Bitwise conversion of int64 to IEEE double? - c

I'm trying to find or figure out the algorithm for converting a signed 64-bit int (twos-complement, natch) to closest value IEEE double (64-bit), staying within bitwise operations.What I'm looking for is for the generic "C-like" pseudocode; I'm implementing a toy JVM on a platform that is not C and doesn't have a native int64 types, so I'm operating on 8 byte arrays (details of that are mercifully outside this scope) and that's the domain the data needs to stay in.
So: input is a big-endian string of 64 bits, signed twos-complement. Output is a big-endian string of 64 bits in IEEE double format that represents as near the original int64 value as possible. In between is some set of masks, shifts, etc! Algorithm absolutely does not need to be especially clever or optimized. I just want to be able to get to the result and ideally understand what the process is.
Having trouble tracking this down because I suspect it's an unusual need. This answer addresses a parallel question (I think) in x86 SSE, but I don't speak SSE and my attempts and translation leave me more confused than enlightened.
Would love someone to either point in the right direction for a recipe or ideally explain the bitwise math behind so I actually understand it. Thanks!

Here's a simple (and wrong in several ways) implementation, including a test harness.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
double do_convert(int64_t input)
uint64_t sign = (input < 0);
uint64_t magnitude;
// breaks on INT64_MIN
if (sign)
magnitude = -input;
magnitude = input;
// use your favourite algorithm here instead of the builtin
int leading_zeros = __builtin_clzl(magnitude);
uint64_t exponent = (63 - leading_zeros) + 1023;
uint64_t significand = (magnitude << (leading_zeros + 1)) >> 12;
uint64_t fake_double = sign << 63
| exponent << 52
| significand;
double d;
memcpy(&d, &fake_double, sizeof d);
return d;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
long l = strtol(argv[i], NULL, 0);
double d = do_convert(l);
printf("%ld %f\n", l, d);
return 0;
The breakages here are many - the basic idea is to first extract the sign bit, then treat the number as positive the rest of the way, which won't work if the input is INT64_MIN. It also doesn't handle input 0 correctly because it doesn't correctly deal with the exponent in that case. These extensions are left as an exercise for the reader. ;-)
Anyway - the algorithm just figures out the exponent by calculating log2 of the input number and offsetting by 1023 (because floating point) and then getting the significand by shifting the number up far enough to drop off the most significant bit, then shifting back down into the right field position.
After all that, the assembly of the final double is pretty straightforward.
Speaking of exercises for the reader - I also implemented this program using _builtin_clzl(). You can expand that part as necessary.


Generating random 64/32/16/ and 8-bit integers in C

I'm hoping that somebody can give me an understanding of why the code works the way it does. I'm trying to wrap my head around things but am lost.
My professor has given us this code snippet which we have to use in order to generate random numbers in C. The snippet in question generates a 64-bit integer, and we have to adapt it to also generate 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit integers. I'm completely lost on where to start, and I'm not necessarily asking for a solution, just on how the original snippet works, so that I can adapt it form there.
long long rand64()
int a, b;
long long r;
a = rand();
b = rand();
r = (long long)a;
r = (r << 31) | b;
return r;
Questions I have about this code are:
Why is it shifted 31 bits? I thought rand() generated a number between 0-32767 which is 16 bits, so wouldn't that be 48 bits?
Why do we say | (or) b on the second to last line?
I'm making the relatively safe assumption that, in your computer's C implementation, long long is a 64-bit data type.
The key here is that, since long long r is signed, any value with the highest bit set will be negative. Therefore, the code shifts r by 31 bits to avoid setting that bit.
The | is a logical bit operator which combines the two values by setting all of the bits in r which are set in b.
After reading some of the comments, I realized that my answer needs correction. rand() returns a value no more than RAND_MAX which is typically 2^31-1. Therefore, r is a 31-bit integer. If you shifted it 32 bits to the left, you'd guarantee that its 31st bit (0-up counting) would always be zero.
rand() generates a random value [0...RAND_MAX] of questionable repute - but let us set that reputation aside and assume rand() is good enough and it is a
Mersenne number (power-of-2 - 1).
Weakness to OP's code: If RAND_MAX == pow(2,31)-1, a common occurrence, then OP's rand64() only returns values [0...pow(2,62)). #Nate Eldredge
Instead, loop as many times as needed.
To find how many random bits are returned with each call, we need the log2(RAND_MAX + 1). This fortunately is easy with an awesome macro from Is there any way to compute the width of an integer type at compile-time?
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Number of bits in inttype_MAX, or in any (1<<k)-1 where 0 <= k < 2040 */
#define IMAX_BITS(m) ((m)/((m)%255+1) / 255%255*8 + 7-86/((m)%255+12))
Example: rand_ul() returns a random value in the [0...ULONG_MAX] range, be unsigned long 32-bit, 64-bit, etc.
unsigned long rand_ul(void) {
unsigned long r = 0;
for (int i=0; i<IMAX_BITS(ULONG_MAX); i += RAND_MAX_BITWIDTH) {
r |= rand();
return r;

