FiPy: Can I directly change faceVariables depending on neighboring cells? - pde

I am working with a biological model of the distribution of microbial biomass (b1) on a 2D grid. From the biomass a protein (p1) is produced. The biomass diffuses over the grid, while the protein does not. Only if a certain amount of protein is produced (p > p_lim), the biomass is supposed to diffuse.
I try to implement this by using a dummy cell variable z multiplied with the diffusion coefficient and setting it from 0 to 1 only in cells where p > p_lim.
The condition works fine and when the critical amount of p is reached in a cell, z is set to 1, and diffusion happens. However, the diffusion still does not work with the rate I would like, because to calculate diffusion, the face variable, not the value of the cell itself is used. The faces of z are always a mean of the cell with z=1 and its neighboring cells with z=0. I I, however, would like the diffusion to work at its original rate even if the neighbouring cell is still at p < p_lim.
So, my question is: Can i somehow access a faceVariable and change it? For example, set a face to 1 if any neigboring cell has reached p1 > p_lim? I guess this is not a proper mathematical thing to do, but I couldn't think of another way to simulate this problem.
I will show a very reduced form of my model below. In any case, I thank you very much for your time!
##### produce mesh
nx= 5.
ny= nx
dx = 1.
dy = dx
L = nx*dx
mesh = Grid2D(nx=nx,ny=ny,dx=dx,dy=dy)
h1 = 0.5 # production rate of p
Db = 10. # diffusion coeff of b
# cell variables
z = CellVariable(name="z",mesh=mesh,value=0.)
b1 = CellVariable(name="b1",mesh=mesh,hasOld=True,value=0.)
p1= CellVariable(name="p1",mesh=mesh,hasOld=True,value=0.)
# equations
eqb1 = (TransientTerm(var=b1)== DiffusionTerm(var=b1,coeff=Db*z.arithmeticFaceValue)-ImplicitSourceTerm(var=b1,coeff=h1))
eqp1 = (TransientTerm(var=p1)==ImplicitSourceTerm(var=b1,coeff=h1))
# set b1 to 10. in the center of the grid
eq = eqb1 & eqp1
from builtins import range
for t in range(10):
z.setValue(z + 0.1,where=((p1>=p_lim) & (z < 1.)))

In addition to .arithmeticFaceValue, FiPy provides other interpolators between cell and face values, such as .harmonicFaceValue and .minmodFaceValue.
These properties are implemented using subclasses of _CellToFaceVariable, specifically _ArithmeticCellToFaceVariable, _HarmonicCellToFaceVariable, and _MinmodCellToFaceVariable.
You can also make a custom interpolator by subclassing _CellToFaceVariable. Two such examples are _LevelSetDiffusionVariable and ScharfetterGummelFaceVariable (neither is well documented, I'm afraid).
You need to override the _calc_() method to provide your custom calculation. This method takes three arguments:
alpha: an array of the ratio (0-1) of the distance from the face to the cell on one side, relative to the distance from distance from the cell on the other side to the cell on the first side
id1: an array of indices of the cells on one side of the face
id2: an array of indices of the cells on the other side of the face
Note: You can ignore any clause if inline.doInline: and look at the _calc_() method defined under the else: clause.


