I was just creating a command, but then I got this error:
(node:16632) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: DiscordAPIError: Cannot send messages to this user
Here is my code:
.then(function (message) {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.error('One of the emojis failed to react.');
.then(async m => {
await message.react('🟩' || '🟨' || '🟥' || '⬛')
var filter = (u, r) => {
u.id == msg.author.id && r.emoji.name == '🟩' || r.emoji.name == '🟨' || r.emoji.name == '🟥' || r.emoji.name == '⬛'
message.awaitReactions(filter, { time: 30000 })
.then(collected => {
I am updating some deprecated code in a react native app, and so I replaced this:
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.props.started != nextProps.started ||
this.props.stopped != nextProps.stopped ||
this.props.durationOverride != nextProps.durationOverride ||
this.props.editable != nextProps.editable
) {
... with this:
static async getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, props) {
props.started != nextProps.started ||
props.stopped != nextProps.stopped ||
props.durationOverride != nextProps.durationOverride ||
props.editable != nextProps.editable
) {
await loadTimer(nextProps);
return null;
This works as expected, functionally. However, I am getting this yellow text message in the console:
[Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable:
What is the issue here? Is it that I'm calling a function within getDerivedStateFromProps()? Or is the issue that it's a promise? Or is the issue to do with the loadTimer() function itself? That function looks like this:
async loadTimer(props) {
await Promise.all([
new Promise((resolve) => {
if(props.editable !== undefined) this.setState({
editable: props.editable,
}, resolve);
new Promise((resolve) => {
if(props.stopped) {
stopTime: moment(props.stopped).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
stopDuration: moment(props.stopped).format('HH:mm'),
}, resolve);
} else {
stopTime: null,
stopDuration: null,
}, resolve);
new Promise((resolve) => {
if(props.stopTimeOffset && props.stopTimeOffset != Number.NaN) {
this.setState({ stopTimeOffset: props.stopTimeOffset }, resolve);
} else {
this.setState({ stopTimeOffset: 0 }, resolve);
new Promise((resolve) => {
if(props.started) {
startTime: moment(props.started).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
startDuration: moment(props.started).format('HH:mm'),
}, resolve);
} else {
startTime: null,
startDuration: null,
}, resolve);
if(!props.stopped && props.started && this.state.editable) {
await this._startTimer();
} else {
if(props.durationOverride && !this.state.editable) {
duration: `${props.durationOverride}:00`,
durationShort: props.durationOverride,
} else {
const duration = this._getDuration();
duration: duration.long,
shortDuration: duration.short,
This isn't the kind of case that getDerivedStateFromProps is designed for. I recommend you put your code in componentDidUpdate instead:
async componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
this.props.started != prevProps.started ||
this.props.stopped != prevProps.stopped ||
this.props.durationOverride != prevProps.durationOverride ||
this.props.editable != prevProps.editable
) {
await this.loadTimer(this.props);
You may find the following article from the react team useful: https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/06/07/you-probably-dont-need-derived-state.html
I'm trying to use this to create an eval command:
const testcode = "hello";
if (command === "run" || command === "eval") {
if (message.author.id !== "744752301033521233" && message.author.id !== "716343156513439845")
return message.channel.send({embed: {
title: "✍️RUN",
description: "❌You're not bot owner"
try {
const code = args.join(" ");
let evaled = eval(code);
if (typeof evaled !== "string") {
evaled = await require("util").inspect(evaled);
} else {
} catch (err) {
embed: {
title: "✍️RUN",
description: "Error:\n```xl\n" + err + "```",
color: 961818,
timestamp: new Date(),
footer: {
icon_url: client.user.avatarURL
This code works correctly for me. (For example, !run testcode.length will return 5)
but, this code returns an error if it returns more than 4096 characters.
