I have a noticed a strange bug in my short code. The purpose of this script is to create an array of structures that contain some information about cars
("Struct Car Car1: char brand[50], char model[50], int ccm, int hp, int kw, char[50]")
After running the script everything is fine up until the first instance is filled, but when the variable i has been incremented by 1, the line break disappears from between the lines where I ask the user to provide the "BRAND" and the "MODEL". I am sorry for being a noob this is my first time using structs. Thanks for any kind of help.
#define MAX 10
int main() {
struct Car {
char brand[50];
char model[50];
int ccm;
int hp;
int kw;
char wheel[50];
struct Car Car1;
strcpy(Car1.brand, "Skoda");
strcpy(Car1.model, "Octavia");
Car1.ccm = 1960;
Car1.hp = 170;
Car1.kw = 114;
strcpy(Car1.wheel, "215/75R18");
printf("The car's brand is: %s\n", Car1.brand);
printf("The model is: %s\n", Car1.model);
printf("The volume of the engine is %d ccm\n", Car1.ccm);
printf("It has %d horsepower\n", Car1.hp);
printf("The car has %d kws\n", Car1.kw);
printf("You can put: %s wheels on it\n", Car1.wheel);
struct Car car_arr[MAX];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
printf("Enter details of a car: %d\n", i+1);
printf("Enter the brand: ");
fgets(car_arr[i].brand, sizeof car_arr[i].brand, stdin); //Brand
car_arr[i].brand[strcspn(car_arr[i].brand, "\n")] = '\0';
printf("Enter the model: ");
fgets(car_arr[i].model, sizeof car_arr[i].model, stdin); //Model
car_arr[i].model[strcspn(car_arr[i].model, "\n")] = '\0';
printf("Enter the parameters of the wheel: ");
fgets(car_arr[i].wheel, sizeof car_arr[i].wheel, stdin); //Wheel
car_arr[i].wheel[strcspn(car_arr[i].wheel, "\n")] = '\0';
printf("Enter the volume of the engine in ccms: ");
scanf_s("%d", &car_arr[i].ccm);
printf("Enter the horsepower: ");
scanf_s("%d", &car_arr[i].hp);
printf("Enter the amount of kilowatts: ");
scanf_s("%d", &car_arr[i].kw);
return 0;
Tha above comments answered your question, but as a side note:
You can save yourself some repetition by using "typedef" together with "struct".
typedef struct { int x1; long x2; double etc; } my_type;
#include <stdio.h>
int i, n;
struct add_stock
char fullname[30];
int stocks;
char com_name[30];
int shares;
float price;
float total;
int totalmoney;
} add;
int main()
printf("Enter full name : ");
scanf(" %[^\n]s", add.fullname);
printf("Enter the no. of stocks you want to purchased : ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("Enter the name of the company : ");
scanf(" %[^\n]s", add[i].com_name);
printf("Enter the no. of shares you want to purchased : ");
scanf("%d", &add[i].shares);
printf("Enter the price of each share : ");
scanf("%f", &add[i].price);
add.total = add.shares * add.price;
printf("Toatl money invested in this stock : ");
scanf("%f", &add[i].total);
printf("Total money invested : ");
scanf("%d", add.totalmoney);
return 0;
In question it's add_stock , not add stock , i write like this becoz it's not accepting question.
So, i get error for "add" saying subscripted value is neither array nor pointer nor vector.
To declare an array of strucuture, you need to define the variable as below,
struct add_stock
char fullname[30];
int stocks;
char com_name[30];
int shares;
float price;
float total;
int totalmoney;
} add[20];
this makes the add as an array of add_stock elements.
then you can access it as, add[0].total, add[1].price and so on.
If you want to declare an array that need to be having dynamic number of elements, you can do so as below.
struct add_stock* arStock;
//allocate memory to hold 10 elements
arStock = (add_stock*)malloc( 10 * sizeof(struct add_stock));
arStock[0]->total=10; //access it with ->, instead of .