Interpolate 2D Array to single point in MATLAB

I have 3 graphs of an IV curve (monotonic increasing function. consider a positive quadratic function in the 1st quadrant. Photo attached.) at 3 different temperatures that are not obtained linearly. That is, one is obtained at 25C, one at 125C and one at 150C.
What I want to make is an interpolated 2D array to fill in the other temperatures. My current method to build a meshgrid-type array is as follows:
H = 5;
W = 6;
[Wmat,Hmat] = meshgrid(1:W,1:H);
X = [1:W; 1:W];
Y = [ones(1,W); H*ones(1,W)];
Z = [vecsatIE25; vecsatIE125];
img = griddata(X,Y,Z,Wmat,Hmat,'linear')
This works to build a 6x6 array, which I can then index one row from, then interpolate from that 1D array.
This is really not what I want to do.
For example, the rows are # temps = 25C, 50C, 75C, 100C, 125C and 150C. So I must select a temperature of, say, 50C when my temperature is actually 57.5C. Then I can interpolate my I to get my V output. So again for example, my I is 113.2A, and I can actually interpolate a value and get a V for 113.2A.
When I take the attached photo and digitize the plot information, I get an array of points. So my goal is to input any Temperature and any current to get a voltage by interpolation. The type of interpolation is not as important, so long as it produces reasonable values - I do not want nearest neighbor interpolation, linear or something similar is preferred. If it is an option, I will try different kinds of interpolation later (cubic, linear).
I am not sure how I can accomplish this, ideally. The meshgrid array does not need to exist. I simply need the 1 value.
Thank you.
If I understand the question properly, I think what you're looking for is interp2:
Vq = interp2(X,Y,V,Xq,Yq) where Vq is the V you want, Xq and Yq are the temperature and current, and X, Y, and V are the input arrays for temperature, current, and voltage.
As an option, you can change method between 'linear', 'nearest', 'cubic', 'makima', and 'spline'

