app.yaml problem python standard app engine - google-app-engine

I am trying to use the app.yaml in Python 3.8 for Google app engine standard.
My app.yaml looks like this;
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /.*
script: auto
I can then access all the files in the directory named "static".
If I then change app.yaml to;
runtime: python38
- url: /staticX
static_dir: staticX
- url: /.*
script: auto
If I then try to access any files in "staticX" I get a 404 error.
However I can still access the files in "static". Even a hard refresh gets a 200.
Changing app.yaml has no effect.

This seems to be a matter of caching. According to google documentation static handlers in Google App Engine is cached and, if you do not set value default_expiration, it will be still available in default 10 minutes.
I have done the same test on my side and indeed after redeployment static_dir are still available for around 10m. I noticed that if I start to deploy and redeploy all over again, 10-20 times, sometimes the time seems to be longer than 10m. However, finally, when I check after a few hours, all changes have been available.


Next.js images return 500 error in production

I am deploying a Next.js app on GAE and none of the images in the public folder get served, they all return 500 with the following error after reviewing logs
EROFS: read-only file system, unlink '/workspace/.next/cache/images/zUb0XWtfOUy8jJS-olwIcsJpEse7wovGYRmT3B79mCc=/0.1641776976898.S-2U16B+8WquUZAAJsKsf1k9FpDiuBJX2T6gFU5eXy4=.svg
Here is how my app.yaml file looks like:
- url: /.*
secure: always
script: auto
instances: 1
runtime: nodejs16
I run next build to get a production build, however none of the images load. Please help
It looks like GAE (Google App Engine) does not allow for writing, you can read them but its probably trying to perform some transcoding in the request, e.g: convert to svg
One potential way maybe to host the images in an external URL or use a host like imgix or cloudinary

Deploying an App with Code Splitting on GCP App Engine - Loading chunk * failed

We have a web application (frontend) using React created from Create React App. The app is running on Google Cloud Platform App Engine Standard. Our web application is code splitted. Each page is then loaded on user navigation.
It's working really well. The issue we have is for example user A is on the app home page. We deploy a fix that change the chunk file name. The user A then try to access another page and then got the error Loading chunk * failed. The url to get the file is now returning a 404 because the file has been replaced by some new chunk files.
It's a frequent problem as I can see during my research but I didn't find a solution that apply for Google App Engine.
Here's an article that explain the problem / solution:
I would like to use the solution "Solution 1: Keep old files on your server after a deployment" but I can't see how to do this using GCP ...
Here's the app.yaml file
service: frontend
runtime: nodejs14
env: standard
instance_class: F1
- url: /(.*\..+)$
static_files: build/\1
upload: build/(.*\..+)$
- url: /.*
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
We have the following dispatch file (* for masked url)
- url: "*"
service: frontend
- url: "www.*"
service: frontend
Haven't tried this before but see if it makes sense/works.
We have a blog article about downloading your source code from GAE. It contains an explanation of where your source is stored when you deploy (a staging bucket), how long it stays there and how you can modify how long it stays before Google automatically deletes it.
When you deploy to GAE, gcloud only deploys files that have changed (it doesn't deploy those that haven't). Since you now have 'new' files because new hashes were generated, the older files no longer exist on your local machine. I do not know if Google will automatically delete those files from the staging location in bullet 1 above.
My proposal here is that you follow the steps in the blog article (from bullet 1) and alter (change) how long the files are retained in your staging bucket. Another option is to check the retention policy tab and see if you can change the rule so the files don't get deleted. If you're able to alter how long the files remain or the retention policy, it just might solve your problem. Let me know if this works

App Engine not caching static CSS files

I'm just getting started with my first app engine site. I followed the hello world sample to get my home page up and running. I added a css file and declared a static handler for it in my app.yaml. Here is the full content:
application: myapp
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true
- url: /css/.*/(.*)
mime_type: text/css
static_files: css/\1
upload: css/(.*)
expiration: "30d"
- url: /.*
When I use the Audit feature of the Chrome developer tools, it warns that my CSS file is explicitly non-cacheable. I tried increasing the expiration time, but that didn't help.
Is there anything else I need to do to enable caching for static files? I haven't messed around with any settings in the site dashboard, so it should be using the default settings.
When I run this same test on the SDK against localhost, I get the same warning that none of my CSS is cached and that it's set to be explicitly non-cachable.
When I deploy the app and run the test from, I only get a warning for the jquery CDN link, and all of my CSS files are cached.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Looks like the files are marked as proxy-cacheable, but I'm still seeing them as non-browser cacheable.

Static_files vs Static_dir Cache expiration header in Python App Engine

I'm using Google App Engine 1.7.2 / Python 2.7 and am trying to add client caching of static files.
When I specify static_dir in my app.yaml, the cache-control headers do not get set.
- url: /static/images
static_dir: static/images
expiration: "7d 0h"
However, when I switch the specification over to static_files, like the following, it does get set.
- url: /static/images(.*)
static_files: static/images/\1
upload: static/(.*)
expiration: "7d 0h"
Is anyone else seeing this? Am I missing something? I was under the impression that static_dir and static_files were equivalent if written like the above.
I realise your question was asked a while ago, but I came across it while searching for a similar issue and thought I'd answer it for others' benefit.
You've specified the static file handlers correctly.
The issue with caching may have been due to you being logged in as administrator in the browser (logged in to Running your application, without being logged in as administrator, should show caching working as expected. Here's a link to the 'issue'.

Configure app.yaml in GAE to allow selection of scripts through URL

I have created an app in Google App Engine and it's working pretty well in a conventional browser. The main script is called (because I have been hacking off an example and I never changed it). It calls a html file and passes in variables as you would expect.
Now I want to develop a new version that's more suitable for mobile devices. To do this, I wrote a new python script called It's similar to except that it calls a different html file with a different stylesheet. Inelegant I know but I thought it would be easy to implement through the app.yaml file.
Here is my app.yaml file:
application: (my application id string)
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /remote_api
script: $PYTHON_LIB/google/appengine/ext/remote_api/
login: admin
- url: /stylesheets
static_dir: stylesheets
- url: /javascript
static_dir: javascript
- url: /images
static_dir: images
- url: /mobile/.*
- url: /.*
www.(my domain name).com pulls up the output from no problem. I was hoping that www.(my domain name).com/mobile would pull up the output from but it didn't work. Also tried domain name).com but no luck. Tried leaving off the /.* at the end of /mobile but that didn't help either. I switched and to check that it wasn't the python and I got the expected result so there's definitely something wrong with how I'm formatting and using the app.yaml file. Can't seem to find a similar use case in the GAE docs so any help would be much appreciated.
To trigger the /mobile/.* route you should visit www.(my domain name).com/mobile/
One simple suggestion is to have a single matched by /.* leaving the routing part to the WSGIApplication class.
application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
[('/mobile', example.MobileHandler),
( '/', example.MainHandler)],
One rule of thumb here is that on app.yaml you should have different routes for different applications or different components.
Is mobile a different application/components or just the same application with a different theme and some lighter features?