I cooked a code for a program that asks the user to fill in information about a person (ReadDate/ReadPerson), then it asks for the range of people the user wants to print, and the function prints these people. (PrintRange)
I don't understand why the program is not working; it's stuck on the point when it should print the person... it's means there is probably a problem in either PrintPerson or PrintDate, or in the way I am calling these functions.
Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct{
int day, month, year;
} Date;
typedef struct{
char *first_name, *last_name;
int id;
Date birthday;
} Person;
void ReadDate(Date *a)
printf("Enter the day: ");
scanf("%d", &a->day);
printf("Enter the month (1-12): ");
scanf("%d", &a->month);
printf("Enter the year: ");
scanf("%d", &a->year);
void ReadPerson(Person *b)
char temp_first_name[21];
char temp_last_name[21];
printf("Enter the first name: ");
b->first_name = (char*)malloc(strlen(temp_first_name)+1);
//need to check malloc (later)
printf("Enter the last name: ");
b->last_name = (char*)malloc(strlen(temp_last_name)+1);
strcpy(b->last_name, temp_last_name);
//need to check malloc (later)
printf("Enter the id number: ");
printf("Enter the birthday:\n");
int ReadAllDate (Person *b)
//Person* b;
int count=1;
char choice;
printf("Would you like to enter a person?(y,n)\n");
choice = getchar();
while(choice == 'y')
b = (Person*)malloc(1 * sizeof(Person));
printf("Would you like to add a person?(y,n)\n");
choice = getchar();
printf("The number of entered persons is %d\nBye\n", count);
return count;
void PrintPerson(Person b)
printf("%s %s %d\n", b.first_name, b.last_name, b.id);
void PrintDate(Date a)
printf("%d // %d // %d\n",a.day,a.month,a.year);
void PrintRange(Person *b,int count,int ind1,int ind2)
int i;
if (ind1<0 || ind1>ind2 || ind2>count)
printf("error! you slip out from the limits of the array.\n");
for (i=ind1; i<=ind2; i++)
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
Person* b;
int count;
int ind1, ind2;
count = ReadAllDate(b);
printf("insert the first index (the smaller): ");
scanf("%d", &ind1);
printf("insert the second index (the bigger): ");
scanf("%d", &ind2);
PrintRange(b, count, ind1, ind2);
The problem is that nowhere you are actually creating an array of Person objects. The function ReadAllDate() never changes the value of the variable b in main(). Instead, for every person you read in, it allocates memory for it, and stores the pointer to that Person in the local variable b in ReadAllDate(). Every time it does it, it forgets the previous value of b.
In main(), the value of b is unitinialized all the time. When you are trying to print persons, it will most likely crash or print garbage.
I see other issues with your code:
Don't use gets(), always use fgets(). The former can write past the end of the buffer you are providing.
Don't do malloc(strlen(...))+strcpy(), use strdup().
Start with count = 0, that way you don't need the count-- in ReadAllDate(). As a computer programmer, it's best to count from zero instead of one.
Write b[i] instead of *(b+i), and b[i].birthday instead of (b+i)->birthday.
Hi I have to create a database that stores students number, name and also stores an array of course marks (1-N) in C Programming Language.
Everything worked until I started coding for the array of course marks. Then every time I compiled the code it kept crashing as soon as it asked to input the course marks.
Can you please tell me where I'm going wrong in my programming for this task? I have attached it to this message.
The program worked for inputting the name, student number, however I could not get the program to input array of marks. I have asked how many course marks to be entered and then used a for loop within the "void insert(void)" function to keep inputting the course marks into the array *marks. I am referring specifically to lines 24 to 30 in my programming code.
Always at this point the program kept crashing and I could not proceed further to enter more names or print the stored student details.
