Decrypting HTTPS traffic with a proxy - c

I am implementing a Web proxy (in C), with the end goal of implementing some simple caching and adblocking. Currently, the proxy supports normal HTTP sites, and also supports HTTPS sites by implementing tunneling with HTTP CONNECT. The proxy works great running from localhost and configured with my browser.
Despite all of this, I'll never be able to implement my desired features as long as the proxy can not decrypt HTTPS traffic. The essence of my question is: what general steps do I need to take to be able to decrypt this traffic and implement what I would like? I've been researching this, and there seems to be a good amount of information on existing proxies that are capable of this, such as Squid.
Currently, my server uses select() and keeps all client ids in an fd_set. When a CONNECT request is made, it makes a TCP connection to the specified host, and places the file descriptor of both the client and the host into the fd_set. It also places the tuple of fd's into a list, and the list is scanned whenever more data is ready from select() to see if data is coming from an existing tunnel. The data is then read and forwarded blindly. I am struggling to see how to intercept this data at all, due to the nature of the CONNECT verb requiring opening a simple TCP socket to the desired host, and then "staying out of it" while the client and host set up their own SSL sockets. I am simply asking for the right direction for how I can go about using the proxy as a MITM attacker in order to read and manipulate the data coming in.
As a brief aside, this project is solely for my own use, so no security or advanced functionality is needed. I just need it to work for one browser, and I am happy to get any warnings from the browser if certificate-spoofing is the best approach.

proxy can not decrypt HTTPS traffic
You are trying to mount a man-in-the-middle attack. SSL is designed to prevent that. But - there is a weak point - a list of trusted certificate authorities.
I am simply asking for the right direction for how I can go about using the proxy as a MITM attacker in order to read and manipulate the data coming in.
You can get inspiration from Fiddler. The Fiddler has its own CA certificate (certification authority) and once you add this CA certificate as trusted, then Fiddler generates server certificates for each connection you use on the fly.
It comes with serious security consideration, your browser will trust any site. I've even seen using the Fiddler core inside a malware, so be careful


Sharing Application.conf between backend and frontend

I am working on an webApp whose backend is in Scala and frontend is in Angularjs, backend configuration is driven by application.conf, which contains all info of services, host and port configuration.
The current implementation of frontend takes the config from applicaton.conf in a manner
echo "xstream {
service {
host =
port = 9090
SSL = false
yarnPort = 8088
metricsPort = 8082
" > assets/json/application.conf
via network call, which exposes the application.conf in the network call.
I am looking for the solution where the single application.conf can be shared between the frontend and backend without, application.conf being exposed in the network call as that would lead to risk of sharing sensitive info.
From your description it seems that you are sending data from the server to the web application on an unencrypted channel. This is a bad idea for all sorts of reasons, so you should really consider fixing that first. Worrying about the security of the Application.conf seems a minor issue compared to all the other data you are going to be exposing on the wire.
If you absolutely have to use an insecure channel, then there are two options open:
Implement your own encryption within the data on that channel
Create a second secure channel for passing the sensitive data
For the first option there are a number of Scala encryption libraries to choose from.
For the second option you can (theoretically) create a separate TLS connection using an SSL library without the server certificate checking (which is, I presume, the reason for not using https in the first place)
Stackoverflow is not the place to ask for recommendations, so you need to do your own research to find suitable libraries for whichever option you choose.

How to authenticate a WPF application against the server?

Assume the following:
I have a WPF Application which reads a text from a file an sends the
text to my server REST API via a HTTPS and the server sends a
response which depends on the text which was send in request
The WPF Application should be the only one which gets a useful response
to this request - so the WPF Application has to show somehow to
the server, that the request is send from the application itself.
The user of the WPF Application should not be asked to enter any login credentials
What are the best practices here?
My thoughts:
the WPF Application could send a hard-coded password along with the
request which is checked on the server side - but that sounds not
like a good solution to me because the security depends on the fact that
nobody is able to sniff the HTTPS Request.
Is it possible to sniff the HTTPS Request to get the password easily?
Thanks in advance
If your server already supports HTTPS the client knows the server is trusted based on the cert it is using, so that side is handled. (client trusts server)
To ensure trust the server needs to do the same. (server trusts client) The client should hold a cert it can pass to the server so the server can verify the clients identity.
Like always this brings up the problem of how to hide the key in the client, of which there are various schemes but since the client needs to get the key eventually you cannot prevent a dedicated hacker from finding that info, only make it harder for them. (obfuscation etc)
Depending on your application the best is a simple white-list of clients allowed to connect. Some apps can do this but many cannot since they don't have the users IP's etc, but it's something else to keep in mind if it fits your use-case.
You can send a password to the server like you suggest. As long as the message is encrypted (HTTPS) your probably fine. Nothing is 100% secure. It can be intercepted via a man-in-the-middle style attack, but these are fairly rare, or at least very targeted, so it would depend on what your software does etc.