C Bit-Level Int to Float Conversion Unexpected Output

I am playing around with bit-level coding (this is not homework - just curious). I found a lot of good material online and in a book called Hacker's Delight, but I am having trouble with one of the online problems.
It asks to convert an integer to a float. I used the following links as reference to work through the problem:
How to manually (bitwise) perform (float)x?
How to convert an unsigned int to a float?
Problem and Question:
I thought I understood the process well enough (I tried to document the process in the comments), but when I test it, I don't understand the output.
Test Cases:
float_i2f(2) returns 1073741824
float_i2f(3) returns 1077936128
I expected to see something like 2.0000 and 3.0000.
Did I mess up the conversion somewhere? I thought maybe this was a memory address, so I was thinking maybe I missed something in the conversion step needed to access the actual number? Or maybe I am printing it incorrectly? I am printing my output like this:
printf("Float_i2f ( %d ): ", 3);
printf("%u", float_i2f(3));
But I thought that printing method was fine for unsigned values in C (I'm used to programming in Java).
Thanks for any advice.
* float_i2f - Return bit-level equivalent of expression (float) x
* Result is returned as unsigned int, but
* it is to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of a
* single-precision floating point values.
* Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
* Max ops: 30
* Rating: 4
unsigned float_i2f(int x) {
if (x == 0){
return 0;
//save the sign bit for later and get the asolute value of x
//the absolute value is needed to shift bits to put them
//into the appropriate position for the float
unsigned int signBit = 0;
unsigned int absVal = (unsigned int)x;
if (x < 0){
signBit = 0x80000000;
absVal = (unsigned int)-x;
//Calculate the exponent
// Shift the input left until the high order bit is set to form the mantissa.
// Form the floating exponent by subtracting the number of shifts from 158.
unsigned int exponent = 158; //158 possibly because of place in byte range
while ((absVal & 0x80000000) == 0){//this checks for 0 or 1. when it reaches 1, the loop breaks
absVal <<= 1;
//find the mantissa (bit shift to the right)
unsigned int mantissa = absVal >> 8;
//place the exponent bits in the right place
exponent = exponent << 23;
//get the mantissa
mantissa = mantissa & 0x7fffff;
//return the reconstructed float
return signBit | exponent | mantissa;
Continuing from the comment. Your code is correct, and you are simply looking at the equivalent unsigned integer made up by the bits in your IEEE-754 single-precision floating point number. The IEEE-754 single-precision number format (made up of the sign, extended exponent, and mantissa), can be interpreted as a float, or those same bits can be interpreted as an unsigned integer (just the number that is made up by the 32-bits). You are outputting the unsigned equivalent for the floating point number.
You can confirm with a simple union. For example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef union {
uint32_t u;
float f;
} u2f;
int main (void) {
u2f tmp = { .f = 2.0 };
printf ("\n u : %u\n f : %f\n", tmp.u, tmp.f);
return 0;
Example Usage/Output
$ ./bin/unionuf
u : 1073741824
f : 2.000000
Let me know if you have any further questions. It's good to see that your study resulted in the correct floating point conversion. (also note the second comment regarding truncation/rounding)
I'll just chime in here, because nothing specifically about endianness has been addressed. So let's talk about it.
The construction of the value in the original question was endianness-agnostic, using shifts and other bitwise operations. This means that regardless of whether your system is big- or little-endian, the actual value will be the same. The difference will be its byte order in memory.
The generally accepted convention for IEEE-754 is that the byte order is big-endian (although I believe there is no formal specification of this, and therefore no requirement on implementations to follow it). This means if you want to directly interpret your integer value as a float, it needs to be laid out in big-endian byte order.
So, you can use this approach combined with a union if and only if you know that the endianness of floats and integers on your system is the same.
On the common Intel-based architectures this is not okay. On those architectures, integers are little-endian and floats are big-endian. You need to convert your value to big-endian. A simple approach to this is to repack its bytes even if they are already big-endian:
uint32_t n = float_i2f( input_val );
uint8_t char bytes[4] = {
(uint8_t)((n >> 24) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)((n >> 16) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)((n >> 8) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)(n & 0xff)
float fval;
memcpy( &fval, bytes, sizeof(float) );
I'll stress that you only need to worry about this if you are trying to reinterpret your integer representation as a float or the other way round.
If you're only trying to output what the representation is in bits, then you don't need to worry. You can just display your integer in a useful form such as hex:
printf( "0x%08x\n", n );