I think there is a problem with this part:
for (i= 0; i < num_marks; i++)
printf("Enter Course Mark: \n");
scanf("%d", &(list[num_students].marks[num_marks]));
Anyway here is the full code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct student{
int number;
char name[10];
int marks[5];
struct student list[10];
int num_students = 0;
int num_marks = 0;
int *p;
void insert(void)
int student_number;
int i;
printf("Enter number: \n");
scanf("%d", &list[num_students].number);
printf("Enter NAME: \n");
scanf("%s", &list[num_students].name);
printf("Enter NO of courses: \n");
scanf("%d", num_marks);
for (i= 0; i < num_marks; i++)
printf("Enter Course Mark: \n" );
scanf("%d", &(list[num_students].marks[num_marks]));
num_students++; // HOW DO WE INPUT ARRAY MARKS??? MARK1: , MARK2: , MARK3 ,
void printtest(void)
int i;
for (i=0; i < num_students; i++)
printf("Name: \n");
printf("Number: %d \n", list[i].number);
printf("Mark: %d /100 \n", list[i].marks);
int main(void)
int code;
int opt1;
int courses, i, k, j, counter;
for (;;){
printf("Enter operation code: \n");
printf("(1) ADD NEW STUDENT DETAILS: \n");
scanf(" %d", &code);
switch (code){
case 1 :
case 2 :
printf("Illegal code\n");
Apart from what others pointed out, I'd like to draw your attention towards the following:
void insert(void)
int student_number;
int i;
printf("Enter number: \n");
scanf("%d", &list[num_students].number);
printf("Enter NAME: \n");
scanf("%s", &list[num_students].name);
printf("Enter NO of courses: \n");
scanf("%d", num_marks);
for (i= 0; i < num_marks; i++)
printf("Enter Course Mark: \n" );
scanf("%d", &(list[num_students].marks[num_marks]));
void printtest(void)
int i;
for (i=0; i < num_students; i++)
printf("Name: \n");
printf("Number: %d \n", list[i].number);
printf("Mark: %d /100 \n", list[i].marks);
There are three problematic statements:
scanf("%s", &list[num_students].name); This is why beginners should use compilers with all warnings enabled.
printf("Mark: %d /100 \n", list[i].marks); What did you declare marks as in the first place?
scanf("%d", num_marks); Seems like you put & operator where not needed and ignore where needed. Read your textbook before asking a question next time.
Seems like you're having a tough time understanding the concept of arrays and pointers. Read your text book thoroughly before venturing into the world of pointers. If you don't use them correctly, even compiler can't help you.
Also, even if I don't expect your program to have a robust input mechanism, at least array bounds checking is expected. Learn good habits from the beginning. They'll save a lot of your time while debugging later.
Seems to be an error in:
for (i= 0; i < num_marks; i++)
printf("Enter Course Mark: \n" );
scanf("%d", &(list[num_students].marks[num_marks]));
The crash is probably because num_marks as index indexes beyond the array. Change to:
for (i= 0; i < num_marks; i++)
printf("Enter Course Mark: \n" );
scanf("%d", &(list[num_students].marks[i]));
Ok so I got this thing going here.
I keep getting a few errors.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cstdio>
//functions called
int get_lmt();
int get_total_trash();
void print_output(int, int);
//why is it void?
int main(void)
char hauler[100];
int t_trash=0, lmt=0;
printf("Hello \n What is your name: ");
scanf("%s", &hauler);
t_trash = get_total_trash();
lmt = get_lmt();
printf("Name: %s\n", &hauler);
print_output(lmt, t_trash);
return 0;
int get_total_trash()
char yn = 'y';
int t_trash = 0, trash=0;
while (yn != 'n')
printf("What is your trash: ");
scanf("%i", &trash);
t_trash = trash + t_trash;
printf("Do you have more trash tons? (y or n): ");
scanf("%c", &yn);
return t_trash;
int get_lmt()
int lmt = 0;
printf("What was last months trash: ");
scanf("%i", &lmt);
return lmt;
void print_output(int lmt, int t_trash)
float rate = 350.00, charge;
int sum=0, total=0;
if (lmt > t_trash)
printf("Total trash tons: %i\n", &t_trash);
printf("Last month's trash: %i\n", &lmt);
printf("Rate: $ %.2f\n", &rate);
printf("What is your tonnage rate: ");
scanf("%.2f\n", &charge);
sum = t_trash - lmt;
total = sum * charge;
rate = rate + total;
printf("Total trash tons: %i\n", &t_trash);
printf("Last month's trash: %i\n", &lmt);
printf("Rate: $ %.2f\n", &rate);
Now what it should be doing is, The main should be calling the functions on screen as needed.
