I am Trying to center the card but its not working - reactjs

I am building a react application in which I am trying to center the blocks,by using justify content center but its not working. I have used the justify-content-center, center -block ,but still its not working
Please Help me out
function Trackers(props) {
return (
<h2 class="font-weight-bold text-center mt-4 mb-4" >COVID-19 TRACKER</h2>
<Row >
<Col xs={12} sm={12} md={4} className="center-block">
<Card style={{ width: '15rem' }} className="justify-content-center text-center ml-1 mr-1 mt-1 mb-1" >
<br />
<h6>No of Active Cases of Covid-19</h6>
<Container className="bg-primary " style={{height:"5px" ,width:"auto"}} height="20px" width="auto" >
<Col xs={12} sm={12} md={4} className="justify-content-center ">
<Card style={{ width: '15rem' }} className="text-center ml-1 mr-1 mt-1 mb-1" >
<br />
<h6>No of Recovered Cases of Covid-19</h6>
<Container className="bg-success " style={{height:"5px" ,width:"auto"}} height="20px" width="auto" >
<Col xs={12} sm={12} md={4} className="justify-content-center ">
<Card style={{ width: '15rem' }} className="text-center ml-1 mr-1 mt-1 mb-1">
<br />
<h6>No of Deaths Cases of Covid-19</h6>
<Container className="bg-dark " style={{height:"5px" ,width:"auto"}} height="20px" width="auto" >

You just need to add class p-0(zero padding) to your Col and then on your Card element replace classes ml-1 mr-1 with just mx-auto (sets the margins on the x-axis, left & right to auto)
FYI .justify-content-center is used on a row to center the columns within the row.

The correct answer you already have with mx-auto.
On top of that you can also introduce h-100 on the cards to make them align properly on all screens. With a .card-footer you can align the border layout as well.
DEMO with columns
To take it a little further, you can get rid of the columns and use a card-layout.
A .card-deck seems the ideal approach.
DEMO with card-layout


How to center content inside Row element

I am trying to center some cards inside a row element but I cant get it to work!
<Row className="d-flex justify-content-center">
{cardData.map((data) => {
return (
<Card style={{ width: "18rem" }}>
<Card.Img variant="top" src={data.img} />
<Button variant="primary">{data.button}</Button>
this is how it looks:: (as you can see, there is un-event spacing on the left and right of the card
I tried to put the following classes (mx-auto,d-flex justify-content-center) on the parent row but I cant get it to work
any advice is greatly appreciated
use justify-content: space-between
<Row style={{display:'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between'}}>

How to solve problem with 2items with the same key?

I usually using uuid from react-uuid but this time I get all time an error even I try to combine it with unique item.id..
{listMovie?.map((item, index) =>{
const time = new Date(item.release_date)
<React.Fragment key={`${item.id + uuid()}`}>
<SwiperSlide >
<Grid item className="items">
<Card sx={{ maxWidth: "350" }}>
<div className="favorite">
value={{ color: 'red', size: '30px' }}
<div className="fav" onClick={() => FavHanlder(item, index)}>
{likes.includes(item.id) ? <MdFavorite/> : <MdFavoriteBorder/>}
</IconContext.Provider> </div>
<Link to={`/movie/${item.id}`}>
// alt={item.Title}
<div className="title">
<Typography variant="body2" color="white" >
<Typography variant="body2" color="white" >
<div style={{display: "flex", float: "left", paddingLeft: "10px", paddingRight: "10px"}}>
emptyIcon={<i className="far fa-star"></i>}
halfIcon={<i className="fa fa-star-half-alt"></i>}
fullIcon={<i className="fa fa-star"></i>}
/><p style={{fontSize: "5px"}}>/{item.vote_count}votes</p></div>
I am a little bit confused, because this is an error of beginners.
full msg:
Warning: Encountered two children with the same key, .0. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.

How to display only to items in row?

