Install interpreter for Zeppelin - apache-zeppelin

I need to custom install interpreter for zeppelin apache. Not all of interpreter, i only need md, shell, python (default), jdbc, spark (default). I do some ways, but it failed:
Install online via command
./bin/ --name md,shell,jdbc
But i received error like this:
Install jdbc(org.apache.zeppelin:zeppelin-jdbc:0.8.0) to /opt/zeppelin-0.8.2-bin-netinst/interpreter/jdbc ...
org.sonatype.aether.RepositoryException: Cannot fetch dependencies for org.apache.zeppelin:zeppelin-jdbc:0.8.0
at org.apache.zeppelin.dep.DependencyResolver.getArtifactsWithDep(
at org.apache.zeppelin.dep.DependencyResolver.loadFromMvn(
at org.apache.zeppelin.dep.DependencyResolver.load(
at org.apache.zeppelin.dep.DependencyResolver.load(
at org.apache.zeppelin.dep.DependencyResolver.load(
at org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.install.InstallInterpreter.install(
at org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.install.InstallInterpreter.install(
at org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.install.InstallInterpreter.install(
at org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.install.InstallInterpreter.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.sonatype.aether.impl.internal.DefaultRepositorySystem.resolveDependencies(
at org.apache.zeppelin.dep.DependencyResolver.getArtifactsWithDep(
... 8 more
I configed like this to fix it:
In zeppelin-site.xml
<description>Remote principal repository for interpreter's additional dependency loading</description>
and in
enter image description here
i changed http to https, but it have no efffect.
Install offline
I download jar file from mvnrepository and run
bin/ --name md --artifact /tmp/zeppelin-jar/zeppelin-markdown-0.8.2.jar &&
bin/ --name shell --artifact /tmp/zeppelin-jar/zeppelin-shell-0.8.2.jar &&
bin/ --name jdbc --artifact /tmp/zeppelin-jar/zeppelin-jdbc-0.8.2.jar
But packages relate to many other dependencies jar need to download. Example:
zeppelin-shell-0.8.2 need some dependencies
org.apache.commons » commons-exec
org.apache.commons » commons-lang3
org.apache.zeppelin » zeppelin-interpreter
org.slf4j » slf4j-api
org.slf4j » slf4j-log4j12
How to install interpreter? I expected can install via command online. But seem error because network. I installed from my PC on company
Thank you every one so much

I downloaded full version of zeppelin 0.9.0. Problem resolved


React.js not connecting to (localhost) Ganache on EC2: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Using the following installation on Ubuntu Server 20.04 :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt install python2
sudo apt install npm
npm install ganache-cli
npm install node-gyp#3.6.2
npm install truffle#5.1.39
sudo npm install create-react-app#3.3.1 -global
npm install
I am having the error
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I am running ganache with the command line interface:
I can test the connection via node command prompt
To which I am able to verify a connection to ganache private blockchain
Then I try App.js in React
obtaining the following error:
I have tried the following:
1.) Setting up a proxy under package.json :
2.) Trying
3.) Setting up a middleware proxy account as presented in the following solution:
"proxy": ""
4.) addressing cache related issues through rm -r package-lock.json node_modules and npm install updating react.js to latest version
5.) trying different port: 7545
6.) updating react to latest version on ubuntu
I figured it out - thanks to all who reviewed my problem. - hopefully this will help someone in the same situation. To connect to an ec2 instance with React.js / blockchain dapp you need to follow five steps:
1.) set appropriate security rules (you will need to allow access for an instance to reach your server) I set the following rules in a very liberal fashion since this was only a test:
you need to start ganache with explicit chainId specified and a direct reference to your public domain IPv4 DNS domain e.g (
the command should look as follows:
3.) the same domain mnemonic needs to be specified in metamask (along with an imported account from your ganache server ) It should look as follows:
4.) React.js also needs to access the domain from EC2 directly (do not use localhost ,even you are running on the server the loopback will not work! - also do not use a shortcut with or (||) condition as that also produced errors for me ). It should look similar to below:
5.) your smart contracts also need this domain specified explicitly - so you will also need to edit your truffle-config.js as follows:
Finally i can read my blockchain via React.js on a test network (ganache) via EC2.
Below is blockchain data presented to screen.
I hope this helps someone out there - this was not found easily.
John D.

