Is there a way to pass React state into WebSocket.onmessage? - reactjs

In TypeScript I am trying to read the value of a stateful variable (created with React.useState) from within a WebSocket's onmessage function. The value is only ever read as what it was at the time of onmessage definition (the initial state, {state: 1}).
Foo is created like a React component (<Foo />). Bar is called only once, but the state (myState) can be updated many times. Why isn't WebSocket.onmessage() using the reference passed to it?
I tried changing the type of propState from MyStatefulObject to &MyStatefulObject and executing the Bar function code directly, but it didn't work and Bar is actually quite large, so that is not ideal.
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
interface MyStatefulObject {state: number}
interface BarProps {propState: &MyStatefulObject}
const Foo = () => {
const [myState, setMyState] = useState<MyStatefulObject>({state: 1}),
[wsInitialized, setWSInitialized] = useState<boolean>(false);;
useEffect(() => {
if (!wsInitialized) {
Bar({propState: myState});
return (
onChange={(e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
setMyState({state: +(});
console.log(myState); // prints user input, confirming state change
const Bar = (p: BarProps) => {
const ws = WebSocket('url');
ws.onopen = () => {
ws.send(/* Initialization Message */);
ws.onmessage = (e: MessageEvent) => {
console.log(p.propState.state); // always prints 1


Typescript complaining when calling a method from React useState initialized with an empty object

In the main App component I have an event handler that passes an onSubmit and onClose callback to the onOpenDialog function
const App = () => {
const { onOpenDialog, onCloseDialog } = useDialog()
const onOpenModal = () => {
// Open the Dialog and pass callbacks
onSubmit: (data: any) => {
// ... CRUD operation
onCancel: onCloseDialog
return <button onClick={onOpenModal}>Open</button>
The onOpenDialog function comes from the useDialog hook which stores the callback in the Dialog state.
This state is initialized with an empty object ({}). It is populated when the modal is open and reseted to its initial value ({}) when the modal is closed.
const useDialog = () => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState<boolean>(false)
const [dialogState, setDialogState] = useState<object>({})
const onOpenDialog = (config?: object): void => {
if (isObject(config) && !isEmpty(config)) {
const onCloseDialog = (): void => {
if (!isEmpty(dialogState)) {
Finally, I have a hook for my modal form component that exports two handlers (onSubmit and onCancel) which will be called in the modal form component
const useModalForm = () => {
const { dialogState } = useDialog()
const onSubmit = (data: any) => {
dialogState.onSubmit(data) // Property 'onSubmit' does not exist on type 'object'
return {
onSubmit: onSubmit,
onCancel: dialogState.onCancel,
I can't call dialogState.onSubmit(data) because typescript complains that onSubmit doesn't exist in type 'object' (which I understand)
How can I - in Typescript - set the initial/closed state to {} and populate it with whatever callback or data I pass when the modal is open.
I tried to type useState with an interface of the signature of the expected state but when I close the modal, I can't reset the dialogConfig to {} without Typescript complaining.
I had the same problem and tried the same solutions.
Here's what I found in the React+TypeScript Cheatsheets:
Approach 1
Create a type for the expected state then "explicitly declare the type, and use a union type".
type IDialogState = { /* Describe the shape of your state */ };
const [dialogState, setDialogState] = React.useState<IDialogState | null>(null);
Approach 2
"You can also use type assertions if a state is initialized soon after setup and always has a value after:"
type IDialogState = { /* Describe the shape of your state */ };
const [dialogState, setDialogState] = React.useState<IDialogState>({} as IDialogState);
"This temporarily 'lies' to the TypeScript compiler that {} is of type IDialogState. You should follow up by setting the user state — if you don't, the rest of your code may rely on the fact that user is of type IDialogState and that may lead to runtime errors."
Source: React+TypeScript Cheatsheets
(variable names adapted)
as in React Hooks to give the initial value an empty object