Adding 32 bit signed in C

I have been given this problem and would like to solve it in C:
Assume you have a 32-bit processor and that the C compiler does not support long long (or long int). Write a function add(a,b) which returns c = a+b where a and b are 32-bit integers.
I wrote this code which is able to detect overflow and underflow
#define INT_MIN (-2147483647 - 1) /* minimum (signed) int value */
#define INT_MAX 2147483647 /* maximum (signed) int value */
int add(int a, int b)
if (a > 0 && b > INT_MAX - a)
/* handle overflow */
printf("Handle over flow\n");
else if (a < 0 && b < INT_MIN - a)
/* handle underflow */
printf("Handle under flow\n");
return a + b;
I am not sure how to implement the long using 32 bit registers so that I can print the value properly. Can someone help me with how to use the underflow and overflow information so that I can store the result properly in the c variable with I think should be 2 32 bit locations. I think that is what the problem is saying when it hints that that long is not supported. Would the variable c be 2 32 bit registers put together somehow to hold the correct result so that it can be printed? What action should I preform when the result over or under flows?
Since this is a homework question I'll try not to spoil it completely.
One annoying aspect here is that the result is bigger than anything you're allowed to use (I interpret the ban on long long to also include int64_t, otherwise there's really no point to it). It may be temping to go for "two ints" for the result value, but that's weird to interpret the value of. So I'd go for two uint32_t's and interpret them as two halves of a 64 bit two's complement integer.
Unsigned multiword addition is easy and has been covered many times (just search). The signed variant is really the same if the inputs are sign-extended: (not tested)
uint32_t a_l = a;
uint32_t a_h = -(a_l >> 31); // sign-extend a
uint32_t b_l = b;
uint32_t b_h = -(b_l >> 31); // sign-extend b
// todo: implement the addition
return some struct containing c_l and c_h
It can't overflow the 64 bit result when interpreted signed, obviously. It can (and should, sometimes) wrap.
To print that thing, if that's part of the assignment, first reason about which values c_h can have. There aren't many possibilities. It should be easy to print using existing integer printing functions (that is, you don't have to write a whole multiword-itoa, just handle a couple of cases).
As a hint for the addition: what happens when you add two decimal digits and the result is larger than 9? Why is the low digit of 7+6=13 a 3? Given only 7, 6 and 3, how can you determine the second digit of the result? You should be able to apply all this to base 232 as well.
First, the simplest solution that satisfies the problem as stated:
double add(int a, int b)
// this will not lose precision, as a double-precision float
// will have more than 33 bits in the mantissa
return (double) a + b;
More seriously, the professor probably expected the number to be decomposed into a combination of ints. Holding the sum of two 32-bit integers requires 33 bits, which can be represented with an int and a bit for the carry flag. Assuming unsigned integers for simplicity, adding would be implemented like this:
struct add_result {
unsigned int sum;
unsigned int carry:1;
struct add_result add(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
struct add_result ret;
ret.sum = a + b;
ret.carry = b > UINT_MAX - a;
return ret;
The harder part is doing something useful with the result, such as printing it. As proposed by harold, a printing function doesn't need to do full division, it can simply cover the possible large 33-bit values and hard-code the first digits for those ranges. Here is an implementation, again limited to unsigned integers:
void print_result(struct add_result n)
if (!n.carry) {
// no carry flag - just print the number
printf("%d\n", n.sum);
if (n.sum < 705032704u)
printf("4%09u\n", n.sum + 294967296u);
else if (n.sum < 1705032704u)
printf("5%09u\n", n.sum - 705032704u);
else if (n.sum < 2705032704u)
printf("6%09u\n", n.sum - 1705032704u);
else if (n.sum < 3705032704u)
printf("7%09u\n", n.sum - 2705032704u);
printf("8%09u\n", n.sum - 3705032704u);
Converting this to signed quantities is left as an exercise.

