Morse code sound effect using Beep() function - c

I would like to record speaker's output of my morse code. The code is written in C based on Beep function to play the beep sound. I am using Audacity to record the speaker's output. Here is the code :
/* Send character in morse code */
void MCSendChar(unsigned char ch){
unsigned char a = asciiToMC(ch);
unsigned char n = a & 0x07 , j;
for(j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if((0x80 & a) != 0)
a = a << 1;
// Inter Symbol spacing
// Inter character space
I have a confusion about setting the frequency and the wpm. Also, when I tried to decode the recorded file using an online web decoder, the results are not correct at all. Any Ideas ?

Assuming Beep() is the win32 function, from MSDN on the dwFreq parameter:
The frequency of the sound, in hertz. This parameter must be in the range 37 through 32,767 (0x25 through 0x7FFF).
So you must implement the pauses by some other means than using Beep(), for example using Sleep()


need to provide timeout for error handling using c

I am developing a code to make communicate between two controller boards. I am passing 9 byte message from one board to another. Need to define error handling on receiver side such that it will wait for 9 byte value until timeout occurs. If timeout is reached, control should start from the 1st line of function.
currently I have defined one line like
while (/*wait_loop_cnt++<= MAX_WAIT_LOOP &&*/ counter < length);
in my code but it will remain in the same loop infinitely if doesn't receive 9 byte.
Please help thank you
Try this:
const int length = 9;
int counter = 0;
int wait_loop_cnt = 0;
while (
wait_loop_cnt++ <= MAX_WAIT_LOOP &&
counter < length) /* NO semicolon here! */
if (read_byte_successfully(...))
if (counter < length)
/* Handle case of to few bytes received here. */

Can't extract an integer from a thermometer byte reading

Afternoon all,
Apologies if this question is in the wrong format or in the wrong place, if this is the case, please flag and I'll change it or take it elsewhere.
I am using a development board to send a temperature reading to an LCD panel and I am really struggling to comprehend as to why the temperature at the moment that the program is run isn't being printed onto my LCD. A lot of the code is from framework given to me and is correct as far as I can tell.
My question stems from these functions:
uch get_temp()
int i;
reset(); //reset,wait for 18b20 responsion
write_byte(0XCC); //ignore ROM matching
write_byte(0X44); //send temperature convert command
//display(); //call some display function,insure the time of convert temperature
reset(); //reset again,wait for 18b20 responsion
write_byte(0XCC); //ignore ROM matching
write_byte(0XBE); //send read temperature command
TLV=read_byte(); //read temperature low byte
THV=read_byte(); //read temperature high byte
DQ_HIGH(); //release general line
TZ=(TLV>>4)|(THV<<4)&0X3f; //temperature integer
TX=TLV<<4; //temperature decimal
} //not display hundred bit
ge=TZ%10; //integer Entries bit
shi=TZ/10; //integer ten bit
if (TX & 0x80)
if (TX & 0x40)
if (TX & 0x20)
if (TX & 0x10)
wd=wd+625; //hereinbefore four instructions are turn decimal into BCD code
shifen=wd/1000; //ten cent bit
baifen=(wd%1000)/100; //hundred cent bit
qianfen=(wd%100)/10; //thousand cent bit
wanfen=wd%10; //myriad cent bit
return TZ;
I have modified this function so that it should return the temperature integer (unsigned char TZ)
This function is then called here:
void Init_lcd(void)
ADCON1 = 0x07; //required setting of analog to digital
uch Temp;
TRISD = 0x00;
TRISA1 = 0;
TRISA2 = 0;
TRISA3 = 0;
writeCommand(0x38); //set to two line mode
writeString("MAIN MENU");
Temp = get_temp();
writeCommand(0xC0); //change cursor line
It isn't printing anything after "MAIN MENU", which obviously means I'm doing something wrong. I can provide further clarification/code on request.
I should probably mention that I am NOT only simply looking for an answer of "paste this in and it'll work". Any feedback in which I understand my mistake and how to fix it is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
A few people are asking about my writing functions so for further clarification I'll paste them here:
void writeChar(unsigned char ch)
lcd = ch;
RS = 1;
RW =0;
E = 1;
void writeString(char *stringToLcd)
while(*stringToLcd > 0)
Temp is an unsigned char
uch Temp;
Temp = get_temp();
So, using writeString() will produce undefined results.
You should use write() instead (depending on the library you're using).
But you probably want to convert the return value of get_temp() to an ASCII string first, and display that using writeString().
void writeString(char *stringToLcd)
This function needs a char*, so you can't provide a single uch.
You need to convert Temp to a string first, using itoa() for example.
I could suggest you to implement a new function
void writeUCH(uch value)
unsigned char test = (value >= 100) ? 100 : (value >= 10) ? 10 : 1;
while(test > 0)
value = value%test;
test /= 10;
this line:
will result in no change to TZ
what you really want is this:
TZ = TZ%100;
the value returned from get_temp() is an integer, not a ascii string. I would expect the LCD needs ascii characters, not the binary value of the bytes of an int variable.

