SQL Error during Lazy Loop awaiting Azure DB resize - sql-server

I want to automate some DB scaling in my Azure SQL database.
This can be easily initiated using this:
But that command returns instantly, whilst the resize takes a few 10s of seconds to complete.
We can check the actual current size using the following, which doesn't update until the change is complete:
SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('myDatabase', 'ServiceObjective')
So naturally I wanted to combine this with a WHILE loop and a WAITFOR DELAY, in order to create a stored procedure that will change the DB size, and not return until the change has completed.
But when I wrote that stored procedure (script below) and ran it, I get the following error every time (at about the same time that the size change completes):
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.
The resize succeeds, but I get errors instead of a cleanly finishing stored procedure call.
Various things I've already tested:
If I separate the "Initiate" and the "WaitLoop" sections, and start the WaitLoop in a separate connection, after initiation but before completion, then that also gives the same error.
Adding a TRY...CATCH block doesn't help either.
Removing the stored procedure aspect, and just running the code directly doesn't fix it either
My interpretation is that the Resize isn't quite as transparent as one might hope, and that connections created before the resize completes get corrupted in some sense.
Whatever the exact cause, it seems to me that this stored procedure just isn't achievable at all; I'll have to do the polling from my external process - opening new connections each time. It's not an awful solution, but it is less pleasant than being able to encapsulate the whole thing in a single stored procedure. Ah well, such is life.
Before I give up on this entirely ... does anyone have an alternative explanation or solution for this error, which would thus allow a single stored procedure call to change the size and then not return until that sizeChange actually completed?
Initial stored procedure code (simplified to remove parameterisation complexity):
CREATE PROCEDURE [trusted].[sp_ResizeAzureDbToS3AndWaitForCompletion]
WHILE ((SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('myDatabase', 'ServiceObjective')) != 'S3')
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

Whatever the exact cause, it seems to me that this stored procedure
just isn't achievable at all; I'll have to do the polling from my
external process - opening new connections each time.
Yes this is correct. As described here when you change the service objective of a database
A new compute instance is created with the requested service tier and
compute size... the database remains online during this step, and
connections continue to be directed to the database in the original
compute instance ... [then] existing connections to the database in
the original compute instance are dropped. Any new connections are
established to the database in the new compute instance.
The bolded text will kill your stored procedure execution. You need to do this check externally


Transaction causing stored procedure to hang

We have a windows service that orchestrates imports to a database. The service itself isn’t the problem as this essentially just creates a scheduled job, waits until it completes and then fires a series of stored procs. The problem is that one of the procs appears to be getting stuck midway through. It’s not throwing an error and so I have nothing to that I can give as a definitive problem. I have narrowed it down to a single proc that gets called after the job has completed. I’ve even managed to narrow it down to a specific line of code, but that’s where I’m struggling.
The proc, will define a transaction name at the start, being the name of the proc and a datetime. It also gets a transaction count from ##TranCount. It then defines a cursor that loops the files associated with the event. Inside a try block it dynamically creates a view (which definitely happens as I write a log entry afterwards). Immediately after this, there is an IF condition that either creates or saves the transaction based on whether the variable holding ##TranCount is zero or not. Inside this condition I write a message to our log table BEFORE the transaction is created/saved.
Immediately after (regardless of whether it’s a create or a save) I write another log message. The log entry is there. The times we’ve seen this pausing, the proc always writes the create transaction log message. It doesn’t get as far as writing the message outside the condition. The only thing that happens between the first message (pre create/save trans) and the second message (post trans) is the create/save transaction. As the message being logged is the create message, there can’t be a transaction open (##TranCount must have been zero). However, as no error is raised I can’t say with 100% certainty that this is the case. The line that seems to stop is the CREATE TRANSACTION #TransactionName line. This seems to imply that something is locking and preventing the statement from being executed. The problem is we can see no open transactions (DBCC reports nothing open), the proc just hangs there.
We’re fairly certain that it’s a lock of some description, but completely baffled as to what. To add a level of complexity, it doesn’t occur every time. Some times with the same file, we can run the process without any issue on this database. We’ve tried running the file against another database with no luck in replicating the problem, but we have seen it occur on other databases on this server (the server holds multiple client databases that do the same thing). This also only happens on this server. We have other servers in the environment, with seemingly identical configs, where we haven't seen this issue surface.
Unfortunately we can’t post any of the code due to internal rules, but any ideas would be appreciated.
Try using sp_whoisactive and enable the lock flag. I also recommend finding the query plan with the code below and analyzing the stats there.
SELECT DB_NAME(p.dbid) AS DBName ,
OBJECT_NAME(p.objectid, p.dbid) AS OBJECT_NAME ,
cp.usecounts ,
p.query_plan ,
q.text ,
p.dbid ,
p.objectid ,
p.number ,
p.encrypted ,
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) p
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) AS q
WHERE cp.cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'
ORDER BY dbid, objectID
Have you thought about checking the connection properties for the service? If this is set too low and the proc takes longer to run this will cause it to drop the connection and kill of the process.
This is much more likely than it being anything to do with the name of the transaction.