Plotting arrays using a grouped horizontal bar graph

I am trying to generate a graph that should look similar to:
My arrays are:
I cannot find the right way to group my arrays in order to plot them in the way shown on the above graph.
I tried using the following function explained in:
where y=[Array1,Array2;Array3,Array4] and x={'1m';'2m';'3m';......'60m'}
but it does not work.
Why Your Current Approach Isn't Working
Your intuition makes sense to me, but the barh function you are using doesn't work the way you think it does. Specifically, you are interpreting the meaning of the x and y inputs to that function incorrectly. Those are inputs are constant values, not entire axes. The first y input refers to the end-point of the bar that stretches horizontally from x = 0 and the first x input refers to location on the y-axis of the horizontal bar. To illustrate what I mean, I've provided the below horizontal bar graph:
You can find this same picture in the official documentation of the MATLAB barh function. The code used to generate this bar graph is also given in the documentation, shown below:
x = 1900:10:2000;
y = [57,91,105,123,131,150,...
barh(x, y);
The individual elements of the x array, rather confusingly, show up on the y-axis as the starting locations of each bar. The corresponding elements of the y array are the lengths of each bar. This is the reason that the arrays must be the same length, and this illustrates that they are not specifications of the x and y axes as one might intuitively believe.
An Approach To Solve Your Problem
First things first, the easiest approach is to do this manually with the plot function and a set of lines that represent floating bars. Consult the official documentation for the plot function if you'd like to plot the lines with some sort of color coordination in mind - the code I present (modified version of this answer on StackOverflow) just switches the color of the floating bars between red and blue. I tried to comment the code so that the purpose of each variable is clear. The code I present below matches the floating bar graph that you want to be plotted, if you are alright with replacing thick floating bars with 2D lines floating on a plot.
I used the data that you gave in your question to specify the floating horizontal bars that this script would output - a screenshot is shown below the code. Array1 & Array2:[0;1;2;3;4;5;6;Nan;Nan;Nan;Nan;17;18;.....60], these arrays go from 0 to 6 (length = 6) and 17 to 60 (length = 60 - 17 = 43). Because there is a "discontinuity" of sorts from 7 to 16, I have to define two floating bars for each array. Hence, the first four values in my length array are [6, 6, 43, 43]. Where the first 6 and the first 43 correspond to Array1 and the second 6 and the second 43 correspond to Array2. Recognizing this "discontinuity", the starting point of the first floating bar for Array1 and Array2 is x = 0 and the starting point of the second floating bar for Array1 and Array2 is x = 7. Putting that all together, you arrive at the x-coordinates for the first four points in the floating_bars array, [0 0; 0 1.5; 17 0; 17 1.5]. The y-coordinates in this array only serve to distinguish Array1, Array2, and so on from each other.
floating_bars=[0 0; 0 1.5; 17 0; 17 1.5; 20 6; 20 7.5]; % Each row is the [x,y] coordinate pair of the starting point for the floating bar
L=[6, 6, 43, 43, 40, 40]; % Length of each consecutive bar
thickness = 0.75;
for i=1:size(floating_bars,1)
curr_thickness = 0;
% It is aesthetically pleasing to have thicker bars, this makes the plot look for like the grouped horizontal bar graph that you want
while (curr_thickness < thickness)
% Each bar group has two bars; set the first to be red, the second to be blue (i.e., even index means red bar, odd index means blue bar)
if mod(i, 2)
plot([floating_bars(i,1), floating_bars(i,1)+L(i)], [floating_bars(i,2) + curr_thickness, floating_bars(i,2) + curr_thickness], 'r')
plot([floating_bars(i,1), floating_bars(i,1)+L(i)], [floating_bars(i,2) + curr_thickness, floating_bars(i,2) + curr_thickness], 'b')
curr_thickness = curr_thickness + 0.05;
hold on % Make sure that plotting the current floating bar does not overwrite previous float bars that have already been plotted
ylim([ -10 30]) % Set the y-axis limits so that you can see more clearly the floating bars that would have rested right on the x-axis (y = 0)
How Do I Do This With the barh Function?
The short answer is that you'd have to modify the function manually. Someone has already done this with one of the bar graph plotting functions provided by MATLAB, bar3. The logic implemented in this modified bar3 function can be re-applied for your purposes if you read their barNew.m function and tweak it a bit. If you'd like a pointer as to where to start, I'd suggest looking at how they specify z-axis minimum and maximums for their floating bars on the plot, and apply that same logic to specify x-axis minimum and maximums for your floating bars in your 2D case.
I hope this helps, happy coding! :)
I explain here my approach to generate these type of graphs. Not sure if it is the best but it works and there is no need to do anything manually. I came up with this solution based on the following Vladislav Martin's explained fact: "The y-coordinates in this array only serve to distinguish Array1, Array2, and so on from each other".
My original arrays are:
The values contained in these arrays make reference to the x-axis on the graph. In order to make the things more simple and to avoid having to code a function to determine the length for each discontinuity in the arrays, I replace these values for y-axis position values. Basically I give to Array1 y-axis position values of 0 and to Array2 0+0.02=0.02. To Array3 I give y-axis position values of 0.5 and to Array4 0.5+0.02=0.52. In this way, Array2 will be plotted on the graph closer to Array1 which will form the first group and Array4 closer to Array3 which will form the second group.
for col=1:2:size(Datatable,2)
for row=1:size(Datatable,1)
if isnan(Datatable{row,col})==0 % For first array in the group: If the value is not nan, I replace it for the corresponnding cont1 value
if isnan(Datatable{row,col2})==0 % For second array in the group: If the value is not nan, I replace it for the corresponnding cont2 value
The result of the above code will be a table like the following:
And now I plot the Arrays using 2D floating lines:
for array=1:2:size(Datatable,2)
hold on
hold off
And this will generate the following graph:

