How to retrieve variables from history.push in React? - reactjs

I have this function in my main page, pushing searchVal to another page. How can I retrieve and use that value in the other page, which consists of a functional component?
const onSearchSubmit = () => {
history.push(getParamUrl(pages.globalSearch.url, { searchVal }));
This is the basis of the other page:
const GlobalSearchResults = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
// Set keyboard focus at page title on load
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<main id="Welcome-component" className="animate__animated animate__fadeIn">
<h1 tabIndex={0} className="GlobalSearchResults-title">
{t('GlobalSearchResults-title', 'Search Results')}
<h5>Search Results for ""</h5>
export default GlobalSearchResults;

use withRouter to hook router state to your component
import { withRouter } from "react-router";
function GlobalSearchResults(props){
const { match, location, history } = this.props;
export default withRouter(GlobalSearchResults)
browse location object to see more info


Can we use the same provider function in useContext() hook in react for two components?

I was implementing an e-commerce cart using react and inside it, I created a single context to get the category of the item user wants to see. I also used the react-router-dom to route a new component to display all the elements using the state of the context. But although I updated the state, it is showing that my state is empty.
function ProductCategory() {
const [categoryClick, setCategoryClick] = useState('LAPTOPS');
const {product, activeCategoryChanged} = useActiveCategoryContext();
const handleCategoryClick = (e) => {
const getProductCategoriesCard = () => {
return <ProductCategoryCardWrapper onClick={handleCategoryClick}>
{, index) => {
return <ProductCards id = {} key={index} style={{ backgroundImage : "url("+category.imageURL+")"}}><Heading id = {}><Link to ='/ecom/category'>{}</Link></Heading></ProductCards>
return (
{/* <Products product = {obj[categoryClick]}/> */}
Now below is the code sample of the context:
import React, {useContext, useState, useEffect} from 'react';
const ActiveCategoryContext = React.createContext();
export function useActiveCategoryContext() {
return useContext(ActiveCategoryContext);
export function ActiveCategoryContextProvider({children}){
const [product, setProduct] = useState([]);
const activeCategoryChanged = (active) => {
const value = {
return <ActiveCategoryContext.Provider value = {value}>
Now finally I am going to attach the code sample of the product component which uses the product state of the context to display all the elements inside the particular category selected by the user:
function Products() {
const {product} = useActiveCategoryContext();
const getProductItemsDisplayed = () => {
return, index) => (
<ProductCartCard key={index} product={product} />
return <TopSection>

jest react-testing-library error symbol is not a function

Hello everyone i have problem with simple test i try test has text in Link tag and has link tag in nav but i see error symbol is not a function can you help me please?
my test code:
const mockUseLocationValue = {
pathname: "",
search: '',
hash: '',
state: null
jest.mock('react-router', () => ({
...jest.requireActual("react-router") as {},
useLocation: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return mockUseLocationValue;
test("should render the home page", () => {
render(<Header />);
const navbar = screen.getByTestId("navbar");
const link = screen.getByTestId("home-link");
expect(link.innerHTML).toMatch("Home page");
My original code:
export const Header = ():JSX.Element => {
const location = useLocation()
const { pathname } = location
const splitLocation = pathname.split('/')
return (
<HeaderBlock as='h3' block>
<nav data-testid="navbar">
<ul className={styles.links}>
<Link data-testid="home-link" to="/">
Home Page
When using react-testing-library you can specify additional options for the render function, one of them being a wrapper.
Pass a React Component as the wrapper option to have it rendered
around the inner element. This is most useful for creating reusable
custom render functions for common data providers.
You shouldn't mock functionality you are testing.
Create a memory router for testing in jest.
import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
export const RouterWrapper = ({ children }) => (
In test, import the wrapper and pass in the options.
import { RouterWrapper } from '../path/to/test/util';
test("should render the home page", () => {
<Header />,
wrapper: RouterWrapper
const navbar = screen.getByTestId("navbar");
const link = screen.getByTestId("home-link");
expect(link.innerHTML).toMatch("Home page");