How to use useEffect correctly with useContext as a dependency

I'm working on my first React project and I have the following problem.
How I want my code to work:
I add Items into an array accessible by context (context.items)
I want to run a useEffect function in a component, where the context.items are displayed, whenever the value changes
What I tried:
Listing the context (both context and context.items) as a dependency in the useEffect
this resulted in the component not updating when the values changed
Listing the context.items.length
this resulted in the component updating when the length of the array changed however, not when the values of individual items changed.
wraping the context in Object.values(context)
result was exactly what I wanted, except React is now Complaining that *The final argument passed to useEffect changed size between renders. The order and size of this array must remain constant. *
Do you know any way to fix this React warning or a different way of running useEffect on context value changing?
Well, didn't want to add code hoping it would be some simple error on my side, but even with some answers I still wasn't able to fix this, so here it is, reduced in hope of simplifying.
Context component:
const NewOrder = createContext({
orderItems: [{
itemId: "",
name: "",
amount: 0,
addOrderItem: (newOItem: OrderItem) => {},
removeOrderItem: (oItemId: string) => {},
removeAllOrderItems: () => {},
export const NewOrderProvider: React.FC = (props) => {
// state
const [orderList, setOrderList] = useState<OrderItem[]>([]);
const context = {
orderItems: orderList,
addOrderItem: addOItemHandler,
removeOrderItem: removeOItemHandler,
removeAllOrderItems: removeAllOItemsHandler,
// handlers
function addOItemHandler(newOItem: OrderItem) {
setOrderList((prevOrderList: OrderItem[]) => {
return prevOrderList;
function removeOItemHandler(oItemId: string) {
setOrderList((prevOrderList: OrderItem[]) => {
const itemToDeleteIndex = prevOrderList.findIndex((item: OrderItem) => item.itemId === oItemId);
prevOrderList.splice(itemToDeleteIndex, 1);
return prevOrderList;
function removeAllOItemsHandler() {
return <NewOrder.Provider value={context}>{props.children}</NewOrder.Provider>;
export default NewOrder;
the component (a modal actually) displaying the data:
const OrderMenu: React.FC<{ isOpen: boolean; hideModal: Function }> = (
) => {
const NewOrderContext = useContext(NewOrder);
useEffect(() => {
if (NewOrderContext.orderItems.length > 0) {
const oItems: JSX.Element[] = [];
NewOrderContext.orderItems.forEach((item) => {
const fullItem = {
amount: item.amount,
more: item.more,
<OItem item={fullItem} editItem={() => editItem(item.itemId)} key={item.itemId} />
} else {
}, [NewOrderContext.orderItems.length, props.isOpen]);
some comments to the code:
it's actually done in Type Script, that involves some extra syntax
-content (and set Content)is a state which is then part of return value so some parts can be set dynamically
-exit is a function closing the modal, also why Open is included
with this .length extension the modal displays changes when i remove an item from the list, however, not when I modify it not changeing the length of the orderItems,but only values of one of the objects inside of it.
as i mentioned before, i found some answers where they say i should set the dependency like this: ...Object.values(<contextVariable>) which technically works, but results in react complaining that *The final argument passed to useEffect changed size between renders. The order and size of this array must remain constant. *
the values displayed change to correct values when i close and reopen the modal, changing props.isOpen indicating that the problem lies in the context dependency
You can start by creating your app context as below, I will be using an example of a shopping cart
import * as React from "react"
const AppContext = React.createContext({
const AppContextProvider = (props) => {
const [cart,setCart] = React.useState([])
const addCartItem = (newItem)=>{
let updatedCart = [...cart];
return <AppContext.Provider value={{
const useAppContext = () => React.useContext(AppContext);
export { AppContextProvider, useAppContext };
Then you consume the app context anywhere in the app as below, whenever the length of the cart changes you be notified in the shopping cart
import * as React from "react";
import { useAppContext } from "../../context/app,context";
const ShoppingCart: React.FC = () => {
const appContext = useAppContext();
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [appContext.cart]);
return <div>{appContext.cart.length}</div>;
export default ShoppingCart;
You can try passing the context variable to useEffect dependency array and inside useEffect body perform a check to see if the value is not null for example.