Rerouting all stored procedure calls through a single stored procedure for logging purposes

I'm playing with the idea of rerouting every end-user stored procedure call of my database through a logging stored procedure. Essentially it will wrap the stored procedure call in some simple logging logic, who made the call, how long did it take etc.
Can this potentially create a bottleneck? I'm concerned that when the amount of total stored procedure calls grows this could become a serious problem.
Routing everything through a single point of entry is not optimal. Even if there are no performance issues, it is still something of a maintenance problem as you will need to expose the full range of Input Parameters that the real procs are accepting in the controller proc. Adding procs to this controller over time will require a bit of testing each time to make sure that you mapped the parameters correctly. Removing procs over time might leave unused input parameters. This method also requires that the app code pass in the params it needs to for the intended proc, but also the name (or ID?) of the intended proc, and this is another potential source of bugs, even if a minor one.
It would be better to have a general logging proc that gets called as the first thing of each of those procs. That is a standard template that can be added to any new proc quite easily. This leaves a clean API to the app code such that the app code is likewise maintainable.
SQL can run the same stored procedure concurrently, as long as it doesn't cause blocking or deadlocks on the resources it is using. For example:
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'
Now execute this stored procedure quickly in two different query windows to see it running at the same time:
--Query window 1
EXEC ##test
--Query window 2
EXEC ##test
So you can see there won't be a line of calls waiting to EXECUTE the stored procedure. The only problem you may run into is if you are logging the sproc details to a certain table, depending on the isolation level, you could get blocking as the logging sproc locks pages in the table for recording the data. I don't believe this would be a problem unless you are running the logging stored procedure extremely heavily, but you'd want to run some tests to be sure.

Launch stored procedure and continue running it even if disconnected

I have a database where data is processed in some kind of batches, where each batch may contain even a million records. I am processing data in a console application, and when I'm done with a batch, I mark it as Done (to avoid reading it again in case it does not get deleted), delete it and move on to a next batch.
I have the following simple stored procedure which deletes processed "batches" of data
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteBatch]
#BatchId bigint
DELETE FROM table1 WHERE BatchId = #BatchId
DELETE FROM table2 WHERE BatchId = #BatchId
DELETE FROM table3 WHERE BatchId = #BatchId
RETURN ##Error
I am using NHibernate with command timeout value 10 minutes, and the DeleteBatch procedure call times out occasionally.
Actually I don't want to wait for DeleteBatch to complete. I already have marked the batch as Done, so I want to go processing a next batch or maybe even exit my console application, if there are no more pending batches.
I am using Microsoft SQL Express 2012.
Is there any simple solution to tell the SQL server - "launch DeleteBatch and run it asynchronously even if I disconnect, and I don't even need the result of the procedure"?
It would also be great if I could set a lower processing priority for DeleteBatch because other queries are more important than DeleteBatch.
I dont know much about NHibernate. But if you were or can use ADO.NET in this scenario then you can implement asynchronous database operations easliy using the SqlCommand.BeginExecuteNonQuery Method in C#. This method starts the process of asynchronously executing a Transact-SQL statement or stored procedure that does not return rows, so that other tasks can run concurrently while the statement is executing.
EDIT: If you really want to exit from your console app before the db operation ends then you will have to manually create threads in your code and perform the db operation in those threads. Now when you close your console app these threads would still be alive because Threads created using System.Thread.Thread are foreground threads by default. But having said that it is also important to consider how many threads you will create. In your case you would have to assign 1 thread for each batch. If number of batches is very large then large number of threads would need to be created which would inturn eat a large amount of your CPU resources and would even freeze your OS for a long time.
Another simple solution I could suggest is to insert the BatchIds into some database table. Create an INSERT TRIGGER on that table. This trigger would then call a stored proc with BatchId as its parameter and would perform the required tasks.
Hope it helps.
What if your console application were, instead of trying to delete the batch, just write the batch id into a "BatchIdsToDelete" table. Then, you could use an agent job running every x minutes/seconds or whatever, to delete the top x percent records for a given batch id, and maybe sleeping a little before tackling the next x percent.
Maybe worth having a look at that?
Look at this article which explains how to do reliable asynchronous procedure execution, code included. IS based on Service Broker.
the problem with trying to use .NEt async features (like BeginExecute, or task etc) is that the call is unreliable: if the process exits before the procedure completes the execution is canceled in the server as the session is disconnected.
But you need to also look at the task itself, why is the deletion taking +10 minutes? is it blocked by contention? are you missing indexes on BatchId? Use the Performance Troubleshooting Flowchart.
Late to the party, but if someone else has this problem use SQLCMD. With express you are limited in the number of users (I think 2, but it may have changed since I the last time I did much with express). You can have sqlcmd, run queries, stored procedures ...
And you can kick off the sqlcmd with Windows Scheduler. A script, an outlook rule ...
I used it to manage like 3 or 4 thousand SQL Server Express instances, with their nightly maintenance scheduled with the Windows Scheduler.
You could also create and run a PowerShell script, it's more versatile and probably a more widely used than sqlcmd.
I needed a same thing..
After searching for long time I found the solution
Its d easiest way
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = "your connection string";
SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connection.ConnectionString);
builder.AsynchronousProcessing = true;
SqlConnection newSqlConn = new SqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storeProcedureName, newSqlConn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery(null, null);
Ideally SQLConnection object should take an optional parameter / property, URL of a web service, be that WCF or WebApi, or something yet to be named, and if the user wishes to, notify user of execution advance and / or completion status by calling this URL with well known message.
Theoretically DBConnection is extensible object one is free to implement. However, it will take some review of what really can be and needs to be done, before this approach can be said feasible.

