Discordjs hierarchy permissions - discord

I have a ban command but for some reason a moderator can ban an admin. How do I set up hierarchy?
ex. A mod can ban A Admin when the admin role is above mod.
Thank u!

Maybe it's a bit late but here is a working solution for your problem.
if (message.member.roles.cache.find(role => role.position > message.mentions.members.first().roles.highest.position)) {
// If role is above
// Here you can enter the code for banning the mentioned user
} else {
// If role isn't above
You have to check if the user who enters the command has a higer role than the user who should get banned by the bot.


DiscordJS V13 Mentioning a role

Can someone help me with these code? What I want to happen here is when an admin mentions a role, I want it to do nothing or maybe send a reply like "You mentioned a role."
My Code:
let findrole = args[0];
const role = message.guild.roles.cache.get.find((r) =>
if (args[0] === role) return;
You can do that by checking if there are any roles mentioned in the message. All you have to do is add:
if (message.mentions.roles) { // This checks if a role was mentioned
message.channel.send(`${message.mentions.roles.first().name} was mentioned`)

Is it possible to fetch the user inviting your bot?

When my Discord bot joins a guild, I want to send a private message to the member inviting the bot. I am using Discord.js.
Now, i know there is a guildCreate event i can use on the client, that fires when the bot joins a guild.
This event however, only provides the Guild the bot has been invited in.
I've seen multiple bots sending me private messages this way, so i know there must be a way. One could get the guild owner and send him private message, but there is a chance that the owner is not the one inviting the bot. And unfortunately, since i was always the owner when it happened, i can't say if it was this or not.
Is there a way to retrieve the GuildMember, or the User that invited the bot ?
This requires view audit log permissions for the bot:
let logs = await guild.fetchAuditLogs()
logs = logs.entries.filter(e => e.action === "BOT_ADD")
let user = logs.find(l => l.target?.id === client.user.id)?.executor
//user is the inviter

Check if bot has Admin?

I want to make a small if statement to see if my bot has administrator privileges in the server.
[bot = new Discord.Client();]
Any help?
I tried:
if(!bot.guild.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR") return msg.author.send(":x: I need administartor priviliages in"+bot.guild.name+"! :x:")
bot.guild (client.guild) doesn't exist.
client.guilds is a collection of all the guilds your bot is in, mapped by their IDs.
You can check if a member / the bot has a permission using GuildMember's .hasPermission method.
if (!message.guild.members.get(client.user.id).hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR")) return message.reply("I need Administrator permissions!")
Shortest way possible would be
if (!message.guild.me.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR")) return;

Trying to implement Patreon-only commands/functions on my discord bot, how would I accomplish this?

My discord bot gives the role of 'Patreon' to my patreon supporters. This role is given on my main discord bot server. So right now I'm trying to write some commands that would be only available to users who have the role 'Patreon' in the BOTS discord server, how can I accomplish this?
Like is there a way I can be like -
message.member.has('Patreon Role').in('My Discord Server)?
Let's go over the tasks you need to accomplish this.
Get the "home guild" with your users and corresponding Patreon role.
See Client.guilds and Map.get().
Find the user in the guild.
See Guild.member().
Check whether or not the user has the Patreon role.
See GuildMember.roles and Collection.find().
You can define a function to help you out with this, export it and require it where you need it (or define it within relevant scope), and then call it to check if a user is one of your Patreon supporters.
Here's what this function would look like...
// Assuming 'client' is the instance of your Discord Client.
function isSupporter(user) {
const homeGuild = client.guilds.get('idHere');
if (!homeGuild) return console.error('Couldn\'t find the bots guild!');
const member = homeGuild.member(user);
if (!member) return false;
const role = member.roles.find(role => role.name === 'Patreon');
if (!role) return false;
return true;
Then, as an example, using this function in a command...
// Assuming 'message' is a Message.
if (!isSupporter(message.author)) {
return message.channel.send(':x: This command is restricted to Patreon supporters.')
message.member.roles.find('name', 'Patreon Role');//this returns either undefined or a role
What that does is it searches the users collection to see if the have "Patreon Role"
If the message is on the same server, otherwise you could do
client.guild.find('name','My Discord Server').member(message.author).roles.find('name', 'Patreon Role'); //this also returns undefined or a role
Clearly that second option is long, but what is basically does is searches the servers the bot is in for a server called 'My Discord Server' then it finds the GuildMember form of the message.author user resolvable, then it searches their roles for the role 'Patreon Role'
There is a chance it will crash though if they aren't on the server(the documentation doesn't say if it returns and error or undefined for some reason) so if it does crash you could instead do
client.guild.find('name','My Discord Server').members.find('id', message.author.id).roles.find('name', 'Patreon Role'); //this also returns undefined or a role
You can read more here: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/User
and here
and here
To try and give a full example, assuming this is in your message event
if (message.member.roles.find(r => r.name === 'Patreon') == undefined &&
commandIsExclusive || message.guild.id !== 'this-id-for-BOTS-server') {
// Don't allow them in here
Essentially, to run a command they must be a supporter, in a specific server and if it is exclusive and the other criteria aren't met, they are denied

Changing nickname in discord.js

So I've looked at a fair few forum posts and can't find something fitting my code.
I'm trying to do something like this...
case "setnick":
if (args[1]) {
if (message.guild.me.hasPermission("MANAGE_NICKNAMES")) {
if (message.member.hasPermission("CHANGE_NICKNAME"))
else message.channel.send("You do not have the permissions! **(CHANGE_NICKNAME)**")
else message.channel.send("The bot does not have the permissions! **(MANAGE_NICKNAMES)**")
else message.channel.send("There's no argument to set your nickname too! **Eg. f!setnick NICKNAME**")
So it checks if there is a argument like
f!setnick NICKNAME
Then checks if the bot has permission MANAGE_NICKNAMES
if it doesn't it sends a chat message.
And it then checks for if the user has the permission CHANGE_NICKNAME
so i'm wondering why its not working.
Any reason why?
Have you tried checking if it works on other users besides yourself? Bots can not do administrator commands (like change someone's nickname) if you are higher/the same in the hierarchy than it, and seeing the owner is the ultimate power it is probably returning a permission error.
Try catching it and see what the error is
if it returns DiscordAPIError: Privilege is too low... then my theory is correct. It should work for lower users.
message.member.me doesn't get the bot's user, it gets the user sending the message. Try message.guild.members.find("id", client.user.id).hasPermission("MANAGE_NICKNAMES")