Communication Parent and Child component with useEffect

I have issues with communication between a parent and a child component.
I would like the parent (Host) to hold his own state. I would like the child (Guest) to be passed that state and modify it. The child has his local version of the state which can change however the child wants. However, once the child finishes playing with the state, he passes it up to the parent to actually "Save" the actual state.
How would I correctly implement this?
Issues from my code:
on the updateGlobalData handler, I log both data and newDataFromGuest and they are the same. I would like data to represent the old version of the data, and newDataFromGuest to represent the new
updateGlobalData is being called 2X. I can solve this by removing the updateGlobalData ref from the deps array inside useEffect but I don't want to heck it.
My desired results should be:
the data state should hold the old data until updateGlobalData is called
I want updateGlobalData to be fired only once when I click the button
Code from Codesandbox:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
const Host = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState({ foo: { bar: 1 } });
const updateGlobalData = newDataFromGuest => {
return <Guest data={data} updateGlobalData={updateGlobalData} />;
const Guest = ({ data, updateGlobalData }) => {
const [localData, setLocalData] = useState(data);
const changeLocalData = newBarNumber => { = { bar: newBarNumber };
setLocalData({ ...localData });
useEffect(() => {
}, [localData, updateGlobalData]);
return (
<span>{}</span> <br />
<button onClick={() => changeLocalData(}>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Host />, rootElement);
NOTE: Code solution below
Problem 1:
I want updateGlobalData to be fired only once when I click the button
To solve this issue, I have used a mix between React.createContext and the hook useReducer. The idea is to make the Host dispatcher available through its context. This way, you do not need to send the "updateGlobalData" callback down to the Guest, nor make the useEffect hook to be dependant of it. Thus, useEffect will be triggered only once.
Note though, that useEffect now depends on the host dipatcher and you need to include it on its dependencies. Nevertheless, if you read the first note on useReducer, a dispatcher is stable and will not cause a re-render.
Problem 2:
the data state should hold the old data until updateGlobalData is called
The solution is easy: DO NOT CHANGE STATE DATA DIRECTLY!! Remember that most values in Javascript are passed by reference. If you send data to the Guest and you directly modify it, like here
const changeLocalData = newBarNumber => { = { bar: newBarNumber }; // YOU ARE MODIFYING STATE DIRECTLY!!!
and here
<button onClick={() => changeLocalData(}> // ++ OPERATOR MODIFYES STATE DIRECLTY
they will also be modified in the Host, unless you change that data through the useState hook. I think (not 100% sure) this is because localData in Guest is initialized with the same reference as data coming from Host. So, if you change it DIRECTLY in Guest, it will also be changed in Host. Just add 1 to the value of your local data in order to update the Guest state, without using the ++ operator. Like this: + 1
This is my solution:
import React, { useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
const HostContext = React.createContext(null);
function hostReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case "setState":
console.log("previous Host data value", state);
console.log("new Host data value", action.payload);
return action.payload;
throw new Error();
const Host = () => {
// const [data, setData] = useState({ foo: { bar: 1 } });
// Note: `dispatch` won't change between re-renders
const [data, dispatch] = useReducer(hostReducer, { foo: { bar: 1 } });
// const updateGlobalData = newDataFromGuest => {
// console.log(;
// console.log(;
// setData(newDataFromGuest);
// };
return (
<HostContext.Provider value={dispatch}>
<Guest data={data} /*updateGlobalData={updateGlobalData}*/ />
const Guest = ({ data /*, updateGlobalData*/ }) => {
// If we want to perform an action, we can get dispatch from context.
const hostDispatch = useContext(HostContext);
const [localData, setLocalData] = useState(data);
const changeLocalData = newBarNumber => {
// = { bar: newBarNumber };
// setLocalData({ ...localData });
setLocalData({ foo: { bar: newBarNumber } });
useEffect(() => {
console.log("useEffect", localData);
hostDispatch({ type: "setState", payload: localData });
// updateGlobalData(localData);
}, [localData, hostDispatch /*, updateGlobalData*/]);
return (
<span>{}</span> <br />
<button onClick={() => changeLocalData( + 1)}>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Host />, rootElement);
If you see anything not matching with what you want, please, let me know and I will re-check it.
I hope it helps.

Should I use useMemo in hooks?