Is using the most significant bit to tag a union considered a bad practice?

Suppose I have the following tagged union:
// f32 is a float of 32 bits
// uint32 is an unsigned int of 32 bits
struct f32_or_uint32 {
char tag;
union {
f32 f;
uint32 u;
If tag == 0, then it is a f32. If tag == 1, then it is a uint32. There is only one problem with that representation: it uses 64 bits, when only 33 should be necessary. That is almost a ´1/2´ waste, which can be considerably when you are dealing with huge buffers. I never use the 32 bits, so I thought in using one bit as the flag and doing this instead:
#define IS_UINT32(x) (!(x&0x80000000))
#define IS_F323(x) (x&0x80000000)
#define MAKE_F32(x) (x|0x80000000)
#define EXTRACT_F32(x) (x&0x7FFFFFF)
union f32_or_uint32 {
f32 f;
uint32 u;
This way, I am using 31 bits for the value and only 1 for the tag. My question is: could this practice be detrimental to performance, maintainability and portability?
No, you can't do that. At least, not in the general sense.
An unsigned integer takes on 2^32 different values. It uses all 32 bits. Likewise, a float takes on (nearly) 2^32 different values. It uses all 32 bits.
With some care it might well be possible to isolate a bit that will always be 1 in one type and 0 for the other, across the range of values that you actually want to use. The high bit of unsigned int would be available if you decided to use values only up to 2^31. The low bit of float could be available if you didn't mind a small rounding error.
There is a better strategy available if the range of unsigned ints is smaller (say only 23 bits). You could select a high order bit pattern of 1+8 bits that was illegal for your usage of float. Perhaps you can manage without +/- infinity? Try 0x1ff.
To answer your other questions, it's relatively easy to create a new type like this in C++, using a class and some inline functions, and get good performance. Doing it with macros in C would tend to be more invasive of the code and more prone to bugs, but with similar performance. The instruction overhead required to do these tests and perhaps do some mask operations is unlikely to be detectable in most normal usages. Obviously that would have to be reconsidered in the case of a computationally intensive usage, but you can just see this as a typical space/speed trade-off.
Let's talk first about whether this works conceptually. This trick more or less works if you're storing unsigned 32-bit numbers but you know they will never be greater than 231. It works because all numbers smaller than 231 will always have a "0" in the high bit. If you know it will always be 0, you don't actually have to store it.
The trick also more or less works if you are storing floating point numbers that are never negative. For single-precision floating point numbers, the high bit indicates sign, and is always 0 if the number is positive. (This property of floating-point numbers is not nearly as well-known among programmers, so you'd want to document this).
So assuming your use case fits in these parameters, the approach works conceptually. Now let's investigate whether it is possible to express in C.
You can't perform bitwise operations on floating-point values; for more info see [Why you can't] perform a bitwise operation on floating point numbers. So to get at the floating-point number's bit pattern, you need to treat it as a char* array:
typedef uint32_t tagged_t;
tagged_t float_to_tagged(float f) {
uint32_t ret;
memcpy(&ret, &f, sizeof(f));
// Make sure the user didn't pass us a negative number.
assert((ret & 0x80000000) == 0);
return ret | 0x80000000
Don't worry about that memcpy() call -- any compiler worth it's salt will optimize it away. This is the best and fastest way to get at the float's underlying bit pattern.
And you'd likewise need to use memcpy to get the original float back.
float tagged_to_float(tagged_t val) {
float ret;
val &= 0x7FFFFFF;
memcpy(&ret, &val, sizeof(val));
return ret;
I have answered your question directly because I believe in giving people the facts. That said, I agree with other posters who say this is unlikely to be your best design choice. Reflect on your use case: if you have very large buffers of these values, is it really the case that every single one can be either a uint32 or a float, and there is no pattern to it? If you can move this type information to a higher level, where the type info applies to all values in some part of the buffer, it will most definitely be more efficient than making your loops test the type of every value individually.
Using the high bit is going to be annoying on the most diffuse x86 platform because it's the sign bit and the most significant bit for unsigned ints.
A scheme that's IMO slightly better is to use the lowest bit instead but that requires decoding (i.e. storing a shifted integer):
#include <stdio.h>
typedef union tag_uifp {
unsigned int ui32;
float fp32;
} uifp;
#define FLOAT_VALUE 0x00
#define UINT_VALUE 0x01
int get_type(uifp x) {
return x.ui32 & 1;
unsigned get_uiv(uifp x) {
return x.ui32 >> 1;
float get_fpv(uifp x) {
return x.fp32;
uifp make_uiv(unsigned x) {
uifp result;
result.ui32 = 1 + (x << 1);
return result;
uifp make_fpv(float x) {
uifp result;
result.fp32 = x;
result.ui32 &= ~1;
return result;
uifp data[10];
void setNumbers() {
int i;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
data[i] = (i & 1) ? make_fpv(i/10.0) : make_uiv(i);
void printNumbers() {
int i;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
if (get_type(data[i]) == FLOAT_VALUE) {
printf("%0.3f\n", get_fpv(data[i]));
} else {
printf("%i\n", get_uiv(data[i]));
data[i] = (i & 1) ? make_fpv(i) : make_uiv(i);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
return 0;
With this approach what you are losing is the least significant bit of precision from the float number (i.e. storing a float value and re-reading it is going to lose some accuracy) and only 31 bits are available for the integer.
You could try instead to use only NaNs floating point values, but this means that only 22 bits are easily available for the integers because of the float format (23 if you're willing to lose also infinity).
The idea of using lowest bits for tagging is used often (e.g. Lisp implementations).