Plot Representative sample of large data set - Matlab

I have a large data set with two arrays, say x and y. The arrays have over 1 million data points in size. Is there a simple way to do a scatter plot of only 2000 of these points but have it be representative of the entire set?
I'm thinking along the lines of creating another array r ; r = max(x)*rand(2000,1) to get a random sample of the x array. Is there a way to then find where a value in r is equal to, or close to a value in x ? They wouldn't have to be in the same indexed location but just throughout the whole matrix. We could then plot the y values associated with those found x values against r
I'm just not sure how to code this. Is there a better way than doing this?
I'm not sure how representative this procedure will be of your data, because it depends on what your data looks like, but you can certainly code up something like that. The easiest way to find the closest value is to take the min of the abs of the difference between your test vector and your desired value.
r = max(x)*rand(2000,1);
for i = 1:length(r)
[~,z(i)] = min(abs(x-r(i)));
Note that the [~,z(i)] in the min line means we want to store the index of the minimum value in vector z.
You might also try something like a moving average, see this video:
Or you can plot every n points, something like (I haven't tested this, so no guarantees):
n = 1000;
Or, if you know the number of points you want (again, untested):
npoints = 2000;
interval = round(length(x)/npoints);
Perhaps the easiest way is to use round function and convert things to integers, then they can be compared. For example, if you want to find points that are within 0.1 of the values of r, multiply the values by 10 first, then round:
r = max(x) * round(2000,1);
rr = round(r / 0.1);
xx = round(x / 0.1);
inRR = ismember(xx, rr)
plot(x(inRR), y(inRR));
By dividing by 0.1, any values that have the same integer value are within 0.1 of each other.
ismember returns a 1 for each value of xx if that value is in rr, otherwise a 0. These can be used to select entries to plot.

What's the fastest way to find deepest path in a 3D array?

