iCustom function problem MQL5 not returning values - indicator

I'm not able to get the values ​​of the vwap indicator, does anyone know why?
h_vwap = iCustom(Symbol(), Period(), "VWAP_Simple 2.00","Close price", "Daily", "Tick volume");

h_vwap is the handle of your custom indicator, it is not the value(s) that the indicator computes. You need to add some code to extract the values computed by the indicator.
Specifically you need to declare an array that will receive the values.
double Label1Buffer[];
then in the OnCalculate / OnTick function you need to copy the values to that buffer.
int copy=CopyBuffer(h_vwap,0,0,rates_total,Label1Buffer);
Read the doc of iCustom and of CopyBuffer and you can find nice step by step articles on such as this one


Excel - Find a Cell in an array and its location

Looking to figure out how to determine the address of a cell in an array based on a previously determined max value. See the attached picture:
What I'm looking for in this image is the cell directly above the minimum value of 192.02. Total minimum value is determined by finding the minimum across the row, then down in a column. I need to figure out how to bolt on a formula that will essentially find that location and move up one cell. Duplicates aren't an issue - the first match is sufficient.
Haaaaa... I found out a method using SUMPRODUCT, but it wasn't working out for me, reporting a circular reference. I couldn't figure out what the hell the issue was until I realized the "row check" formula extended infinitely to the right and I'd put the formula in a cell in that area - thereby making it an infinite loop. Embarassing.
The method I found was this, incidentally:
Where H24 is my minimum value and K6:M20 is the range. Then you can use INDIRECT with these values to get the value of that cell. In my case, I'd use
To find the cell directly above that value. Sometimes just posting a question can solve it for you, haha.

How to convert XML array text items into numbers in ColdFusion?

I am having problems converting XML data into the appropriate data types using a function.
I have read in an XML file using XmlParse().
Within that there is an array which I loop around. <Cfloop array=#i.Task# index="t">
My understanding is that the items in this array are XML text. I can display all the items with CFoutput no problem. One item in the array (BaseLineColor) is a colour. #t.BaseLineColor# However this colour value is a single decimal integer number of varying length. I have worked out the maths to convert this decimal number into R,G,B decimal values. All good so far.
The problem is that if I try mathematical functions on BaseLineColor, then I get:
The value ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? BaseLineColor 255 /BaseLineColor cannot be converted to a number.
So OK I have tried a few methods to try and convert BaseLineColor to an integer but nothing works. Val() doesn't work. In fact I can't seem to convert it into any datatype.
For example, here is me trying to make it a string - same error:
rdec=floor(Strbaselinecolor / 65536);
gdec=floor((Srtbaselinecolor - rdec * 65536)/256);
bdec=floor(Strbaselinecolor - rdec * 65536 - gdec * 256);
writeOutput("#t.baselinecolor#: #Strbaselinecolor# red #rdec#, green #gdec#, blue #bdec#")
What function should I be using? Am I supposed to be pre-processing the XML in some way before I can refer to some of these values as integers?
There are a lot of values in the XML data which are numbers (some integers and some floating point numbers) and so it is not just about these items that are colours but a more general problem with using any XML data that is not text. I have tried to find some reference material on this but have not found anything relevant so far. Yet I'm guessing this is a common issue when reading in XML files.
Thanks in advance for any help.
The error message is correct. The code is trying perform mathematical operations on something that is not a number, despite the fact that it may appear to be one in a browser... You're probably getting tripped up by how browsers handle tag based code like xml.
This code (incorrectly) shows the value of t.BaseLineColor as a simple number 255
t = xmlParse('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><BaseLineColor>255</BaseLineColor>');
Runnable Example
However, using a browser's "Inspect Element" tool, reveals the value is actually an xml string. Since browsers treat anything enclosed in < and > as html tags, which aren't rendered, only the number 255 is visible on screen.
writeDump() is more helpful here. It shows t.BaseLineColor as an xml node, and it's value is accessible through the xmlText attribute.
That simple value can be used in mathematical operations.
t = xmlParse('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><BaseLineColor>255</BaseLineColor>');
result = t.BaseLineColor.xmlText / 65536 ;
writeOutput( result );
Runnable Example

How to use iddata type structure

I want to resample an array of elements using the command idresamp(). The input arguments for idresamp function is an array x. So I should get the output as an array. However, I am getting a structure iddata. I don't know how to access the elements /result of the resampling. Can somebody please show how to access the resampled values? Thank you.
x=rand(4000,1); %create some arbitrary data
x_resamp =idresamp(x,2); %resampling factor is 2
Here x_resamp is of iddata type. So, I am unable to access the result. On clicking the variable x_resamp this is what I got
How does one access the resampled values (output). Where is the array? The next step is to calculate the power after resampling and hence I need to use the resampled values.
I am using Matlab R2018a.
If you just want to resample by a factor 2, and have access to the Signal Processing Toolbox, use resample:
y = resample(x,2,1);
If you are insistent on using idresamp, you need to know that it returns an object of type iddata, which comes with a long documentation on usage. I think this complicates things more than you are looking for. It seems you should be able to do:
x_resamp = idresamp(x,2);
y = x_resamp.OutputData;
(but I can't test this because I don't have access to this toolbox.)

Step Function For Array in Anylogic

How to use an step function for an array in Anylogic?
step function is applied to double values, but I want to applied on elements of an array at a specific time.
You can't... so this is a solution:
Instead of an array you should use a linkedHashMap where your key is the specific time and the element is the step value you want at that time. So you defined it as follow:
And you put the values like this:
where 3.0 is the time in which the step will occur and 2.3 is the value the step will take. You have to put there all the values you need. You are the one who has to fill these values according to your needs.
Then you create an cyclic event that will evaluate if it's time to apply a step and you create a variable of type double that will be the one storing the value of the step.
So, the event:
double theTime=round(100*time())/100.0;//it's better to round up the time just in case
note that I'm using a variable, not a dynamic variable.. they you can connect the variable to wherever your step is needed in the sd model.
This method is a bit complicated, but it's the most general for your completely ambiguous question.
Not sure Felipe's approach is the best one but maybe I misunderstand the question.
Have you tried using a "table function" object? Define it as below where the horizontal axis represents the time unit and the vertical your step function data:
Then, use a cyclic event that every relevant time unit (depends on your model) pulls the current required value from the table function:

LabVIEW: How do I break a loop when it matches a value in the array and returns the index

I have a combobox which has an array of Strings such as "Alice", "Bob",and "Charlie" and a string box where user can type. If user types "Bob"in the string box I want to print its index in the combobox, which is 1. Similarly if it is "Charlie" then I want to print "2". I would like to perform this with conditional exit with a for loop, but I am not sure how to return the index when the values are matched.
Need to handle the case where the index is not found.
Need to put "String" outside the For Loop so the value is only read once instead of being read on every iteration.
The answer above is correct because you said in your question that you wanted to use the conditional terminal. There is a simpler way without the conditional terminal. I'm including the simpler way here for completeness. The picture below exactly what the picture above does but with a lot less wiring.
I got it working with this.
I converted Combo box to an array of strings and passed to a loop where I compared each instance of combo box with a string and if they are the same then exit then the last index gets printed.