Send a backslash using C socket for iso8583 message

I am building a POS application verifone (C-language) which should communicate with m2m switch from Morocco but I'm stuck when sending initialization message which should have a backslash like this (08\00) but when sending this I'm having 08\5c00.
It converts backslash by its value in hex(5c). The tool I'm using is socket workbench to simulate the server.
How can I send a backslash without being converted into \5c?
It needs to be done in C Language.
This is the data I want to send to the server with the header but when trying to print \00 I get \5C00
If I'm understanding correctly, the first part of your example:
is doing exactly what you want. The problem is that on the next %s, you are using "\\00" and you want to server to receive ASCII \00 (which would be 0x5c, 0x30, 0x30), but instead the server reports that it is receiving ASCII \5c00 (which would be 0x5c, 0x,35, 0x43, 0x30, 0x30).
I agree with Klas Lindbäck in that it sounds like the VeriFone terminal is doing the correct thing, but the server is displaying it wrong. There are 2 things I would consider doing in order to troubleshoot this in order to prove that this is correct (and you can do just one or the other or you can do both together).
First: You can use LOG_PRINTF (or print to paper or the screen if you prefer) to print the values of each byte just before you send it off. Below is a quick-and-dirty function I wrote to do just that when I was troubleshooting a similar sort of problem once. Note that I only cared about the beginning of the string (as is the case with you, it seems) so I don't print the end if I run out of buffer space.
void LogDump(unsigned char* input, int expectedLength)
char buffer[100];
int idx, bfdx;
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
bfdx = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < expectedLength && bfdx < sizeof(buffer); idx++)
//if it is a printable character, print as is
if (input[idx] > 31 && input[idx] < 127)
buffer[bfdx++] = (char) input[idx];
//if we are almost out of buffer space, show that we are truncating
// the results with a ~ character and break. Note we are leaving 5 bytes
// because we expand non-printable characters like "<121>"
if (bfdx + 5 > sizeof(buffer))
buffer[bfdx++] = '~';
//if we make it here, then we have a non-printable character, so we'll show
// the value inside of "<>" to visually denote it is a numeric representation
sprintf(&buffer[bfdx], "<%d>", (int) input[idx]);
//advance bfdx to the next 0 in buffer. It will be at least 3...
bfdx += 3;
//... but for 2 and 3 digit numbers, it will be more.
while (buffer[bfdx] > 0)
//I like to surround my LOG_PRINTF statements with short waits because if there
// is a crash in the program directly after this call, the LOG_PRINTF will not
// finish writing to the serial port and that can make it look like this LOG_PRINTF
// never executed which can make it look like the problem is elsewhere
LOG_PRINTF(("%s", buffer));
Second: try assigning each position in your char array an explicit value. If you already used my LOG_PRINTF suggestion above and found it was not sending what you thought it should be, this would be one way to fix it so that it DOES send EXACTLY what you want. This method is a bit more tedious, but since you are spelling it out each value, anyway, it shouldn't be too much more overhead:
data[0] = 0x30;
//actually, I'd probably use either the decimal value: data[0] = 48;
// or I'd use the ASCII value: data[0] = '0';
// depending on what this data actually represents, either of those is
// likely to be more clear to whomever has to read the code later.
// However, that's your call to make.
data[1] = 0x60;
data[2] = 0x60;
data[3] = 0x20;
data[4] = 0x15;
data[5] = 0x35;
data[6] = 0x35;
data[7] = 0x08;
data[8] = 0x5C; // This is the '\'
data[9] = 0x48; // The first '0'
data[10]= 0x48; // The second '0'
data[11]= 0;
//for starters, you may want to stop here and see what you get on the other side
After you have proven to yourself that it IS or IS NOT the VeriFone code causing the problem, you will know whether you need to focus on the terminal or on the server side.