Pass status information from Stored Procedure to caller inside transaction

I have a long-running SP (it can run for up to several minutes) that basically performs a number of cleanup operations on various tables within a transaction. I'm trying to determine the best way to somehow pass human-readable status information back to the caller on what step of the process the SP is currently performing.
Because the entire SP runs inside a single transaction, I can't write this information back to a status table and then read it from another thread unless I use NOLOCK to read it, which I consider a last resort since:
NOLOCK can cause other data inconsistency issues; and
this places the onus on anyone wanting to read the status table that they need to use NOLOCK because the table or row(s) could be locked for quite a while.
Is there any way to issue a single command (or EXEC a second SP) within a transaction and tell specify that that particular command shouldn't be part of the transaction? Or is there some other way for ADO.NET to gain insight into this long-running SP to see what it is currently doing?
You can PRINT messages in T-SQL and get them delivered to your SqlConnection in ADO.NET via the "InfoMessage" event. See
for details.
You could try using RAISERROR (use a severity of 10 or lower) within the procedure to return informational messages.
RAISERROR(N'Step 5 completed.', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT;

At what point will a series of selected SQL statements stop if I cancel the execution request in SQL Server Management Studio?

I am running a bunch of database migration scripts. I find myself with a rather pressing problem, that business is waking up and expected to see their data, and their data has not finished migrating. I also took the applications offline and they really need to be started back up. In reality "the business" is a number of companies, and therefore I have a number of scripts running SPs in one query window like so:
EXEC [dbo].[MigrateCompanyById] 34
EXEC [dbo].[MigrateCompanyById] 75
EXEC [dbo].[MigrateCompanyById] 12
EXEC [dbo].[MigrateCompanyById] 66
Each SP calls a large number of other sub SPs to migrate all of the data required. I am considering cancelling the query, but I'm not sure at what point the execution will be cancelled. If it cancels nicely at the next GO then I'll be happy. If it cancels mid way through one of the company migrations, then I'm screwed.
If I cannot cancel, could I ALTER the MigrateCompanyById SP and comment all the sub SP calls out? Would that also prevent the next one from running, whilst completing the one that is currently running?
Any thoughts?
One way to acheive a controlled cancellation is to add a table containing a cancel flag. You can set this flag when you want to cancel exceution and your SP's can check this at regular intervals and stop executing if appropriate.
I was forced to cancel the script anyway.
When doing so, I noted that it cancels after the current executing statement, regardless of where it is in the SP execution chain.
Are you bracketing the code within each migration stored proc with transaction handling (BEGIN, COMMIT, etc.)? That would enable you to roll back the changes relatively easily depending on what you're doing within the procs.
One solution I've seen, you have a table with a single record having a bit value of 0 or 1, if that record is 0, your production application disallows access by the user population, enabling you to do whatever you need to and then set that flag to 1 after your task is complete to enable production to continue. This might not be practical given your environment, but can give you assurance that no users will be messing with your data through your app until you decide that it's ready to be messed with.
you can use this method to report execution progress of your script.
the way you have it now is every sproc is it's own transaction. so if you cancel the script you will get it update only partly up to the point of the last successfuly executed sproc.
you cna however put it all in a singel transaction if you need all or nothign update.
