SQL Insert does column order matter - sql-server

I have two tables with the same field names and a stored procedure that updates table B with Table A's data by doing a delete from current table and insert into current table from another table that has update values in it:
delete from ac.Table1
insert into ac.Table1
select *
from dbo.OriginalTable
where dtcreate <getdate()-1
I had to recreate Table1 through GIS software which adds GlobalIDs and an Object ID field. The original order had Object ID at the end and the new table has it at the front. Will this impact executing the SQL statement above?

Yes it will. The order of the columns should match for each value to go in desired column
You can try
Insert into ac.Table1 (column1....columnN)


SQL Server Insert If Not Exists - No Primary Key

I have Table A and Table B.
Table A contains data from another source.
Table B contains data that is inserted from Table A along with data from other tables. I have done the initial insert of data from A to B but now what I am trying to do is insert the records that do not exist already in Table B from Table A on a daily basis. Unfortunately, there is no primary key or unique identifier in Table A which is making this difficult.
Table A contains a field called file_name which has values that looks like this:
There can be duplicate values in this column (multiple files from the same date).
In Table B I created a column data_date which extracts the date from the table a.file_name field. There is also a load_date field which just uses GETDATE() at the time the data is inserted.
I am thinking I can somehow compare the dates in these tables to decide what needs to be inserted. For example:
If the file date from Table A (would need to extract again) is greater than the load_date of Table B, then insert these records into Table B.
Let me know if any clarification is needed.
You could use exists or except. With the explanation here it seems like except would make short work of this. Something like this.
insert tableB
select * from tableA
select * from tableB

How to insert record into table which is having 6054 records

I am having one table with 3 f_Key and 1 P_Key with 6054 records.
One record is lost from that table. I am trying to insert record into that table.
The record id is 2352 and last record id is 9560 so,if i insert the record then it is taking 9561 id which is next id of before id.If try to delete the others records then because of F_Key it is not allowing to delete also.If i try to update the 9561 id then it also not allowing to update.
You can use the SET IDENTITY INSERT construct to explicitly insert the PK value in a table with auto-numbering, like so:
set identity_insert #your_table on
insert into your_table (PK_COL_IDENTITY, ...) values (2352, ...)
set identity_insert #your_table off
As per my knowledge , if your ID is auto incremented then you cannot update that ID(key) .The only way to do in your case is TRUNCATE.If you will truncate the table then it will allow to generate new sequence.
You can create a temporary table and migrate the data to temporary table and truncate that parent table and again migrate the data from temporary table to parent table.
Hope it will help you.

Stored procedure to insert record and for each run update statement

I would like to have a stored procedure which inserts rows into a table (retrieved from a select query from another table) and for each newly inserted row gets its identity and updates the original table with the identity
Pseudo code-
records = select id,city,state,country from USER where name=#name
for each record in records // for each rows selected
insert into LOCATION(city,state,country) values(#record.city,#record.state,#record.country); //inserts a value into LOCATION table
#id = SCOPE_IDENTITY(); // gets the identity of the newly inserted row
update USER set LocationId=#id where Id=#record.id //updates the new id back to old table's column
This is a data migration task, where we want to segregate the LOCATION from USER table
Thanks in advance for your time and effort for this thread.
You could do something like this:
DECLARE #InsertedValues TABLE (ID INT, City VARCHAR(50), State VARCHAR(50), Country VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO dbo.Location(City, State, Country)
OUTPUT Inserted.ID, Inserted.City, Inserted.State, Inserted.Country INTO #InsertedValues(ID, City, State, Country)
SELECT City, State, Country
FROM dbo.YourSourceTable
With this, you now have the inserted values - including the newly defined identity values - in your #InsertedValues table variable and you can now update the source table as you see fit.
UPDATE dbo.YourSourceTable
Col1 = iv.Col1,
Col2 = iv.Col2, -- etc. - do whatever you nee to do here!
FROM #InsertedValues iv
WHERE ......... -- here, you need some condition to link the inserted values to the original table
This doesn't require any cursor or any other messy RBAR (row-by-agonizing-row) processing at all - everything is nicely set-based and as fast as it can possibly be.
Learn more about the OUTPUT clause at MSDN SQL Server Books Online - you can use the OUTPUT clause on insert, update and even delete statements, too!