React Router props.match and props.history.push are undefined while using useContext

I have moved my project to Codesandbox for better assistance with my question. Here is the link to the project.
I have two components SearchForm and AnimeDetails that receive API calls from my context component AnimeContext. The form is meant to display the searched Anime that was requested and AnimeDetails is supposed to display the details for the selected Anime.
I'm using props.match.params to get the id of the anime within the TopAnime component using <Link to={} /> and props.history.push to redirect to a new page once the form is submitted.
When I attempt to click on an Anime card to get the details, I receive
props.match is undefined
When I submit the form, I see the searched anime appear, but then I receive
props.history is undefined
I'm assuming this is React Router issue and that I am not setting something up correctly.
Here's what I have attempted so far and nothing has worked:
Using Redirect
Using the useHistory hook
Wrapping AnimeProvider with withRouter
In short, I cannot search for any titles and I cannot click on any Anime title on the HomePage to get it's details without getting undefined for props.match and props.history.
SearchForm component
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
import styled from 'styled-components'
import AnimeCard from './AnimeCard/AnimeCard';
import { AnimeContext } from '../store/AnimeContext'
const SearchForm = () => {
const { dataItems, animeSearched, handleSubmit } = useContext(AnimeContext)
return (
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
placeholder="Enter title"
// ref={value => myValue = value}
<FormButton type='submit'>Search</FormButton>
</ Form>
<AnimeCard />
: null}
export default withRouter(SearchForm)
AnimeDetails component
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
import { AnimeContext } from "../store/AnimeContext";
const AnimeDetails = () => {
const { fetching, anime, fetchAnimeDetails } = useContext(AnimeContext);
useEffect(() => {
return (
{fetching && "Fetching..."}
{anime && (
<Poster src={anime.image_url} />
{/* Details */}
<Score>{anime.score || "N/A"}</Score>
{/* If no score then display N/A */}
<h3>Opening Themes</h3>
{anime.opening_themes // Make sure data is fully loaded before component renders
?, index) => (
<li key={index}>{song}</li>
: null}
{/* Info Bar */}
Epiosdes: <span className="info-span">{anime.episodes}</span>
Duration: <span className="info-span">{anime.duration}</span>
rel="external noopener noreferrer"
View Trailer
{/* Synopsis */}
export default AnimeDetails;
AnimeContext component
import React, { useState, useEffect, createContext } from 'react'
const AnimeContext = createContext()
const API = ""
const AnimeProvider = (props) => {
const urls = [
// State for top Anime
const [topTv, setTopTv] = useState([])
const [topAiring, setTopAiring] = useState([])
const [topUpcoming, setTopUpcoming] = useState([])
// State for Anime details
const [animeReq, setAnimeReq] = useState({
fetching: false,
anime: []
// State for Anime search form
const [dataItems, setDataItems] = useState([])
const [animeSearched, setAnimeSearched] = useState(false)
// Fetch top Anime
const fetchTopAnime = async () => {
return Promise.all( url => {
return await fetch(url); // fetch data from urls
.then((responses) => Promise.all( => resp.json())) // turn data into JSON
.then(data => {
const topTvFiltered = data[0].top.filter(item => item.rank <= 5) // filter out top 6
const topAiringFiltered = data[1].top.filter(item => item.rank <= 5)
const topUpcomingFiltered = data[2].top.filter(item => item.rank <= 5)
.catch(err => console.log("There was an error:" + err))
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
// Fetch Anime details
const fetchAnimeDetails = async () => {
setAnimeReq({ fetching: true })
const response = await fetch(`${API}/${props.match.params.animeId}`)
const data = await response.json()
setAnimeReq({ fetching: false, anime: data }) // set initial state to hold data from our API call
const { fetching, anime } = animeReq;
// Fetch searched Anime
async function handleSubmit(e) {
const animeQuery =
const response = await fetch(`${API}/search/anime?q=${animeQuery}&page=1`)
const animeData = await response.json()
return (
<AnimeContext.Provider value={{
export { AnimeProvider, AnimeContext }
You should do this
import { useLocation, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
//You should navigate
const navigate = useNavigate();
navigate('/app/example', { state: { message: "hello" } });
//You can receive
const location = useLocation();
console.log("location data", location.state);

createPortal does not overwrite div contents (like ReactDOM.render)