Now i did all of this with cout cin and it works fine no problems. But when I run this (this is modified to the printf and scanf) it says:
OK UPDATE: Got a ton of it to work. Just one more thing and I should be good. The outcome will not go as expected.
Instead of an output of
last months trash: 100 (asked at the end of the loop)
trash tonnage: 50 (accumulated in the loop)
rate: 350.00 (float variable)
(this is if last month trash was > this month.)
I get just bad numbers all around. It makes no mathematical sense.
Other then that it works fine.
Does the code the the last function look wrong to you guys?
Lots of problems with this code. Lots of them.
1) print_output defintiion takes in a char[100] (char*), print_output declatation takes a char
2) When you pass hauler into print_output, you are passing in hauler[100] (a char, and one pass the end of the array to boot)
3) printf("Name: %s\n", &hauler); hauler is of type char[100] (char*), so &hauler is char**.
there is probably more.
I've tried malloc, and no malloc and it will build but not run or compile. When I run the code on codepad.org it gives me a segmentation error. I have an array of structures I'm inputting and I'm searching through them for a specific item. That's as far as I got and no compile. The code is as follows (I used netbeans, codeblocks, and visual basic 2012 programs):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 20
#define MAX 120000
typedef struct {
int month;
int day;
int year;
} dateT;
typedef struct {
int hour;
int minute;
} timeT;
typedef struct {
char name[SIZE];
char organname[SIZE];
char bloodtype[BLOODTYPESIZE];
dateT dateAdded;
timeT timeAdded;
int received;
} organT;
int main(void) {
int i, n, k, j;
int c;
int *ptr;
char organ[SIZE];
char bloodkind[BLOODTYPESIZE];
organT patient[MAX];
ptr = (int *)malloc(n * sizeof(*ptr));
printf("Enter patient information\n");
for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
scanf("%s", patient[i].name[SIZE]);
scanf("%s", patient[i].organname[SIZE]);
scanf("%s", patient[i].bloodtype[BLOODTYPESIZE]);
scanf("%d %d %d", patient[i].dateAdded);
scanf("%d %d", patient[i].timeAdded);
patient[i].received = 0;
scanf("%d", &k);
for(j=0; j<k; j++) {
printf("Organ received: %s", organ);
printf("Organ has blood type: %s", bloodkind);
for (c=0; c<n; c++){
if(patient[i].organname == organ){
if(patient[i].bloodtype == bloodkind){
if(patient[i].received == 0) {
printf("Patient(s) Found!\n");
printf("%s", patient[i].name[SIZE]);
printf("Organ received: %s", organ);
patient[i].received = 1;
if(patient[i].received == 1)
printf("Patient already received organ\n");
else("Not correct blood type\n");
else("No match found\n");
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Looks like you are not using the address correctly. For example, when you say
scanf("%s", &patient[i].name[SIZE]);
you are actually reading past the allocated space for patient[i].name. You should change the statement to
and fix other statements similarly.
First check n compare to MAX
here you access to bloodtype[BLOODTYPESIZE] but the last item in this tab is bloodtype[BLOODTYPESIZE-1]
scanf("%s", &patient[i].bloodtype[BLOODTYPESIZE]);
The same problem is tru for other acces in the pararagraph.