); /* this symbol defined in linker map, not in any source */
But this is not the address of it's main(), because C RTL have do make many initialisations (stack, initialised variables, heap, IO, etc.) before main() can start.
There's more common way that the bootloader decides, should it run itself or application, because if application code fails, boodloader may became inaccessible.
The way I've seen this done is to stick the entry point into a header for the application. Then have the boot loader pull that entry point out and jump to it with an appropriate inline assembly instruction. You may need a linker script to get the entry point itself from the application. Gnu ld uses ENTRY.