How to optimize C for loop for font rendering on oled display

I need to optimize this function: Any strange way to optimize the for loop? (early break i think can't be possible)
void SeeedGrayOLED::putChar(unsigned char C)
if(C < 32 || C > 127) //Ignore non-printable ASCII characters. This can be modified for multilingual font.
C=' '; //Space
uint8_t k,offset = 0;
char bit1,bit2,c = 0;
for(char i=0;i<16;i++)
for(char j=0;j<32;j+=2)
offset = 1;
// Character is constructed two pixel at a time using vertical mode from the default 8x8 font
bit1=(pgm_read_byte(&hallfetica_normal[C-32][j+offset]) >> (8-k)) & 0x01;
bit2=(pgm_read_byte(&hallfetica_normal[C-32][j+offset]) >> ((8-k)-1)) & 0x01;
// Each bit is changed to a nibble
I've got a font in the array hallfetica_normal, is an array of array of uint8_t, that maybe compressed or something like that?
This code run on a arduino, ad i've to run a countdown from 500 to 0 with one unit down every 10/20ms.
This is the new code after yours indication, thanks all:
I'm looking to organise the font differently to permit less call to pgm_read_byte.. (something like changing the orientation... i wonder)
void SeeedGrayOLED::putChar(unsigned char C)
if(C < 32 || C > 127) //Ignore non-printable ASCII characters. This can be modified for multilingual font.
C=' '; //Space
char c,byte = 0x00;
unsigned char nibble_lookup[] = { 0, grayL, grayH, grayH | grayL };
for(int ii=0;ii<2;ii++){
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
for(int j=0;j<32;j+=2)
byte = pgm_read_byte(&hallfetica_normal[C-32][j+ii]);
c = nibble_lookup[(byte >> (8-i)) & 3];
Well, you seem to be reading the same byte twice in a row unnecessarily via pgm_read_byte(&hallfetica_normal[C-32][j+offset]). You could load that once into a local variable.
Additionally, you could avoid the if(i>8){ check per iteration by breaking up the code into two loops; one where i goes from 0 to 8 and another where it goes from 9 to 15. (Although I suspect you really intended >= here, making the loop boundaries 0-7 then 8-15.) That also means things like offset become constant values, which will help.
In an effort to make the inner loop as fast as possible, I'd try to get rid of all branching with a lookup table and see whether that helped.
First, I'd define the lookup table outside the loop:
/* outside the loop */
unsigned char h_lookup[] = { 0, grayH };
unsigned char l_lookup[] = { 0, grayL };
Then inside the loop, since you're testing the least-significant bit, you can use that as an index into the lookup table. If it's clear, then the lookup index will be 0. If it's set, then the lookup index will be 1:
/* inside the loop */
byte = pgm_read_byte(&hallfetica_normal[C-32][j+offset]);
c = h_lookup[((byte >> (8-k)) & 0x01)] |
l_lookup[((byte >> (8-k-1)) & 0x01)]
Since you're masking and testing 2 adjacent bits, 8-k and 8-k-1, you could list all 4 possibilities in a single lookup table:
/* Outside loop */
unsigned char nibble_lookup[] = { 0, grayL, grayH, grayH | grayL };
And then the lookup becomes dramatically simplified.
/* loop */
byte = pgm_read_byte(&hallfetica_normal[C-32][j+offset]);
c = nibble_lookup[(byte >> (8-k)) & 3];
The other answer has addressed what to do about the branches in the top part of your inner loop.