I Don't know how to display only two elements in row and keep last Column empty, spend almost 9h to find resolve
Red zone has to be empty, here is react component of the card
return (
<Row gutter={[24,24]}>
<Col xs={24} sm={12} lg={8} key={news.id}>
{/*<div className={"card"}>*/}
<Card hoverable className={"news-card"} style={{height: "250px"}}>
<a href={news.url} target={"_blank"} rel={"noreferrer"}>
<div className="news-image-container">
<Title className={"news-title"} level={4}>{news.name}</Title>
<img style={{maxWidth: '200px', maxHeight: '100px'}} src={news.image} alt={"news"}/>
news.description.length > 100 ? `${news.description.substring(0, 100)}...`
<div className="provider-container">

React Dynamic append using map

I am new to react,
I am learning react, In this process I tried to create a for loop render using react. Were I am stuck in the following code
Below is my code
<Row xs={3} md={4} lg={6}>
{[...Array(numberOfCards)].map((e, i) => {
return (
<Col className='mt-5' key={i+1}>
<Card >
{/* <Card.Img top width="100%" src="/images/companylogo.png" alt="Card image cap"/> */}
<Card.Title tag="h5">Card title</Card.Title>
<Card.Subtitle tag="h6" className="mb-2 text-muted">Card subtitle</Card.Subtitle>
<Card.Text>Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the
<Button onClick={() =>addquantity({i+1},{email})}>Button</Button>
here, In the Button Onclick event I am passing the "{i+1}"
Can you help me to understand what I am doing wrong here.
Thanks in advance
When you are defining the function in the onClick, the variables are in scope and shouldn't be inserted using {...} formats.
This should work (note that email should be defined somewhere):
<Row xs={3} md={4} lg={6}>
{[...Array(numberOfCards)].map((e, i) => {
return (
<Col className='mt-5' key={i+1}>
<Card >
{/* <Card.Img top width="100%" src="/images/companylogo.png" alt="Card image cap"/> */}
<Card.Title tag="h5">Card title</Card.Title>
<Card.Subtitle tag="h6" className="mb-2 text-muted">Card subtitle</Card.Subtitle>
<Card.Text>Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the
<Button onClick={() =>addquantity(i+1,email)}>Button</Button>