TCP Connections to Postgres Secure? SSL Required?

Good morning,
I was going through the Postgresql configuration files, and recently noticed that there is an ssl option. I was wondering when this is required.
Say if you have an app server and a database server - not running inside a private network. If a user tries to log in, if SSL is not enabled will the app server transmit the user's password in cleartext to the database when looking up if it is a valid username/password?
What is standard practice here? Should I be setting up my DB to use SSL?
If that is the case, is there any difference in the connection settings in config/database.yml in my Rails app?
Like for other protocols, using SSL/TLS for PostgreSQL allows you to secure the connection between the client and the server. Whether you need it depends on your network environment.
Without SSL/TLS the traffic between the client and the server will be visible by an eavesdropper: all the queries and responses, and possibly the password depending on how you've configured your pg_hba.conf (whether the client is using md5 or a plaintext password).
As far as I'm aware, it's the server that requests MD5 or plaintext password authentication, so an active Man-In-The-Middle attacker could certainly downgrade that and get your password anyway, when not using SSL/TLS.
A well-configured SSL/TLS connection should allow you to prevent eavesdropping and MITM attacks, against both passwords and data.
You can require SSL to be used on the server side using sslhost in pg_hba.conf, but that's only part of the problem. Ultimately, just like for web servers, it's up to the client to verify that SSL is used at all, and that it's used with the right server.
Table 31-1 in the libpq documentation summarises the levels of protection you get.
if you think you have a reason to use SSL, disable, allow and prefer are useless (don't take "No" or "Maybe" if you want security).
require is barely useful, since it doesn't verify the identity of the remote server at all.
verify-ca doesn't verify the host name, which makes it vulnerable to MITM attacks.
The one you'll want if security matters to you is verify-full.
These SSL mode names are set by libpq. Other clients might not use the same (e.g. pure Ruby implementation or JDBC).
As far as I can see, ruby-pg relies on libpq. Unfortunately, it only lists "disable|allow|prefer|require" for its sslmode. Perhaps verify-full might work too if it's passed directly. However, there would also need a way to configure the CA certificates.
Considering data other than the password. If you use or not i pretty much a security posture issue. How safe do you need your system to be? If the connection is just over your private network then you anyone on that network can listien in. If that is acceptable that dont use SSL, I not enable it. If the connection is ove r internet SSL should be enable.
As #Wooble says. You should never send the password as cleartext in the first place you have a problem. The stanard solution in this case is to store a hash in the database and only send the hash for validation.
Here is som link about the rails part

How to get a SPNEGO / Kerberos Session key -and implement HTTP Authentication:Negotiate on my own client

I was recently exposed to a new authentication method i had no idea of.
After reading a bit and researching to understand it,I understood it has something to do with SPNEGO, or maybe it is just spnego.
Im running windows xp on a large network, when my browser opens it automatically
connects to a web-service in the network, which requires authentication:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
then my browser sends automatically (along with more headers ofcourse):
Authorization: Negotiate (encrypted string).
I concluded this Handshake uses the SPNEGO protocol.
What i need to do, is to create my own client (actually,its a bot that uses this webservice that requires that authentication). I Need to get that encrypted string (exactly like my browser gets it, probably by using some SPNEGO protocol) without any user interaction (again, as my browser).
the thing is, that i don't have enough time to study the spnego protocol and how to implement one.
I'm using c/c++, but if i have no option c# would be okay as well.
Are there any functions / classes / codes or maybe even good tutorials to help me implement it shortly?
curl works with Kerberos/spnego. I'm not sure how well this functionality works on Windows, you should try and see. It works well enough on Linux. You can look at the source to see how it is done.

silverlight accept invalid certificate

I'm doing https web requests in silverlight using "WebRequest"/"WebResponse" framework classes.
Problem is: I do a request to an url like:
I receive back a versign signed certificate which has as subject a domain name like:
Hence this results in a remote certificate mismatch error.
First question: Can I somehow accept the invalid certificate, and get the WebBresponse content ? (even if it involves using other libraries, I'm open to it)
Additional details: (for those interested on why I need this scenario)
I'm trying to give a client access to a silverlight app deployed on a test server.
Client accesses the silverlight app at:
Then I do some rest requests to:
Problem is I don't want to do requests on, since that is on our productive server. For this reason I use instead of
Client has some firewalls/proxies and if I simply change his hosts file and map to, web requests don't resolve to the mapped IP.
I say this because on his network webrequests fail if I try that, on my network I can use the hosts changing without problems.
UPDATE: Fixed the problem by deploying test releases to an alternative: and allowing the user to configure for test purposes, the base url to which I do requests to be:
Using an certificate that contained the IP in the subject or an alternative subject would've probably worked too, but would have cost some money to be issued by a certified provider and would not be so good because IP's might change.
After doing more research looks like Microsoft won't add this feature too soon, unless there's a scenario for non-testing/debugging uses.