Seeking single file encryption implemenation which can handle whole file en/de-crypt in Delphi and C

[Update] I am offering a bonus for this. Frankly, I don't care which encryption method is used. Preferably something simple like XTEA, RC4, BlowFish ... but you chose.
I want minimum effort on my part, preferably just drop the files into my projects and build.
Idealy you should already have used the code to en/de-crypt a file in Delphi and C (I want to trade files between an Atmel UC3 micro-processor (coding in C) and a Windows PC (coding in Delphi) en-and-de-crypt in both directions).
I have a strong preference for a single .PAS unit and a single .C/.H file. I do not want to use a DLL or a library supporting dozens of encryption algorithms, just one (and I certainly don't want anything with an install program).
I hope that I don't sound too picky here, but I have been googling & trying code for over a week and still can't find two implementations which match. I suspect that only someone who has already done this can help me ...
Thanks in advance.
As a follow up to my previous post, I am still looking for some very simple code with why I can - with minimal effort - en-de crypt a file and exchange it between Delphi on a PC and C on an Atmel UC3 u-processor.
It sounds simple in theory, but in practice it's a nightmare. There are many possible candidates and I have spend days googling and trying them out - to no avail.
Some are humonous libraries, supporting many encryption algorithms, and I want something lightweight (especially on the C / u-processor end).
Some look good, but one set of source offers only block manipulation, the other strings (I would prefer whole file en/de-crypt).
Most seem to be very poorly documented, with meaningless parameter names and no example code to call the functions.
Over the past weekend (plus a few more days), I have burned my way through a slew of XTEA, XXTEA and BlowFish implementations, but while I can encrypt, I can't reverse the process.
Now I am looking at AES-256. Dos anyone know of an implementation in C which is a single AES.C file? (plus AES.H, of course)
Frankly, I will take anything that will do whole file en/de-crypt between Delphi and C, but unless anyone has actually done this themselves, I expect to hear only "any implementation that meets the standard should do" - which is a nice theoory but just not working out for me :-(
Any simple AES-256 in C out there? I have some reasonable looking Delphi code, but won't be sure until I try them together.
Thanks in advance ...
I would suggest using the .NET Micro Framework on a secondary microcontroller (e.g. Atmel SAM7X) as a crypto coprocessor. You can test this out on a Netduino, which you can pick up for around $35 / £30. The framework includes an AES implementation within it, under the System.Security.Cryptography namespace, alongside a variety of other cryptographic functions that might be useful for you. The benefit here is that you get a fully tested and working implementation, and increased security via type-safe code.
You could use SPI or I2C to communicate between the two microcontrollers, or bit-bang your own data transfer protocol over several I/O lines in parallel if higher throughput is needed.
I did exactly this with an Arduino and a Netduino (using the Netduino to hash blocks of data for a hardware BitTorrent device) and implemented a rudimentary asynchronous system using various commands sent between the devices via SPI and an interrupt mechanism.
Arduino is SPI master, Netduino is SPI slave.
A GPIO pin on the Netduino is set as an output, and tied to another interrupt-enabled GPIO pin on the Arduino that is set as an input. This is the interrupt pin.
Arduino sends 0xF1 as a "hello" initialization message.
Netduino sends back 0xF2 as an acknolwedgement.