Reactjs - integrating rich text editor lost scope of state

I am new to reactjs - and I am trying to integrate a rich text editor into a component. The component itself is a bit complex and contains various logic to loop through a json fragment.
I'd like to place the rich text editor inside the component - but when I put the code to invoke it inside -- I loose scope of the this -- it complains on the this.state.
This is the rich text editor markup
this is the current code
return (
<MetaSpecific title={lang.metaData.title} description={lang.metaData.description} />
<Intercom appID='bg69flze' custom_launcher_selector='.open_intercom' />
<Spacers />
<div className='background--white background--white--medium background--white--small'>
lang.status[0].items.map(function (item, index) {
return (
<div key={index}>
(lang.status[0].dashboard === 'expert')
// after interview section - professional
? <Expert lang={lang} item={item} />
// after interview section - employer
: (lang.status[0].dashboard === 'employer')
? <Employer lang={lang} item={item} />
: null
<Row type='flex' justify='center' className='border__transparent--top' style={{maxWidth: '1200px', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}}>
(lang.status[0].dashboard === 'employer')
// after interview section - professional
? <EmployerPanel lang={lang} />
: null
<Col xs={24} md={24} lg={24} style={{background: '#eff2f4', padding: '50px 65px 0'}}>
<div className='' style={{background: '#ffffff', padding: '30px'}}>
<h3 style={{paddingBottom: '30px'}}>Shareholder agreement for a UK startup</h3>
<Col xs={7} md={7} lg={7}>
<h3 style={{paddingBottom: '30px'}}>Projektfrist</h3>
<Col xs={5} md={5} lg={5}>
16 June 2017
<h3 style={{paddingBottom: '30px'}}>Projektbeschreibung</h3>
<p className='text--font-size-14'>This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description</p>
<p className='text--font-size-14'>This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description</p>
<Col xs={24} md={24} lg={24} style={{background: '#eff2f4', padding: '50px 65px 0'}}>
<div className='' style={{background: '#ffffff', padding: '30px'}}>
<h3 style={{paddingBottom: '30px'}}>Vorschlag zur Provision</h3>
<Col xs={7} md={7} lg={7}>
<Col xs={5} md={5} lg={5}>
Fixed rate
<br />
<Col xs={7} md={7} lg={7}>
Fix Vergutung exkl. MwSt. (€)
<Col xs={5} md={5} lg={5}>
<Input placeholder='Final Price' style={{border: '1px solid #c5c8cf'}} />
<Col xs={7} md={7} lg={7}>
Ihr angestrebtes Projecktende
<Col xs={5} md={5} lg={5}>
<Input placeholder='16/06/2017' style={{border: '1px solid #c5c8cf'}} />
<Col xs={24} md={24} lg={24} style={{background: '#eff2f4', padding: '50px 65px 0'}}>
<div className='' style={{background: '#ffffff', padding: '30px'}}>
<h2 className='text--font-size-14'>Beschreibung de Angebots</h2>
<h2 className='text--font-size-14'>xx xx xx xx xx xx</h2>
<p className='text--font-size-14'><Input type='textarea' rows={4} /></p>
<p>RICH TEXT</p>
<Col xs={24} md={24} lg={24} style={{background: '#eff2f4', padding: '50px 65px'}}>
<div className='' style={{background: '#ffffff', padding: '30px'}}>
<h2 className='text--font-size-14'>Mandatscereinbarung</h2>
<Input type='submit' value='PDF hochladen' style={{width: '200px', color: '#ffffff'}} />
but when I try and place the rich text editor in the correct part of the markup it breaks and looses scope on the this.
return (
<MetaSpecific title={lang.metaData.title} description={lang.metaData.description} />
<Intercom appID='bg69flze' custom_launcher_selector='.open_intercom' />
<Spacers />
<div className='background--white background--white--medium background--white--small'>
lang.status[0].items.map(function (item, index) {
return (
<div key={index}>
(lang.status[0].dashboard === 'expert')
// after interview section - professional
? <Expert lang={lang} item={item} />
// after interview section - employer
: (lang.status[0].dashboard === 'employer')
? <Employer lang={lang} item={item} />
: null
<Row type='flex' justify='center' className='border__transparent--top' style={{maxWidth: '1200px', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}}>
(lang.status[0].dashboard === 'employer')
// after interview section - professional
? <EmployerPanel lang={lang} />
: null
<Col xs={24} md={24} lg={24} style={{background: '#eff2f4', padding: '50px 65px 0'}}>
<div className='' style={{background: '#ffffff', padding: '30px'}}>
<h3 style={{paddingBottom: '30px'}}>Shareholder agreement for a UK startup</h3>
<Col xs={7} md={7} lg={7}>
<h3 style={{paddingBottom: '30px'}}>Projektfrist</h3>
<Col xs={5} md={5} lg={5}>
16 June 2017
<h3 style={{paddingBottom: '30px'}}>Projektbeschreibung</h3>
<p className='text--font-size-14'>This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description</p>
<p className='text--font-size-14'>This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description. This is the project description</p>
<Col xs={24} md={24} lg={24} style={{background: '#eff2f4', padding: '50px 65px 0'}}>
<div className='' style={{background: '#ffffff', padding: '30px'}}>
<h3 style={{paddingBottom: '30px'}}>Vorschlag zur Provision</h3>
<Col xs={7} md={7} lg={7}>
<Col xs={5} md={5} lg={5}>
Fixed rate
<br />
<Col xs={7} md={7} lg={7}>
Fix Vergutung exkl. MwSt. (€)
<Col xs={5} md={5} lg={5}>
<Input placeholder='Final Price' style={{border: '1px solid #c5c8cf'}} />
<Col xs={7} md={7} lg={7}>
Ihr angestrebtes Projecktende
<Col xs={5} md={5} lg={5}>
<Input placeholder='16/06/2017' style={{border: '1px solid #c5c8cf'}} />
<Col xs={24} md={24} lg={24} style={{background: '#eff2f4', padding: '50px 65px 0'}}>
<div className='' style={{background: '#ffffff', padding: '30px'}}>
<h2 className='text--font-size-14'>Beschreibung de Angebots</h2>
<h2 className='text--font-size-14'>xx xx xx xx xx xx</h2>
<p className='text--font-size-14'><Input type='textarea' rows={4} /></p>
<Col xs={24} md={24} lg={24} style={{background: '#eff2f4', padding: '50px 65px'}}>
<div className='' style={{background: '#ffffff', padding: '30px'}}>
<h2 className='text--font-size-14'>Mandatscereinbarung</h2>
<Input type='submit' value='PDF hochladen' style={{width: '200px', color: '#ffffff'}} />