SSH Agent Plugin v1.17 with Jenkins Declaritive Pipeline not working with Windows

I have been having issues getting my multibranch pipeline to perform git commands with an SSH key via the SSH Agent plugin on Windows.
I am able to successfully perform a git clone with the ssh from Git Bash on windows server that is running Jenkins.
In my pipeline log I am getting the following error when trying to use the sshagent plugin:
[ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation... Could not find
ssh-agent: IOException: Cannot run program "ssh-agent": CreateProcess
error=2, The system cannot find the file specified Check if ssh-agent
is installed and in PATH [ssh-agent] FATAL: Could not find a suitable
ssh-agent provider
I have seen that installing Apache Tomcat Native libraries has helped some people, but the steps for doing so are not very descriptive.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Can't find with gcloud installation

I've installed gcloud by following the instructions on:
gcloud is in my path at /usr/bin/gcloud, but the package doesn't seem to have in my path. Is it installed? How do I run it?
Platform: Ubuntu 16.04
Edit: By running dpkg -L google-cloud-sdk I've found it at /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/ but when I try to run it I get:
This action requires the installation of components: [app-engine-
You cannot perform this action because this Cloud SDK installation is
managed by an external package manager. If you would like to get the
Also not sure why it wasn't added to my path.
I know the original question concerns Ubuntu, but I just wanted to share some notes for macOS/OS X in case it's helpful for someone else.
I installed the google-cloud-sdk via Homebrew-Cask and overlooked the caveats note:
brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
After installing the SDK cask, I installed the Python App Engine component, as #Rodney Jonace mentioned:
gcloud components install -q app-engine-python
Going back to the caveats note mentioned above, I appended the following the my ~/.zshrc file:
source $(brew --prefix)/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/
source $(brew --prefix)/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/
Opening a new terminal tab, I was able to call the extra Python App Engine scripts (e.g., and use the Zsh completions. Hope that helps!
The following articles were also useful:
The google-cloud-sdk deb package comes with the built-in component manager disabled, which is preventing that copy of from working through gcloud. If you update your apt-cache, you can install the google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-python and/or google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-java packages that have just started to be published. Directions here:

Starting jetty fail in ubuntu 14

I install the solr-jetty package in a Ubuntu 14 container running in a cloud9 workspace.
To install the package I run the following command:
sudo apt-get install solr-jetty
The installation doesn't return any error.
Then I try to start solr with the following command:
sudo service jetty start
But I receive the following error:
* Starting Jetty servlet engine. jetty
* Jetty servlet engine started, reachable on http://host-solr-3694477:8983/. jetty!
In the log file of jetty I get the following message:
failed setting default capabilities.
set_caps(CAPS) failed for user 'jetty'
Service exit with a return value of 4
How can I resolve this issue?
To resolve the problem I had to change the user that run jetty from jetty to root.
This can be configured by editing the /etc/default/jetty file.
I think it is not the more correct solution because it can add security problems. If anyone have a better solution ...
Docker user here, same problem, but - this worked for me (and this is as unadvised as changing the user to 'root', suggested above):
Set the following on your 'docker run' command when creating a container:
I'm just using docker for development, so not overly concerned yet with the security implications of this.

rethinkdb index-rebuild complains python driver is missing

Ran into this error when trying to run rethinkdb rebuild command:
Error when launching 'rethinkdb-index-rebuild': No such file or
directory The rethinkdb-index-rebuild command depends on the RethinkDB
Python driver, which must be installed. If the Python driver is
already installed, make sure that the PATH environment variable
includes the location of the backup scripts, and that the current user
has permission to access and run the scripts.
Yet I have the rethinkdb python module installed and path setup properly:
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): rethinkdb in
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages Cleaning up...
Why doesn't this work?
If the rethinkdb-index-rebuild script is not in your PATH, you might be able to invoke the index-rebuild command as
python -mrethinkdb._index_rebuild
Turns out it was a feature implemented in a newer version of the python module. Solved it by:
sudo pip install --upgrade rethinkdb
