Curved Line Charts - lightweight-charts

Is it possible to make the set the line charts to have curvature instead of straight lines?
I'm trying to get the desired curved line like the picture below.

It's impossible right now, but there is an issue for that, so you can subscribe on it and/or provide additional information to the issue.


Drawing a bar chart in the background of candlestick chart in apexchart

I am playing with candlestick graphs (example from here: everything work as expected.
However, I am struggling with adding my signal data for a visual representation of the graph.
I am unable to find a solution that works I was thinking I can somehow fine-tune a timeline - I tried chart.js/apexcharts and for now, I believe the closest will be with the second framework.
What I need is a bar chart that can be used in numeric ranges for the X and Y-axis as presented below. (the goal is to be able to add the green bar as presented)
Is there an easy win or an idea of how to approach this?
Is there something I am missing?
That is my current solution (line graphs with stopWin/stopLose and entry price).
Still suboptimal - but works and is easy to achieve.
After weeks of playing around with it - the solution stayed:
I got two instances of apexcharts one with candlestick and one with line graphs
they are in a single div with CSS playground and position absolute.
I am passing standardised min/max values and has to have the same amount of elements in them (line graphs are allowing You to add null values which allow using this solution.
The final version work is repeatable and looks good.
if you need some help in similar case - feel free to reach out ;)

Is there a way to show the x-axis reference line till a particular y-axis value in recharts?

I was using recharts to plot graphs in my react app. I wanted to achieve something like the picture below shows:
The only problem is that, I want the reference line to end at the point where green and blue lines in the picture, intersect. I just can't figure out how to stop the x-axis reference line to stop over-shooting about a certain y-axis value. Also, if there is a possibility to achieve the same with some other reacharts component, please do let me know.

SSRS bar chart issue

I am trying to add one box and one line on x-axis. Please look at below bar chart.
I tried using stripline but I cannot set height for stripline. It goes till 100.
Is there any way I can do this?
Unfortunately, SSRS doesn't provide the functionality you're looking for. A stripline is the closest you can get to that, but like you said, you can't control its height. The only way you could simulate this behavior would be to use a Background Image for your stripline, but that may be more work than it's worth. It would require a lot of manual adjustment to get the image to line up on the chart.
I would add a series to the chart using the Stock chart (under Range). In the Series Properties I would set the High value to the height desired for your line (~52 in your example). Ideally this would come from a dataset value.
Set the Low, Open and Close values to 0.
Try two Stripe Lines. First, create the strip line which represents the vertical value you're after. In my case, I made one that was 50% of the graph height off of the Y-Axis.
Chart Properties:
Height of StripeLine:
Once the stripe line is the correct height for the chart, create a 'mask' stripe line along the X-axis that will cover the portion of the Y-axis line you want hidden.
Chart Propterites:
Width of Stripe Mask:
Using these methods, and some really clever expression writing, you should be able to make the line exactly as high, and as wide as you desire.

Mixed markers on the same Oxyplot line?

I have a plot where three lines are shown. Each line has a marker that identifies its type.
The user can choose a type of line and click on the plot to create those lines.
No problems this far.
The problem is that i need one of those lines to have two distinct types of markers, for example, the user can right click somewhere on the plot, which will open a context menu and choose one option that would create a point with a special marker for that line. The question is: is it possible to mix markers on the same LineSeries? If the answer is yes, how can I do that?
Thank you.
I'm not sure it qualifies as a data series, if it has different markers. I think you need to keep a line series showing the line and muliple line series showing the different markers. You then need to sync all the series when adding a point.

Display percentage on piechart in WPF

Can anyone tell me how can I show percentage on the piechart....
The percentage is seen on mouseover event but I dont know how to show
the percentage on the piechart's slices....
If you are looking to put labels on the chart itself (instead of tooltip), take a look at this great blog post by WPF guru Bea Stollnitz.
It shows how to do this, in many different modes, and explains not only how, but why.
Take a look at amCharts Bundle for WPF. Pie chart supports labels on the slices, outside connected labels and includes an algorithm to prevent label overlapping.
I've just followed this tutorial (just to make sure) and I get the percentages of each slice as tooltip on mouse over by default.
If you post your code we might be able to spot if there's a problem with it.
You can use labelFunction in mx:PieSeries, and lableFunction look like that
private function pieSeries_labelFunc(item:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String
return StringUtil.substitute("{0} ({1}%)",item.description,percentValue.toFixed(1));
Where description is the label that you want to see.
feel free to ask any question.