I've been trying to find solution to my problem for more than a week and I couldn't find out anything better than a milion iterations prog, so I think it's time to ask someone to help me.
I've got a 3D array. Let's say, we're talking about the ground and the first layer is a surface.
Another layers are floors below the ground. I have to find deepest path's length, count of isolated caves underground and the size of the biggest cave.
Here's the visualisation of my problem.
5 5 5 // x, y, z
and so...
5 // deepest path - starting from the surface
22 // size of the biggest cave
3 // number of izolated caves (red ones) (izolated - cave that doesn't reach the surface)
Note, that even though red cell on the 2nd floor is placed next to green one, It's not the same cave because it's placed diagonally and that doesn't count.
I've been told that the best way to do this, might be using recursive algorithm "divide and rule" however I don't really know how could it look like.
I think you should be able to do it in O(N).
When you parse your input, assign each node a 'caveNumber' initialized to 0. Set it to a valid number whenever you visit a cave:
CaveCount = 0, IsolatedCaveCount=0
AllSizes = new Vector.
For each node,
If node.isCave and !node.caveNumber
if (size==0) ++CaveCount
if (size==0 and depth!=0) IsolatedCaveCount++
node.caveNumber = CaveCount
For each neighbor of node,
if (goingDeeper) depth++
ProcessNode(size+1, depth).
You will visit each node 7 times at worst case: once from the outer loop, and possibly once from each of its six neighbors. But you'll only work on each one once, since after that the caveNumber is set, and you ignore it.
You can do the depth tracking by adding a depth parameter to the recursive ProcessNode call, and only incrementing it when visiting a lower neighbor.
The solution shown below (as a python program) runs in time O(n lg*(n)), where lg*(n) is the nearly-constant iterated-log function often associated with union operations in disjoint-set forests.
In the first pass through all cells, the program creates a disjoint-set forest, using routines called makeset(), findset(), link(), and union(), just as explained in section 22.3 (Disjoint-set forests) of edition 1 of Cormen/Leiserson/Rivest. In later passes through the cells, it counts the number of members of each disjoint forest, checks the depth, etc. The first pass runs in time O(n lg*(n)) and later passes run in time O(n) but by simple program changes some of the passes could run in O(c) or O(b) for c caves with a total of b cells.
Note that the code shown below is not subject to the error contained in a previous answer, where the previous answer's pseudo-code contains the line
if (size==0 and depth!=0) IsolatedCaveCount++
The error in that line is that a cave with a connection to the surface might have underground rising branches, which the other answer would erroneously add to its total of isolated caves.
The code shown below produces the following output:
Deepest: 5 Largest: 22 Isolated: 3
(Note that the count of 24 shown in your diagram should be 22, from 4+9+9.)
v=[0b0000010000000000100111000, # Cave map
nx, ny, nz = 5, 5, 5
inlay, ncells = (nx+1) * ny, (nx+1) * ny * nz
masks = []
for r in range(ny):
masks += [2**j for j in range(nx*ny)][nx*r:nx*r+nx] + [0]
p = [-1 for i in range(ncells)] # parent links
r = [ 0 for i in range(ncells)] # rank
c = [ 0 for i in range(ncells)] # forest-size counts
d = [-1 for i in range(ncells)] # depths
def makeset(x): # Ref: CLR 22.3, Disjoint-set forests
p[x] = x
r[x] = 0
def findset(x):
if x != p[x]:
p[x] = findset(p[x])
return p[x]
def link(x,y):
if r[x] > r[y]:
p[y] = x
p[x] = y
if r[x] == r[y]:
r[y] += 1
def union(x,y):
link(findset(x), findset(y))
fa = 0 # fa = floor above
bc = 0 # bc = floor's base cell #
for f in v: # f = current-floor map
cn = bc-1 # cn = cell#
ml = 0
for m in masks:
cn += 1
if m & f:
if ml & f:
union(cn, cn-1)
mr = m>>nx
if mr and mr & f:
union(cn, cn-nx-1)
if m & fa:
union(cn, cn-inlay)
ml = m
bc += inlay
fa = f
for i in range(inlay):
if p[i] > -1:
d[p[i]] = 0
for i in range(ncells):
if p[i] > -1:
c[findset(i)] += 1
if d[p[i]] > -1:
d[p[i]] = max(d[p[i]], i//inlay)
isola = len([i for i in range(ncells) if c[i] > 0 and d[p[i]] < 0])
print "Deepest:", 1+max(d), " Largest:", max(c), " Isolated:", isola
It sounds like you're solving a "connected components" problem. If your 3D array can be converted to a bit array (e.g. 0 = bedrock, 1 = cave, or vice versa) then you can apply a technique used in image processing to find the number and dimensions of either the foreground or background.
Typically this algorithm is applied in 2D images to find "connected components" or "blobs" of the same color. If possible, find a "single pass" algorithm:
The same technique can be applied to 3D data. Googling "connected components 3D" will yield links like this one:
Once the algorithm has finished processing your 3D array, you'll have a list of labeled, connected regions, and each region will be a list of voxels (volume elements analogous to image pixels). You can then analyze each labeled region to determine volume, closeness to the surface, height, etc.
Implementing these algorithms can be a little tricky, and you might want to try a 2D implementation first. Thought it might not be as efficient as you like, you could create a 3D connected component labeling algorithm by applying a 2D algorithm iteratively to each layer and then relabeling the connected regions from the top layer to the bottom layer:
For layer 0, find all connected regions using the 2D connected component algorithm
For layer 1, find all connected regions.
If any labeled pixel in layer 0 sits directly over a labeled pixel in layer 1, change all the labels in layer 1 to the label in layer 0.
Apply this labeling technique iteratively through the stack until you reach layer N.
One important considering in connected component labeling is how one considers regions to be connected. In a 2D image (or 2D array) of bits, we can consider either the "4-connected" region of neighbor elements
X 1 X
1 C 1
X 1 X
where "C" is the center element, "1" indicates neighbors that would be considered connected, and "X" are adjacent neighbors that we do not consider connected. Another option is to consider "8-connected neighbors":
1 1 1
1 C 1
1 1 1
That is, every element adjacent to a central pixel is considered connected. At first this may sound like the better option. In real-world 2D image data a chessboard pattern of noise or diagonal string of single noise pixels will be detected as a connected region, so we typically test for 4-connectivity.
For 3D data you can consider either 6-connectivity or 26-connectivity: 6-connectivity considers only the neighbor pixels that share a full cube face with the center voxel, and 26-connectivity considers every adjacent pixel around the center voxel. You mention that "diagonally placed" doesn't count, so 6-connectivity should suffice.
You can observe it as a graph where (non-diagonal) adjacent elements are connected if they both empty (part of a cave). Note that you don't have to convert it to a graph, you can use normal 3d array representation.
Finding caves is the same task as finding the connected components in a graph (O(N)) and the size of a cave is the number of nodes of that component.

