How to Copy a Navigation from Reactjs Website - reactjs

I need to add a WordPress blog to a website created in Reactjs. It's for this website
I was thinking I can just install WordPress in folder and then copy the html/css navigation and footer from and add it to the WordPress blog so it looks the same as the website.
I tried working on it but my issue is that for some reason when I copy the html,css and js for the navigation from then it shows the whole content of the page.
I know that's probably how Reactjs works but I have zero experience with Reactjs so I'm just trying to see how this can be done.
How would you do this? I'll appreciate any tips or advice.
Thank you!


How to embed a wordpress page inside a nextjs page

I have a Nextjs project where I want to show a Wordpress page on some of the pages. So for example on this route products/[id] I want to show a wordpress page that contains info related to that product below the main info. This is needed because for some of the designs we are using Divi.
At the moment the only solution I came up with was using and iframe to show the page (it works), but it feels a bit hacky and it's probably not the best solution. Is there a better way to do it? Thanks.

Loading react code into index.html file in flutter web

I have a flutter web application. Things are working smoothly with few impediments.
So recently I got a new requirement that we have already few modules which we developed in react. You can consider like launch pages with signin and signup buttons. I wanted that same react code into my flutter web code. And when we click on sign in and signup it should load flutter web code. Is there is ay solutiom apart from webview? Like something we can do with flutter web folder adding css file into index.html file etc..
Please let me know the best approach for this...

Convert Gatsby Website to WebFlow of WordPress?

The marketing manager of (built in gatsby) said that it's hard for them to do updates on the site (they need to contact the developer every time) so they're thinking about rebuilding the whole site in WebFlow or WordPress. The blog on site is headless WordPress.
I work mostly with WordPress and WebFlow and have zero experience with Gatsby or React.
I was wondering is there any simple way how to do updates on a Gatsby website so the marketing team can do it themselves? (they're non coders)
They love the headless WodPress blog because they're all familiar with WordPress and can write blog posts without coding.
I'll appreciate any tips or pointing in a direction.
Thank you, Josef
I assume you still have a kind of deployment-process... means if you change something at the source-code and upload to your git-repository, the page will be rebuild and deployed automatically.
So if you search for an nice & easy way to edit the content of your page, I recommend to have a look at TinaCMS
It's also optimized for gatsby and - if ones integrated in gatsby - it's very easy to edit the content of the Page.

Next.js rendering issue

I've built my website in Next.js, deployed statically via Netlify. Whenever I load it in a new tab, I get a white flash where the SVG logos are visible but nothing else, before the rest of the content loads in. I don't think this is a Flash Of Unstyled Content but it has a similar effect. I'm experiencing on desktop Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but doesn't seen to be happening on mobile. I've been trouble shooting for hours and am no closer to solving. Here's the repo if anyone wants to have a look. Any insights greatly appreciated.
Quoting directly from styled-components' docs:
Basically you need to add a custom pages/_document.js (if you don't
have one). Then copy the logic for styled-components to inject the
server side rendered styles into the .
Refer to our example in the Next.js repo for an up-to-date usage
When using styled-components with Next.js you need to do a little magic in the _document.js. There is a with-styled-components example in the Next.js' repository. Please see here:

Create React small application/page on Wordpress page link?

obviously I've googled and found couple of tutorials uses headless wp with react at front and wordpress as backend but I want to have one page to be displayed and edited on elementor but the second page will be react small app. Tell me how can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
Here is to someone who is new to research of embedding react to wordpress. What I couldn't sort out that how will I use react with WordPress as One page will run with elementor and second page will run through react.
Solution I found is this article:
