Exchange API missing from Supported Legacy APIs - azure-active-directory

I am currently trying to follow the steps listed here:
However to add the delegated permission I need (EWS.AccessAsUser.All), the author suggests you should
"Select Add a permission. On the Request API permissions page, select Exchange under Supported legacy APIs."
This worked a few months back when I tried it in a prototype but the whole Exchange API under the "Legacy APIs" section appears to have been removed.
I can not find any mention of this anywhere on GitHub, SO or MSDN.
Please note some of the functionality I need is not yet supported in Microsoft Graph so using that API is not currently an option for me.
Any help would be appreciated.

I found out to my surprise that now you will need to search it within the "APIs my organization uses" by the name : Office 365 Exchange Online. You will be able to assign the necessary permission afterwards.


How to get only the users that have a mailbox in Azure active directory using Microsoft Graph API?

I am using Microsoft Graph API to read emails (/users/{id | userPrincipalName}/messages) in the mailboxes of the users in my Azure active directory. I have noticed that for some users, I get this error:
HTTP error: 404
Error code: MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI or MailboxNotSupportedForRESTAPI
Error message: REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox.
Upon investigation, I found out that these users do not have a valid license and also don't have a mailbox attached to them. Ideally, I would like to only fetch the users that have a mailbox enabled. I tried checking the assignedLicenses property of each user and only fetch emails for those users that have a valid license assigned to them but, I'm not sure if this is a reliable method as users might have some other license and still not have a mailbox enabled.
Can someone please suggest a straightforward way to only fetch the users that have mailboxes attached? Any help or hint shall be highly appreciated.
I don't see much options from Microsoft Graph perspective. Definitely checking the license is one good way, but you may not have much options with that. Being said that i see the following options,
you may need to use mailboxsettings API call of the user. This way you can get and update the mailbox settings of the user.
Also you can use Get-mailbox Exchange Powershell cmdlet to validate the same as well.

Microsoft Graph API - Azure AD Connect - extensionAttribute

When I try querying extensionAttribute with Graph API (Hybrid Exchange), I cannot get any value.
E.g., if I try:<userid or upn>?$select=extensionAttribute2, I cannot see the value even I know it’s there.
Do you know how to get it properly (or a workaround)?
Thank you
Are these values synced to Azure Active Directory? All properties for the AAD User can be found in the Microsoft Graph API docs here :
It sounds like these are being synced from an AAD Connect environment, so it's most likely you are trying to get the onPremisesExtensionAttributes.
Per the description:
Contains extensionAttributes 1-15 for the user. Note that the individual extension attributes are neither selectable nor filterable. For an onPremisesSyncEnabled user, this set of properties is mastered on-premises and is read-only. For a cloud-only user (where onPremisesSyncEnabled is false), these properties may be set during creation or update.
I suggest taking a look more thoroughly through the documentation in regards to this. In addition to that, as you mentioned Exchange, note that the custom attributes from exchange are the same as the extension attributes. For more info on this see :
This is a separate sort of "Extension Attribute" but I figured I would include this in the answer as well. There is a different extensibility section for the Microsoft Graph, and the docs on this can be found here :
If you see information on these extensions, know that this is separate from the on-prem extensions.

Passing 'Windows Authentication' through REST API?

I have access to a SQL Server DB system that only allowed "Windows Authentication" - that is, use your windows login credential to access the data. (Not using a username-password). It also controls database permissions.
I want to build a REST API for users not familiar with SQL to get data from that server. The problem is, I need to take user's credential to execute the command, not the machine that hosts the REST API. How could I design the system that allow user to pass their login and let the API send query to the server using that specific login?
I found a reference from Microsoft, not sure if it's relevant.
What you are after is Kerberos delegation, sometimes also known as "double hop". It is not something you have to explicitly implement in your code, as long as you stick with the Microsoft stack; rather, it is a matter of configuration.
This post describes the setup required for the feature to work in sufficient details. You can also find some basic requirements in this help article. For anything beyond that, just google it.

How to recover Gmail Id from the API key

I created a Gmail account for development and enabled the APIs for developer console. I generated one API key which I used in my application but now I forgot the Id that I used. I have to upgrade the plan for APIs but for this, I need the Gmail Id. Is there any way I can get the Id?
Ok, So after I have tried different options I was standing in the same position. So I dig all into my accounts and luckily my recovery email id was one of them, so I searched for all the emails from Google having the subject as Security your linked Google Account and sender as this will give you all the Ids associated with it.
The only workaround to fix the issue is to contact "Google API support team"
Just Go to the given link and raise your issue. They will assist you further steps to follow.
I hope this will help you :)

Unable to get user company information on microsoft graph API

I'm having a problem with Microsoft Graph API... Currently I have a web application that has an openid integration with Microsoft/Azure using the common v2 endpoint.
We are trying to get the signed in user company name and job information. The official docs say that we need to make a request to the MS Graph API.
We are testing it on Microft Graph Explorer but it doesn't seem to work.
We've selected the 'User.Read' as a permission in our app, then tried these endpoints:$select=companyName,jobTitle$select=companyName,jobTitle
In MS offical doc ( on User/Remarks sections, it clearly says that
"On reads, only a limited number of properties are returned by default. To read properties that are not in the default set, use $select"
Is this doc outdated?
I've tried to reach MS support for developers, but they answered saying that I should ask this on Stack Overflow...
So probably there are no official support for developers?
Is it really possible to get the company name and job title from a MS account?
Thanks in advance!
edit. Update question with MS graph explorer screenshots
edit.2. Update screenshot with proper encoding.
Also, it's a MS account not an Azure account, since our web app accepts both of them on the common v2 endpoint.
My goal was trying to get the Work Info section from a MSA account.
The documentation is correct, by default we only return a subset of user properties:
If you want a different set of properties, you can request them using the $select query parameter. The queries you provided in your question should work fine. For example, when I execute$select=companyName in Graph Explorer (after logging in with my credentials) I get the following:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users(companyName)/$entity",
"companyName": "MICROSOFT"
Update Regarding MSA
When using Microsoft Graph against a Microsoft Account (MSA) there are several differences in what properties get surfaced. As an MSA is by definition a personal/individual account, organizational properties such as Job Title and Office Location are simply not applicable.