So I used the split option:
const testcode = "hello";
if (command === "run" || command === "eval") {
if (message.author.id !== "744752301033521233" && message.author.id !== "716343156513439845")
return message.channel.send({embed: {
title: "✍️RUN",
description: "❌You're not bot owner"
try {
const code = args.join(" ");
let evaled = eval(code);
if (typeof evaled !== "string") {
evaled = await require("util").inspect(evaled);
message.channel.send(`\`\`\`xl\n${evaled}\`\`\``, { split: true });
} else {
message.channel.send(`\`\`\`xl\n${evaled}\`\`\``, { split: true });
} catch (err) {
embed: {
title: "✍️RUN",
description: "Error:\n```xl\n" + err + "```",
color: 961818,
timestamp: new Date(),
footer: {
icon_url: client.user.avatarURL
But, when I run !run testcode.length with this code, I get a cannot send an empty message error on the console. How can I fix this bug?
I made 3 API calls in the same function. I call this function with the click method. But when I call the function, I cannot make the 2nd API call because the state is not updated. I can access the state outside the function but I need to access it inside. I've read some articles but still don't know exactly how to fix the problem.
const setInfos = async (e) => {
await http
.get(`api/common/clients/getClients?kelime=${userValue}`, {
headers: {
Authorization: token,
.then((res) => {
if (res.status === 200 || res.statusText === "OK") {
// res.data.value.map((val) => console.log(val.Id));
// console.log("target =====", parseInt(e.target.id));
const companyId = parseInt(e.target.id);
.filter((fval) => fval.Id === companyId)
.map((val) => val.TCKN_VN !== null && setTckn(val.TCKN_VN));
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
await http
.get(`api/invoice/einvoice/checkCustomerTaxId/${tckn}`, {
headers: {
Authorization: token,
.then((res) => {
console.log("E-fatura kullanıcısı? =>", res);
if (
res.data.value === "E-Fatura Kullanıcısı Değil" ||
res.data.message === "E-Fatura Kullanıcısı Değil"
) {
// res.data.value.map(val => console.log('http',val));
alert("E-Fatura Kullanıcısı Değil");
document.querySelector(".tck-vergi-no").style.border =
"1px solid #FF0000";
document.querySelector(".tck-vergi-no").style.outline = "none";
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
if (invoiceUser === 400) {
alert("E-Fatura Kullanıcısı Değil");
} else {
await http
.get(`api/common/clients/getClients?kelime=${userValue}`, {
headers: {
Authorization: token,
.then((res) => {
if (res.status === 200 || res.statusText === "OK") {
console.log("kelime", res.data.value);
res.data.value.forEach((val) => {
// console.log("INFOS", val.Id);
// console.log("infoos target", parseInt(e.target.id));
if (val.Id === parseInt(e.target.id)) {
// console.log('IF', val);
val.Title !== null ? setTitle(val.Title) : setTitle("");
val.TaxOffice !== null && setTaxOffice(val.TaxOffice || "");
val.Phone !== null && setTel(val.Phone || "");
val.Email !== null && setEmail(val.Email || "");
val.Fax !== null && setFax(val.Fax || "");
val.Country !== null && setCountry(val.Country || "");
val.City !== null && setCity(val.City || "");
val.Town !== null && setTown(val.Town || "");
val.Address !== null && setStreet(val.Address || "");
val.BuildingName !== null &&
setBuildingName(val.BuildingName || "");
val.BuildingNumber !== null &&
setBuildingNo(val.BuildingNumber || "");
val.DoorNumber !== null && setDoorNo(val.DoorNumber || "");
val.PostCode !== null && setPostCode(val.PostCode || "");
val.WebAdress !== null && setWeb(val.WebAdress || "");
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
} };
State: const [tckn, setTckn] = useState("");
A button calls the function signAllBrowsed, which contains two other functions:
loadSafetyLetters is a hook that makes a database call for some data and sets it in context
signAll is a hook that tries to access data in context to do something with it
Context is getting set properly, but when signAll accesses it, the data is not updated. Is there a way to access the updated context without directly passing it to the 2nd function? Or is there a way to call a callback once context is updated and accessible? Seems the updated context is only available after a re-render.