I created useBanner hooks
const useBanner = (array, yardage) => {
const [bannArr, setBannArr] = useState(array.slice(0, yardage));
const [bannListIndex, setBannIndex] = useState(1);
return {
Am I doing the right thing and the props throw in useState.
It’s permissible to use useBanner.
const Banner= ({
}) => {
const { bannForth, bannBeck, bannArr } = useBanner(array, yardage);
return (
when props will change here.
Will change the state in useBanner.
or is it considered anti-patterns I have to write all this in useMemo
const useBanner = (array, yardage) => {
const [bannArr, setBannArr] = useState([]);
const [bannListIndex, setBannIndex] = useState(1);
useMemo(() => {
setBannArr(array.slice(0, yardage));
}, [array, yardage]);
return {
Yes, custom hooks are possible in React. Here is separate document discussing custom hooks.
But exactly you sample may require additional code depending on what is your final goal.
If you want initialize state only once, when component Banner is first created, you can just do as in your first sample
const Banner= ({
}) => {
const { bannForth, bannBeck, bannArr } = useBanner(array, yardage);
return (
This will work perfectly. But if props array and yardage will change, this will not be reflected in component. So props will be used only once as initial values and then will not be used in useBanner even if changed (And it doesn't matter whether you'll use useBanner or useState directly). This answer highlight this.
If you want to update inital values on each props change, you can go with useEffect like below
const Banner= ({
}) => {
const { bannForth, bannBeck, bannArr, setBannArr } = useBanner(array, yardage);
useEffect (() => {
// setBannArr should also be returned from useBanner. Or bannArr should be changed with any other suitable function returned from useBanner.
setBannArr(array.slice(0, yardage));
}, [array, yardage, setBannArr])
return (
In this case Banner component can control state itself and when parent component change props, state in Banner component will be reset to new props.
Here is small sample to showcase second option.

Jest/Enzyme Shallow testing RFC - not firing jest.fn()

I'm trying to test the onChange prop (and the value) of an input on an RFC. On the tests, trying to simulate the event doesn't fire the jest mock function.
The actual component is connected (with redux) but I'm exporting it also as an unconnected component so I can do a shallow unit test. I'm also using some react-spring hooks for animation.
I've also tried to mount instead of shallow the component but I still get the same problem.
MY Component
export const UnconnectedSearchInput: React.FC<INT.IInputProps> = ({ scrolled, getUserInputRequest }): JSX.Element => {
const [change, setChange] = useState<string>('')
const handleChange = (e: InputVal): void => {
const handleKeyUp = (): void => {
return (
export default connect(null, { getUserInputRequest })(UnconnectedSearchInput);
My Tests
Here you can see the test that is failing. Commented out code is other things that I-ve tried so far without any luck.
describe('test input and dispatch action', () => {
let changeValueMock
let wrapper
const userInput = 'matrix'
beforeEach(() => {
changeValueMock = jest.fn()
const props = {
handleChange: changeValueMock
wrapper = shallow(<UnconnectedSearchInput {...props} />).dive()
// wrapper = mount(<UnconnectedSearchInput {...props} />)
test('should update input value', () => {
const input = findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive()
// const component = findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').last()
input.props().onChange({ target: { value: userInput } }) // not geting called
// input.simulate('change', { target: { value: userInput } })
// used with mount
// act(() => {
// input.props().onChange({ target: { value: userInput } })
// })
// wrapper.update()
// expect(input.prop('value')).toBe(userInput);
Test Error
Nothing too special here.
Expected mock function to have been called one time, but it was called zero times.
71 | // wrapper.update()
72 |
> 73 | expect(changeValueMock).toBeCalledTimes(1)
Any help would be greatly appreciated since it's been 2 days now and I cn't figure this out.
you don't have to interact with component internals; instead better use public interface: props and render result
test('should update input value', () => {
expect(findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive().props().value).toEqual('');
findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive().props().onChange({ target: {value: '_test_'} });
expect(findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive().props().value).toEqual('_test_');
See you don't need to check if some internal method has been called, what's its name or argument. If you get what you need - and you require to have <input> with some expected value - it does not matter how it happened.
But if function is passed from the outside(through props) you will definitely want to verify if it's called at some expected case
test('should call getUserInputRequest prop on keyUp event', () => {
const getUserInputRequest = jest.fn();
const mockedEvent = { target: { key: 'A' } };
const = wrapper = shallow(<UnconnectedSearchInput getUserInputRequest={getUserInputRequest } />).dive()
findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive().props().onKeyUp(mockedEvent)
[UPD] seems like caching selector in interm variable like
const input = findByTestAttr(wrapper, 'search-input').dive();
input.props().onChange({ target: {value: '_test_'} });
does not pass since input refers to stale old object where value does not update.
At enzyme's github I've been answered that it's expected behavior:
This is intended behavior in enzyme v3 - see
So yes, exactly - everything must be re-found from the root if anything has changed.
