What is the difference between angular component and React component? - reactjs

Can someone explain that how the concept of components is different in Angular 8 and React? According to various tutorials I've watched, it says React components are reusable and can be rendered separately but it happens same in Angular as well. In file directory you have a main app component inside which you can create separate sidenav, header , footer components and use it whenever you like. It's isolated. So where's the difference? I've worked on Angular 8 previously and but new to React.

Angular and React are two differente technologies. Angular, a framework, with lots of built-in tools, and React a library (in my humble opinion, i would like to believe that you can call React a framework too) that has a popular rendering structure.
Angular and React components has the same concept, but obviously different implementations.
But for sure you can assume that components are made mainly for Code Reuse and Maintenance.


Using custom AEM component inside custom React component

I have a AEM project that has React in it, done by steps from this
So, right now I have 2 folders:
ui.apps - with AEM components, it includes my custom AEM components
ui.frontend - with React components
Right now, I need to create React component, which will reuse one of the custom AEM components from ui.apps
I am not sure if it's really possible, because I suspect that behind the curtains React components are mapped to AEM components.
But I am not fully sure. Maybe there is an ugly workaround or something that I could look into
Would appreciate any help, Thanks

Using react-native components for react web

How can we use share components between react-native and react web projects. I have read react native can be derived from react. How is it possible to use same js code between two projects (fully or partially) ?
Take a look at the react-native-web library. It's pretty good:
As long as you only use react native components, e.g. View instead of div, and Text instead of p etc, you'll be able to share view components between your app and website. Then you can pass down all the data from API calls etc as props from within the individual mobile app/website code.
In my projects I have a common folder that contains all these shared view components, and only put the platform specific code inside mobile or web-app. It works pretty well that way.

Migrating From Ember to React Page by Page Exploring Options

I want to move a big Ember v1.4.0 app to React. Instead of creating a new UI from scratch. I want to start building it in React my converting pages over slowly, essentially mixing React and Ember pages in one website.
The above is my ultimate goal, but my first goal is is to create a single page in React that is called by Ember's router.
What I have tried so far: I wanted to create a React component in a ./templates/myFirstTestPage.handlebars because, as I understand it, the router.js calls a template file. But I am unsuccessful creating a React component in the handlebars file. Firstly, I cannot use <script> to import React because <script> does not work in handlebars. Secondly, I believe the handlebars is parsing the React app in an incorrect way. Actually, I don't really understand how, and in what order, these frameworks do the rendering.
Possible solutions (but I need implementation details):
Somehow create a React component in the template folder with the .handlebars extension.
Refer to the url of a React app in the handlebars of an Ember app
Have the Ember router map the url to a jsx file. This solution seems really viable to me. I think to myself that surely the creators of Ember must have thought that people might want to have their Ember app refer to some regular html file. Hence, I hope someone might have some knowledge whether this is possible or not.
Somehow create my own router that maps urls to particular files. If its a React component, then I'd map it to my jsx file, if not, I let Ember's router take care of the mapping. I don't really know how to implement a url mapping thing though.

Is Redux the same for React and React native?

I am currently studying RN by myself, without prior knowledge in React. A lot of things seem to exist in both such as Redux and hooks. Many of the resources I find refer to React in the title (e.g "Redux Crash Course With React").
My question is: where does the line cross between React and React Native? Would I be fine studyig form these resources that refer to React, or would that just confuse me?
I'm trying to understand a go to approach to understand which resource I'd be fine with and which would be irrelevant.
React Native contains React library to use it as front-end library.
Most of usages of React are the same for React-Native. And it is same for Redux too.
React-Native must have other libraries to build applications that can run on both of Android and iOS.
Also it has middleware libraries that allow us to use most of native libraries' functionalities. As an example you can check Alert directory out. It is used for to show native Android alert dialogs.
Good luck..
Both react and react native use javascript to create the user interface we need but the difference is in the rendering, style and bundling and you should know that react native is a framework itself but react.js is a library. the main difference:
---React-Native doesn’t use HTML to render the app, but provides alternative components that work in a similar way. Those React-Native components map the actual real native iOS or Android UI components that get rendered on the app.
---With React-Native, you’ll have to learn a completely new way to animate the different components of your app with Javascript.
--- navigating between pages are totally different!!!
so we conclude that it's better to study references based on RN not react.js . but some functionalities such as redux or hooks or a lot of it's components are exactly the same and you can study react.js references for them. only the 3 differents that i said above are important.

Why can I not use a React Component in a Cycle.js app?

If Cycle uses virtual dom and so does React, then why can I not use React Components inside a Cycle.js app?
Would it be possible to use wrap existing React Components into Cycle.js components ?
This question relates to : Higher order FRP with React - why is it not happening?
Because React's support for Web Components is lacking. See https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/7901 and http://staltz.com/react-could-love-web-components.html
It is technically possible to build React support in Cycle.js, but then you may also start asking whether other frameworks like Ember or Angular or Aurelia should start doing the same out of the box. Then, the question could be expanded even further by asking Aurelia components to be supported in Ember. So building support for "Foo" components in "Bar" framework is counter-productive. Web Components are the sane way to handle this.
Cycle.js is generic enough to be used along other frameworks/libraries. In fact there's redux-cycle-middleware which allows you to use React/Redux along with Cycle.js. With this middleware you wouldn't be using Cycle to handle DOM side-effects; instead you'd use React. Then when you need to handle other side-effects (HTTP, WebSockets, anything that isn't DOM...) you can use Cycle.js.
