DAX TOP 1 COUNT of GROUPBY - sql-server

I want to have a Card in Power BI with the result of the select
How can I do something like this in dax?

create in powerbi a new table by dax:
Top1 = TopN(1, VALUES(Table__[Column1]), Table__[CountOf], DESC)
CountOf = CountOf = count(Table__[Column1])

this is equivalent the maximum value of [COLUMN], that can be easily obtained with
another solution is using LASTNONBLANKVALUE
that returns a scalar, otherwise LASTNONBLANK returns a table of a single row and a single column

My problem was solved by making a
SingleLeads = DISTINCTCOUNT(Fact_ProductRequests[COLUMN])
I figure this out after checking that there were repeated values ​​in the column.
It was probably, the desperation that settled in not getting the results I wanted, that made me open this question.
Thank you all.


how to select first rows distinct by a column name in a sub-query in sql-server?

Actually I am building a Skype like tool wherein I have to show last 10 distinct users who have logged in my web application.
I have maintained a table in sql-server where there is one field called last_active_time. So, my requirement is to sort the table by last_active_time and show all the columns of last 10 distinct users.
There is another field called WWID which uniquely identifies a user.
I am able to find the distinct WWID but not able to select the all the columns of those rows.
I am using below query for finding the distinct wwid :
select distinct(wwid) from(select top 100 * from dbo.rvpvisitors where last_active_time!='' order by last_active_time DESC) as newView;
But how do I find those distinct rows. I want to show how much time they are away fromm web apps using the diff between curr time and last active time.
I am new to sql, may be the question is naive, but struggling to get it right.
If you are using proper data types for your columns you won't need a subquery to get that result, the following query should do the trick
,MAX([last_active_time]) AS [last_active_time]
FROM [dbo].[rvpvisitors]
[last_active_time] != ''
[last_active_time] DESC
If the column [last_active_time] is of type varchar/nvarchar (which probably is the case since you check for empty strings in the WHERE statement) you might need to use CAST or CONVERT to treat it as an actual date, and be able to use function like MIN/MAX on it.
In general I would suggest you to use proper data types for your column, if you have dates or timestamps data use the "date" or "datetime2" data types
The query aggregates the data based on the column [wwid], and for each returns the maximum [last_active_time].
The result is then sorted and filtered.
In order to add more columns "as-is" (without aggregating them) just add them in the SELECT and GROUP BY sections.
If you need more aggregated columns add them in the SELECT with the appropriate aggregation function (MIN/MAX/SUM/etc)
I suggest you have a look at GROUP BY on W3
To know more about the "execution order" of the instruction you can have a look here
You can solve problem like this by rank ordering the results by a key and finding the last x of those items, this removes duplicates while preserving the key order.
WITH RankOrdered AS
wwidRank = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY wwid ORDER BY last_active_time DESC )
SELECT TOP(10) * FROM RankOrdered WHERE wwidRank = 1
If my understanding is right, below query will give the desired output.
You can have conditions according to your need.
select top 10 distinct wwid from dbo.rvpvisitors order by last_active_time desc

SQL Server : Row Number without ordering

I want to create a Select statement that ranks the column as is without ordering.
Currently, the table is in the following order:
I do not want the results to be numerical in any way, nor depend on the VariableID numbers, but with ROW_Number(), I have to choose something. Does anyone know how I can have the results look like this?
Row| VariableName
1 | ITEM_Description1
2 | ITEM_Description2
3 | ITEM_StockingType
4 | ITEM_RevisionNumber
My code for an example is shown below.
Using ORDER BY (SELECT NULL) will give you the results your looking for.
Your problem seems to be with this sentence:
Currently, the table is in the following order:
No, your table is NOT implicitly ordered!!
Although it might look like this...
The only way to enforce the resultset's sort order is an ORDER BY-clause at the outer most SELECT.
If you want to maintain the sort order of your inserts you can use
a column like ID INT IDENTITY (which will automatically increase a sequence counter)
Using GETDATE() on insert will not solve this, as multiple row inserts might get the same DateTime value.
You do not have to show this in your output of course...
Your table has no inherent order. Even if you get that order a 100 times in a row is no guarantee it will be that order on the 101 time.
You can add an identity column to the table.

Access SubQuery: SHOW TOP (count form select query) Table

Is it possible to use a Count() or number from another Select query to SELECT TOP a number of rows in a different query?
Below is a sample of the update query I'm trying to use but would like to take the count from another query to replace "10".
WHERE Frames.Package IN (
SELECT TOP 10 Frames
FROM Frames.Package WHERE Package = "100"
ORDER BY Frames.ReferenceNumber
So for example, i've tried to do
SELECT TOP SelectQuery.RecordCount Frames
Sample SelectQuery.RecordCount
SELECT COUNT(Frames.Package) AS RecordCount
FROM Frames
HAVING Frames.Package = "100";
Any assistance would be appreciated...
Access does not support using a parameter for SELECT TOP. You must write a literal value into the text of the SQL statement.
From another answer: Select TOP N not working in MS Access with parameter
On that note, your two queries appear to be just interchanging HAVING and WHERE clauses to get the record count. It doesn't seem to be doing anything more, thus why bother with the TOP clause and simply SELECT * FROM Frames WHERE [..]?
Am I missing something?