Uniformly sampling on hyperplanes

Given the vector size N, I want to generate a vector <s1,s2, ..., sn> that s1+s2+...+sn = S.
Known 0<S<1 and si < S. Also such vectors generated should be uniformly distributed.
Any code in C that helps explain would be great!
The code here seems to do the trick, though it's rather complex.
I would probably settle for a simpler rejection-based algorithm, namely: pick an orthonormal basis in n-dimensional space starting with the hyperplane's normal vector. Transform each of the points (S,0,0,0..0), (0,S,0,0..0) into that basis and store the minimum and maximum along each of the basis vectors. Sample uniformly each component in the new basis, except for the first one (the normal vector), which is always S, then transform back to the original space and check if the constraints are satisfied. If they are not, sample again.
P.S. I think this is more of a maths question, actually, could be a good idea to ask at or
[I'll skip "hyper-" prefix for simplicity]
One of possible ideas: generate many uniformly distributed points in some enclosing volume and project them on the target part of plane.
To get uniform distribution the volume must be shaped like the part of plane but with added margins along plane normal.
To uniformly generate points in such volumewe can enclose it in a cube and reject everything outside of the volume.
select margin, let's take margin=S for simplicity (once margin is positive it affects only performance)
generate a point in cube [-M,S+M]x[-M,S+M]x[-M,S+M]
if distance to the plane is more than M, reject the point and go to #2
project the point on the plane
check that projection falls into [0,S]x[0,S]x[0,S], if not - reject and go to #2
add this point to the resulting set and go to #2 is you need more points
The problem can be mapped to that of sampling on linear polytopes for which the common approaches are Monte Carlo methods, Random Walks, and hit-and-run methods (see for examples a short comparison). It is related to linear programming, and can be extended to manifolds.
There is also the analysis of polytopes in compositional data analysis, e.g., which provide an invertible transformation between the plane and the polytope that can be used for sampling.
If you are working on low dimensions, you can use also rejection sampling. This means you first sample on the plane containing the polytope (defined by your inequalities). This later method is easy to implement (and wasteful, of course), the GNU Octave (I let the author of the question re-implement in C) code below is an example.
The first requirement is to get vector orthogonal to the hyperplane. For a sum of N variables this is n = (1,...,1). The second requirement is a point on the plane. For your example that could be p = (S,...,S)/N.
Now any point on the plane satisfies n^T * (x - p) = 0
we assume also that x_i >= 0
With these given you compute an orthonormal basis on the plane (the nullity of the vector n) and then create random combination on that bases. Finally you map back to the original space and apply your constraints on the generated samples.
# Example in 3D
dim = 3;
S = 1;
n = ones(dim, 1); # perpendicular vector
p = S * ones(dim, 1) / dim;
# null-space of the perpendicular vector (transposed, i.e. row vector)
# this generates a basis in the plane
V = null (n.');
# These steps are just to reduce the amount of samples that are rejected
# we build a tight bounding box
bb = S * eye(dim); # each column is a corner of the constrained region
# project on the null-space
w_bb = V \ (bb - repmat(p, 1, dim));
wmin = min (w_bb(:));
wmax = max (w_bb(:));
# random combinations and map back
nsamples = 1e3;
w = wmin + (wmax - wmin) * rand(dim - 1, nsamples);
x = V * w + p;
# mask the points inside the polytope
msk = true(1, nsamples);
for i = 1:dim
msk &= (x(i,:) >= 0);
x_in = x(:, msk); # inside the polytope (your samples)
x_out = x(:, !msk); # outside the polytope
# plot the results
scatter3 (x(1,:), x(2,:), x(3,:), 8, double(msk), 'filled');
hold on
plot3(bb(1,:), bb(2,:), bb(3,:), 'xr')
axis image