Microsoft SQL server: have one auto-incrementing column update another table

I have a table of orders with orderID. I want when I create a new row in orders, and automatically have it add the same orderID to a new row in orderDetails. I got the auto incrementing to work, however whenever I try to link the two, adding cascade delete, it gives me an error.
'order' table saved successfully
'orderDetail' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_orderDetail_order'.
Cascading foreign key 'FK_orderDetail_order' cannot be created where the referencing column 'orderDetail.orderID' is an identity column.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
Which seems to be because of the fact there is no orderID at row creation. Without these two linked it's pretty hard to link an order to its information.
I am using Microsoft SQL server mgt studio. I learned via command-line MySQL, not SQL, so this whole GUI stuff is throwing me off (and I'm a tad rusty).
Your problem is that 'orderDetail.orderID' should not be an identity column (auto-incrementing). It should be based on the orderId in the Order table. You can do that in a variety of ways. If you are using stored procedures, and making separate calls to the database for the orderDetail records, have the code save the order row first, and return the newly created OrderId value, then use that value on the calls to save orderdetails. If you are making one call to a stored proc that saves the order header record and all order detail records in one call, then in the stored procd, insert the ordfer record forst, use Scope_identity() to extract the newly created orderId into a T-SQL variable,
Declare #orderId Integer
Insert Orders([Order table columns])
Values([Order table column values])
Set #orderId = scope_Identity()
and then use the value in #orderId for all inserts into the OrderDetails table...
Insert OrderDetails(OrderId, [Other OrderDetail table columns])
Values(#orderId , [Other OrderDetail table column values])
You want a AFTER INSERT trigger on the order table - in this, the newly given ID is available as NEW.orderID and can now easily be inserted into orderDetails.
Just do this via the command line. I certainly do.

Best way to move data between tables and generate mapping of old to new identity values

I need to merge data from 2 tables into a third (all having the same schema) and generate a mapping of old identity values to new ones. The obvious approach is to loop through the source tables using a cursor, inserting the old and new identity values along the way. Is there a better (possibly set-oriented) way to do this?
UPDATE: One additional bit of info: the destination table already has data.
Create your mapping table with an IDENTITY column for the new ID. Insert from your source tables into this table, creating your mapping.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON for your target table.
Insert into the target table from your source tables joined to the mapping table, then SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF.
I created a mapping table based on the OUTPUT clause of the MERGE statement. No IDENTITY_INSERT required.
In the example below, there is RecordImportQueue and RecordDataImportQueue, and RecordDataImportQueue.RecordID is a FK to RecordImportQueue.RecordID. The data in these staging tables needs to go to Record and RecordData, and FK must be preserved.
RecordImportQueue to Record is done using a MERGE statement, producing a mapping table from its OUTPUT, and RecordDataImportQueue goes to RecordData using an INSERT from a SELECT of the source table joined to the mapping table.
DECLARE #MappingTable table ([NewRecordID] [bigint],[OldRecordID] [bigint])
MERGE [dbo].[Record] AS target
,RecordID AS RecordID_Original
FROM [RecordImportQueue]
) AS source
ON (target.RecordID = NULL) -- can never match as RecordID is IDENTITY NOT NULL.
INSERT ([InstanceID],[Status])
VALUES (source.[InstanceID],source.[Status])
OUTPUT inserted.RecordID, source.RecordID_Original INTO #MappingTable;
After that, you can insert the records in a referencing table as folows:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[RecordData]
SELECT [InstanceID]
,mt.NewRecordID -- the new RecordID from the mappingtable
FROM [dbo].[RecordDataImportQueue] AS rdiq
JOIN #MappingTable AS mt
ON rdiq.RecordID = mt.OldRecordID
Although long after the original post, I hope this can help other people, and I'm curious for any feedback.
I think I would temporarily add an extra column to the new table to hold the old ID. Once your inserts are complete, you can extract the mapping into another table and drop the column.