I am trying to get ReactDOM.createPortal to override the contents of the container I am mounting it too. However it seems to appendChild.
Is it possible to override contents? Similar to ReactDOM.render?
Here is my code:
import React from 'react';
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom';
class PrivacyContent extends React.Component {
render() {
return createPortal(
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>
Click me
handleClick() {
export default PrivacyContent;
If you know what you're doing, here is a <Portal /> component that under the hoods creates a portal, empties the target DOM node and mounts any component with any props:
const Portal = ({ Component, container, ...props }) => {
const [innerHtmlEmptied, setInnerHtmlEmptied] = React.useState(false)
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!innerHtmlEmptied) {
container.innerHTML = ''
}, [innerHtmlEmptied])
if (!innerHtmlEmptied) return null
return ReactDOM.createPortal(<Component {...props} />, container)
<Portal Component={MyComponent} container={document.body} {...otherProps} />
This empties the content of document.body, then mounts MyComponent while passing down otherProps.
Hope that helps.
In the constructor of the component, you could actually clear the contents of the div before rendering your Portal content:
class PrivacyContent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
const myNode = document.getElementById("privacy");
while (myNode.firstChild) {
render() {
return createPortal(
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>
Click me
handleClick() {
export default PrivacyContent;
I find this is better and doesn't need useState:
export const Portal = () => {
const el = useRef(document.createElement('div'));
useEffect(() => {
const current = el.current;
// We assume `root` exists with '?'
if (!root?.hasChildNodes()) {
return () => void root?.removeChild(current);
}, []);
return createPortal(<Cmp />, el.current);
Bit of an old question, but here's another sync solution (without useState). Also in a reusable component format.
const Portal = ({ selector, children, replaceContent = true }) => {
const target = useRef(document.querySelector(selector)).current;
const hasMounted = useRef(false);
if (!target) return null;
if (replaceContent && !hasMounted.current) {
target.innerHTML = '';
hasMounted.current = true;
return createPortal(children, target);
A solution with zero hook dependencies
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom';
const getNode = (id) => {
const domNode = document.getElementById(id);
const div = document.createElement("div");
return div;
const Portal = ({ children }) => {
const domNode = getNode("privacy");
if (domNode) {
return createPortal(children, domNode);
return null;

Can a React portal be used in a Stateless Functional Component (SFC)?

