How to wrap text around an image in Wagtail - wagtail

The Wagtail documentation on Inserting images and videos in a page explicitly states
Half-width left/right aligned: Inserts the image at half the width of the text area. If inserted in a block of text, the text will wrap around the image
How does one implement this?
I have created a page with an Rich Text block and inserted an image in the text (left aligned)
When I publish the page it is not wrapped
What can I do to fix this in Wagtail without the need for an html/css solution?

You need to add a CSS rule such as img.left {float: left}. As per the developer docs on images embedded in rich text:
The CSS classes added to images do not come with any accompanying stylesheets, or inline styles. e.g. the left class will do nothing, by default. The developer is expected to add these classes to their front end CSS files, to define exactly what they want left, right or full-width to mean.
In general, Wagtail leaves front-end styling up to the developer. This detail isn't covered in the page of documentation you looked at because that's part of the editor's manual, intended to be given to non-technical users after the development side is complete.


Using Javascript for Responsive Web Design, Bad Practice?

My first attempt at a RWD site was for a simple one-page site for an NFT project. It didn't use media queries, but many lines similar to: max(value, calc(vw*x)) for margins, padding, font-size, etc.
I also was dependent on Javascript. If the screen was <400px I might have a header bar anchored to the top with a profile pic left, title center, hamburger menu right, content underneath. If the resolution was larger socials appeared in one spot, if larger, in the footer. If the screen was over ... 600px, I lost the top header bar; title became the first line in the main content area; hamburger popup menu now a permanent fixture as left navbar, PFP floated left in the content area.
Being new, is this good or bad? I only hear people speak of flex boxes and grids. Not rearranging layouts with JS. Since the layout and content is essentially within JS code, any attempt at SEO for naught?
Using max() and calc() can work for simple layouts, but can become difficult to maintain for more complex layouts. Flexbox and Grid is more effective and efficient for creating responsive layouts. When it comes to SEO, it's important to ensure that your content is accessible to search engines by including it in the HTML of your page.
Javascript is great for making pages dynamic and obviously improving some UX things, but you should know where and when to use it.
You should definitely use CSS and media query for responsiveness on your page. There are a lot of frameworks or libraries that make the css writing process a lot less painful (I use Tailwindcss and I think is a good one).
And as for SEO, if you create a page based entirely on javascript, you will find a lot of difficulties in this area. You should read about server-side rendering, which may help you to improve this.
Today we have a lot of tools that can help you with this, if you use React you have Nextjs, if you use Vue you have Nuxjs and so on.

tinymce wysiwyg editor - text cursor issue, text fields/areas become inactive

I'm working on a couple of features for a project that I created a few months back when I was first learning React. I wanted to add a wysiwyg editor to one of my forms so that a user could have more control with the "about" section of an event page (i.e. embed media and images, html source code editing, font formatting, etc.)
The editor that I'm using is TinyMCE 5.0.
This project is a Rails backend and React frontend. (I'm not using Redux - this project was a way to practice React when I first learning it.)
You can find my last commit here if you would like to see my code
The Problem
I'm able to get the wysiwyg editor rendered. I can also type and format text inside the editor's body. When I click on the code icon or image embed icon (like in the gif below), a new modal appears but when I click into it to type, the text cursor appears and then disappears. So I can't type and it seems that the text area and fields become inactive (for lack of a better term - I'm still somewhat in the beginning of my coding journey.)
I just signed up and TinyMCE gives access to premium plugins as well, so I don't think it's an issue with my account permissions/subscription.
I'm also not receiving anything in the console but if there's any help you can provide, it would be appreciated!
TinyMCE 5 editor - text cursor issue - text areas become inactice
It is highly likely that the library you are using for your modal (that contains TinyMCE) is not allowing focus to go elsewhere. As you have not stated the library you use for your modal I can't tell you anything about how to address this but we know this is an issue with common libraries like Bootstrap:
Whatever you are using should have a similar ability.

What's the Facebook/AirBnb app design effect called?

I want to read about that effect you see on pages like Facebook or Airbnb when you open the page and the browser shows you the low fidelity design of page while the actual data loads - so you'll see grey box instead in the place where pictures of the users will be, grey rectangles instead of the text content etc. I've been searching for hours but cannot find anything useful, anyone knows the name of this UX practice?
I believe this is referred to as loading dummy content. There wasn't much info when I searched for it, but I do know that the basic principle is first load a gray background for images and dummy block font then wait for your content to render.

Google Translate iframes too wide on mobile

I'm using the Google Translate widget ( ) on my website. It works fine on the desktop screen, but it uses the exact same layout on mobile and other small screens, and looks terrible. For one thing, the iframe containing the list of languages has a hard-coded width of 860 pixels. You can't select any languages beyond the 3rd column because they're off the edge of the screen (and you can't scroll to the right to see them because the browser doesn't realize that the iframe is too wide -- I assume it's the same problem as discussed here: Webpage with wide iframe is not scrollable on an iPhone with viewport ).
I've looked into fixing the problem using CSS, but CSS can't "see" inside iframes. I've searched all over stackoverflow and the rest of the internet, and not only have I not found a solution, I haven't been able to find anyone else complaining about the problem. I can't be the only one, can I?
I found a solution: Instead of "Dropdown only" layout, I chose "Horizontal". When you do that, Google uses a simple drop-down list instead of a big iframe.
The little panel that appear at the top of the page is still too wide to display properly, however, but that's a minor issue.

Wpf flowdocumentReader page turn effect

I am working in a very crucial wpf project.This project is almost finished apart from some points.
I am showing flowdocumentreader which is loaded with dynamic images around 100.
I have one requirement to show page turn effect whenever user navigates to pages in flowdocumentreader.
I have used google and seen lots of example but no body has used flowdocumentreader.
I have also seen wpfBookControl which is not dynamic and it uses xps document.
Please help me to achieve that.
Take a look here or here.
In the WPF Shader Effects Library you have a 'negative' effect which inverts ('turns') the image.