When Arduino wants to hash a block, it sends 0x48 (ASCII 'H') followed by the data. When it is done sending data, it sets CS low. It must send whole bytes; setting CS low when the number of received bits is not divisible by 8 causes an error.
The Netduino receives the data, and sends back 0x68 (ASCII 'h') followed by the number of received bytes as a 2-byte unsigned integer. If an error occurred, it sends back 0x21 (ASCII '!') instead.
If it succeeded, the Netduino computes the hash, then sets the interrupt pin high. During the computation time, the Arduino is free to continue its job whilst waiting.
The Arduino sends 0x52 (ASCII 'R') to request the result.
The Netduino sets the interrupt pin low, then sends 0x72 (ASCII 'r') and the raw hash data back.
Since the Arduino can service interrupts via GPIO pins, it allowed me to make the processing entirely asynchronous. A variable on the Arduino side tracks whether we're currently waiting on the coprocessor to complete its task, so we don't try to send it a new block whilst it's still working on the old one.
You could easily adapt this scheme for computing AES blocks.
Small C library for AES-256 by Ilya Levin. Short implementation, asm-less, simple usage. Not sure how would it work on your current micro CPU, though.
You've mentioned having some delphi implementation, but in case something not working together, try this or this.
Also I've found arduino (avr-based) module using the Ilya's library - so it should also work on your micro CPU.
Can you compile C code from Delphi (you can compile Delphi code from C++ Builder, not sure about VV). Or maybe use the Free Borland Command line C++ compiler or even another C compiler.
The idea is to use the same C code in your Windows app as you use on your microprocessor.. That way you can be reasonably sure that the code will work in both directions.
[Update] See (Using C++ Code in Delphi)
It looks like you need to use a DLL, but you can statically link it if you don't want to distribute it
Here is RC4 code. It is very lightweight.
The C has been used in a production system for five years.
I have added lightly tested Delphi code. The Pascal is a line-by-line port with with unsigned char going to Byte. I have only run the Pascal in Free Pascal with Delphi option turned on, not Delphi itself. Both C and Pascal have simple file processors.
Scrambling the ciphertext gives the original cleartext back.
No bugs reported to date. Hope this solves your problem.
#ifndef RC4_H
#define RC4_H
* rc4.h -- Declarations for a simple rc4 encryption/decryption implementation.
* The code was inspired by libtomcrypt. See
typedef struct TRC4State_s {
int x, y;
unsigned char buf[256];
} TRC4State;
/* rc4.c */
void init_rc4(TRC4State *state);
void setup_rc4(TRC4State *state, char *key, int keylen);
unsigned endecrypt_rc4(unsigned char *buf, unsigned len, TRC4State *state);
void init_rc4(TRC4State *state)
int x;
state->x = state->y = 0;
for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
state->buf[x] = x;
void setup_rc4(TRC4State *state, char *key, int keylen)
unsigned tmp;
int x, y;
// use only first 256 characters of key
if (keylen > 256)
keylen = 256;
for (x = y = 0; x < 256; x++) {
y = (y + state->buf[x] + key[x % keylen]) & 255;
tmp = state->buf[x];
state->buf[x] = state->buf[y];
state->buf[y] = tmp;
state->x = 255;
state->y = y;
unsigned endecrypt_rc4(unsigned char *buf, unsigned len, TRC4State *state)
int x, y;
unsigned char *s, tmp;
unsigned n;
x = state->x;
y = state->y;
s = state->buf;
n = len;
while (n--) {
x = (x + 1) & 255;
y = (y + s[x]) & 255;
tmp = s[x]; s[x] = s[y]; s[y] = tmp;
tmp = (s[x] + s[y]) & 255;
*buf++ ^= s[tmp];
state->x = x;
state->y = y;
return len;
int endecrypt_file(FILE *f_in, FILE *f_out, char *key)
TRC4State state[1];
unsigned char buf[4096];
size_t n_read, n_written;
setup_rc4(state, key, strlen(key));
