Matomo Track event doesn't work when params contains uppercase letters - matomo

I'm tracking some events from my website. I have a Motomo server with basic configurations, nothing complicated. I'm tracking the events using the javascript API (not the tag manager, I don't have anything in the tag manager, and is not going to be used to track events). I'm able to track without problems except for this case:
this works:
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'add', 'add employee']);
if I go to Matomo server webpage to the menu Behavior -> Events -> Events Categories I can see created the category 'add'
this doesn't work:
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Add', 'Add Employee']);
Doesn't work means that if I go to Matomo server webpage to the menu Behavior -> Events -> Events Categories is not creating the category 'Add' instead creates a category '-'
This happens every time that the track events category parameter or action parameter has an upper case letter.
Can someone please help me?

Are you able to see the events in the visit log?
I've just tested this and it works as intended. I.e. when running:
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'add', 'add employee']);
I see an event tracked with Category "add" and "add employee"
when running:
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Add', 'Add Employee']);
I see an event with category "Add" and "Add Employee"
Which version of Matomo are you using? It might help to update to the latest stable version and try again.


userscript doesn't work on

If you joined more than a few groups in, then the left side bar which showing groups will have a link "View all your groups". You need to click this link to show all of your joined groups.
Most of time I want to see the full list of joined groups to check new posts. So I ended up click that link many times when I visit So I was trying to automate this using writing tampermonkey script do do this for me.
function expandall(jNode)
console.log('click expand all');;
waitForKeyElements('a.yj-nav-menu--group-item-link.yj-nav-menu--show-all-groups-link', expandall);
I can see that the function was triggered since it does output "click expand all" in console, however looks like it doesn't trigger the click on that link, the groups in the left side of page doesn't expand.
Anything wrong with the userscript above?

Omnibug sometimes showing load events as click events?

I'm trying to understand why omnibug sometimes show load events as click events. When I first type in the URL all tags are listed as click events. If I reload the same page all the tags are shown as load events? Why the difference? I see this from time to time with omnibug, does anyone know what is actually defined as click events vs load events. Sometimes a load instead of a click can be a big issue, but Omnibug doesn't seem very reliable in this regard...
There is a known/reported bug in omnibug relevant to this. I heard through the grapevine it has to do with how the browser pre-fetches and/or caches requests. This also happens with Google/Universal Analytics entries.
For Adobe Analytics (Omniture), you can ensure it really is a click event ( call) by expanding the row and looking for the following two items(should both be present):
Link type: This represents the 2nd argument to, and is the pe= query param in the request URL. It should have one of these 3 values: "lnk_o","lnk_e", or "lnk_d".
Link name: This represents the 3rd argument to, and is the pev2= query param in the request URL.
If these two things are not present, then it will be recorded as a page view request (s.t()) in Adobe Analytics (Omniture).

Sencha touch mainView push/pop strange behaviour after pushing 5 forms

I'm building account system using sencha touch (architect) and now I have an issue where the code executed but the this.getMainView().pop(); NOT and the view states on current one !
my views:
Login scrn--> cstmrs list--> cstmr details--> rceipt--> checks
When I get to receipt view (without checks) the code executed and auto returned to customer's details view.
But soon I click to add a check to the receipt (only displaying the form without any code) the check view injected to mainview after that I click back button to return to receipt window, but now when I click save button the receipt is saved and the data arrives server side ok, but the big problem the this.getMainView().pop(); doesn't work or doesn't executed !!
Is there any wrong with my code? it works without displaying the 'checks' form !
Nothing in firebug/chrome debugger
I use this code to show forms:
var mainView=this.getMainView();
mainView.push({xtype: "frmChcks",title:'new check'});
And this code for getting back:
Thank you in advice
Ahhhh it was because I used a hidden field called 'id', don't use 'id' for you components :-)

Weird navigation bug, with side menu, routing views won’t update

I am fairly new to ionic (using the 1.0.0 beta1) and Angular, and I am working on my first project, where I experience weird bugs, I cannot understand.
My app is based on the "Ionic Book" task app, described here:
Here's the link to my app:
In my version of the task-app, the tasks are called "instances" and each instance has several "categories" in it. Each category has a title and a status.
The user can enter instances in the side menu, via the '+' button. And each instance is created with some dummy categories.
The user can choose his instances and then choose a category to see its status.
To see what bugs occur, please visit my app and add a few instances with dummy titles like a, b, c, d. The url form may remain empty, it is not yet needed. Don't click on a category yet. You will notice the switching from one category to another works as expected (though all instances have the same categories).
Now when you click on a category in an instance, say in instance b, the view shows the category status, with the right category title in the nav-bar. When you now click on the back button, the mess starts:
If you now click on any category, the view always displays the category, which you clicked at first! Not the one you want to see. Also, if I now change the instance (say to instance a) and try to switch back to instance b, the switch will not be performed (the title remains a)!
I really can't see where those bugs come from, as the localeStorage seems to be updated on clicks! (check the lastActiveInstance and lastActiveCat variables in localStorage!)
Do you guys see where my mistake is? By this time I think it must be some fundamental problem with the $stateProvider and the back button?
I'd really appreciate your help, since I am pretty desperate right now. Thank you
For what I've seen, it looks like you have only one MainCtrl for the whole application, is that right?
It looks like the variables of this controller are only updated once. So your activeInstance will receive it's value when you click for the first time to see the category, but then if you come back and click again on anything, the value of this variable is not being updated. You're calling selectCat function but I don't see it updating the values of activeInstance.
I hope it's only that!
It is now fixed with the new ionic 1.0 beta 5b.
View title updates as expected.
From the changelog:
- List item
- make it set navbar if title changes back to old value (919d4f8d, closes #1121)

Google Calendar API calendar id and event id

I am learning on how to access google calendar API for creating and accessing events. I am trying to understand API using OAuth 2.0 Playground. I am struggling on what to set for calendarid and eventid{calendarId}/events/{eventId}
Can any one guide me.
Sureshkumar Menon
calendarId is the email address of your calendar. If you're just using your own, then use the string "primary".
eventId is the ID of the event that you want to modify. If you don't have an event, you should either create one with the 'insert' call, which will include an eventId parameter that you can store and use to modify it later, or use the 'list' call to get a list of events.
I was facing similar issue and got solution to find the calendar event id:
->Go to the event debugging URL at
->Double click to view the affected event.
->Select the drop down menu 'More Actions'.
->Click on the 'Troubleshooting Info'.
->Copy the text that appears and paste it in your reply to support.
You can refer the below link which gives details with screen shot
However i am still looking for a solution to get event ids dynamically.
i just discover that the list request which retrieves all the event list contains the correct event id. In my web app, i am using fullcalendar, each time i click a event for updated or deleting, the eventclicked method gives a false event id. so, i guess we will have to give a true event id and false event id map stored in our local app. this can be a work around. but it's liking eating a fly.
