In lldb, I wanted to create an alias for call printCallStack(). I got an error that did not explain much:
(lldb) command alias pcs call printCallStack()
error: Unable to create requested alias.
How to do it correctly?
Seems like that did not work because call is itself an alias.
If I use expr instead, it works:
(lldb) command alias pcs expr printCallStack()
# or, add '--' for extra coolness :)
(lldb) command alias pcs expr -- printCallStack()
I am trying to add folder paths to an array. I looked up on the internet and saw this solution. I gave it a try but I get an error message.
My code:
for d in "$DIRLOC"/*; do
${LOCALSITES}+='foo' #doesnt work
echo "${LOCALSITES[*]}"
Error message: line 35: +=: command not found
will interpret the current value of that variable, giving you an empty string and therefore making the command read as:
You can see this if you do set -x beforehand:
pax:~$ set -x ; ${xx}+='foo' ; set +x
+ set -x
+ +=foo
+ '[' -x /usr/lib/command-not-found ']'
+ /usr/lib/command-not-found -- +=foo
+=foo: command not found
+ return 127
+ set +x
It's no real different to:
pax:~$ xx=1
pax:~$ ${xx}=2 # should be xx=2
1=2: command not found
To properly append to the array, you need to do:
Other things you may want to consider, courtesy of one Gordon Davisson in a comment:
It's probably best to use lower- or mixed-case variable names to avoid conflicts with the many all-caps variables with special functions: localsites+=('foo').
Make sure you select the correct quotes for whether you wish to interpret variables or not: localsites+=('foo') ; localsites+=("${newSite}").
You almost never want [*]. Use [#] instead, and put double-quotes around it: echo "${localsites[#]}".
I want to dump a shapefile from my postgresql database with the following command line:
pgsql2shp -f output.shp -h localhost -u postgres -P admin parcel "SELECT * FROM parcel.export_output WHERE ParcelNoEng=116"
but it goes on showing the error:
ERROR: function postgis_version() does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT postgis_version()
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
What shall I do to get it work?
I have added Postgresql/version/bin to my environmental variable.
You're missing the PostGIS extension. Execute the following command in your PostgreSQL using a client of your choice, e.g. psql, and try again:
I need your help with a bash >= 4 script I'm writing.
I am retrieving some files from remote hosts to back them up.
I have a for loop that iterate through the hosts and for each one tests connection and the start a function that retrieves the various files.
My problem is that I need to know what gone wrong (and if), so I am trying to store OK or KO values in an array and parse it later.
This is the code:
for remote_host in $hosts ; do
short_host=$(echo "$remote_host" | grep -o '^[^.]\+')
declare -A cluster
printf "INFO: Testing connectivity to %s... " "$remote_host"
if ssh -q "$remote_host" exit ; then
printf "OK!\n"
mkdir "$short_host"
echo "INFO: Collecting files ..."
declare -A ${short_host}
objects1="/etc/krb5.conf /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/fstab /etc/sudoers /etc/shadow"
for obj in ${objects1} ; do
if file_retrieve "$user" "$remote_host" "$obj" ; then
-> ${short_host}=["$obj"]=OK
So I'm using an array named cluster to list if the nodes were reacheable, and another array - named after the short name of the node - to list OK or KO for single files.
On execution, I got the following error (line 130 is the line I marked with the arrow above):
./ line 130: ubuntu01=[/etc/krb5.conf]=OK: command not found
I think this is a synthax error for sure, but I can't fix it. I tried a bunch of combinations without success.
Thanks for your help.
Since the array name is contained in a variable short_list, you need eval to make the assignment work:
Change it to:
eval ${short_host}=["$obj"]=OK
eval ${short_host}=["$obj"]=OK
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Single line while loop updating array
I have written the following code:
#Simple array
array=(1 2 3 4 5)
echo ${array[*]}
And I am getting error: 3: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
From what I came to know from Google, that this might be due to the fact that Ubuntu is now not taking "#!/bin/bash" by default... but then again I added the line but the error is still coming.
Also I have tried by executing bash but no luck! It prints blank.
My Ubuntu version is: Ubuntu 14.04
Given that script:
#Simple array
array=(1 2 3 4 5)
echo ${array[*]}
and assuming:
It's in a file in your current directory named;
You've done chmod +x;
You have a sufficiently new version of bash installed in /bin/bash (you report that you have 4.3.8, which is certainly new enough); and
You execute it correctly
then that should work without any problem.
If you execute the script by typing
the system will pay attention to the #!/bin/bash line and execute the script using /bin/bash.
If you execute it by typing something like:
sh ./
then it will execute it using /bin/sh. On Ubuntu, /bin/sh is typically a symbolic link to /bin/dash, a Bourne-like shell that doesn't support arrays. That will give you exactly the error message that you report.
The shell used to execute a script is not affected by which shell you're currently using or by which shell is configured as your login shell in /etc/passwd or equivalent (unless you use the source or . command).
In your own answer, you say you fixed the problem by using chsh to change your default login shell to /bin/bash. That by itself should not have any effect. (And /bin/bash is the default login shell on Ubuntu anyway; had you changed it to something else previously?)
What must have happened is that you changed the command you use from sh ./ to ./ without realizing it.
Try running sh ./ and see if you get the same error.
Instead of using sh to run the script,
try the following command:
bash ./
I solved the problem miraculously. In order to solve the issue, I found a link where it was described to be gone by using the following code. After executing them, the issue got resolved.
chsh -s /bin/bash adhikarisubir
grep ^adhikarisubir /etc/passwd
FYI, "adhikarisubir" is my username.
After executing these commands, bash produced the desired result.
im trying to set the environment path to run pintos command like this in my home floder under ubuntu
set path = ($path /home/pintos/src/utils)
and I type terminal command try to compile this
:~$ source .tcshrc
but it seems get error like this
bash: .tcshrc: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
bash: .tcshrc: line 1: `set path = ($path /home/pintos/src/utils)'
I dont know where is the syntax error is ...
You source your script, which is perfectly valid for [t]csh, into your running shell, which happens to be bash (and not tcsh).
If you're going to use tcsh, just run it (by typing tcsh) and ensure that your ~/.tcshrc has the desired effect. (Then, maybe, use chsh to change your login shell).
If you're going to use bash, set path using PATH=$PATH:/home/pintos/src/utils, in ~/.bashrc and/or in ~/.bash_profile.