do {
n_read = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, f_in);
endecrypt_rc4(buf, n_read, state);
n_written = fwrite(buf, 1, n_read, f_out);
} while (n_read == sizeof buf && n_written == n_read);
return (n_written == n_read) ? 0 : 1;
int endecrypt_file_at(char *f_in_name, char *f_out_name, char *key)
int rtn;
FILE *f_in = fopen(f_in_name, "rb");
if (!f_in) {
return 1;
FILE *f_out = fopen(f_out_name, "wb");
if (!f_out) {
return 2;
rtn = endecrypt_file(f_in, f_out, key);
return rtn;
#ifdef TEST
// Simple test.
int main(void)
char *key = "This is the key!";
endecrypt_file_at("rc4.pas", "rc4-scrambled.c", key);
endecrypt_file_at("rc4-scrambled.c", "rc4-unscrambled.c", key);
return 0;
Here is lightly tested Pascal. I can scramble the source code in C and descramble it with the Pascal implementation just fine.
RC4State = record
x, y : Integer;
buf : array[0..255] of Byte;
KeyString = String[255];
procedure initRC4(var state : RC4State);
x : Integer;
state.x := 0;
state.y := 0;
for x := 0 to 255 do
state.buf[x] := Byte(x);
procedure setupRC4(var state : RC4State; var key : KeyString);
tmp : Byte;
x, y : Integer;
y := 0;
for x := 0 to 255 do begin
y := (y + state.buf[x] + Integer(key[1 + x mod Length(key)])) and 255;
tmp := state.buf[x];
state.buf[x] := state.buf[y];
state.buf[y] := tmp;
state.x := 255;
state.y := y;
procedure endecryptRC4(var buf : array of Byte; len : Integer; var state : RC4State);
x, y, i : Integer;
tmp : Byte;
x := state.x;
y := state.y;
for i := 0 to len - 1 do begin
x := (x + 1) and 255;
y := (y + state.buf[x]) and 255;
tmp := state.buf[x];
state.buf[x] := state.buf[y];
state.buf[y] := tmp;
tmp := (state.buf[x] + state.buf[y]) and 255;
buf[i] := buf[i] xor state.buf[tmp]
state.x := x;
state.y := y;
procedure endecryptFile(var fIn, fOut : File; key : KeyString);
nRead, nWritten : Longword;
buf : array[0..4095] of Byte;
state : RC4State;
setupRC4(state, key);
BlockRead(fIN, buf, sizeof(buf), nRead);
endecryptRC4(buf, nRead, state);
BlockWrite(fOut, buf, nRead, nWritten);
until (nRead <> sizeof(buf)) or (nRead <> nWritten);
procedure endecryptFileAt(fInName, fOutName, key : String);
fIn, fOut : File;
Assign(fIn, fInName);
Assign(fOut, fOutName);
Reset(fIn, 1);
Rewrite(fOut, 1);
endecryptFile(fIn, fOut, key);
// Very small test.
key = 'This is the key!';
endecryptFileAt('rc4.pas', 'rc4-scrambled.pas', key);
endecryptFileAt('rc4-scrambled.pas', 'rc4-unscrambled.pas', key);
It looks easier would be to get reference AES implementation (which works with blocks), and add some code to handle CBC (or CTR encryption).
This would need from you only adding ~30-50 lines of code, something like the following (for CBC):
first_block = iv;
for (i = 0; i < filesize / 16; i++)
data_block = read(file, 16);
data_block = (data_block ^ iv);
iv = encrypt_block(data_block);
write(outputfile, iv);
// if filesize % 16 != 0, then you also need to add some padding and encrypt the last block
Assuming the encryption strength isn't an issue, as in satisfying an organization's Chinese Wall requirement, the very simple "Sawtooth" encryption scheme of adding (i++ % modulo 256) to fgetc(), for each byte, starting at the beginning of the file, might work just fine.
Declaring i as a UCHAR will eliminate the modulo requirement, as the single byte integer cannot help but cycle through its 0-255 range.
The code is so simple it's not worth posting. A little imagination, and you'll have some embellishments that can add a lot to the strength of this cypher. The primary vulnerability of this cypher is large blocks of identical characters. Rectifying this is a good place to start improving its strength.
This cypher works on every possible file type, and is especially effective if you've already 7Zipped the file.
Performance is phenomenal. You won't even know the code is there. Totally I/O bound.