I have used ReactDOM.createPortal inside the render method of a stateful component like so:
class MyComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (
{ReactDOM.createPortal(<FOO />, 'dom-location')}
... but can it also be used by a stateless (functional) component?
Will chime in with an option where you dont want to manually update your index.html and add extra markup, this snippet will dynamically create a div for you, then insert the children.
export const Portal = ({ children, className = 'root-portal', el = 'div' }) => {
const [container] = React.useState(() => {
// This will be executed only on the initial render
return document.createElement(el);
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, [])
return ReactDOM.createPortal(children, container)
It can be done like this for a fixed component:
const MyComponent = () => ReactDOM.createPortal(<FOO/>, 'dom-location')
or, to make the function more flexible, by passing a component prop:
const MyComponent = ({ component }) => ReactDOM.createPortal(component, 'dom-location')
can it also be used by a stateless (functional) component
const Modal = (props) => {
const modalRoot = document.getElementById('myEle');
return ReactDOM.createPortal(props.children, modalRoot,);
Inside render :
render() {
const modal = this.state.showModal ? (
) : null;
return (
<div id="myEle">
Working codesandbox#demo
TSX version based on #Samuel's answer (React 17, TS 4.1):
// portal.tsx
import * as React from 'react'
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
interface IProps {
className? : string
el? : string
children : React.ReactNode
* React portal based on
* #param children Child elements
* #param className CSS classname
* #param el HTML element to create. default: div
const Portal : React.FC<IProps> = ( { children, className, el = 'div' } : IProps ) => {
const [container] = React.useState(document.createElement(el))
if ( className )
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, [])
return ReactDOM.createPortal(children, container)
export default Portal
IMPORTANT useRef/useState to prevent bugs
It's important that you use useState or useRef to store the element you created via document.createElement because otherwise it gets recreated on every re-render
//This div with id of "overlay-portal" needs to be added to your index.html or for next.js _document.tsx
const modalRoot = document.getElementById("overlay-portal")!;
//we use useRef here to only initialize el once and not recreate it on every rerender, which would cause bugs
const el = useRef(document.createElement("div"));
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
return ReactDOM.createPortal(
<div ref={imageRowRef} className={classes.fullScreenImageRow}>
<button onClick={onClose} className={classes.closeButton}>
<Image width={25} height={25} src="/app/close-white.svg" />
Yes, according to docs the main requirements are:
The first argument (child) is any renderable React child, such as an element, string, or fragment. The second argument (container) is a DOM element.
In case of stateless component you can pass element via props and render it via portal.
Hope it will helps.
Portal with SSR (NextJS)
If you are trying to use any of the above with SSR (for example NextJS) you may run into difficulty.
The following should get you what you need. This methods allows for passing in an id/selector to use for the portal which can be helpful in some cases, otherwise it creates a default using __ROOT_PORTAL__.
If it can't find the selector then it will create and attach a div.
NOTE: you could also statically add a div and specify a known id in pages/_document.tsx (or .jsx) if again using NextJS. Pass in that id and it will attempt to find and use it.
import { PropsWithChildren, useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react';
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom';
export interface IPortal {
selector?: string;
const Portal = (props: PropsWithChildren<IPortal>) => {
props = {
selector: '__ROOT_PORTAL__',
const { selector, children } = props;
const ref = useRef<Element>()
const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false);
const selectorPrefixed = '#' + selector.replace(/^#/, '');
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = document.querySelector(selectorPrefixed);
if (!ref.current) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute('id', selector);
ref.current = div;
}, [selector]);
return mounted ? createPortal(children, ref.current) : null;
export default Portal;
The below is a quickie example of using the portal. It does NOT take into account position etc. Just something simple to show you usage. Sky is limit from there :)
import React, { useState, CSSProperties } from 'react';
import Portal from './path/to/portal'; // Path to above
const modalStyle: CSSProperties = {
padding: '3rem',
backgroundColor: '#eee',
margin: '0 auto',
width: 400
const Home = () => {
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
return (
<p>Hello World <a href="#" onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Show Modal</a></p>
{visible ? <div style={modalStyle}>Hello Modal! <a href="#" onClick={() => setVisible(false)}>Close</a></div> : null}
export default Home;
const X = ({ children }) => ReactDOM.createPortal(children, 'dom-location')
Sharing my solution:
// PortalWrapperModal.js
import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import $ from 'jquery';
const PortalWrapperModal = ({
backdrop = 'static',
focus = true,
keyboard = false,
}) => {
const portalRef = useRef(null);
const handleClose = (e) => {
if (e) e.preventDefault();
if (portalRef.current) $(portalRef.current).modal('hide');
useEffect(() => {
if (portalRef.current) {
$(portalRef.current).modal({ backdrop, focus, keyboard });
$(portalRef.current).on('', onHide);
}, [onHide, backdrop, focus, keyboard]);
return ReactDOM.createPortal(
<>{children(portalRef, handleClose)}</>,
export { PortalWrapperModal };