Convert from binary to floating point

I'm doing some exercises for Computer Science university and one of them is about converting an int array of 64 bit into it's double-precision floating point value.
Understanding the first bit, the sign +/-, is quite easy. Same for the exponent, as well as we know that the bias is 1023.
We are having problems with the significand. How can I calculate it?
In the end, I would like to obtain the real numbers that the bits meant.
computing the significand of the given 64 bit is quite easy.
according to the wiki article using the IEEE 754, the significand is made up the first 53 bits (from bit 0 to bit 52).
Now if you want to convert number having like 67 bits to your 64 bits value, it would be rounded by setting the trailing 64th bits of your value to 1, even if it was one before... because of the other 3 bits:
11110000 11110010 11111 becomes 11110000 11110011 after the rounding of the last byte;
therefore the there is no need to store the 53th bits because it has always a value a one.
that's why you only store in 52 bits in the significand instead of 53.
now to compute it, you just need to target the bit range of the significand [bit(1) - bit(52)] -bit(0) is always 1- and use it .
int index_signf = 1; // starting at 1, not 0
int significand_length = 52;
int byteArray[53]; // array containing the bits of the significand
double significand_endValue = 0;
for( ; index_signf <= significand_length ; index_signf ++)
significand_endValue += byteArray[index_signf] * (pow(2,-(index_signf)));
significand_endValue += 1;
Now you just have to fill byteArray accordlingly before computing it, using function like that:
int* getSignificandBits(int* array64bits){
//returned array
int significandBitsArray[53];
// indexes++
int i_array64bits = 0;
int i_significandBitsArray=1;
//set the first bit = 1
significandBitsArray[0] = 1;
// fill it
for(i_significandBitsArray=1, i_array64bits = (63 - 1); i_array64bits >= (64 - 52); i_array64bits--, i_significandBitsArray ++)
significandBitsArray[i_significandBitsArray] = array64bits[i_array64bits];
return significandBitsArray;
You could just load the bits into an unsigned integer of the same size as a double, take the address of that and cast it to a void* which you then cast to a double* and dereference.
Of course, this might be "cheating" if you really are supposed to parse the floating point standard, but this is how I would have solved the problem given the parameters you've stated so far.
If you have a byte representation of an object you can copy the bytes into the storage of a variable of the right type to convert it.
double convert_to_double(uint64_t x) {
double result;
mempcy(&result, &x, sizeof(x));
return result;
You will often see code like *(double *)&x to do the conversion, but whereas in practice this will always work it's undefined behavior in C.