The component containing signAllBrowsed and the 2 hooks are siblings.
code in above image:
const logHeader = 'SafetyLetterHome::SignAllBrowsed'
try {
const response = await loadSafetyLetters(false) // before beginning sign all, get a fresh list of letters from db
if (Configs.SHOW_REQUEST_LOGS) console.log(`${logHeader} response`, response)
if (response === 'no api error') {
await signAll()
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = error.status && error.status.message ? error.status.message : error
Alert.alert('Database Error', errorMessage)
console.log(`${logHeader}`, errorMessage)
loadSafetyLetters calls the loadLetters hook:
const [getLetters] = useGetLetters()
const [sortLetters] = useSortLetters()
const [hasAPIError] = useHasAPIError()
const navigation = useNavigation()
const { setModalVisible, setShowSignAll, setSortedLetters, setUnsortedLetters } = useContext(SafetyContext)
const loadLetters = async (sort = true) => {
try {
const response = await getLetters()
const logHeader = 'SafetyHome::loadLetters'
const errorMessage = 'The following error occurred when trying to load letters:'
if (Configs.SHOW_REQUEST_LOGS) console.log(`${logHeader} response`, response)
const error = hasAPIError(response, logHeader, errorMessage)
if (error) return error
const { data } = response.data.payload
let unsortedLetters = []
if (data !== null && data.length > 0) {
data.map((item) => {
// grab only unsigned letters
if (
item.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.PENDING ||
item.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.BROWSED ||
item.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.QUESTIONS_COMPLETE
) {
safetyLetterId: item.safetyLetterId,
title: item.title,
assignmentStatus: item.assignmentStatus,
filePath: item.filePath,
embeddableToken: item.embeddableToken,
sponsorId: item.sponsorId,
letterDate: item.letterDate,
form16: item.form16Enabled === '1' ? true : false,
sponsorName: item.sponsorName,
type: item.letterType,
sortOrder: item.sortOrder, // dear doctor; sortOrder === 1
if (unsortedLetters.length > 0) {
let bletters = unsortedLetters.filter((letter) => letter.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.BROWSED || letter.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.QUESTIONS_COMPLETE)
console.log('useLoadLetters; setting fresh pull of letters in context, including ', bletters.length, ' browsed letters')
setUnsortedLetters(unsortedLetters) // set in context
setShowSignAll( // show/hide sign all button
unsortedLetters.some((letter) =>
letter.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.BROWSED ||
letter.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.QUESTIONS_COMPLETE,
if (sort) {
if (unsortedLetters.length > 0) {
let sortedLetters = sortLetters(unsortedLetters) // sort letters with hook
setSortedLetters(sortedLetters) // set in context
} catch (error) {
console.log('SafetyHome::loadLetters ', error)
const errorMessage = error.status && error.status.message ? error.status.message : error
'Error Loading Letters',
`A database error has occurred. Please try again. (${errorMessage})`,
} finally {
return [loadLetters]
signAll hook:
const { state: { unsortedLetters },
} = useContext(SafetyContext)
const signAll = async () => {
let qcAndBrowsed = [] // set letter groups in context
let f16Browsed = []
unsortedLetters.forEach((letter) => {
if (
letter.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.BROWSED ||
letter.assignmentStatus === SafetySources.QUESTIONS_COMPLETE
) {
if (
letter.form16 &&
letter.assignmentStatus !== SafetySources.QUESTIONS_COMPLETE
) {
} else {
// begin sign all with first f16 letter
if (f16Browsed.length > 0) {
} else {
setSelectedLetter(null) // clear any previous viewed letter
return [signAll]
Basically, what I'm trying to do is detect if a message is being sent, reset the content of that message and await a new reply and then check the content of that message for something in specific. The code looks something like this:
if (message.author.id === "318414570161045505") {
message.channel.send(`${message.author}` + " silence");
if (message.content.toUpperCase().includes("no")) {
I hope I made myself clear on my problem?
You can use message.channel.awaitmessages
if (message.author.id === "318414570161045505") {
message.channel.send(`${message.author}` + " silence");
if (message.content.toUpperCase().includes("no")) {
const filter = m => m.author.id === message.author.id && m.content === '??????'
.awaitMessages(filter, {
max: 1,
time: 60000,
errors: ['time'],
.then(collected => {
let messageCollected = collected.first()
.catch(collected => {