SQL Get Second Record

I am looking to retrieve only the second (duplicate) record from a data set. For example in the following picture:
Inside the UnitID column there is two separate records for 105. I only want the returned data set to return the second 105 record. Additionally, I want this query to return the second record for all duplicates, not just 105.
I have tried everything I can think of, albeit I am not that experience, and I cannot figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to use GROUP BY for this.
Here's an example: (I can't read your first column name, so I'm calling it JobUnitK
SELECT MAX(JobUnitK), Unit
FROM JobUnits
WHERE DispatchDate = 'oct 4, 2015'
I'm assuming JobUnitK is your ordering/id field. If it's not, just replace MAX(JobUnitK) with MAX(FieldIOrderWith).
Use RANK function. Rank the rows OVER PARTITION BY UnitId and pick the rows with rank 2 .
For reference -
Assuming SQL Server 2005 and up, you can use the Row_Number windowing function:
WITH DupeCalc AS (
DupID = Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY UnitID, ORDER BY JobUnitKeyID),
FROM JobUnits
WHERE DispatchDate = '20151004'
FROM DupeCalc
WHERE DupID >= 2
This is better than a solution that uses Max(JobUnitKeyID) for multiple reasons:
There could be more than one duplicate, in which case using Min(JobUnitKeyID) in conjunction with UnitID to join back on the UnitID where the JobUnitKeyID <> MinJobUnitKeyID` is required.
Except, using Min or Max requires you to join back to the same data (which will be inherently slower).
If the ordering key you use turns out to be non-unique, you won't be able to pull the right number of rows with either one.
If the ordering key consists of multiple columns, the query using Min or Max explodes in complexity.

Row numbers for a query in informix

I am using informix database, I want a query which you could also generate a row number along with the query
select row_number(),firstName,lastName
from students;
row_number() firstName lastName
1 john mathew
2 ricky pointing
3 sachin tendulkar
Here firstName, lastName are from Database, where as row number is generated in a query.
The best way is to use a (newly initialized) sequence.
begin work;
create sequence myseq;
select myseq.nextval,s.firstName,s.lastName from students s;
drop sequence myseq;
commit work;
You may not be able to use ROWID in a table that's fragmented across multiple DBSpaces, so any solution that uses ROWID is not particularly portable. It's also strongly discouraged.
If you don't have a SERIAL column in your source table (which is a better way of implementing this as a general concept), have a look at
CREATE SEQUENCE, which is more or less the equivalent of an Orrible function that generates unique numbers when SELECTed from (as opposed to SERIAL, which generates the unique number when the row is INSERTed).
Given a table called Table3 with 3 columns:
colnum name datatype
======= ===== ===
1 no text;
2 seq number;
3 nm text;
seq is a field within the Table that has unique values in ascending order. The numbers do not have to be contiguous.
Here is query to return a rownumber (RowNum) along with query result
SELECT table3.no, table3.seq, Table3.nm,
WHERE Temp.seq < Table3.seq) + 1 AS RowNum
FROM Table3;
I think the easiest way would be to use the following code and adjust its return accordingly.
SELECT rowid, * FROM table
It works for me but please note that it will return the row number in the database, not the row number in the query.
P.S. it's an accepted answer from Experts Exchange.
select sum(1) over (order by rowid) as row_number, M.* from systables M
I know its an old question, but since i just faced this problem and got a soultion not mentioned here, i tough i could share it, so here it is:
1- You need to create a FUNCTION that return numbers in a given range:
CREATE FUNCTION fnc_numbers_in_range (pMinNumber INT, pMaxNumber INT)
DEFINE numero INT;
LET numero = 0;
FOR numero = pMinNumber TO pMaxNumber
2- You Cross the results of this Function with the table you want:
SELECT * FROM TABLE (fnc_numbers_in_range(0,10000)), my_table;
The only thing is that you must know before-hand the number of rows you want, you may get this with the COUNT(*) Function.
This works with my Informix Database, other implementations may need some tweaking.
Using OLAP expressions you need the OVER() with something in it, since you don't want partitions include a SORT clause, like this:
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY lastName, firstName) AS rn, firstName, lastName
FROM students;
and if you don't want to order by name, you could use the way records were entered in the system by ordering by ROWID.
